• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Feb 3, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 103 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 86 out of 103
  2. Negative: 7 out of 103

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  1. Sep 17, 2013
    While not career defining or genre defining, this album easily represents Incubus in their purest, though perhaps not most enjoyable, form. A wonderful piece that only fails to deliver once or twice, and is overall a great listen.
  2. Dec 23, 2011
    Have to admit, was just looking around, saw this CD for a great price and picked it up. Had no expectations, but wow. Great album, not Make Yourself but I would put in the Incubus top 3. Sick Sad Little World could be their best song ever?
  3. j30
    Sep 20, 2011
    Really an uneven album from a band that we've grown a custom to making consistently great rock songs. It is nice, however, to see a departure from the sound they're comfortable with.
  4. Apr 24, 2011
    The most mature song writing out of any of their albums. Catchy and listenable while still completely new and interesting. Guitarist Mike Eizeninger's best playing is featured on this record as well as a great introduction to their new bassist.
  5. Oct 12, 2010
    I really liked this album, very unique and colorful subjects. I wish all alternative music could be more like this! I can't believe that people are hating on this album!
  6. ThomasB
    Jul 26, 2009
    These reviews genuinely make me angry. "Too much of the disc is filtered through clinical and slightly jazzy rock that renders it a tiny noise about nothing."? Since when did E! have any real legitimacy anyway? A baseless insult like "tuneless" is just infuriating to me. This album shows how beautiful a rock band can sound when they're willing to embrace jazz and experimentation. If These reviews genuinely make me angry. "Too much of the disc is filtered through clinical and slightly jazzy rock that renders it a tiny noise about nothing."? Since when did E! have any real legitimacy anyway? A baseless insult like "tuneless" is just infuriating to me. This album shows how beautiful a rock band can sound when they're willing to embrace jazz and experimentation. If there's any mediocrity it takes place in the writing of these reviewers. Collapse
  7. JoshuaS.
    Sep 21, 2007
    Wait...I'm sure I just read that they're becoming another Linkin Park name ONE song that sounds like Linkin Park on the album, and if you can, then that means you are lying. Mike Einziger has a completely different style of playing guitar, Jose Pasillas is a better drummer and Ben Kenney is a better bassist. and Brandon Boyd can sing better. Talk Shows On Mute, Here In My Room, Wait...I'm sure I just read that they're becoming another Linkin Park name ONE song that sounds like Linkin Park on the album, and if you can, then that means you are lying. Mike Einziger has a completely different style of playing guitar, Jose Pasillas is a better drummer and Ben Kenney is a better bassist. and Brandon Boyd can sing better. Talk Shows On Mute, Here In My Room, Zee Deveel, Made For TV Movie, Southern Girl, Beware! Criminal...every song is completely different to anything in the Linkin Park collection. "Tuneless, tortuously knotty prog-metal" also being a completely false statement. Expand
  8. DennisE.
    May 27, 2007
    Really great album, not as great as science or morning view though. Megalomanic, ACLOTM, agoraphobia, talk shows on mute, sick sad little world are all very good songs, unfortunately between numbers 7 and 11 there are few dissappointments, like pistola and priceless. The last few songs are once again awesome, I love made for tv movie, here in my room and leech... Overall good album, Really great album, not as great as science or morning view though. Megalomanic, ACLOTM, agoraphobia, talk shows on mute, sick sad little world are all very good songs, unfortunately between numbers 7 and 11 there are few dissappointments, like pistola and priceless. The last few songs are once again awesome, I love made for tv movie, here in my room and leech... Overall good album, especially because they had already made 4 albums and just keep on managing to create a complete different sound on every album. Expand
  9. DaveN
    Sep 22, 2006
    This is the sound the band has been searching for since releasing Fungus Amungus. Incubus always has released great CDs, but there lurked awkward moments within those CDs that showed the band hadn't reached its creative peak. Whle this CD doesn't sound as good as Make Yourself, its stronger musically and shows the evolution of the band.
  10. Anonymous
    Jul 25, 2006
    Ill album, they had better stuff, but still an ill album
  11. BrianD
    Jul 2, 2006
    Its Incubus, need I say more.
  12. huddy
    May 5, 2006
    the fact of the matter is yes its different from all their other albums but thats the great thing about incubus they reinvent themselves on every album and a crow left of the murder is a nother perfect album my the band
  13. ROCKON
    Jan 23, 2006
    A Far cry from Morning view and SCIENCE... but still OKAY. Megalomaniac is horrific, and gives you a sense on how the rest of the album is going to be. I don't know, I think that they shouldn't have taken out Dirk. Talk shows sounds a little more like Incubus and is magnificent, but it leaves you wanting more... And after the next song starts, you think oh, here we again. Just a A Far cry from Morning view and SCIENCE... but still OKAY. Megalomaniac is horrific, and gives you a sense on how the rest of the album is going to be. I don't know, I think that they shouldn't have taken out Dirk. Talk shows sounds a little more like Incubus and is magnificent, but it leaves you wanting more... And after the next song starts, you think oh, here we again. Just a lot of cumulative screaming to me. They are turning into another Linkin Park, I'm afraid... Expand
  14. NiklasP
    Jan 3, 2006
    I really liked it but it just takes while to until you understand that you do!
  15. AshM
    Dec 28, 2005
    Best f**king album ever. Brandon Boyd is HOT
  16. [Anonymous]
    Oct 4, 2005
    imo, easily their best cd. sick sad little world, southern girl, agoraphobia, all must downloads.
  17. Trisdewf;
    Apr 18, 2005
    Not as amazing as morning view or make yourself though still excellent. The last 5 tracks are 5 of the best as well as sick sad little world
  18. samh.
    Jan 17, 2005
    once again incubus has shown us thier lyrical genious. but im dissapointed in this album only because it seems like they could have done much better allaround except in the lyric department.
  19. CharlieP
    Dec 25, 2004
    This is a great album. Talk shows is a brilliant song.
  20. andyw
    Dec 10, 2004
    This album was a real let down, I give it a 2 because there are two songs I would listen to more than once. It's obvious they know how to rock, but this sissy crap has to go.
  21. GuillaumeC
    Oct 12, 2004
    Once again, Incubus have managed to drastically change up their style and sound, and the outcome is fantastic. Though not as experimental as Morning View, the music here is blistering, energetic, and most of all, raw--the guitar and percussion, especially, shine through more than ever before, playing off each other across superb solos on tracks such as "Sick Sad Little World" and Once again, Incubus have managed to drastically change up their style and sound, and the outcome is fantastic. Though not as experimental as Morning View, the music here is blistering, energetic, and most of all, raw--the guitar and percussion, especially, shine through more than ever before, playing off each other across superb solos on tracks such as "Sick Sad Little World" and "Priceless," that will have you wondering where Einziger and Pasillas have been hidng all of this time. This is Incubus, at long last, doing rock n' roll--and it sounds awesome. Expand
  22. lisap
    Sep 20, 2004
    ive been listening to incubus for 8 years now and i love everything theyve done but i dont feel like this is a good album at all. ill admit i do like some of the songs on it but i can honestly say this is the only incubus album i dont know evey word of which is strange because im a huge fan. i try and support everything incubus does so i did buy the album but i dont really like the new ive been listening to incubus for 8 years now and i love everything theyve done but i dont feel like this is a good album at all. ill admit i do like some of the songs on it but i can honestly say this is the only incubus album i dont know evey word of which is strange because im a huge fan. i try and support everything incubus does so i did buy the album but i dont really like the new sound. i guess once your used to a certain sound for so long you just dont like change. Expand
  23. Jimmy
    Aug 27, 2004
    Incubus does a great job of experiementing and creating new styles of music on this album, and I respect them for that. I am a big fan of their Make Yourself album though and would prefer to hear more of that sound. The single Megalomaniac is an awesome in-your-face barrage of rock and power, awesome way to start the album. It leads into another hyper rock track (my favorite song off the Incubus does a great job of experiementing and creating new styles of music on this album, and I respect them for that. I am a big fan of their Make Yourself album though and would prefer to hear more of that sound. The single Megalomaniac is an awesome in-your-face barrage of rock and power, awesome way to start the album. It leads into another hyper rock track (my favorite song off the album) ACLOTM. Talk Shows on Mute is a great laid back tune, showing the versatility and creativity of Boyd's lyrical skills (refering to Orwell's 1984). Many and awesome guitar skills found throughout the album (TSOM, SSLW, PISTOLA, Priceless). Pistola is another barrage of funk and hyper rock. My other fav. track is Here In my room, Mikey plays piano in this one. Boyd's lyrics and vocals are probably the most dynamic they've ever been on this record, Dj Kilmore and Jose continue to explore new rhythmic boundaries, Mike E really shines and shows why he's one of the top guitarists of his time and new bassist Ben Kenney brings funk and fun to the new Incubus. All in all, Incubus is definitely getting my props for experiementing new musical territory, all while definitely continuing to evolve as a collective whole. Expand
  24. shannonh
    Aug 19, 2004
    speechless. (in a stunned that was fucking killer way)
  25. Rick
    Aug 7, 2004
    What in the hell were they thinking. Nothing is fresh on this album, its like listening to a(really bad) blend of morning view with Make Your Self thrown in. I gave it 3 stars for one of the best looking album covers i have ever seen. Other than that they really have to grow as musicians, The old bassist was not that good anyway. How far can you push Emo- rock, cuz thats what incubus has What in the hell were they thinking. Nothing is fresh on this album, its like listening to a(really bad) blend of morning view with Make Your Self thrown in. I gave it 3 stars for one of the best looking album covers i have ever seen. Other than that they really have to grow as musicians, The old bassist was not that good anyway. How far can you push Emo- rock, cuz thats what incubus has turned into over the last 3 cds. There work on this album represents nothing at all,(tired Guitar, lame Bass work, and just plan and simple annoying lyrics). The only one who's doing there job is the drummer.(which i thought did a good job). Incubus has to stop trying to recreate albums, cuz sooner or later there gonna turn into Linkin Park, and there much more talented to go down that road. o Expand
  26. chriscornell
    Jun 22, 2004
    oh man, noooooo!!! only 3 songs for me on this album, the 1st one, pistola, and talk shows. bonus points for experimentation though. i wish they can get it back on the next album
  27. CrystalR
    May 20, 2004
    This was a great album. Talk show on mute is great. It made me wanna read the book 1984, which brandon refers to(it's a good book) It's still on repeat in my cd player, this album wasn't as good as Make Yourself though, which dserves a 10.5(near perfection)
  28. AdamH
    Apr 7, 2004
    The only reason 3 points were lost from my vote is because of the bassist switch. Even IF Ben Kenney was a REAL bassist and didn't use a PIC while playing BASS GUITAR, he's still nowhere CLOSE as tight in his rythms as Dirk was. Dirk was flawless. He was my inspiration to really begin to play bass, and also to try Warwick basses (Warwicks and Ken Smith basses kill all other The only reason 3 points were lost from my vote is because of the bassist switch. Even IF Ben Kenney was a REAL bassist and didn't use a PIC while playing BASS GUITAR, he's still nowhere CLOSE as tight in his rythms as Dirk was. Dirk was flawless. He was my inspiration to really begin to play bass, and also to try Warwick basses (Warwicks and Ken Smith basses kill all other brands... ESPECIALLY FENDER!). Ben Kenney needs to stop being the "second guitarist" of the band... because Incubus needs a bassist! Everyone else in the band are still AMAZING! I still adore Incubus and they will always be my favorite band... because of their old music. Also... don't even think I'm not a real Incubus fan! I've probably been a fan before most of you even heard the band's name (usually people say they heard of them around Make Yourself)! I love Incubus and I KNOW bass guitar! Ben Kenney is a guitarist... not a bassist! Brandon Boyd is amazing! Mikey was already awesome and got even better! Jose... flawless! DJ... even though he seems less existent on this album, we all know he's still back there kicking ass! Dirk... we miss you! Expand
  29. MattH
    Feb 27, 2004
    This CD is by far their best album. All the people who reviewed this album are not true Incubus fans.
  30. putopooch
    Feb 25, 2004
    incubus rocks
  31. BoswickC
    Feb 24, 2004
    This album is awesome. Brandon Boyd is very musically talented, and he shows it off on this album. Crow is a must-buy.
  32. AimeeS
    Feb 23, 2004
    A passable CD if you're already an Incubus fan - but if you're aren't, nothing stands out or grabs your attention. After hearing a few tracks, they all blend into one, long, sleepy sounding blur... great vocals but nothing special.
  33. angryandy
    Feb 23, 2004
    Einziger's guitar work can be compared to Hendrix or Tom Morello on this album. Boyd's lyrics are more politically charged, reflecting a highly politicized era. Crow shows definite maturation. They have clearly found their footing in the ground they first began to stake out on Make Yourself. However, in my opinion, this album still falls short of their 1997 classic S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
  34. bens
    Feb 22, 2004
    on first listening to this, i thought... mmm this is nowhere near as innovative and fresh as their previous 2 albums, but as i love their previous albums so much, i decided to perservere, and had it on repeat for the whole night, and it is definatly growing on me (and thenk fucck its not the darkness) but still morning view has it for me, aqueous transmission, that is just GENIOUS, do u feel me?
  35. kokoko
    Feb 22, 2004
    no jesus, no elvis either..just sucks
  36. IncubusFan
    Feb 20, 2004
    Whoever doesn't like this album, deserves to be burnt with a cigarette.
  37. Lucy
    Feb 19, 2004
    Here in my room is alright, Megalomaniac is alright, and Smile Lines is contagiously catchy. But this CD comes nowhere near their others.
  38. ?®ÊvÔ®VanRoekel
    Feb 17, 2004
    it was awesome but Make Yourself was way better
  39. DavidZ
    Feb 16, 2004
    Amazing... Need I say more?
  40. COrey
    Feb 16, 2004
    People arnt going to like this album if they didnt enjoy all of their other cd's. THis album consists of the four of them and some soundboards put together, with a jammed out pimus/beatles/metal fibe. It took me awhile to enjoy makeyourself and Morning view. Science and enjoy were always good times. I came around and now i think crow is a better direction, perhaps to late.
  41. musebabe
    Feb 16, 2004
    i thought it was pants! waste of money
  42. RobbyDitigal
    Feb 16, 2004
    A Crow Left of the Murder is a challenging listen even for the most hardcore Incubus fans. The band began a slight departure from their overly crowded genre with 2001's Morning View and, they continue down this path on their 5th LP. Unfortunately, artistic integrity doesn't exactly equal commercial success (the singles just aren't there). However, if given a chance, A Crow A Crow Left of the Murder is a challenging listen even for the most hardcore Incubus fans. The band began a slight departure from their overly crowded genre with 2001's Morning View and, they continue down this path on their 5th LP. Unfortunately, artistic integrity doesn't exactly equal commercial success (the singles just aren't there). However, if given a chance, A Crow Left of the Murder revials some amazing material. It is certainly the most intriguing alt-metal album I've heard in years... and that says a lot. Expand
  43. AlexO
    Feb 15, 2004
    Innovative and well written. I breath of fresh air when compared to all of the shit that litters the airwaves nowadays. Thank you incubus!
  44. georgeo
    Feb 15, 2004
  45. tyler
    Feb 14, 2004
    i really liked this cd i never really heard anything like it it seems much differnt then other things that i'v heard from then and i really like the song "sick sad little world"
  46. BladaC
    Feb 14, 2004
    If you like bad music you'll love this album. Trite, backless lyrics. And a bad singer to sing them. Production sounds great but it all falls apart when you put a bad singer over good a good band.
  47. benh
    Feb 14, 2004
    this is a genius album listen to mike and brandon
  48. NelsonC
    Feb 13, 2004
    Incubus is the greatest modern rock band with their various fusions of great music stylings. Crow Left of the Murder is a masterpiece in the part of Incubus. I'm pleased of their departure of the Morning View sound to something fresh, experimental, exploratory, different...and great! Of course with Incubus, that's always dependable with every passing record. Listen to Incubus..
  49. AaronG
    Feb 12, 2004
    Not horrible, but not great by any means. The first time I listened through the cd, I was very disappointed. But, after a couple of forced listenings, I started to enjoy it a lot more. It's a departure from anything they've done previously. I think there are some similarities to 'Morning View'...I don't know, something about this album just doesn't click with Not horrible, but not great by any means. The first time I listened through the cd, I was very disappointed. But, after a couple of forced listenings, I started to enjoy it a lot more. It's a departure from anything they've done previously. I think there are some similarities to 'Morning View'...I don't know, something about this album just doesn't click with me. It's okay. Expand
  50. ErinL
    Feb 12, 2004
    Incubus has always been able to find a new way to express themselves with each album, this being even more explorational and creative than ever
  51. johns
    Feb 11, 2004
    this is my favorite incubus album or atleast tied for first. Like they do for every cd, they completely changed it up yet retain an unbeleivable sound. I am in love with this cd. It's nothing like you've ever heard, but its still incubus.
  52. cedricbixler
    Feb 11, 2004
    As soon as I listened to this record, I realized that the band was going to take it up the ass from both critics and fans on this album...the band's promise to return to the SCIENCE sound would no doubt dissapoint old fans b/c there's not a funk slap or scream to be found the entire 50 minutes, the droves of new pop fans who were expecting Morning View 2 would obviously be As soon as I listened to this record, I realized that the band was going to take it up the ass from both critics and fans on this album...the band's promise to return to the SCIENCE sound would no doubt dissapoint old fans b/c there's not a funk slap or scream to be found the entire 50 minutes, the droves of new pop fans who were expecting Morning View 2 would obviously be scared off by the art rock tendencies, and after two records pandering to the mainstream, critics won't even give their newest a chance before tearing it to pieces. And of course the whole problem lies in the fact that they've actually put out a good record. I would say their best. People look at SCIENCE fondly through the haze of nostalgia, but when it comes down to it, it's was basically a bunch of bad white boy rap with some funk slap bass thrown in. Now they've become a streamlined alt rock group, keeping things punchy and hooky without reverting to faux angst or sappy ballads. Almost. Lyrically, it's still pretty clunky, and there are a few throwaway soft numbers, but there is a grace in the band's playing, especially the guitarist's, lacking on previous releases. I figured this record would be more of the same suckiness I'd come to expect from the band, but just a different spin when the guitarist was talking about the classic rock influences on this album, causing me to picture bloated and stangnant songs, as drawn out as they were aimless. But he doesn't dwell on any one idea too long, even the spacier elements never lasting more than a few minutes. All in all, it's a matter of opinion I guess. I never liked Incubus's attempts at funk and pop, so I didn't really like any of their stuff up until now. So it's understandable that their fans would be dissapointed if they want more of that. But for me, it's a refreshing new change for the band, and they sound as inspired as ever. Also, there's no shitty DJ scratching which is a huge plus. Expand
  53. Democritus-
    Feb 9, 2004
    This is certainly different than the other albums released, but that has become a standard for incubus hasn't it. I think any person is disappointed at first listen, but once you go through it a few times (which I have tonight) you start to enjoy this album. Give it a chance, don't throw it out in the trash after the first listen. People thought Brand New's Deja Entendu was This is certainly different than the other albums released, but that has become a standard for incubus hasn't it. I think any person is disappointed at first listen, but once you go through it a few times (which I have tonight) you start to enjoy this album. Give it a chance, don't throw it out in the trash after the first listen. People thought Brand New's Deja Entendu was terrible at first listen but now it's considered the best album of 2003 by many. Expand
  54. danw
    Feb 9, 2004
    great album,
  55. tomg
    Feb 9, 2004
    better than morning view and different than most rock albums out there.
  56. christye
    Feb 9, 2004
    i love it its incubus and incubus is incubus to me
  57. DustinG
    Feb 9, 2004
    I'm all for experimntation, but they have seem to have gone downhill since Make Yourself. The whole CD I was hoping for that good, old, funk groove that made Incubus a great band in the past. There was nothing to rock out to except, MAYBE, Megalomaniac. Not what I hoped for.
  58. ronw
    Feb 9, 2004
    utter shit
  59. mt
    Feb 9, 2004
    After 2 listens this cd is very strong. Several tracks stand out. Another strong performance from Incubus.
  60. DaveM
    Feb 9, 2004
    Everything I've come to enjoy from Incubus with some twists.
  61. CurranF
    Feb 8, 2004
    This is Incubus' best album yet. It's lyrics are more meaningful and clever. It's music is more developed and complex. Brandon Boyd's voice has never sounded better, nor has Mike Einziger's guitar. It may be less accessible and less radio-friendly, but given a few listens this album can really hit you hard as Incubus discover a new sound and experiment with This is Incubus' best album yet. It's lyrics are more meaningful and clever. It's music is more developed and complex. Brandon Boyd's voice has never sounded better, nor has Mike Einziger's guitar. It may be less accessible and less radio-friendly, but given a few listens this album can really hit you hard as Incubus discover a new sound and experiment with prog-rock, jazz and a bit of electronica. Expand
  62. RemyBuB
    Feb 6, 2004
    If your a fan of incubus or ever have been in the past u should pick this cd up. "Make Yourself" was my previous favorite, but i'm thinking this one is even better. They rock out more than in "Morning View" Plus with the new bassist, they harmonize in some songs and its definitly a good change of pace. the guitar solo's are sweet, especially in 'Sick Sad Little World' If your a fan of incubus or ever have been in the past u should pick this cd up. "Make Yourself" was my previous favorite, but i'm thinking this one is even better. They rock out more than in "Morning View" Plus with the new bassist, they harmonize in some songs and its definitly a good change of pace. the guitar solo's are sweet, especially in 'Sick Sad Little World' Oh the limited edition with the dvd is a great added bonus too. Its got them in concert, and some funny behind the scenes action. over 26 minutes of extras. Buy this CD now if u havent already Expand
  63. Justin
    Feb 5, 2004
    CRAZY GOOD...best Incubus album yet.
  64. Justin
    Feb 5, 2004
    CRAZY GOOD...best Incubus album yet.
  65. D
    Feb 5, 2004
    This one is poor, just like Morning View. S.C.I.E.N.C.E. was quite neat, but it's been on a downhill since then

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. There’s conceivably a great record still lurking inside this band but you’re going to have to wait just a bit longer to hear it.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Tuneless, torturously knotty prog-metal. [13 Feb 2004, p.72]
  3. 40
    There’s little in the way of straightforward rock here[;] instead they have opted to renege on their commitment to flat-four crunch and embrace melodicism...and experimentalism.