• Record Label: Strut
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Mojo
    Sep 1, 2020
    Shaman! strays from predecessor An Angel Fell's dark politics to explore more sprawling, introspective territory. [Oct 2020, p.87]
  2. 80
    There are muscular funk workouts, like Virgin, studded with vocal declamations, but the album’s 76 minutes are a brilliant, shape-shifting matrix.
  3. Sep 1, 2020
    Beautiful eulogies, luscious instrumentation and the occasional funk freakout, Shaman! is up there with the best of all of Ackamoor’s works.
  4. Uncut
    Sep 1, 2020
    Rarely bubbles over into the remarkable. [Sep 2020, p.25]

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