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Generally favorable reviews- based on 323 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 323
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  1. Dec 20, 2022
    better than FM! by vince staples which is an album that was released as well
  2. Dec 20, 2022
    literally near perfect **** pitchfork, I would pitchfork them if I could xoxoxoxoxoxo
  3. ETF
    Sep 10, 2022
    absolutley incredible. definitely coles best album. from the intro to outro, the entire album screams masterpiece.
  4. Jul 8, 2022
    I might be the only person saying this but in my humble opinion this is a perfect album.
  5. Dec 3, 2021
    Timeless project one of coles many albums that show he is one of this generations best
  6. Oct 5, 2021
    Likely my favorite Cole album, the production is amazing, the rapping is as on point as you can expect. Highlights include Immortal, Deja Vu, Change, and the title track "4 your eyez only" is quite possibly Cole's greatest song of all time. While you probably can't bump this on your aux, like RDCWorld1 said, "it's a personal album". And what a great personal album it is.
  7. Apr 27, 2021
    Definitely J Cole's best album, truly touching story adn the last track is one of his best songs to me.
  8. Apr 11, 2021
    Cole's most cohesive, insightful, focused, and overall best record to date.

  9. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  10. Apr 2, 2021
    Truly an amazing album for whom the bell tolls sets a great scene for the story we're diving into. than to immortal which dives into policy brutality, violence in ones own community, and his friends. The depth of storytelling and emotion or lack there of in some cases is amazing change and 4 your eyez only are top tier cole songs thank you for this amazing piece of work
  11. Jan 19, 2021
    This album is a masterful work of art, the jazz undertones perfectly suit the atmosphere and tone of the album and lyrics. This is a concept album meaning each song tells a part of the story but each song is phenomenal individually as well. This album is extremely underrated and I would recommend listening to it in order and all in one sitting for the first listen.
  12. Dec 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is my personal favorite J. Cole album to date.
    4 Your Eyez Only (4YEO) is commonly not discussed however the pure intimacy of the album along with the subtle soul influence from Cole makes this a near perfect album in my opinion. 4YEO picks off where Cole’s pervious album 2014 Forrest Hills Drive left by picking pieces of Cole’s personal life and what has been burdening him, as well as what has brought him joy. The album starts off with track ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’ a piece where Cole informs us that all of his bridges have been burnt. The second track titled ‘Immortal’ dives into a perspective of the life of a young Cole. He reflects on previous encounters he’s had and thought provoking lines such as “Have you ever seen a fiend cook crack on a spoon? Have you ever seen a **** that was black on the moon? Have you ever seen a **** ribbon in the sky?” and Cole continues the track by “Saying If they want a **** they gonna have to send a S.W.A.T” hinting at the fact that his has was raided by a S.W.A.T during the making of this album which he later dives into depth in during the track Neighbors. Cole ends the track ‘Immortal’ by sharing premonitions Cole has had about death asking the Lord to make it quick when he passes and says “You want to change the world but while alive you never will” Cole also mentions the struggle black young men have where they have very limited choices in life by saying “They tell a **** sell dope, rap or go to NBA in that order, it’s that sort of thinking that been keeping ****s chained and hanged at the bottom and hanged the strangest fruit that you ever seen, ripe with pain.”

    The third track on 4YEO is titled Deja Vu where Cole tells a tale of seeing a beautiful women in a club and believes that he’s to much for her to handle by saying “she **** with small town ****s Igot bigger dreams” Cole continues the song by implying to shoot your shot by saying “Every saint got a past, Every dinner got a future, Every loser gotta win, and every winner gotta lose some day.”
  13. Oct 29, 2020
    Maybe i didn't listen enough but aside from some seriously popular track such as the track "Neighbors." I felt that this album is one that you really have to listen too to get the message, nothing wrong with that i'm aware of the conscious rapper reputation that follows J. Coles music. However, in this instance I felt that the album was very unwhelming compared to his follow up albumMaybe i didn't listen enough but aside from some seriously popular track such as the track "Neighbors." I felt that this album is one that you really have to listen too to get the message, nothing wrong with that i'm aware of the conscious rapper reputation that follows J. Coles music. However, in this instance I felt that the album was very unwhelming compared to his follow up album titled KOD instrumentally. i would trade the interesting bass patterns, and bouncy drums for the slow symphonic vibe that this album uses. the perspective is fairly deep, and the wordplay is golden as always with J. Coles music however i just feel like the introspection there comes changes of mood, and sounds to keep the listener intact. maybe i didn't listen hard enough but most of the time every song sounded fairly similar in tone, and instrumentation for the most part. Expand
  14. Sep 22, 2020
  15. May 14, 2020
    One of the best, most cohesive albums I’ve ever heard, the perspective changes between Cole and his friend are flawless, and adds a great contrast throughout the album
  16. Jan 19, 2020
    Flawless project without reasonable doubt. This is Cole's deepest project, where he dives into the culture and covers highly critical & significant topics from a diverse perspective. This album covers mass incarceration, racism, crime, love, death and the psychology of the average African American male all through the art of storytelling. The album is his most cohesive today, structuredFlawless project without reasonable doubt. This is Cole's deepest project, where he dives into the culture and covers highly critical & significant topics from a diverse perspective. This album covers mass incarceration, racism, crime, love, death and the psychology of the average African American male all through the art of storytelling. The album is his most cohesive today, structured perfectly as it follows the timely life of one of his friends mixed with his own life experiences as well. The production choice is really interesting, Cole uses minimal instrument/sample diversity...which makes the album easier & preferably consumable as a collective. The finale makes the album that much better & puts the remainder of the album in perspective, easily a top ten outro of all-time. As far as lyrics & flow, no complaints in that department as Cole proves he's sharper than ever with tracks like 'Immortal' and '4 Your Eyez Only'.

    NOTE: I can understand not liking the album for a feasible reason, but disliking it because it doesn't sound similar to another project is simply foolish. For proper review of a project you should begin with a clear mind to prevent fogging or default judgement. I also don't get how this isn't as praised as a TPAB when both are full of powerful messages and imagery,
  17. Jul 28, 2019
    The album is very meaningful with terrific lyrics. What holds it back is the lack of polish around the concept. It was very daring and difficult, so I give him props for attempting it. Still, the majority of the album kind of left you out to dry until the closer came in as almost a epilogue to describe what this whole album was. Unlike a meticulous conceptual artist like Kendrick, ColeThe album is very meaningful with terrific lyrics. What holds it back is the lack of polish around the concept. It was very daring and difficult, so I give him props for attempting it. Still, the majority of the album kind of left you out to dry until the closer came in as almost a epilogue to describe what this whole album was. Unlike a meticulous conceptual artist like Kendrick, Cole can't stick the landing on something this ambitious, and is better off tackling a looser concept where his soulful and meaningful messages can be more of a driving point. I also think it does drag a bit because of Cole's stubborn-ness to have no features. It was cool on 2014 FHD, but at this point he is just underestimating how much a different voice can captivate a listener.

    This was a very flawed project, but I still welcome it as a piece of his discography with it's ambitious concept, jazzy production and as always thoughtful lyrics. Strong 6 to Light 7.
  18. Feb 20, 2019
    OH MY GOD, what an fantastic album, I loved 4 Your Eyez Only. It is a masterpiece from J Cole. I loved the sad theme Production in the album, I even loved all the songs on the album. What a way to close out 2016. I highly recommended it.
  19. Dec 3, 2018
    Cole's most lackluster album to date. This album is best compared to a college course, intro to philosphy. Attempting to be profound, but ends up being shallow.
  20. Nov 24, 2018
    Ahead of his time.
    Better than Kanye's legacy.
    4 Your eyez only is the best R and B album ive listened to in recent years.
  21. Apr 24, 2018
    the worst album easily. neighbors and dejvue are the only things here to even talk of this **** he's singing and its garbage. he is straight up fooling fans with this no single no features **** he needs more features he needs better beats because this **** ain't it
  22. Dec 30, 2017
    This is, by far, my most favourite album from J.Cole. I love his lyrics, and it has many great songs that I listen to regurlarly.
  23. Sep 4, 2017
    This album is a masterful symphony of the tribulations Cole's endured in the face of love. This album is very harmonious and in my opinion, has united Cole's true non-bandwagon jumping fan base. It definitely has taken people time to fully grasp the meaning, thus it's ratings are not as high as 2014 FHD.
  24. Aug 13, 2017
    This album carries a story from song to song like few albums do, offering something that's definitely worth a listen. However, I only genuinely like about half the songs on the album. Given that, my score might seem too high but I suppose J. Cole deserves some extra credit for being different than the horde of rappers who put out the same old shallow songs. It's not my favorite album byThis album carries a story from song to song like few albums do, offering something that's definitely worth a listen. However, I only genuinely like about half the songs on the album. Given that, my score might seem too high but I suppose J. Cole deserves some extra credit for being different than the horde of rappers who put out the same old shallow songs. It's not my favorite album by him but it's still pretty good and even though I didn't care for a number of the songs on it, I'd give it a 6.5/10. Expand
  25. Jul 17, 2017
    Good album.............................................................................................................................................................
  26. May 23, 2017
    This album is a mixed bag for me. There are some really good songs on here. You also have the snooze fest "She's Mine Pt. 1" and probably the corniest J. Cole song ever "Foldin Clothes." The songs do tell a nice story and piece together rather well though.

    Best Songs: Immortal / Change / 4 Your Eyez Only
  27. May 23, 2017
    after long anticipation for a new cole album this finally dropped, it may be arguable that this was not as expected, however, this is a great album. Jcole is found on this album conflicted with many ideas and is experiencing true struggles, he uses jazz, atmospheric and emotional music to tell his story, even songs which are said to be bad such as 'foldin clothes' and 'ville mentality' doafter long anticipation for a new cole album this finally dropped, it may be arguable that this was not as expected, however, this is a great album. Jcole is found on this album conflicted with many ideas and is experiencing true struggles, he uses jazz, atmospheric and emotional music to tell his story, even songs which are said to be bad such as 'foldin clothes' and 'ville mentality' do have a point to them, as Cole is a new person on this album and near perfect songs like 'shes mine pt. 2' brings the listener almost to tears. i personally did love this album and felt impacted by it Expand
  28. Apr 22, 2017
    As someone who wants to see J. Cole succeed in his career, I can only be honest and say this is one of Cole's weakest projects to date. For almost the entire time, I felt like I was going to doze off due to the beats not having a real personality-at some times feeling lifeless-and Cole's delivery seeming uninterested and lacking any urgency. The only song that really caught my attentionAs someone who wants to see J. Cole succeed in his career, I can only be honest and say this is one of Cole's weakest projects to date. For almost the entire time, I felt like I was going to doze off due to the beats not having a real personality-at some times feeling lifeless-and Cole's delivery seeming uninterested and lacking any urgency. The only song that really caught my attention was Neighbors, as I feel that was one of the only points where Cole inserted any real energy. On to of that, the lines on this album range from forgettable, to being corny or just outright bad, some examples like " Baby, I wanna do the right things they Feel so much better than the wrong things" on Foldin' Clothes, or "Every time you go to sleep you look like you in Heaven Plus the head game is stronger than a few Excedrin You shine just like the patent leather on my new 11's You read me like a book like I'm the Bible, you the Reverend" on She's Mine, Pt. 1. And while the album tries to tell a story, a fairly personal one at that in which he is telling the daughter of one of his friends the story of her father, it feels very scattered, with some song seeming to have no real connection to the story(eg. Neighbors) and it only really comes together of the final track due to the high amount of detail he puts into it-detail that could have been used on the 9 preceding tracks to help build the story-and leaves the listener in what I can only call a state of dissatisfaction. To end what may seem as a semi long winded rant, I want to reiterate: I want to see J. Cole succeed. It is plainly obvious that he has the ability and talent to do so, but I feel like he has been unable to do that with his art due to what I feel is not putting in his full effort, and him becoming to comfortable with a style and sound that he has already done to death. All I can hope for is that Cole does something truly unique and new for him on his new album and that he puts all his effort into it. Otherwise, I feel like I, along with other, will start to pay less and less attention when he drops a new project. Expand
  29. Apr 17, 2017
    I was a huge fan of J.Cole prior to this release and was very excited to listen to this. His last work: '2014 Forest Hills Drive' was a solid album with a good blend of storytelling and more conscious messages, and so I had high expectations for this project. The album is a very personal one, with Cole discussing his wife and daughter as well as his fears for the future across the album.I was a huge fan of J.Cole prior to this release and was very excited to listen to this. His last work: '2014 Forest Hills Drive' was a solid album with a good blend of storytelling and more conscious messages, and so I had high expectations for this project. The album is a very personal one, with Cole discussing his wife and daughter as well as his fears for the future across the album. There are also some harder tracks such as 'Immortal' and 'Neighbours' which are solid. However, to put it simply this album is a tad boring and bland when compared to Cole's previous work. Cole is often praised as a great lyricist, but honestly his lyrics are relatively surface level on this project and can't really be interpreted beyond their literal meaning. The beats are relatively uninspired throughout, particularly the rehashed and badly mixed 'Deja Vu' which sounds like a Soundcloud loosie that has just been chucked onto the project. The lowest point of the album is 'Foldin Clothes' which is a genuinely awful song. I feel like Cole still has it in him to release a classic album and this project is by no means terrible, but it is nowhere near as deep as people make it out to be and is very uninteresting at times. Expand
  30. Mar 30, 2017
    I was never able to get into J. Cole before '4 Your Eyez Only', not really understanding the vibe that everyone was enjoying with '2014 Forest Hills Drive', bar the exception of a few songs. After giving this a listen at its initial release I was immediately impressed with the enjoyable production and understated sound, as well as the main concept behind the work.

    While it's easy to
    I was never able to get into J. Cole before '4 Your Eyez Only', not really understanding the vibe that everyone was enjoying with '2014 Forest Hills Drive', bar the exception of a few songs. After giving this a listen at its initial release I was immediately impressed with the enjoyable production and understated sound, as well as the main concept behind the work.

    While it's easy to criticise Cole for a muddled narrative and filler lines, there's too much to get soaked up in here to garner these points with too much weight. Tracks such as 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' , 'Immortal', 'Deja Vu' and 'Neighbours' are some of Cole's best, most accessible tracks, and are always a great listen during long, dark night-time journeys. It's easy to wrap your imagination into the story that Cole lays out here, albeit slightly scattered.

    There are some moments on the record that seem a little off or out of touch with the rest of the track-list, 'Foldin Clothes' being an obvious example. But for me these moments are too far and between to damage the overall experience massively, and don't subtract from the frequent highs. Definitely worth getting familiar with and a great end to 2016's musical releases.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The Wire
    Jan 27, 2017
    Cutting through the tedium reveals a moderately engaging narrative of low level criminality with solid insights ranging from the cloying to mildly provocative. [Feb 2017, p.59]
  2. Jan 17, 2017
    He has matured into a one of the most important figures in modern hip hop and 4 Your Eyez Only is the evidence of this.
  3. Jan 10, 2017
    4 Your Eyez Only‘s low-key production, favoring muted live-band grooves, occasionally reaches a boil, but mostly it provides scaffolding for Cole to rap. He does the heavy lifting without ever doing anything flashy--or, some might say, anything especially interesting.