• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Nov 19, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 1301 Ratings

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  1. Aug 22, 2023
    i think this is a fresh record compared to 21 and 25 and it's so good but i think 21 is the best
  2. Aug 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 30 is by far Adele's best album... it is her most personal and emotional album and I believe Adele's best songs are on this album (To Be Loved and Hold On). I've always loved Adele and this is by far my most listened to album :) Expand
  3. Jul 10, 2023
    Adele no sabe desepcionar a su público, nos trae su mejor álbum hasta el momento, con agradables sonidos y grandes mensajes como en Hold On, sin duda alguna se mantiene fiel a lo que sabe hacer dándonos siempre exelentes trabajos.
  4. May 28, 2023
    This album deserves way more recognition, IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT BEING DIVORCED. It's about self-reflecting, life acceptance, free will, growing maturity, and forgiveness. I'd say that this album is her best album. The sorting of the tracks in this album is so well-thought and Adele really made a good job by making "Strangers By Nature" as the starting track and "Love Is A Game" as theThis album deserves way more recognition, IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT BEING DIVORCED. It's about self-reflecting, life acceptance, free will, growing maturity, and forgiveness. I'd say that this album is her best album. The sorting of the tracks in this album is so well-thought and Adele really made a good job by making "Strangers By Nature" as the starting track and "Love Is A Game" as the ending track. People really need to come to their senses because Adele is one of the most best lyricist in the century. Expand
  5. May 5, 2023
    One of her best more underrated albums! The lyrics are so deep and meaningful. Her voice sounds like an angel. Great job on another great album adele!
  6. Apr 19, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is the best body of work she's ever created. It just is that complete album that is ahead of its time. We will all look back at it and adore it all over again in the next few years. Songs like Hold on and To Be Loved will make you shed tears for what she has had to go through. Overall it's a complete album. Chef's kiss. Expand
  7. Feb 1, 2023
    '30' is the most flawless and personal album by Adele. It this project Adele are experimenting with her music which is just great for her.
  8. Jan 2, 2023
    Umammaravilha maravilhoso impecável melhor album de 2021 com letras mt profundas e algumas com um pouco de esperança
  9. Nov 28, 2022
    Significado da palavra magnífico:
    adj. (adjetivo)
    Que possui magnificência; que demonstra esplendor; que se exressa de modo grandioso; suntuoso ou rico. Que denota ou expressa generosidade; em que há benevolência e bondade; bondoso. Em que há abundância; fartura: uma magnífica refeição. Que demonstra uma beleza radiante: construção magnífica. Excessivamente belo; muito bom: assistimos um
    Significado da palavra magnífico:
    adj. (adjetivo)
    Que possui magnificência; que demonstra esplendor; que se exressa de modo grandioso; suntuoso ou rico.
    Que denota ou expressa generosidade; em que há benevolência e bondade; bondoso.
    Em que há abundância; fartura: uma magnífica refeição.
    Que demonstra uma beleza radiante: construção magnífica.
    Excessivamente belo; muito bom: assistimos um magnífico show; um tecido magnífico.
    [Gramática] Superlativo Abs. Sint. Magnificentíssimo.
    (Etm. do latim: magnificus.a.um)
  10. Nov 19, 2021
    Amo este album, cada canción es amazing y np puedo describir lo hermoso que es, considero que es uno de sus mejores trabajos.
  11. Oct 25, 2022
    O álbum está muito bom. É o mais vulnerável, sincero e reflexivo da Adele.
    Com visuais igualmente muito bons, um exemplo é o clipe de Oh my God!
    A Adele apresenta-nos o melhor álbum do ano!!!
  12. Oct 25, 2022
    Sublime, tan personal el álbum, todo lo que abarca, las letras, el piano que siempre la acompaña.
  13. Oct 24, 2022
    Adele never fails to deliver excellent quality music! I'm not divorced, but 30 makes me feel like one. Adele is truly a phenomenal singer and songwriter.
  14. Oct 24, 2022
    The most sincere work.The most sincere work, Adele moved everyone with sincerity. Society needs female soul voices, and it also needs this beautiful lyricism
  15. Oct 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Artista en mayúsculas cuyo álbum refleja su lado más íntimo, con música más madura y que es poco vista en esta época Expand
  16. Oct 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 30 is a new experimental sound done by Adele. She showed her versatility from R&B to Jazz and Pop Ballads. Her vocals are more vulnerable and her songs are so honest to the point that’ll make someone tear up and feel for her. Her self-awareness makes her more human and she understands each song has its own magic to it as they address each chapter of her life being a mother, wife and a divorcee. Expand
  17. Oct 21, 2022
    One can't profess and exaggerate enough the greatness of this sheer work of beauty. Every song that Adele Laurie Blue Adkins has made, written, and sung on this album is absolutely beautiful, meaningful, and brilliant.
    The lyrics have always been on point for Adele, and she continues that by opening the album with what can only be the most dramatic line for any album opener,
    "I'll be
    One can't profess and exaggerate enough the greatness of this sheer work of beauty. Every song that Adele Laurie Blue Adkins has made, written, and sung on this album is absolutely beautiful, meaningful, and brilliant.
    The lyrics have always been on point for Adele, and she continues that by opening the album with what can only be the most dramatic line for any album opener,
    "I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart"
    She explores, and experiments in this album, and anyone saying she hasn't changed her style and genre hasn't paid attention to the album as she goes from pop, near-country, R&B influence to Jazz, Soul, Blue-eyed soul, and what not.
    The album sounds like a literal movie, as you can feel the change as she introduces her story, and talks about her divorce in the lead single, followed how it affected her child and how she wanted forgiveness from him for the divorce, gradually to crying all night, but then gathering the courage to date again, only to be met by someone who doesn't appreciate her enough.

    In the last three songs of the album, 'Hold On', 'To Be Loved', and 'Love Is A Game', Adele created perhaps the most legendary trio in all of music history.
    Hold On is literally about holding on, about accepting your miserable position in life but then knowing that great things are still to come. To Be Loved is perhaps the best vocal performance from any artist in a long, long time. To Be Loved is an absolute masterpiece that can tear up the hardest of people. Love Is A Game, a cinematic, orchestral, outro to an album is a cushioning on the emotional effects of To Be Loved, but is in itself, an extremely beautiful outro, perhaps the best outro, as its intro, in recent music history.

    30, as an album, is not just that, an album, but also a phenomenon, a whole movie causing a myriad of emotions inside you. Adele has never sounded better, and though it's her Divorce Album, and it will surely be followed by a happy album, 30 is, frankly, in all its senses, magnificent.
  18. Oct 21, 2022
    This is her most vulnerable, honest, and experimental album to date. Adele still hasn't lost her power to make us FEEL amid all the overproduced or production-driven TikTok hits that are all the rage these days.
  19. Oct 21, 2022
    This Adele’s best work. Unlike renaissamples, Adele sat and wrote the album. It’s artistically and lyrically magnificent. People who have musical ear will appreciate it the most.It's a very mature and reflective Album.She re-invented herself & really made a path for artists to keep making art the way they want it to be. Adele doesn't listen to her fans what kinda music she has to make, sheThis Adele’s best work. Unlike renaissamples, Adele sat and wrote the album. It’s artistically and lyrically magnificent. People who have musical ear will appreciate it the most.It's a very mature and reflective Album.She re-invented herself & really made a path for artists to keep making art the way they want it to be. Adele doesn't listen to her fans what kinda music she has to make, she decides & just puts it out. Expand
  20. Oct 1, 2022
    Versatile, deep and timeless. Her most personal album and showed how flawless her songwriting is.
  21. Sep 11, 2022
    Es simplemente un álbum maravilloso. La madurez tanto del artista como lírica es muy notable.
  22. Jun 12, 2022
    This Album is sooo good, every song is a banger. Some are chill, some sad, and some upbeat. The perfect blend if everything.
  23. Aug 23, 2022
    Very personal, lots of substance, experimental and a showcase of true music rather than quick, radio smash hits.
  24. Aug 22, 2022
    Lyrically her most impressive yet with songs like to be loved, i drink wine and love is a game, she delves into so many different genres on this album R&B, Jazz, Soul, pop.. she really wasn’t lying when she said this is her most personal album, my little love for example could make even a grown man cry.. Adele will always stand out against other mainstream artists for the simple fact sheLyrically her most impressive yet with songs like to be loved, i drink wine and love is a game, she delves into so many different genres on this album R&B, Jazz, Soul, pop.. she really wasn’t lying when she said this is her most personal album, my little love for example could make even a grown man cry.. Adele will always stand out against other mainstream artists for the simple fact she doesn’t sell her soul to try sell 2min tiktok songs, her music has feeling and passion that’s why she’s so loved by the Gp she just keeps getting better Expand
  25. Aug 22, 2022
    30 is the best album of Adele, her voice, lyrics and sounds are one and only in the world. She did the best album of all time
  26. Aug 21, 2022
    her most personal album to date, takes guts to put out something like this. also, it’s very motown inspired which i loved.
  27. Aug 20, 2022
    gostei muito ótimo músicas Adele voltou muito bem esperava mais mas tá ótimo
  28. Aug 20, 2022
    30 is a powerful album that combines Adele's incredible voice with amazing lyrics. With new music genres, Adele proves to be a versatile artist, but without abandoning the essence that brought her to the spotlight.
  29. Aug 17, 2022
    Love love love Adele. and yet. I could not find songs that i would just enjoy listening to on repeat like it her other projects.
    out of all the songs i connected to 'to be loved' and obviously 'easy on me'.
    Still love her though.
  30. Aug 3, 2022
    Adele's 30 Is Her Emotionally Rawest, Riskiest and Best Record yet. It’s so upfront and honest. It’s the best she's ever sounded and the best she has ever written. I’ve listened to the album in full many times now, and I really like the order of songs, this album seems to be the less typical Adele-sounding tracks we have heard before, she’s experienced with new sounds and genres. What IAdele's 30 Is Her Emotionally Rawest, Riskiest and Best Record yet. It’s so upfront and honest. It’s the best she's ever sounded and the best she has ever written. I’ve listened to the album in full many times now, and I really like the order of songs, this album seems to be the less typical Adele-sounding tracks we have heard before, she’s experienced with new sounds and genres. What I love most about this album though, is that it really communicates the journey that Adele went on throughout her divorce. I can’t wait for Adele will do next. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Nov 23, 2021
    Despite her albums being snapshots, sometimes a little more diversity in subject matter would be a good thing. Ultimately, while some intriguing risks have been taken, 30 is probably the weakest, as well as conversely the most intimate and in many ways bravest, Adele album to date.
  2. Nov 23, 2021
    The richest and most musically adventurous album of her career.
  3. Nov 22, 2021
    There are no glaring missteps, and it’s generally a very good effort from a singer who could have crumbled under the pressure of heightened expectations, but instead continues on the path she forged for herself.