• Record Label: Sup Pop
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 999 Levels of Undo shows that Fisk's transformation is still a work in progress, but when he's on, the record is right up there with any of Fisk's other accomplishments.
  2. Ultimately, 999 Levels of Undo is a fascinating study of a visionary musician -- unfortunately, it's not an especially compelling listen.
  3. Alternative Press
    One of the most bizarre things ever released by Sub Pop. [#154, p.80]
  4. Mixer
    The sonic equivalent of a stolen gun with its numbers sanded off: sexy, groovy, mysterious, scary. [Apr 2001, p.94]
  5. 70
    Testing the limits of what people might want to hear at first, Fisk arguably re-educates us on what music is, and where it comes from, finding rhythm and melody in what many now call Intelligent Dance Music.

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