• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 9, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. 83
    Several snoozy ballads dampen his mojo near the end, but Tailgates & Tanlines mostly shines.
  2. 80
    Tailgates & Tanlines is, for the most part, exactly what the title implies: a soundtrack for fun and sun, along with an instantaneous cure for the summertime blues.
  3. Aug 9, 2011
    He's not flashy yet he's not boring, he's laid-back and assured, a modern guy who knows his roots but is happy to be in the present, and it's hard not to smile along with the guy as he sings.
  4. Aug 8, 2011
    Had Bryan taken more risks of that sort with his song selection and writing, Tailgates & Tanlines might have been an interesting album. But there's no appreciable ambition here.

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