Games Like 'Neon White' to Play Next

There are plenty of other games that offer a similar, frantic experience. Discover 10, ranked by Metascore.
by Jon Bitner — 

Neon White

Courtesy of Annapurna Interactive

Neon White might be one of the most unique games of 2022. The kinetic FPS has you barreling through levels at breakneck speed, shooting at enemies and employing versatile Soul Cards as you go. Not only is it innovative, but it's earning rave reviews — currently sitting with an 88 Metascore.

The aforementioned Soul Cards are the lifeblood of Neon White. These consumables provide you with both a firearm and movement ability. One Soul Card, for example, might add a pistol to your arsenal, while discarding it will let you double jump. Another might grant you a semi-automatic rifle and the ability to dash forward. Figuring out how (and when) to use these abilities is the key to making it through each level with the best time and finding a spot on the leaderboards.

Neon White's blistering pace makes it easy to dive back into old levels in pursuit of a better score, but its cast of characters and strange narrative are arguably just as compelling. You'll play as the eponymous Neon White, who has been pulled from Hell (along with a few friends) to help clean up a demon invasion in Heaven. If he manages to outperform his peers, he'll be granted a stay inside the pearly white gates.

While few titles offer the exact same experience as Neon White, there are plenty of other FPS games that offer a similar, frantic experience. And if you don't mind exploring other genres such as RPGs or action games, you'll find even more options.

Here are 10 games like Neon White to play next, listed by Metascore.


Courtesy of Supergiant

Hades (PC)

Metascore: 93
Best for: Fans of roguelikes
Where to buy: Steam
Also available on: PS4, PS5, Switch, XB1, XBX

Although it's not a shooter, Hades captures a similar vibe as Neon White. You'll dive into the mysterious underworld as you guide Zagreus through increasingly difficult levels as he tries to escape from that underworld. Gameplay is just as fast-paced as you'd expect from a dungeon crawler, with new skills and abilities thrown your way as you move closer to the surface. And while you need to start from square one every time you die, a few upgrades will follow you through to each new life, letting you grow stronger and blaze through early levels in record time.

"Hades is, to put it plainly, a masterpiece. It has a refreshingly unique trajectory, tells a compelling story with an alluring cast, and… is never anything less than genuinely excellent." — TheGamer

Bayonetta 2

Courtesy of Sony

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

Metascore: 91
Best for: Fans of stylish, over-the-top action
Where to buy:

Also available on: Switch

Bayonetta 2 builds on the foundation of the original (Bayonetta), offering larger bosses, faster combat, and reworked graphics. You'll play as Bayonetta as she ventures to the Gates of Hell to save a lost friend, slaying hordes of monsters along the way. Fast, fluid action makes the moment-to-moment gameplay a blast, and the ability to fill up a Magic Gauge to unleash devastating attacks gives you something to work towards during every encounter. The highly reviewed game is rounded out by a stellar soundtrack and a bizarre storyline that helps link together all the ridiculous action.

"A silky smooth and highly-entertaining brawler that all Wii U owners should have in their collections." — Gameplanet

Doom Eternal

Courtesy of Bethesda

Doom Eternal (PC)

Metascore: 88
Best for: Fans of ultra-violent, fast-paced shooters
Where to buy:

Also available on: PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, XB1, XBX

Doom Eternal isn't for the faint of heart. It's arguably the most demanding game on this list, with players jumping into the iconic shoes of Doomguy for another violent, bloody, FPS outing. The arsenal this time around is just as brutal as ever, with shotguns, chainguns, and the beloved BFG 9000 all up for grabs. But instead of each shootout devolving into madness, they're more akin to a chaotic ballet. Survival depends upon careful movement, understanding when to use each weapon, and learning the weaknesses of your opponents. There's also a bunch of platforming sequences that test your jumping skills, although tearing through demons is still the star of the show.

"A ceaseless, panicked nightmare that pushes you to point and click with more skill and style than ever before." — PC Gamer

Beat Saber

Beat Games

Beat Saber (PS4)

Metascore: 86
Best for: Those who want to get off the couch and groove
Where to buy: PS Store
Also available on: PC

Beat Saber is a VR game that has you wielding dual light sabers and slashing colorful cubes to the beat of thumping soundtracks. If you've ever played Guitar Hero or Rock Band, you'll be immediately familiar with its premise. However, the jump to VR — and the fun use of light sabers — turns Beat Saber into something fresh and frantic. Best of all, multiple game modes and additional DLC song packs ensure there's always something new to enjoy. It is also one of the best workouts in gaming, with higher difficulties forcing you to bob and weave around obstacles as you swing wildling at incoming targets.

"Simple, fun, and addictive, Beat Saber has a hook that will immediately grab players and keep them engaged for a long time." — PlayStation LifeStyle

Hotline Miami

Devolver Digital

Hotline Miami (PC)

Metascore: 85
Best for: Fans of top-down, chaotic shooters
Where to buy: Steam
Also available on: PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Stadia

Don't let its simple graphics fool you, Hotline Miami is a complex (and violent) video game. It takes place in a fictional version of 1989 Miami, with you jumping into the shoes of an unhinged character that's laying waste to the city's most dangerous denizens. Each level relies on quick reflexes and careful planning, and one wrong turn can result in an untimely end. The frenetic action is the reason you'll dive back in for each new level, but its soundtrack and gritty graphics are the reason you'll become so invested in its world.

"One of the very few games that is a perfect union of gameplay mechanics and production values." — Machinima

OlliOlli World

Courtesy of Sony

OlliOlli World (PS5)

Metascore: 84
Best for: Fans of colorful skateboarding games
Where to buy: PS Store
Also available on: PC, PS4, Switch, XB1, XBX

Although it's a colorful skateboarding game with a notable lack of violence, OlliOlii World shares a lot in common with Neon White. Both are fast paced, both offer an entertaining cast of characters, and both require you to replay levels multiple times to unlock new secrets and beat your last score. But instead of blazing through levels with Soul Cards, OlliOlli World has you shredding through obstacles on a skateboard. Each course comes with several unique challenges, and unlocking everything it has to offer will require a deft hand and mastery of all the tricks in your repertoire.

"A gorgeous piece of skateboarding. The culmination of everything we've come to expect from OlliOlli with a heart-warmingly wholesome approach." — GameSpace


Superhot Team


Metascore: 82
Best for: Fans of slow-motion shootouts
Where to buy: 

Also available on: PS4, Stadia, Switch, XB1

SUPERHOT isn't your standard FPS. While there are plenty of weapons to acquire and dozens of enemies to take down, the game world only moves when you do. That means you can freeze the action to plan out your next moves just by not pressing any buttons. As soon as you start moving again, so will your enemies, their bullets, and any other objects around you. The entire game is essentially one big "bullet time" scene from The Matrix — and fans who can't get enough of the action can even dive into a VR spin-off that's every bit as exciting as the original.

"If you're looking for a soulful, artistic shooter SUPERHOT is it." — Washington Post


All In! Games

Ghostrunner (PC)

Metascore: 81
Best for: Fans of cyberpunk ninjas
Where to buy:

Also available on: PS4, PS5, Switch, XB1, XBX

Set in a cyberpunk future, Ghostrunner tasks you with scaling the Dharma Tower — a shelter for the last remaining pieces of humanity. Successfully navigating its hazards will require impeccable platforming chops, along with a sharp mind as you contend with a variety of enemies with specific weaknesses. There are also a lot more people trying to harm you than help you, although the ability to slice through foes with your katana and quickly dodge incoming bullets makes it easy for your to even the odds. Fast, visceral, and every bit as graphically compelling as Neon White, Ghostrunner is a game all FPS enthusiasts should experience.

"In Ghostrunner, a single slash divides life and death. It's fast, frenetic, and, even in the face of its weaker moments, endlessly satisfying." — GameSkinny

Mirror's Edge


Mirror's Edge (XB360)

Metascore: 79
Best for: Frenetic parkour action
Where to buy:

Also available on: PC, PS3

Mirror's Edge is all about staying in motion. You'll play as a courier that's tasked with delivering messages while evading authorities, and the only way to remain free is by jumping across rooftops, clambering up scaffolding, and finding the shortest path to your destination. There's a fair bit of combat mixed it, although gunplay remains secondary to the feeling of rushing through levels as fast as humanly possible. It's also a feast for the eyes, with minimalistic graphics that use specific colors to highlight different parts of your environment that might be of interest.

"A huge experience, very different from what we have played previously, with incredible gameplay and great atmosphere." — Meristation

BPM: Bullets Per Minute

Awe Interactive

BPM: Bullets Per Minute (PC)

Metascore: 74
Best for: Metalheads and FPS fanatics
Where to buy: Steam
Also available on: PS4, XB1

If you're not a metalhead or don't have a musical bone in your body, it might be best to skip BPM: Bullets Per Minute. The game tasks you with slaying hordes of monsters with shooting, jumping, and dodging are done to the beat of its hardcore soundtrack. If that's not unique enough, you'll also have 10 different characters to choose from that offer different gameplay styles, along with more than 60 items that further customize your stats. The package is rounded out by a bunch of challenging boss fights and stylish graphics that mesh well with its heart-thumping score.

"The gameplay is fun, fast, and frantic, it looks good and sounds great, with a perfect heavy-metal soundtrack." — Wccftech