• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 22, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
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  1. Jun 25, 2012
    Crazy critic reviewers, this album works for me and has grown on me with each listen, it's now my favourite album of the year. I really enjoyed their previous albums and this is probably a bit more 'poppy', but I'm never sure why that's always considered a bad thing. Beth Ditto's voice seems to have softened a lot on this album and that's also both a good and bad thing, I hope it's notCrazy critic reviewers, this album works for me and has grown on me with each listen, it's now my favourite album of the year. I really enjoyed their previous albums and this is probably a bit more 'poppy', but I'm never sure why that's always considered a bad thing. Beth Ditto's voice seems to have softened a lot on this album and that's also both a good and bad thing, I hope it's not gone for good, but it is nice to hear the difference. Specific track comments; Perfect World is fantastic, Get A Job great lyrics and mellow dancer, Move In the Right Direction is also a standout track and Into the Wild is timeless, actually the more I listen to this album the more I love each track and for me the joy in the album is the softer tone from their previous works. I'm sure I'll be listening to this as much as I listen to their other stuff. Expand
  2. May 29, 2012
    Seems as if Metacritic is getting lazy. Where's the Spin review? Looks like they're not posting a lot of the positive reviews. You can find a lot of great reviews from legitimate publications various places online. Google the reviews on this album! It's a great, solid record. Dancy and funky and still punky! Blondie went disco - get over it haters! Key Tracks: Melody Emergency, PerfectSeems as if Metacritic is getting lazy. Where's the Spin review? Looks like they're not posting a lot of the positive reviews. You can find a lot of great reviews from legitimate publications various places online. Google the reviews on this album! It's a great, solid record. Dancy and funky and still punky! Blondie went disco - get over it haters! Key Tracks: Melody Emergency, Perfect World, Get a Job, Move in the Right Direction, Get Lost, Horns I give the album a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars. :) Expand
  3. May 26, 2012
    I love Gossip but this new record is **** It sounds like some cookie-cutter Xenomania-produced garbage. Where's the Gossip edge? Where are the guitars? The dreadful album cover alone should have been enough to warn me that this record was going to suck. Standing in the Way of Control and Music for Men were so good. WTF happened??? Did David Guetta roofy them and steal their studio? If theyI love Gossip but this new record is **** It sounds like some cookie-cutter Xenomania-produced garbage. Where's the Gossip edge? Where are the guitars? The dreadful album cover alone should have been enough to warn me that this record was going to suck. Standing in the Way of Control and Music for Men were so good. WTF happened??? Did David Guetta roofy them and steal their studio? If they were going to do a straight dance record, they could have at least hired a good producer like Erol Alkan or Paul Epworth. F A I L Expand
  4. May 22, 2012
    It's an ignorance and lack of music criticism ability to rate this record under 70. I think, music critics should change themselves before the music dies. I am not a number one "the gossip" fan but this is one of the best album of 2012 so far! If you check the highest metascore list, you will see that noone's gonna listen most of them again next year. by the way, I listen to approx. 5-10It's an ignorance and lack of music criticism ability to rate this record under 70. I think, music critics should change themselves before the music dies. I am not a number one "the gossip" fan but this is one of the best album of 2012 so far! If you check the highest metascore list, you will see that noone's gonna listen most of them again next year. by the way, I listen to approx. 5-10 albums in a day!!!!!! Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Mojo
    Jul 18, 2012
    Toweringly camp singles like the slinky Perfect World and an album to enjoy on shuffle. [Jun 2012, p.92]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jun 20, 2012
    Serviceable camp pop as it is, there's little here to attract anyone who hasn't already bought into Gossip. [Jun 2012, p.102]
  3. Jun 15, 2012
    It's a boring album, it's a depressing album, but it's also a deeply cynical album.