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Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 48
  2. Negative: 4 out of 48
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  1. Dec 5, 2014
    No, no, no bad reviews. It's the WU Tang giving me what I wanted, High treble keeping the song together with the meat of mid-FQ provided by vocals and the LF provided a metronomic Bass line that sandwiches together the old skool vibe I grew up to. Please bear in mind this in IMO so don't internet hate me. Yes rap has become so much more polished than it was back in the WU era and if youNo, no, no bad reviews. It's the WU Tang giving me what I wanted, High treble keeping the song together with the meat of mid-FQ provided by vocals and the LF provided a metronomic Bass line that sandwiches together the old skool vibe I grew up to. Please bear in mind this in IMO so don't internet hate me. Yes rap has become so much more polished than it was back in the WU era and if you are looking for a Kendrick's quality tune it isn't going to match but just vibe to this. It's worth the effort! Expand
  2. Dec 9, 2014
    I don't get all the hate. If you a true Wu head this album is for you. It's Wu doing Wu. It's 2014 not 1993. They all in there 40s with different priorities than they had when they were in their 20s. This album is a lot better than all the critics and users have rated it. It's the evolution of the Wu-tang Clan. They're not going to be angry and raw after 20+ years in the game. People needI don't get all the hate. If you a true Wu head this album is for you. It's Wu doing Wu. It's 2014 not 1993. They all in there 40s with different priorities than they had when they were in their 20s. This album is a lot better than all the critics and users have rated it. It's the evolution of the Wu-tang Clan. They're not going to be angry and raw after 20+ years in the game. People need to appreciate this album for what it is not what they want it to be. Expand
  3. RMR
    Dec 2, 2014
    I don't get all the hate. If you a true Wu head this album is for you. It's Wu doing Wu. It's 2014 not 1993. They all in there 40s with different priorities than they had when they were in their 20s. This album is a lot better than all the critics and users have rated it. It's the evolution of the Wu-tang Clan. They're not going to be angry and raw after 20+ years in the game. People needI don't get all the hate. If you a true Wu head this album is for you. It's Wu doing Wu. It's 2014 not 1993. They all in there 40s with different priorities than they had when they were in their 20s. This album is a lot better than all the critics and users have rated it. It's the evolution of the Wu-tang Clan. They're not going to be angry and raw after 20+ years in the game. People need to appreciate this album for what it is not what they want it to be. Expand
  4. Apr 22, 2015
    After a 7 years waiting time, the Wu-Tang clan returns to the hip-hop scene as strong as ever on the quality of it's members verses, but can't seem to keep up with today's hip-hop (which isn't necessarily bad), assure cohesion through the album and return to its NY sound. While some tracks shows us Wu-Tang Clan still has it, some others leave you disappointed. Overall, the beats are okay,After a 7 years waiting time, the Wu-Tang clan returns to the hip-hop scene as strong as ever on the quality of it's members verses, but can't seem to keep up with today's hip-hop (which isn't necessarily bad), assure cohesion through the album and return to its NY sound. While some tracks shows us Wu-Tang Clan still has it, some others leave you disappointed. Overall, the beats are okay, the lyrics are great and the album is worth the purchase. Expand
  5. Dec 3, 2014
    I have been a hip hop head since the late 80s and this month I turn 44. What I was doing in '93 is a little different than what I am doing now and I think the reviews for this album have been a bit harsh, because like me, I think the Wu are allowed to mature.

    Is it an instant classic? No it isn't. It doesn't have the feel like a cash grab and to me it feels like it was a legitimate
    I have been a hip hop head since the late 80s and this month I turn 44. What I was doing in '93 is a little different than what I am doing now and I think the reviews for this album have been a bit harsh, because like me, I think the Wu are allowed to mature.

    Is it an instant classic? No it isn't. It doesn't have the feel like a cash grab and to me it feels like it was a legitimate attempt at putting the best possible album forward. There are a number of standout tracks (Ruckus in B minor, Mistaken Identity, Miracle, Ron O'Neal, etc.) and only a few truly weak tracks (Necklace - I am specifically looking at you).

    Bottom line, I loved the Wu back in the day and this album is hella better than a number of other recent releases and I do not think it is the brick all the critics are making it out to be. If you liked Wu back in the day, I say listen to the album and make your own judgement on it, but for me it was much better than expected.
  6. Dec 3, 2014
    There are some standout tracks, and maybe some tracks that make you scratch your head. One positive thing I can say about Wu Tang Clan (and OutKast) is that all their albums sound different. Fans always ask for something different, then complain that it doesnt sound like previous efforts.
  7. Dec 3, 2014
    This is my first Wu-Tang Clan album and I needed a few listens to get into it but in the end it's a solid rap album. It's not as bad as some reviewers are saying it's just that fans are hard to please
  8. Dec 2, 2014
    Since thier first classic release, wu-tang's releases have become watered down and disjointed. With perhaps the exception of Triumph. But i thought RZA did a good job re-capturing the NY, grimey sound remeniecent of earlier albums. Although this album doesn't seem to have any cohesiveness, it is still better than recent releases and most of the clan's recent individual efforts. All in allSince thier first classic release, wu-tang's releases have become watered down and disjointed. With perhaps the exception of Triumph. But i thought RZA did a good job re-capturing the NY, grimey sound remeniecent of earlier albums. Although this album doesn't seem to have any cohesiveness, it is still better than recent releases and most of the clan's recent individual efforts. All in all each meber still has lyrical ability and lays it down nicely on this album. Expand
  9. Dec 7, 2014
    I do not understand those who rate this album highly, they either have never heard Wu before or are just blind sheep and will like anything WU put's out just because they're "WU". This album should have gone back to their roots like the true fans wanted, them raw lyrical geniuses is all but extinct in this album.

    The potential they have and what they produced is so far from each other I
    I do not understand those who rate this album highly, they either have never heard Wu before or are just blind sheep and will like anything WU put's out just because they're "WU". This album should have gone back to their roots like the true fans wanted, them raw lyrical geniuses is all but extinct in this album.

    The potential they have and what they produced is so far from each other I could fit countries between it. The beats on most tracks feel lethargic, slow and poorly executed. There is a numerous tracks similar to RZA sound-track to Man With IRon Fists, beats and rhythm are the same paced, which does not suit WU as a core group.

    Most of the album lacks raw, lyrical flow and that special hardcore WU lyrics and simple hardened beats. There is nothing in this album that's on par to classic's like CREAM, Protect ya Neck, Gravel Pit or Click Click Clack.

    It's nice to have them releasing another album and I somewhat enjoy the tracks "Keep Watch" and "Pioneer The Frontier", although I was expecting to be blown away and i'm just left with a void of what should have been released.

    In the end, this is better than any solo release over the years but it's still sub-par to any of the tracks from the real albums of the 90's and from the potential the group have, it's quite a failure.
  10. Mar 2, 2016
    as a big fan of wu tang i felt disappointed when i heard this album. the beats sounded bland and uninspiring. the lyrics didnt have the hunger and gritty sound they once possessed. lot may have to do with the argument between rae and rza over how the album's direction was supposed to go. while their past work are classics this one doesn't really make the cut. this one sadly i wont beas a big fan of wu tang i felt disappointed when i heard this album. the beats sounded bland and uninspiring. the lyrics didnt have the hunger and gritty sound they once possessed. lot may have to do with the argument between rae and rza over how the album's direction was supposed to go. while their past work are classics this one doesn't really make the cut. this one sadly i wont be adding to my category of classics. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2015
    If there's little of the duelling gamesmanship that made their 1993 debut so remarkable, this is still a joyful comeback, brimming with big screen music. [Feb 2015, p.91]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2015
    It's far from perfect, but if this is Exit The Wu-Tang, they can go out with heads held high. [Feb 2015, p.112]
  3. Dec 18, 2014
    This is the sound of a team of great fighters competing in an uncomfortable new arena.