• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jun 21, 2019
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 138 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 58 out of 138
  2. Negative: 52 out of 138
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  1. Jul 30, 2019
    On 7, Lil Nas X shows some admirable versatility while leaving plenty of room for growth.


  2. Jun 22, 2019
    Old Town Road (remix) 8/10 this is a fun track, beat is good and both lil nas x and Billy Ray Cyrus do an amazing job for a fun track.
    Panini 7.5/10 the beat is really weird but it works and nas x does a great job with it.
    F9mily (You & Me) 5/10 it has a nice beat but nothing interesting i just skipped after a minute. Kick It 5.5/10 the beat is great in some points but at most of the
    Old Town Road (remix) 8/10 this is a fun track, beat is good and both lil nas x and Billy Ray Cyrus do an amazing job for a fun track.
    Panini 7.5/10 the beat is really weird but it works and nas x does a great job with it.
    F9mily (You & Me) 5/10 it has a nice beat but nothing interesting i just skipped after a minute.
    Kick It 5.5/10 the beat is great in some points but at most of the time it sucks and nas x autotune delivery doesn't work here.
    Rodeo 7/10 beat is good nas x does a good job and cardi does a good job too here but not as much as nas x.
    Bring U Down 4/10 not really interesting really made me want to skip.
    C7osure (You Like) 7/10 the beat is really good and nas x delivery is good.
    Old Town Road 7/10 this is almost good as the remix but Billy adds a lot.
    overall 6.4 a lot better then i expected and it is pretty good.
  3. Oct 10, 2019
    It has some fun songs and some boring songs. It's absolutely not the best rap album, but it is also not bad. just slightly above average.
  4. Jun 21, 2019
    Producer: What kind of beat you want?
    Lil Nas X: Yes
    In all seriousness this album is a mess of ideas and songs. Old Town Road is what it is. Panini is the only song that really hit with me, short and to the point. Songs like F9mily and C7osure stand out, but not in the good way. Is this a rap EP or what? I get that's he's a young artist that is experimenting, but when even your EP has
    Producer: What kind of beat you want?
    Lil Nas X: Yes

    In all seriousness this album is a mess of ideas and songs. Old Town Road is what it is. Panini is the only song that really hit with me, short and to the point. Songs like F9mily and C7osure stand out, but not in the good way. Is this a rap EP or what? I get that's he's a young artist that is experimenting, but when even your EP has no direction, I can only hope he can be better at finding a direction for an album.
  5. Feb 8, 2020
    Man he really be trying to get #1 on every genre.

    I ate a panini when I first heard panini.
  6. Jun 25, 2019
    Breezy and catchy but directionless and unambitious, Lil Nas X's EP "7" is a promising start from the young magician although it fails to leave a lasting impression.
  7. Jun 24, 2019
    7 [EP] By Lil Nas X , I expected more from this project , It was his first which means he has a lot more to learn about how to perfect an EP right , Everything was put in order the wrong

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Jul 9, 2019
    These are two-minute tracks that largely veer all over the place – cohesion, concept, and artistry go out the window here.
  2. 65
    In terms of catchy beats and somewhat meaningful lyrics, each song has one or the other, and Lil Nas X just needs a little more time to get them to match up.
  3. Jun 26, 2019
    There are enough hooks in this bouquet of confusing-if-passable genre-hopping tracks to keep him on the path to future hits, but nothing comes remotely close to the lightning in a bottle of "Old Town Road"'s accidental perfection.