
Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Uncut
    Jan 12, 2016
    It's perhaps the best introduction yet to the sometimes-confusing world of Sun Ra. [Feb 2016, p.94]
  2. The Wire
    Dec 16, 2015
    To Those of Earth & Other Worlds miss some of the cosmic darkness of Sun Ra. Instead it's a fulsome celebration of the most joyous heights of his work. [Nov 2015, p.66]
  3. Q Magazine
    Nov 20, 2015
    Often inspiring, sometimes challenging, but, crucially, never dull. [Dec 2015, p.118]
  4. Nov 9, 2015
    It's another dense, thrilling journey into the daunting catalog of the most intergalactic musician of all time.
  5. Nov 5, 2015
    Sound is bright and immediate, even on tracks extracted from less than optimal vinyl sources.
  6. 80
    To Those of Earth...And Other Worlds proves Ra's Afrofuturistic vision was very much for real.
  7. Nov 5, 2015
    The organising of Sun Ra's music here is more like a film with staggered yet complimentary scenes, than a coherent and fluid sequence of events. With this compilation being a hefty double LP, this'll be a fairly abridged take.
  8. Nov 5, 2015
    Like acid (which, again, he never touched) this record is illuminating, often inaccessible, often scary and most people would hate it. But it's still one hell of a trip.

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