• Record Label: S-Curve
  • Release Date: Nov 25, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Jones roars out of the box with Tommy James & the Shondells' 'I'm Alive,' a sweat-soaked jumpsuit of a song thick with fierce maleness.
  2. He smartly revisits songs from Bruce Springsteen ('The Hitter') and, for those who miss the raw, hungry Jones, he delivers a roaring rendition of Tommy James & the Shondell's 'I'm Alive.'
  3. 68-year-old lothario goes back to his white soul roots with a passionate performance showing that Jones still has "it."
  4. Surely he has nothing left to prove at this stage of the game. But this disc suggests we are fortunate that he did. He still can kick butt.
  5. A return to what Jones does best: Stax-inspired soul-rock showpieces, brassy ballads, and an emphasis on the massive voice itself, which hasn't dissipated a scintilla since 1964.

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