• Record Label: Volcano
  • Release Date: May 2, 2006
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Universal acclaim- based on 517 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 43 out of 517

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  1. helloWaVe
    Jun 20, 2006
    The Tool fans, of course, are going to say this album is great and if you don't think it's great you're not intelligent or perceptive enough to tell. Tool over the years has managed to narrow down their fans to an island of people that live and die by their name. This is a far cry from the 90's when the bands were so infectious they simply dragged you into their sound. The Tool fans, of course, are going to say this album is great and if you don't think it's great you're not intelligent or perceptive enough to tell. Tool over the years has managed to narrow down their fans to an island of people that live and die by their name. This is a far cry from the 90's when the bands were so infectious they simply dragged you into their sound. You were a fan because you wanted to be (or couldn't help but be one), not because you took an oath. Now, 99% of the surviving 90's bands are shells of their former selves and left us all dreaming about what it used to be like. Tool is a prime example. Ask any die-hard Tool fan to go off to a desert island and choose between 10,000 Days and Undertow--I think a lot of these perfect 10! reviews would disappear in a hurry. So Tool fans, have some guts, this thing sucks. Collapse
  2. christianw
    Jun 15, 2006
    May not have the (unsurpassed anywhere) shelf life of lateralus, but is surely their darkest album yet, whiah is a very good thing. The guitar solo on Jambi is positively evil, Vicarious has some wonderful death-metal chords and just when you think things couldn't get any darker they hit you with Right in Two. People who react with hostility to this album probably dont have the May not have the (unsurpassed anywhere) shelf life of lateralus, but is surely their darkest album yet, whiah is a very good thing. The guitar solo on Jambi is positively evil, Vicarious has some wonderful death-metal chords and just when you think things couldn't get any darker they hit you with Right in Two. People who react with hostility to this album probably dont have the angsty leanings and superior cranial capacity of the Tool fan. They should go listen to Franz Ferdinand, they probably reckon that stuff's on the cutting edge. Pity for them. Expand
  3. Eric
    Jun 15, 2006
    amazing album that was well worth the wait, and even better live (Fox Theater, Detroit May 15). can't wait to hear more of it on tour later this summer. To Tool fans: this is preaching to the choir, but there are some real ignint motherfuckers out there reviewing music; the mainstream disrespect is nothing new. it's annoying, but inconsequential. To the negatives, and the people amazing album that was well worth the wait, and even better live (Fox Theater, Detroit May 15). can't wait to hear more of it on tour later this summer. To Tool fans: this is preaching to the choir, but there are some real ignint motherfuckers out there reviewing music; the mainstream disrespect is nothing new. it's annoying, but inconsequential. To the negatives, and the people who accuse Tool and its fans of pretention and arrogance: The Pot on 10,000 Days is dedicated to you. thanks for your opinion, have fun waiting for the new nickelback album. Expand
  4. vidm
    Jun 14, 2006
    I'm fairly happy with most of the album. Lipan Conjuring, Lost Keys, and Viginti Tres should have been axed. They only detract from what is otherwise and excellent album.
  5. JD
    Jun 14, 2006
    This is more of a musical collage than an album. Very choppy. I've been a Tool "enthusiast" for years. Huge fan. Now I'm starting to wonder if I was just a David Bottrill fan the whole time. They decided to produce this one themselves and it didn't work out. It starts out strong but eventually becomes what seems to be a redundant improvisation. This the first Tool cd This is more of a musical collage than an album. Very choppy. I've been a Tool "enthusiast" for years. Huge fan. Now I'm starting to wonder if I was just a David Bottrill fan the whole time. They decided to produce this one themselves and it didn't work out. It starts out strong but eventually becomes what seems to be a redundant improvisation. This the first Tool cd I've ever found myself skipping through. Not a lot of work or soul was put into this. Expand
  6. ToolFan
    Jun 10, 2006
    wow this album is awesome.. i dunno what critics try to do but.. i could lsiten to thsi album for the rest of my life just like any other tool album.. maynards voice just fits the tune so perfectly it doesnt seem real.. he can alter his voice to fit anything and danny carey does a great job on his solos.. like in wings for maire.. they have a very solid and good beat just overall.. if you wow this album is awesome.. i dunno what critics try to do but.. i could lsiten to thsi album for the rest of my life just like any other tool album.. maynards voice just fits the tune so perfectly it doesnt seem real.. he can alter his voice to fit anything and danny carey does a great job on his solos.. like in wings for maire.. they have a very solid and good beat just overall.. if you even LIKE tool youd LOVE this album Expand
  7. MattP
    Jun 9, 2006
    Beenlistening to it for several weeks now and like most Tool work the album takes repeated listening to fully appreciate. And now my favorite song changes from day to day, the album simply rocks, is not for the 30-second-attention-span crowd, and is being severly underrated by the critics but thats nothing new for Tool. Cant wait to experience it live.
  8. Brendon
    Jun 8, 2006
    Is a fantatsic album. As soon as i put in the cd player and heard the intro to vicarious i was just completely engrossed in the song. the intro just caught my attention and i instantly new that TOOL had just produced another inspiring and awesome listening experience. followed by the rest of the songs all the signature tool beats where there. danny carey awesome drumming with his little Is a fantatsic album. As soon as i put in the cd player and heard the intro to vicarious i was just completely engrossed in the song. the intro just caught my attention and i instantly new that TOOL had just produced another inspiring and awesome listening experience. followed by the rest of the songs all the signature tool beats where there. danny carey awesome drumming with his little signature fills and drum techniques and the guitar with that deep solid and also melodic tunes and the bass the all important instrument of tool. Bass guitar providing the foundation for the songs with its melodic and angelic eerie sounding slow riffs. and maynard had done fantastically with the lyrics. 10 out of 10 for me. fantastic album. Brendon Expand
  9. wwsd?satan
    Jun 8, 2006
    This Album rates a 10 easily against what is sold as music now a days! But if I put this against later works by Tool, than it gets a 7. I was hopping for an Album as Challenging as Aenima and was disappoint by what i heard...But, Tool was never about making covers of themself, so i Quickly drop the thought. This is a great Album and if you're new to Tool pick it up! But Aenima in My This Album rates a 10 easily against what is sold as music now a days! But if I put this against later works by Tool, than it gets a 7. I was hopping for an Album as Challenging as Aenima and was disappoint by what i heard...But, Tool was never about making covers of themself, so i Quickly drop the thought. This is a great Album and if you're new to Tool pick it up! But Aenima in My opinion was Amazing and after 10 years I can still find something new! Aenima was Tools must complete and i was hoping this would be the case for 10000 Days but was let down...The art for this cd is easily worth the price paid and the cd is just a added bonus! :-D Expand
  10. JohannS
    Jun 7, 2006
    Great album.
  11. JoshuaW
    Jun 5, 2006
    REally don't want to get too deep into this one. its an amazing album. and if i had to rate it on the richter it would be a 10.1, whilst the other tool albums [ except undertow] would all be 10.9's.
  12. RaulG
    Jun 5, 2006
    Tool's new album 10,000 Days is perfect. It captures the mind and sends it to places where it is not always welcomed. Although at first listen, many Tool fans may be put off by some pieces, it is this which shows the prowess of Tool. The band is making music that most can not comprehend. 10,000 Days sounds like what music will sound like in the future, say 27 years from now.
  13. Hammy
    Jun 5, 2006
    At first this album did little for me. Vicarious was catchy but seemed a little long and the ambient tracks drove me nuts. I liked Jambi and the first time listening to Rosetta Stoned was an experience but beyond that not much. I have trouble getting into a CD the first few times through so I kept listening and I liked it a little more and a little more. Once I started getting the lyrics At first this album did little for me. Vicarious was catchy but seemed a little long and the ambient tracks drove me nuts. I liked Jambi and the first time listening to Rosetta Stoned was an experience but beyond that not much. I have trouble getting into a CD the first few times through so I kept listening and I liked it a little more and a little more. Once I started getting the lyrics though was when I really started to get into it. When before I thought Wings was too long, now I saw a beautiful opus to Maynard's mother that is by far the best track(s) on the album. Vicarious I felt the same way previously but after understanding a little more I really started to love it. The album is VERY underrated by critics but if you're willing to stick it through you and try to understand the songs a little better, you'll get one helluva rewarding experience. It's not as good as Lateralus overall but its pretty darn good. Expand
  14. GMoney
    Jun 3, 2006
    Very intelligent and intense. Not for the fast-food-mentality crowd.
  15. roxannek
    Jun 2, 2006
    love it!!
  16. StephenB
    Jun 1, 2006
    This album will be Tool's Wish You were Here in that it will recieve mixed reviews now but in time will be viewed as one of thier finest works. It's not perfect and neither is the band that wrote it. I'm so sick of pretentious fans and critics who look down thier noses at this record because Tool haven't disappeared up thier own *AHEM* like Radiohead have. The thing This album will be Tool's Wish You were Here in that it will recieve mixed reviews now but in time will be viewed as one of thier finest works. It's not perfect and neither is the band that wrote it. I'm so sick of pretentious fans and critics who look down thier noses at this record because Tool haven't disappeared up thier own *AHEM* like Radiohead have. The thing that seperates Tool from other progressive groups is that dispite thier enourmous creativity they are still grounded and this album proves that. Expand
  17. stefdt
    Jun 1, 2006
    kak dissapointing Tool is not the alpha and omega!!!! face that tool fans
  18. LARRYS
    May 29, 2006
    When I first starting listening to this cd I was a little dissapointed considering it was a five year work in progress. LIke other Tool fans I was expecting the band to be in your face. Realizing the band has matured and my listening process has been nonstop, this album is one of my favorite Tool cd's to date. It's nearly impossible to compare Undertow or Anemia to their newer When I first starting listening to this cd I was a little dissapointed considering it was a five year work in progress. LIke other Tool fans I was expecting the band to be in your face. Realizing the band has matured and my listening process has been nonstop, this album is one of my favorite Tool cd's to date. It's nearly impossible to compare Undertow or Anemia to their newer cd's, but understanding the bands purpose on this record is amazing in it's self. Maynard's voice is still melodic and powerful, although there are times you expect him to break out his angry voice and insted it comes out in a soothing way. Adam and Justin are unbelievable as always on guitar. Danny Carey on drums is very underated and in my eyes still proves he is one of the best around. I gave this cd a ten because , honestly I can't take this cd out. An unbelievable cd and a must buy. Expand
  19. victorr
    May 28, 2006
    It's a Tool record. No more owrds are necessary.
  20. ToddF
    May 27, 2006
    Great album, not as good as some of the past albums, but still amazing as hell
  21. MarcoM
    May 27, 2006
    Is anybody compared songs "H" and "Third Eye" from Aenima with a "Rosetta Stoned"? There are parts from these songs.
  22. Josh
    May 25, 2006
    As much as Tool fans would have you believe otherwise, this album is not *DEEP* in any sense of the word. The music is contrived and tedious. The songs take a couple of listens to really grasp, sure, but it's not because they're so complex and intricate. They're just really long and repetitive. There are a couple of attempts at climaxes that sound uninspired and fall flat. As much as Tool fans would have you believe otherwise, this album is not *DEEP* in any sense of the word. The music is contrived and tedious. The songs take a couple of listens to really grasp, sure, but it's not because they're so complex and intricate. They're just really long and repetitive. There are a couple of attempts at climaxes that sound uninspired and fall flat. Not to mention the lyrics on this album are completely awful. "I own the TV 'cause tragedy thrills me"? "Foot in mouth and head up ass so what ya talkin' 'bout"? "God damn, shit the bed!"? Haha. You've got to be kidding me. So much for those contentions that "Maynard is a lyrical genius!1111". Couple that with more pointless filler tracks and a campy "skit" on Blame Hoffman, and what you have is an album that's filled with maybe 30 minutes of worthwhile music and a whole lot of wank. Mayard and the band are too full of themselves for their own good. Next time guys, focus on writing concise, unique, inspired rock tunes and maybe you'll have something. Expand
  23. jon
    May 22, 2006
    This is clearly a great CD as I listen ot it more and more. Perhaps 5 or 6 songs witha bunch of filler is reason enough to avoid a higher rating. But considering... you have 5 new bad-ass Tool songs. What do you want? 12 crap songs? Or maybe just no filler, and label it an EP? Whatever. Considering the packaging, you're hardly paying any more than you would for anyone else's EP This is clearly a great CD as I listen ot it more and more. Perhaps 5 or 6 songs witha bunch of filler is reason enough to avoid a higher rating. But considering... you have 5 new bad-ass Tool songs. What do you want? 12 crap songs? Or maybe just no filler, and label it an EP? Whatever. Considering the packaging, you're hardly paying any more than you would for anyone else's EP at your local record store. Vicarious, Jambi, Rosetta Stoned, and Right in Two are insane. The Pot statrs strong, and ends strong, but the nmiddle leaves seomthing to be desired. Also considering everywhere I've seen this album it's been priced extremely reasonably. Put this on, with headphones, when you have nothing else to do. If you want something to listen to on your I-Pod while waiting in line at Starbucks... ask pitchfork for some ideas. Expand
  24. adamf
    May 20, 2006
    album of the decade thus far...real musicians can truly appreciate this album for its complexity and depth...5 years? it was well worth it.
  25. JoshG
    May 19, 2006
    Another longtime Tool fan here. It really baffles me why people have to go apeshit about there being a few noise tracks. You're not meant to sit around and listen to them over and over again...and they really add something to the album as an experience. 10,000 days (Wings pt. 2) is a side of Maynard we have never seen before, I think it's one of the most emotional songs Another longtime Tool fan here. It really baffles me why people have to go apeshit about there being a few noise tracks. You're not meant to sit around and listen to them over and over again...and they really add something to the album as an experience. 10,000 days (Wings pt. 2) is a side of Maynard we have never seen before, I think it's one of the most emotional songs I've listened to in the last couple years. I mean sure it's not as 100% solid as Lateralus or Aenima, but those are impossible albums to top. I'm just ecstatic that this album is as interesting as it did. Expand
  26. WillieG
    May 19, 2006
    I'm a long time devoted fan of the band who considers Lateralus their magnum opus. That album remains on my short list of the greatest hard rock albums of all time. Even the filler type stuff on that album was bearable and at times absorbing. This album? I'll award 5 since only about half of the album consists of songs or any musical point of reference whatsoever. I'm a I'm a long time devoted fan of the band who considers Lateralus their magnum opus. That album remains on my short list of the greatest hard rock albums of all time. Even the filler type stuff on that album was bearable and at times absorbing. This album? I'll award 5 since only about half of the album consists of songs or any musical point of reference whatsoever. I'm a musician, so a musical point of reference for me is a melody, harmony, or rhythm that can be conveyed or reproduced. This album however contains way way WAY too much wasted space and filler that constitutes nothing more than self indulgent bs. We're used to that as Tool fans, but this album takes the bloated filler to an unprecedented level of annoyance and disappointment. By being so sparse on the actual compositional side of things, this album represents a slap in the face for fans who anxiously awaited a new release for so long. Getting back to the self indulgent point above, the maynard family drama on this album is neither moving, nor interesting. Furthermore, I find the premise and lyrics of Wings Pt 2 to be so incredibly pretentious, contrived, and overly self absorbed that it makes me ill. Vicarious is the top tune despite Carey overplaying to a fault. The Pot is probably the 2nd most accessible tune, though it is quite lame lyrically. The other tracks that actually constitute songs have moments of hard rock brilliance, but they're very inconsistent. Jambi and Rosetta Stoned are good examples of what I mean here. There are times when these two songs are rocking, soaring, or flowing admirably...mixed with times when they feel like an old car that won't start. Parts of these tracks sound like afterthoughts, like they're just thrown together. It's like having several songs where you really crave hearing half of it repeatedly, but you dislike the other half so intensely that the song as a whole just isn't worth it. I really like the sparse and moody Intension though, which proves that I am not averse to a tune just because it lacks an overabundance of musicality and composition. This album should have been priced and marketed as 'Tool: The Expansion Pack', because this release falls well short of a fully realized album. In closing, I blame maynard for this incomplete and ultimately forgettable release. It's good for a few select tunes but not much else. Other than that, you'll find yourself skipping so called 'tracks' and fast forwarding through a LOT of bs on this one. Expand
  27. Pink
    May 18, 2006
    I've waited 5 years for 10,000 days to come out. I think it's everything i expected and more. I don't think lost keys,lipan conjuring, and viginti tres are fillers, in fact how dare you call them fillers, they help to set the mood of the album. Tool writes their albums the way you'd watch a movie, you sit and watch the whole thing, but in this case you listen to the I've waited 5 years for 10,000 days to come out. I think it's everything i expected and more. I don't think lost keys,lipan conjuring, and viginti tres are fillers, in fact how dare you call them fillers, they help to set the mood of the album. Tool writes their albums the way you'd watch a movie, you sit and watch the whole thing, but in this case you listen to the whole thing. 10,000 days is really deep, and it really takes you further than any other Tool album has. These people who are so quick to say, "disappointing and boring...., and we waited five years for this, oh well" in my opinion weren't really into Tool in the first place. What i really hate is the A Perfect Circle comparison, Tool has been out what. 14 years longer than APC? And then you compare one of the most Instrumentally gifted, emotional bands of our time, to some two year fling, that's really low. I love this album, and as a musician, i can totally understand why they took 5 years to do it. Actually i think all you people want to hear is them just playing rocking tunes, and some body said that sometimes you just need a straight forward rock album, that rocks the whole way through. NOT TOOL, they explore emotion, various time signatures, if you need straight 4/4 timing, listen to Green Day, Tool is not for you, but who am i to say who can and can't listen to Tool, I'm just a really lucky person to have such a great band out there while i'm alive. Maybe you should rethink your opinions on 10,000 days, or you should just go listen to the new Pearl Jam. Pink Expand
  28. MattMatt
    May 18, 2006
    The album is awesome, and as with so many things, completely over-analyized. If part of your complaints about the album involve songs being "too long" etc, then there's really no hope for you to ever become a Tool fan. They've had 7+ mintue songs on every album including Undertow; they're not likely to change that. The songs are beautifully crafted, and lovingly played, The album is awesome, and as with so many things, completely over-analyized. If part of your complaints about the album involve songs being "too long" etc, then there's really no hope for you to ever become a Tool fan. They've had 7+ mintue songs on every album including Undertow; they're not likely to change that. The songs are beautifully crafted, and lovingly played, with more straightforward lyrics than in some previous offerings. The only negative I can really point out on this album is its close sound to Lateralus. I don't sense as much of a directional shift as there was from Undertow -> Aenima, or from Aemina -> Lateralus. Though as with all Tool records, they take a very long time to digest and fully appreciate. Any reviews less than a year after it's been out won't be truely comprehensive. Expand
  29. Kyle
    May 17, 2006
    Let me start off by saying that Viginiti Tres is the most worthless track ever recorded. That aside, this is a good album. Better than most when compared to the mainstream crap that America gobbles up. Ex: All American Rejects, ALL rap, and everything related. For a Tool album and about 2 1/2 years in the making (remember Maynard was with APC till about mid 2004) this is really sub-par. Let me start off by saying that Viginiti Tres is the most worthless track ever recorded. That aside, this is a good album. Better than most when compared to the mainstream crap that America gobbles up. Ex: All American Rejects, ALL rap, and everything related. For a Tool album and about 2 1/2 years in the making (remember Maynard was with APC till about mid 2004) this is really sub-par. The songs don't feel as complete as on previous albums and they don't seem to have the same creative energy. This album feels like the band said, "We need to make an album asap, because our fans have been waiting so long." The problem is that it feels like they just made what they thought people would be content with instead of exploring and evolving like they had previously done. Regardless, Tool is still one of my favorite bands. Expand
  30. JeffB
    May 16, 2006
    I don't know why some of the other people are rating the 'album' low, but I can't stop listening to it. It is definitely an 'experience', and maybe you need to be in the right frame of mind to hear it, but I rate it equal to listening to Pink Foyd's Dark Side of the Moon while watching the Wizard of Oz.
  31. SergioC
    May 16, 2006
    Well... at last 10000Days! I'm a total fan of Tool, but I must confess that I'm a little disapointed with this new album. After 6years, we should receive a much more that what we can find on 10000days. Well, 'course the masterpiece "Lateralus" is an hard thing to beat, but I'm shure they could have done much more. In my opinion, 10000Days's a bad album,with 5 very Well... at last 10000Days! I'm a total fan of Tool, but I must confess that I'm a little disapointed with this new album. After 6years, we should receive a much more that what we can find on 10000days. Well, 'course the masterpiece "Lateralus" is an hard thing to beat, but I'm shure they could have done much more. In my opinion, 10000Days's a bad album,with 5 very good songs.The problem is that we can find a lot of what I call "Crap Songs"...or that songs that are good to create the feeling around the total album(wind bloowing, sound of waves, other sounds and paranoias).But when 4 or 5 tracks are just this....well, it sucks. So I can only say that if instead those 5 "crap Tracks", we could find 5real music, this album would be great. And well, 6years, it's time enough to make an album with at least 10fucking songs. Notice that's the only problem of 10000...being an album with only 5musics! "Vicarious"; "10000Days Part.2"; "Right in Two"; and "The Pot" are masterpieces.... Well...after all, we're talking about one of the greatest bands on Earth... Rock On... Expand
  32. jlc
    May 15, 2006
    disappointing and boring... And we waited 5 yearsfor this...oh well.
  33. JeffR
    May 15, 2006
    Okay, first off let me start by saying.... Oh my god, this is simple the worst recorded noise that has ever hit the ears of humans. Please someone tell these waste of life noise makers to stop recording those noises. This is not music, this is pathetic garbage. I've made better noise out of my butt. Worst album of all-time, this is an undisputed fact!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. Rafael
    May 15, 2006
    I think this is an Excellent album. The tracks: Vicarious, Jambi and the Pot are great. There are some fillers, but that is always the case on any tool album (except opiate). The art work is interesting and complements other visual effects found in previous tool albums. The score should be a 9, but I gave it a 10 to rectify the average rating.
  35. NathanA
    May 14, 2006
    I love Tool. After Pearl Jam, they are the only meaningful band in rock. However, 10,000 Days is mindnumbing. Tool fans wait patiently for 5 years for each album and have never been disappointed; until now. Lateralus was their best work and musical masterpiece. Yet Tool's latest attempt at mind bending falls flat. There are about 4 good songs and the rest is overtly long filler. I love Tool. After Pearl Jam, they are the only meaningful band in rock. However, 10,000 Days is mindnumbing. Tool fans wait patiently for 5 years for each album and have never been disappointed; until now. Lateralus was their best work and musical masterpiece. Yet Tool's latest attempt at mind bending falls flat. There are about 4 good songs and the rest is overtly long filler. Sometimes as a music fan, you just need straight forward rock songs, without having to wad through 11-12 minute diatribes. This album could be half as long an satisfy twice as much. Expand
  36. josak
    May 13, 2006
    This is a good album, I mean c'mon, it's Tool; but this comes no where near close to the greatness of "Lateralus" -- in fact, it's not even in the same stratosphere. Regardless, it's still worth a listen. My complaints are pretty much the same as everyone elses, no need to get into that.
  37. TonyB
    May 12, 2006
    As a longtime Tool fan, I was very much looking forward to an album of growth. Maynard would show that 'A Perfect Circle' helped him to grow as a musician. The rest of Tool would prove once again the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. Finally, that.even with all the various side projects, Tool was ultimately a cohesive megaband. Unfortunately, this album seems to be As a longtime Tool fan, I was very much looking forward to an album of growth. Maynard would show that 'A Perfect Circle' helped him to grow as a musician. The rest of Tool would prove once again the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. Finally, that.even with all the various side projects, Tool was ultimately a cohesive megaband. Unfortunately, this album seems to be nothing more than a last minute attempt to piece together a bunch of mindless drivel. You can tell some ideas were flowing, but none (I repeat NONE) of the tracks sound the least bit finished. It's almost as if they were got halfway through the songs and just said 'Forget It'. You'll be saying the same thing after listening too. Expand
  38. FuquaF
    May 12, 2006
    A sublime mix of spiritual intensity and "eff-you" thunder. If you don't like it, pull six feet of dirt over yourself, you are most likely dead.
  39. A
    May 12, 2006
    If you don't get it, you don't get it. It's solid.
  40. DukeA
    May 11, 2006
    How do you go to the Band(it's Maynard featuring Tool now, right?) and say:I wanna do an album about my mommy? Oh and we can throw in some B-sides from Lateralus too. Jambi is the best track on this disk and they even screw it up with a Peter Framptonesque talk box ramble. And the tune: Right in two? Uh, did Sting right the lyrics? What is it about ageing rockstar types and How do you go to the Band(it's Maynard featuring Tool now, right?) and say:I wanna do an album about my mommy? Oh and we can throw in some B-sides from Lateralus too. Jambi is the best track on this disk and they even screw it up with a Peter Framptonesque talk box ramble. And the tune: Right in two? Uh, did Sting right the lyrics? What is it about ageing rockstar types and evolutionary spiral diatribes? All it's missing is an anti-nuke riff and you got coffee house chic. Maynard and his Band comit the ultimate sin(yes Toolfan, I said "sin") of being Boring,capital B-as in B-side. Stone(d) boring. It's a shame because their previous effort may be one of the greatest recording ventures of all time. Oh well, five more years isn't that long, I guess. Expand
  41. JustinB
    May 11, 2006
    Overall great album, however still not as brilliant as some of tools previous works but still a hell of a lot better than any of the other crap on the radio these days
  42. DanS
    May 11, 2006
    Best Album this year
  43. DanielR.
    May 11, 2006
    Brilliant-Simply brilliant. Before you leave any sort of comment, you must listen to this album and read the lyrics with each song at least 10 times to get the true feeling. This is NOT a "what track do you like" CD. This is, "hey, do you have an hour and a half for an experience?" CD. This is an experience. Who made the law that a song mustn't be over 4 minutes? I bought this CD the Brilliant-Simply brilliant. Before you leave any sort of comment, you must listen to this album and read the lyrics with each song at least 10 times to get the true feeling. This is NOT a "what track do you like" CD. This is, "hey, do you have an hour and a half for an experience?" CD. This is an experience. Who made the law that a song mustn't be over 4 minutes? I bought this CD the day it came out and it hasn't stopped playing since. A Masterpiece! Expand
  44. CHRISB
    May 10, 2006
    the best TOOL song on the cd is vicarious,the rest of the album is slow,lumbering,meaningless self indulgent crap,and this is coming from a TOOL fan who first saw this band in a hole in the wall bar in TIJUANA. Man how i miss the times that this band truly rocked.
  45. VigintiQ
    May 9, 2006
    Disappointing album on the whole. Other than The Pot, Jambi and Vicarious, nothing really moves me.
  46. Takezo
    May 9, 2006
    Maybe the worst album from Tool yet. Great bands always end up putting out a bad album, I just didnt think it would be this bad. Big step back for tool. Big step foward on 6/6.
  47. KukudiM
    May 9, 2006
    Definitely one of their best albums. It's their most mature yet. If you thought "Third Eye" off of Aenima was a complex song, you'll find at least 3 or 4 comparable ones on this album. Definitely requires multiple listens for full effect..
  48. ThePope
    May 9, 2006
    I would never have expected to give any TOOL album anything less than "10". This album is nowhere near groundbreaking and lacks an overall identity unlike all other TOOL albums. Some songs kinda sound like old TOOL but fail to deliver that primal rage which made their earlier material so powerful. I don't think Maynard has a trademark scream on the entire album. And yes you can hear I would never have expected to give any TOOL album anything less than "10". This album is nowhere near groundbreaking and lacks an overall identity unlike all other TOOL albums. Some songs kinda sound like old TOOL but fail to deliver that primal rage which made their earlier material so powerful. I don't think Maynard has a trademark scream on the entire album. And yes you can hear APC in this album, even if it's just the pretentiousness in his voice. Some of the lyrics are downright juvenile and laughable and others are spoken at such low levels you can't even hear him. "Stare like a junkie/ Into the TV/ Stare like a zombie/ While the mother, holds her child/ Watches him die/ Hands to the sky cryin,"Why, oh why?" Not to mention the ridiculous soundscapes and torturously extended title songs. My brother once said if TOOL was a religion I would be the Pope because I loved them so much and still do, but this album shows that even the most pious religion can be corrupted by arrogance and greed. I have no idea how anyone could even compare this album to any of their previous works. What the F*CK were they doing for those years off? Oh yeah, Maynard was enjoying being a rock star and he's brought that back to share with us all. Music is still good, but reaches a new level of redundancy on this album that combined with the new vocal style make it almost unlistenable. And then add on the fact that it's terribly overproduced and you end up with one soulless, empty album. Like much of the album in fact, this is just filler for the fodder. Now let me go cry for the end of something extraordinary Expand
  49. SusanS
    May 9, 2006
    I Love It...it's the best yet!
  50. TheApoc
    May 9, 2006
    This is their best album. If you think that Aenema or Lateralus are better, then I would suggest that you set aside a few hours and listen to this record from top to bottom. It combines all of the best elements of their previous work without rehashing anything. People who were expecting Aenema II, should have saved themselves some time and picked up the new Godsmack album. A band that has This is their best album. If you think that Aenema or Lateralus are better, then I would suggest that you set aside a few hours and listen to this record from top to bottom. It combines all of the best elements of their previous work without rehashing anything. People who were expecting Aenema II, should have saved themselves some time and picked up the new Godsmack album. A band that has truely mastered the art of making every album sound just like the last one. Tool is not that kind of band, and they never will be. Expand
  51. mikeb
    May 9, 2006
    Stunning new album, basically a mash of all their work extended to include more soundscape type tracks. Ignore the people saying they have made a perfect circle record. this is much more heavy and complex. The only similarity is the the vocals which is too be expected. Awesome.
  52. CollinL
    May 8, 2006
    Nothing out there more unique, powerful, and instramentally/vocally absorbing. Another interesting step for these briliant musicians.
  53. EdgarP
    May 8, 2006
    New sound, perfect quality.
  54. JonD
    May 8, 2006
    I've read the good and the bad about 10000 Days, and I have to say that I see good points with (most of) the reviews. This is surely not Opiate or Undertow, and it's still shades away from Aenima. But what listeners have to understand is that this band has been recording and releasing music for 16 years, and over that time have, for lack of better words, grown up. Tool is beyond I've read the good and the bad about 10000 Days, and I have to say that I see good points with (most of) the reviews. This is surely not Opiate or Undertow, and it's still shades away from Aenima. But what listeners have to understand is that this band has been recording and releasing music for 16 years, and over that time have, for lack of better words, grown up. Tool is beyond writing songs titled "Jerk Off" and "Prison Sex" just to get casual fans through "shock factor." Tool is a band that has maintained a dedicated fanbase and impressive record sales without having very much rotation on the radio or over-saturization on the television. Tool has just evolved, and as a musician myself, I can say that 10000 Days may not be the heavy, bang-your-head old school Tool that we remember from days past, but it is well-written, very complex, and requires litening to more than one time to fully appreciate. Expand
  55. EliF
    May 8, 2006
    Love it. The main reason people don't like it is simply because it's not what they expected. Truly a love-it-or-hate it album, I love it, and enjoy it a lot more than Lateralus.
  56. Qcontagion
    May 8, 2006
    Simply amazing.
  57. grantc
    May 8, 2006
    wow this album is freaking amazing...anyone that disagrees is seriously retarded.
  58. Ed
    May 8, 2006
    High-tech tribal metal with lots of pounding on animal skins, guitars used as percussion, mumbling and growling at the moon, etc. It holds up well and improves on repeated listenings. Tool are doing more and more with less and less, and their musical ideas are more subtle, stronger than before. It's dark stuff, but once you get past the silly juvenile posturing in the album's High-tech tribal metal with lots of pounding on animal skins, guitars used as percussion, mumbling and growling at the moon, etc. It holds up well and improves on repeated listenings. Tool are doing more and more with less and less, and their musical ideas are more subtle, stronger than before. It's dark stuff, but once you get past the silly juvenile posturing in the album's artwork, this is a very potent brew indeed. Not always as involving as it wants to be, but there are few bands still working whose sound is identifiable within 3-4 bars, and Tool is one of them. Expand
  59. ErwinK
    May 8, 2006
    Like a lot people have said, it does take quite a few listens before you start reaping the benefits of this Tool album. It tends to be a fair bit more mellow compared to their previous albums, with a lot of filler, that at times is pretentious and other times (like in Lipan Conjuring) is completely creepy. Also a lot of the tracks feel more like A Perfect Circle tracks, like Right in Two, Like a lot people have said, it does take quite a few listens before you start reaping the benefits of this Tool album. It tends to be a fair bit more mellow compared to their previous albums, with a lot of filler, that at times is pretentious and other times (like in Lipan Conjuring) is completely creepy. Also a lot of the tracks feel more like A Perfect Circle tracks, like Right in Two, which is completely gorgeous. The Pot is a standard by the numbers Tool track which smacks you in the face with pure rage - probably the best track. The first single Vicarious is OK - it's all about schadenfreude, but nothing new or interesting about it. Rossetta Stoned is probably the most interesting song, with a weird array of tempo changes, strange singing styles, odd lyrics and the most petulant scream I have ever heard from Maynard. Yes like all Tool albums it has unusual rhythm signatures 5/4 7/8 9/8 etc, and a lot of songs go on forever like Wings/10,000 days. It's OK, but not up there with Aenema or Lateralus. Expand
  60. JakeH
    May 8, 2006
    Tool again reaches a new level of musicality! Tool has put AEnima and Lateralus in a blender, sprinkled in angst from the war and president and added power to create thIs progressive masterpiece!
  61. Brian
    May 7, 2006
    For sure my favorite Tool cd to date if not the best cd I own!
  62. Raz
    May 7, 2006
    If you've listened to Aenima or Lateralus, then you know the members of Tool are all spectacular musicians. And that being the case, why do they spend their time constantly trying to prove how awesome they are? Most of this album sounds like wanking for wanking sake, with Maynard mostly buried in the mix. Soloing & jamming is only good if you bookend it with songwriting. There are no If you've listened to Aenima or Lateralus, then you know the members of Tool are all spectacular musicians. And that being the case, why do they spend their time constantly trying to prove how awesome they are? Most of this album sounds like wanking for wanking sake, with Maynard mostly buried in the mix. Soloing & jamming is only good if you bookend it with songwriting. There are no tunes here!! ...at least none that measure up anywhere near their last album, and measuring up to the perfect synchronicity of music & message on Aenima may now be past their reach. You can't even properly rock to it, because the band's too busy with stop-starts & time changes to find a riff or groove & ride it. If there's no rhythm to the rock, then it's just useless pummeling. So disappointed. Expand
  63. Eldon
    May 6, 2006
    Wow! I love it. Love it. Deeply, passionatley fulfilling. A level of awareness not being manifest anywhere else in music right now. Allow the energy coming through to wake you up. Do you have the courage? Cause it will require some. I dare you.
  64. AWall
    May 6, 2006
  65. KevinD
    May 6, 2006
    This Album doesn´t have to do with A Perfect Circle, It´s Tool and it will be always Tool, Is just better than Opiate or Undertow and for sure i know Tool a long time know and i know what i talking aout. 10.000 Days a little bit ohther than the early realeses and they play something new. The album is more darker and sicker and it´s direct in your ears. But. Never get the This Album doesn´t have to do with A Perfect Circle, It´s Tool and it will be always Tool, Is just better than Opiate or Undertow and for sure i know Tool a long time know and i know what i talking aout. 10.000 Days a little bit ohther than the early realeses and they play something new. The album is more darker and sicker and it´s direct in your ears. But. Never get the music like Lateralus, That one is the best and i just think Tool think that too.... Expand
  66. BL
    May 6, 2006
    great first half, so so second half
  67. EMac
    May 6, 2006
    The criticisms of this album are mostly made out of ignorance. If you believe what the negative reviews have to say, then you aren't somebody who understands what Tool is all about. To say this album is an A Perfect Circle album is obviously not familiar with either band or music itself. The album wasn't quite what I expected and so I was disappointed with it at first. But after The criticisms of this album are mostly made out of ignorance. If you believe what the negative reviews have to say, then you aren't somebody who understands what Tool is all about. To say this album is an A Perfect Circle album is obviously not familiar with either band or music itself. The album wasn't quite what I expected and so I was disappointed with it at first. But after listening to it again I realized that this album is definitely their strongest work yet, and will become my favorite album of theirs. Expand
  68. Nightkin
    May 5, 2006
    The best prog-metal album of the year. Their new album shows an evolving Tool; yes carrying over some styles from APC but making it completely their own. In 10,000 Days, Tool does not merely break up and rearrange elements from their old albums (Undertone's heaviness, Aenima's album-art gimmick, lateralus's abstract lyrics, etc.) but reinvents lyrics and riffs with their The best prog-metal album of the year. Their new album shows an evolving Tool; yes carrying over some styles from APC but making it completely their own. In 10,000 Days, Tool does not merely break up and rearrange elements from their old albums (Undertone's heaviness, Aenima's album-art gimmick, lateralus's abstract lyrics, etc.) but reinvents lyrics and riffs with their trademark sound. Like every Tool album, 10,000 ends with an epic track, and I promise you this one will swallow you whole. Not to mention: its CD case's gimmick alone is worth the price of the album. Expand
  69. shanet
    May 5, 2006
    Scott s i could have not said it better myself. Honestly if tool were still making music like opiate, and undertow i would not still be a fan.... its the one band that has matured, and the only band that is still in my cd collection, when all the others faded away. I have grown up with tool, and as i have grown so have they. If you like tool, just get it! It's awesome.
  70. bobbyf
    May 5, 2006
    Everyone who gave this albulm a negative rating did so because they expected something else of the band .. AND that is not the bands fault .. thats the listeners .. you should not prepare yourself to listen to this cd expecting it to sound like something you have already heard .. open your mind alittle , and make room for something new .. TOOL is one of the only bands out ther being true Everyone who gave this albulm a negative rating did so because they expected something else of the band .. AND that is not the bands fault .. thats the listeners .. you should not prepare yourself to listen to this cd expecting it to sound like something you have already heard .. open your mind alittle , and make room for something new .. TOOL is one of the only bands out ther being true to ther music , its clearly music thats inspired by four diffierent talented personalities meeting and conversing... and as for the guy who refered to cow bells and such .. " every goddamn skin, tom-tom, and cowbell on your drum set" your an idiot , from a succesfull drummers stance - danny is the first drummer doing anything creative for rock since john bonham .. everything he does is tastefull .. and juxtaposed to such idiot iconic prog-rock drummers such as mike portnoy , danny keeps his use of drums and toys to a minimum.. ... BF Expand
  71. JeffQ
    May 5, 2006
    Horrible album of recycled riffs, cliche lyrics, and formulated songs. What happened to Tool?
  72. prask
    May 5, 2006
    great album, period.
  73. DavidM
    May 5, 2006
    I think that when people start realizing that the 10,000 days album is the begining of something great, and not an extension of APC or previous Tool albums they will realize that this is a great album. Did anybody ever thin that APC sounds like Tool instead of the other way. If I am now mistaken, Tool was around long before APC. Also, in reading the critics reviews, it sounds like they I think that when people start realizing that the 10,000 days album is the begining of something great, and not an extension of APC or previous Tool albums they will realize that this is a great album. Did anybody ever thin that APC sounds like Tool instead of the other way. If I am now mistaken, Tool was around long before APC. Also, in reading the critics reviews, it sounds like they listend to it once and wrote their review. A word of advice to anyone reading this: Listen to the new album 4-6 times AT LEAST, before forming an opinion. 10, 10, 10. Expand
  74. ScottS
    May 5, 2006
    Love 10000 Days. I think Opiate and Undertow were Tool's april fool's jokes rather than Lateralus or 10000 Days. Just depends if you can evolve yourself as a person. Thats what they are doing. Rather than just putting out dreggy music for the "unfairly treated youth". This same youth can't seem to evolve from liking that "I hate the world so I'm going to hit my member Love 10000 Days. I think Opiate and Undertow were Tool's april fool's jokes rather than Lateralus or 10000 Days. Just depends if you can evolve yourself as a person. Thats what they are doing. Rather than just putting out dreggy music for the "unfairly treated youth". This same youth can't seem to evolve from liking that "I hate the world so I'm going to hit my member with a hammer" music. This album has alot to offer anyone with an IQ of at least 65 (right above retardation level) and an opened mind. Crucify your ego people, your arrogance and ignorance are so contrived. Evolve! Expand
  75. PL
    May 5, 2006
    Most of the negative reviews are based on superficial comparisons to old albums. Yes, this album has classic Tool underpinings, but there are new rhythmic structures in there. Maynard isn't always deep and novel. But who is always deep and novel? Tool must put a lot of work into most songs. Anyone who thinks otherwise is too unfamiliar with how hard it is to write music. Also I Most of the negative reviews are based on superficial comparisons to old albums. Yes, this album has classic Tool underpinings, but there are new rhythmic structures in there. Maynard isn't always deep and novel. But who is always deep and novel? Tool must put a lot of work into most songs. Anyone who thinks otherwise is too unfamiliar with how hard it is to write music. Also I noticed that most negative reviews are concerned with fan-bashing. I love that move: "I'm not skilled enough to comment on the music itself, so I'll rip on the fans instead." Expand
  76. BenT
    May 5, 2006
    Tool's standard melodies come together disjointedly to create the first weak album in their catalog (compared to other tool records). Most of the record sounds like perfect circle out-takes.
  77. GaborA
    May 5, 2006
    With 10,000 Days despite it being one of their favorite themes Tool does not evolve. They merely age and with mixed results. The effects on quality is a lack of the consistency which blessed their other albums. With that said the summit pieces of this album are so good they're tear inducing, and i mean that literally. You guys dont have to write another note to retain your spot at With 10,000 Days despite it being one of their favorite themes Tool does not evolve. They merely age and with mixed results. The effects on quality is a lack of the consistency which blessed their other albums. With that said the summit pieces of this album are so good they're tear inducing, and i mean that literally. You guys dont have to write another note to retain your spot at the top for all my lifetime, but please do. Expand
  78. Nick
    May 5, 2006
    Better after every listen. Though the album lacks the anthemic, driving sound found on earlier releases, the complexity and movement of the songs really make this a great record. Some may think it's pretentious, but if you sit down and let yourself completely engage in the musical movements, it stands out as Tool's finest work since Aenima.
  79. DanK
    May 5, 2006
    Not as accessible as aenima but fantastic all the same. Similar to Lateralus in that it only has five 'songs' to speak of - but oh! they are as good as anything else they have ever done. Since this is prog metal this amounts to about 35-40mins of audio gold-dust and another 30 of 'interesting' filler. And not in the slightest bit like perfect circle save for the guys Not as accessible as aenima but fantastic all the same. Similar to Lateralus in that it only has five 'songs' to speak of - but oh! they are as good as anything else they have ever done. Since this is prog metal this amounts to about 35-40mins of audio gold-dust and another 30 of 'interesting' filler. And not in the slightest bit like perfect circle save for the guys voice. Off you go! Buy it :) ! Expand
  80. AaronO
    May 5, 2006
    Who are you to waive your finger you must have been out your head.... this stuff is good
  81. DavidH
    May 5, 2006
    Haven't heard it, but I'm sure it sucks, it's fun to laugh at Tool fans. They're morons.
  82. sumsh
    May 5, 2006
    Best. Tool. Album. Ever.
  83. paul
    May 5, 2006
    Someone should filter Bill T's 0. he obviously has not listened to or bought the album.
  84. frankie
    May 5, 2006
    another chapter in the Book Of Tool...not one to pass up. Filled with hair raising breakdowns emotional lyrics. Better then any crap band could even dream about, these guys are gonna be in history books if you don't listen with an open mind then you don't deserve to listen at all. Tool is the best hands down.
  85. Will
    May 4, 2006
    Some of it works well. . .but only because it sounds a lot like Lateralus. The best trick the devil ever played was making the world believe he didn't exist. Well, the best trick Maynard ever played was making people think that he is actually "deep, dark, and mysterious". He'll probably make a pretty penny off this album tho, and his ego will once again be inflated by every Some of it works well. . .but only because it sounds a lot like Lateralus. The best trick the devil ever played was making the world believe he didn't exist. Well, the best trick Maynard ever played was making people think that he is actually "deep, dark, and mysterious". He'll probably make a pretty penny off this album tho, and his ego will once again be inflated by every other geek that tries to pick up something godlike from the re-hashed lyrics. Yes, Maynard like it up the rear. . .big deal. Expand
  86. RussellA
    May 4, 2006
    After giving this one several spins, I have decided: it's pretty dang good. It most certainly is not just a cheap rehash of Lateralus; the band moves in an odd new direction, as should be expected. It's probably not as good as Lateralus, but they have definitely broken new ground. Most impressive was Maynard's vastly expanded range, Jones' mind-bending solos, and After giving this one several spins, I have decided: it's pretty dang good. It most certainly is not just a cheap rehash of Lateralus; the band moves in an odd new direction, as should be expected. It's probably not as good as Lateralus, but they have definitely broken new ground. Most impressive was Maynard's vastly expanded range, Jones' mind-bending solos, and especially Chancellor's absolutely superb bass work. Chancellor really stands out here, especially on the track "The Pot." Expand
  87. chuck
    May 4, 2006
    Excellent cd. Wings for marie and 10,000 days are as good as anything on any previous cd. I think it is more creative lyrically than Lateralus. Nothing is ever going to reach Aenima, that is something I accept, unfortunately tool is expected to surpass it and it probably isn't possible because Aenima was perfect.
  88. WilliamJ
    May 4, 2006
    Lots of subtle and complex songs which get better with repeated listens, which is what I think we've all come to expect from Tool. Its nice to finally hear Adam show off some of his impressive skill with the guitar. I could do with a few more focused and aggressive tracks and less prog meandering. It's a great album but still doesn't top Aenima.
  89. NathanD
    May 4, 2006
    As a long time TOOL fan, i must say i was very dissapointed. i think the album is a huge step back not only stylistically but artistically as well. the thing i admire most about TOOL is their insane ability to grow leaps and bounds with each progessive album, Maynards abillity to challenge vocal structure and create lyrical genius, and the bands amazing timing structures while executing As a long time TOOL fan, i must say i was very dissapointed. i think the album is a huge step back not only stylistically but artistically as well. the thing i admire most about TOOL is their insane ability to grow leaps and bounds with each progessive album, Maynards abillity to challenge vocal structure and create lyrical genius, and the bands amazing timing structures while executing an overall level of musicianship and progession that makes the long time between albums bearable. this album did very little of this. to me it sounds like alot of undertow mixed in with influence from bands like disturbed, staind and apc, most def. a step back. i didnt feel the creativity, the excitment or geniune emotion that has been the hallmark of each TOOL album, and was perhaps perfect with Lateralus. i think Maynard for the most part dumbed down his lyrics, i was depressed with a lot of Adams seemingly uninspired riffs. Overall i feel this album could have been made by any other band, and TOOL is anything but. and as a long time die hard TOOL fan, it pains me, and dissapoints me but i have to give it a 5. Expand
  90. vicg
    May 4, 2006
    I have to disagree with the critics,this is a really good album. I cant really explain why i like it, i just do. I would recommend you listen to it just once and decide for yourself.
  91. RustWrena
    May 4, 2006
    worst album ever
  92. BenA
    May 4, 2006
    They have gotten better. The songs are more intricate and layered. The guitar and drum work is amazing, and the changing time signatures really spice things up. This band knows how to play their instruments. They are so taleted, it's hard to listen to anything else without thinking how basic it sounds. The slow songs on the album take time to appreciate, but I think it's a new They have gotten better. The songs are more intricate and layered. The guitar and drum work is amazing, and the changing time signatures really spice things up. This band knows how to play their instruments. They are so taleted, it's hard to listen to anything else without thinking how basic it sounds. The slow songs on the album take time to appreciate, but I think it's a new thing for Tool, and they have grown on me a lot. This album is incredibly consistent and well-paced. A+ Expand
  93. DevinB
    May 4, 2006
    Overwraught and underthought garbage. Stylus magazine really nailed it.
  94. LucL
    May 4, 2006
    Each album presents us with an evolution of the band. Although there are familiar elements of Lateralus here, the band seems determined to break new ground. I especially enjoyed Maynard James Keenan's vocals. He does not hesitate to show off his incredible versatility.
  95. ZapB
    May 4, 2006
    This album gets a 5. That's an average.. I give the songs written by TOOL a 10. I give the songs written by Yoko Ono a 0.. (number 9, number 9, number 9)
  96. kd
    May 4, 2006
    very dissapointed
  97. JamesC
    May 4, 2006
    Better than Lateralus, not quite as good as Aenima...
  98. GaryS
    May 4, 2006
    Unbelievable. This one takes patience to truly take shape. Been a fan since Undertow, this is as good as anything they've ever done.
  99. SydneyY
    May 4, 2006
    What you are buying here is an EP in disguise as a 70+ minute rock album. I loved Tool's last three, but there is just too much wasted space on this album. Tracks 3 and 7 just feature the same riff over and over, and tracks 6, 9 and 11 are just wasted space with no purpose. That leaves tracks 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 as the only real songs, and track 8 sounds like a Slipknot song. At What you are buying here is an EP in disguise as a 70+ minute rock album. I loved Tool's last three, but there is just too much wasted space on this album. Tracks 3 and 7 just feature the same riff over and over, and tracks 6, 9 and 11 are just wasted space with no purpose. That leaves tracks 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 as the only real songs, and track 8 sounds like a Slipknot song. At least tracks 1 and 2 are awesome and 4, 5 and 10 are okay. The packaging is way more interesting than this album was. So its really been a five year wait for a Tool EP. Expand
  100. Blackshadow
    May 4, 2006
    Another good effort from the band. There is a lot going on with the instrumentation and it takes several listens to fully enjoy it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. It's not only a step forward for the band, but a re-embracing of the epic-length rock songs found at the roots of early heavy metal.
  2. When Tool sounds as good as it does on ["Jambi" and "The Pot"] it's hard to get enough. Which makes it all the more baffling that a surprisingly large chunk of the disc is given over to mood-enhancing soundscapes like "Lost Keys" and "Vigniti Tres."
  3. Sounds exactly like you would expect a Tool album to sound.