
Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. 100
    Strangers is his most measured and thoughtful album to date.
  2. Uncut
    Mar 26, 2014
    These are songs to be treasured. [Apr 2014, p.73]
  3. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    Occasionally tracks are achingly earnest; but overall this is light in the darkness, about love and death and bravery of all kinds. [May 2014, p.94]
  4. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    With gospel tinges and road-dusted melodies, this is high-end Americana and piano balladry, his brothers' loss is everyone else's gain. [May 2014, p.110]
  5. Mar 26, 2014
    Strangers wavers between the sad and joyous sides of life, but Felice finds something out of the ordinary wherever he looks, and this record confirms this drummer just so happens to be a songwriter and frontman of the first order.
  6. Mar 26, 2014
    The album’s strongest moments come when Felice settles on his deep, lush baritone and considers using it in favor of poetic lyrics or complex instrumentation.
  7. 70
    Simone’s vocal, arranging and composing talents are so consistently strong that you’ll be swept away and lifted by the sheer quality of these lyrically dense yet musically fleet footed stories.
  8. Mar 26, 2014
    While this album contains only 10 songs, as did his debut disc, this time it gives the impression of being longer because each cut is more varied and performed differently from the one before.
  9. Mar 31, 2014
    Strangers feels as if it’s trying to fit into a radio-friendly country narrative that’s surely already passed.

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