• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: May 8, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 1525 Ratings

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  1. May 8, 2016
    Listening for the first time I liked it too, much more so than I imagined, because although good, the first two sounds not thrilled me so much. Overall has the identity of the band, especially after In Rainbows. I think Amok and Tomorrow's Modern Boxes were important to the Thom decide the path that would take this record. Thank you, Thom.
  2. May 20, 2016
    It´s almost impossible to rate Radiohead because they are like an art installation that keeps beeing interesting for over 20 years. I´m still waiting for an album where I can say, "ok, they lost touch or they don´t have it anymore" but they keep delivering. Just listening to Identikit and what a beast that song is!
  3. May 8, 2016
    Breathtaking, beautiful, sad, joyful, there is everything in this record. It is just perfect. The songs The Numbers and Identikit are standouts and there is no weak track. 10!
  4. May 8, 2016
    The tone this album took was quite unexpected. After the stressed out, urgent strings of Burn The Witch, I expected a album that was much more in your face than what we got. The Radiohead of A Moon Shaped Pool take a more subdued tone. It didn't matter. Like all other Radiohead albums, the rest of the after the album after the aforementioned opener carved out its own sonic space.The tone this album took was quite unexpected. After the stressed out, urgent strings of Burn The Witch, I expected a album that was much more in your face than what we got. The Radiohead of A Moon Shaped Pool take a more subdued tone. It didn't matter. Like all other Radiohead albums, the rest of the after the album after the aforementioned opener carved out its own sonic space. Radiohead take the weightless, somewhat minimalist Daydreaming and run with it throughout a really, really good album. It might just fall short of In Rainbows, at least after the first 4 or 5 listens, but it's a big deal that this Radiohead album has topped it's predecessor in A King of Limbs. Expand
  5. May 10, 2016
    Is a Darker in rainbows , Another masterpiece by Radiohead , awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome , awesome , awesome , awesome , awesome , awesome ,awesome
  6. Sep 20, 2016
    Top 3 AOTY in no order: 1.Radiohead: A moon shaped pool 2. Frank Ocean: Blonde 3. Nick Cave: Skeleton Tree. For me this three albums are masterpieces!
  7. May 11, 2016
    There is only one band on the planet that could produce an album like this. I was a big fan of TKoL as it was an album to immerse yourself in with layers of artfully painted music based on strokes of Yorkeish electronica melded with percussive influences. In AMSP Johnny Greenwood is given a chance to demonstrate the evolution of his composing talents with lush orchestral soundscapesThere is only one band on the planet that could produce an album like this. I was a big fan of TKoL as it was an album to immerse yourself in with layers of artfully painted music based on strokes of Yorkeish electronica melded with percussive influences. In AMSP Johnny Greenwood is given a chance to demonstrate the evolution of his composing talents with lush orchestral soundscapes driving much of the album. They have always set them selves apart from other bands with their ability to unveil little revelations with each listen, and this album is no exception. They are a band for true audiophiles. In short, this album is an eerily, majestic unfurling of the inner contemplations of maturing artists. Expand
  8. May 11, 2016
    Echoing desperation and sleepily on edge, this is a paranoid android on a damn good tranquilizer. By the middle of my first listen I couldn't tell what was up or sideways. I was lost in the most accessible and arguably the most convincing of the near flawless 25 year spree this band is now on.
  9. May 8, 2016
    Estheticly perfect and emotionally deep by now it is one of the best albums this year (along with Blackstar by David Bowie). If you ask me if this thing can change music industry, I would say "hell, yeah, what a quiestion?"
  10. May 8, 2016
    User named "getwiththetimes" is on crack and has no ears. I don't believe he even has the ability to process cognitive brain patterns. It's likely that he was dropped on his head as a baby, but perhaps he ate paint chips as a child. He is awarded no points, and may God have mercy on his soul. Though I truly believe that he is soulless husk.
  11. May 9, 2016
    Is a Radiohead Album for Radiohead Lovers, if the band doesn't get your taste before, this is no gonna make you like them. thath been say Radiohead music works in another level.
  12. Jan 5, 2017
    A Moon Shaped Pool é um disco rico em detalhes intencionalmente colocados, possui composições com significados além dos imagináveis. O que antecedeu o lançamento do álbum, foi um sumiço da banda da internet, onde em um marketing muito inteligente, eles se apagaram da internet e logo depois mandaram por e-mail uma carta aos fãs. O tema do disco também se remete a isso, sobre estar emA Moon Shaped Pool é um disco rico em detalhes intencionalmente colocados, possui composições com significados além dos imagináveis. O que antecedeu o lançamento do álbum, foi um sumiço da banda da internet, onde em um marketing muito inteligente, eles se apagaram da internet e logo depois mandaram por e-mail uma carta aos fãs. O tema do disco também se remete a isso, sobre estar em lugares e sobre o sumiço digital de forma a se associar com os estados de exceção. O disco foi apresentado pelo carro chefe "Burn the Witch" que fala sobre perseguir todos aqueles não estão dentro da norma padrão. As faixas aqui, em maioria, já eram conhecidas dos fãs e já tinham sido apresentadas ao vivo em ocasiões passadas, mas o resgate vai além, com a banda voltando a sua sonoridade orgânica que os consagrou quase 2 décadas antes e deixando as experimentações eletrônicas do último trabalho de lado. O álbum ainda nos surpreende com canções orquestradas, desacelerações e inversões vocais. Mais que um resgate, a banda aqui tem a oportunidade de reviver o passado na sua memória (mais uma vez dentro do conceito do álbum), juntando peças que ficaram para trás e de se atualizar de forma inteligente. Sem dúvidas, um dos melhores trabalhos de 2016. Expand
  13. May 9, 2016
    A Moon Shaped Pool is a celebration of subtlety. In it, Radiohead have not only mastered songgwriting, production and arrengement, they have reached maturity. It is the sound of a band that constantly reinvent themselves, but this time they take a strong step towards beauty. A haunting beauty which shows itself through the calm responses of broad strokes in a clean canvas. An inspirationalA Moon Shaped Pool is a celebration of subtlety. In it, Radiohead have not only mastered songgwriting, production and arrengement, they have reached maturity. It is the sound of a band that constantly reinvent themselves, but this time they take a strong step towards beauty. A haunting beauty which shows itself through the calm responses of broad strokes in a clean canvas. An inspirational journey that breathes emotion and suspense and reaches that through unseen resources. This band knows what they are doing, they have understood the complexity of "less is more" and used it together to craft something wonderful. This is no Yorke or Greenwood album, it is a collectively done masterpiece that will live through the ages. Expand
  14. May 10, 2016
    For me, In Rainbows is the Brainchild of Radiohead's unprecedented journey. However, listening to this (possibly final) Radiohead album finally put all the pieces together. It's clear that while this is not Radiohead's best album, it's certainly their most fluid and beautiful to date (maybe with the exception of Kid A). We start off with 'Burn the Witch', possibly the biggest punch of theFor me, In Rainbows is the Brainchild of Radiohead's unprecedented journey. However, listening to this (possibly final) Radiohead album finally put all the pieces together. It's clear that while this is not Radiohead's best album, it's certainly their most fluid and beautiful to date (maybe with the exception of Kid A). We start off with 'Burn the Witch', possibly the biggest punch of the album in terms of the 'rock-like' nature. This song maintains Radiohead's ability to continuously produce a kick-ass song opening. For me this is a 9 out of 10 song. We delve into the beauty and melancholy of 'Daydreaming', a personal favorite of mine. The song's hidden layers will keep you coming back for more and the growth/build of the song is like none other by Radiohead, Thom's vocals are heartbreaking. A 10/10 song for me. Next, we get the first new song 'Decks Dark', a fantasy (quite Dystopian-like) in which the piano carries the song (slower than the first but a build from 'Daydreaming') This song reminds me a bit of SHA from OK Computer (both of which are song#3 on respective albums). This song grew on me after multiple listens and I feel safe to give it a 9/10 at this point. "Desert Island Disk' is a song performed by Thom at the Paris Peace Concert along with 'Silent Spring/The Numbers". The guitar riff on this carries the song and eventually, grows into a jazz;-like groove. Overall an 8/10 for me and my least favorite on the album, but still a very pleasant song to listen to. 'Ful Stop' is next on the list. This song is slowly growing to become one of my favorites on the album; a bass and drum riff that grows until explosion with Thom murmuring 'You really messed up everything'. In the end, the product is an explosion of sound and rhythm (this may be Phil's highlight). 9.5/10 song. The intermission is 'Glass Eyes', another true beauty. This song is more of a ballad than anything, and a gorgeous one at that (likely formulated around Thom's breakup). This song may not be a 10/10, but it is perfect for the album and in the perfect place, over all 10/10. 'Identikit' is the last awakening of rock on the album and may be the most gripping song on the album. The song starts off with a very mild but funky bass and drum riff with Thom's vocals chiming in and out, and similarly to 'Ful Stop', builds into something exceptional with a well-needed guitar solo to close the song. 9.5/10. I could go on and on about this album and the remaining songs. 'The Numbers' is 'Silent Spring', a song played by Yorke at the Paris Peace Concert. Overall, a very 'chill' and accessible song with a build as the song nears its end. One I truly enjoyed as I was unsure what the song was until I heard the opening 'Silent Spring' chord and it brought me back to the concert. Well needed. Still debating what to rank this song. 'Present Tense' is possibly my third favorite on the album. This song is truly beautiful; the guitar, vocals, and smooth drumming compliment each other perfectly. I loved this song in concert and I love it now, 9.5/10 (on account of the slightly uneasy guitar opening which throws me off a bit) and a perfect fit for the album. The next song is one which truly grew on me after multiple listens and it is easily my second favorite on the album 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief'. This song title is long, but the song is perfect in length, well tailored. Another 'build' song which starts off slowly and builds as it goes on. The string section comes in so smoothly and elegantly to compliment Thom's stunning vocals. One of Radiohead's most notable modern melodies lies in this song. (10/10). The final song is one which I will not rate. I'm still deciding whether 'True Love Waits' was better on 'I Might Be Wrong' or on this album. Regardless, the lyrics are some of Radiohead's best. The melody...stunning...choice in instrumentation...debatable. I'll save this for some other day. Overall, this album is utterly stunning and beautiful, it's a true return to form for Radiohead and an exceptional fit to an exceptional legacy. Radiohead did not let me down and will forever be my all time favorite band with The Beatles. Enjoy everyone! Expand
  15. May 18, 2016
    A Moon Shaped Pool really sounds like the future of music and as usual Radiohead have completely obliterated the competition. Nu-minimalism, neo classical, Neil Young psych-folk meets the film scores of Thomas Newman, Bernard Herrmann and Penderecki....oh its just Radiohead changing music and art forever.
  16. May 8, 2016
    Really nice album, relaxing melodies with amazing lyrics.
    I don't wanna write anymore but metacritic don't let me send the review unless there is more than 150 characters.....
  17. May 8, 2016
    Melodic, elegant, dreamy like. This is radiohead hitting on all points. The string arrangements done by I'm assuming Johnny add a whole new element to their sound. I can't stop listening. On par with their best work. Clearly AOY.
  18. May 8, 2016
    I think this is the album most Radiohead fans would have wanted. The band seem totally content with where they are going on this album, and it is a confident, assured, accepting chapter in their history to boot. Hopefully not the final act in the epic journey that the most interesting band in the world have taken over the last 25 or so years, but one that would be fitting if it is.
    I think this is the album most Radiohead fans would have wanted. The band seem totally content with where they are going on this album, and it is a confident, assured, accepting chapter in their history to boot. Hopefully not the final act in the epic journey that the most interesting band in the world have taken over the last 25 or so years, but one that would be fitting if it is.
    They have come almost full circle with this album, incorporating many of the things they have mastered over the years and using them reassuredly
  19. May 9, 2016
    Wow. I thought I was finally over Radiohead. I wasn't a big fan of King of Limbs, and hadn't been paying attention to what they were working on. I wasn't expecting a new album.

    This is one of their best albums, period. Present Tense is already one of my favorite Radiohead songs. Ful Stop is incredible. Theres really a ton of top notch Radiohead songs here. Great melodies, beautiful,
    Wow. I thought I was finally over Radiohead. I wasn't a big fan of King of Limbs, and hadn't been paying attention to what they were working on. I wasn't expecting a new album.

    This is one of their best albums, period. Present Tense is already one of my favorite Radiohead songs. Ful Stop is incredible. Theres really a ton of top notch Radiohead songs here. Great melodies, beautiful, dense, imaginative and unique layers/arrangements. Its just a beautiful album.

    You either love Radiohead or hate them. Ive never understood the latter group. I'd like to think this album could win some of then over, but the reality is Radiohead just doesn't "click" with a lot of people. I've never understood why.

    But if you've ever been a Radiohead fan, I have no doubt youll find a lot to love here.

    Cant wait to see em at ACL.
  20. May 10, 2016
    Most complete Radiohead album yet. Another portion of inspiration to any other artist. As outstanding as always, even after so many years in industry. Just listen and immerse - you will get blown away.
  21. May 8, 2016
    This album can easily get a 10, it will be remembered as one of the best albums of this decade, and, why not, of the XXI century. Some songs take me to an unknown atmosphere.
  22. Aug 24, 2016
    Radiohead aces it yet again. This album deserves to be up there with their other masterpieces, OK Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows. The album isn't flashy. It's very subdued and nuanced. Radiohead aren't angry teenagers anymore, they are older and wiser. They treat the troubles of the world with calm and acceptance. The dense but lightweight soundscapes paired with Thom Yorke's mostRadiohead aces it yet again. This album deserves to be up there with their other masterpieces, OK Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows. The album isn't flashy. It's very subdued and nuanced. Radiohead aren't angry teenagers anymore, they are older and wiser. They treat the troubles of the world with calm and acceptance. The dense but lightweight soundscapes paired with Thom Yorke's most personal lyrics make this an album that's easy on the ears but heavy on the heart. Definitely check this album out. Expand
  23. Jul 7, 2016
    Dark, melancholy, bitter, anxious, existential, urgent...these words have been used to describe Radiohead's music in the past. Yet on A Moon Shaped Pool, these qualities are conspicuously absent. If you take these characteristics away from Radiohead's music, what do you have left? The answer is: beauty. A Moon Shaped Pool is a gorgeous symphonic album. To enjoy it, the listener only needsDark, melancholy, bitter, anxious, existential, urgent...these words have been used to describe Radiohead's music in the past. Yet on A Moon Shaped Pool, these qualities are conspicuously absent. If you take these characteristics away from Radiohead's music, what do you have left? The answer is: beauty. A Moon Shaped Pool is a gorgeous symphonic album. To enjoy it, the listener only needs to erase his expectations about Radiohead, surrender himself to the music, and allow the band to take him on a euphoric journey. The only things that are consistent across all of the band's albums are top-of-the-line songwriting, masterful instrumentation, and emotionally compelling and profound music. If you want bitterness from Radiohead, you have eight previous albums from which to choose. I'm proud of the band because they have made a masterpiece on which their trademark bitterness and urgency are largely absent, something that I wasn't sure they could do. The songs on A Moon Shaped Pool are intricate and nuanced, yet, for the most part, warm and organic. For perhaps the first time, Radiohead have made an album that is emotionally warm and comforting. As a result, they have once again proven that they can shed their old skin, put on a new one, and still be the best band alive. Expand
  24. May 11, 2016
    This album is much different from their others, it has so many amazing songs too. It's much sadder than all of their other albums and still manages to sound like Radiohead.
  25. May 12, 2016
    Absolutely amazing album. It feels like they've revisited their old albums and incorporated those with their current style. Definitely a big improvement over The King of Limbs for me. This album deserves a spot right next to Kid A and OK Computer.
  26. May 8, 2016
    It's been five years since their release of The King of Limbs, yet Radiohead continues to delve into darkly uncharted territory, and beautifully crafts a masterpiece of apocalyptic proportions.
  27. May 9, 2016
    It's so beautifully subtle. I love the pizzicatos at the beginning giving that strange sense of foreboding. The chord progressions and the ambience are so uniquely Radiohead's, yet it is obvious they've got a new sound. It's an elegantly-composed album, so full of small details that add greatly to the entire listening experience. Thom's voice sounds just like it was 15 years ago. It's goodIt's so beautifully subtle. I love the pizzicatos at the beginning giving that strange sense of foreboding. The chord progressions and the ambience are so uniquely Radiohead's, yet it is obvious they've got a new sound. It's an elegantly-composed album, so full of small details that add greatly to the entire listening experience. Thom's voice sounds just like it was 15 years ago. It's good to have you back, Radiohead. Expand
  28. May 10, 2016
    How is Beyonce's new album higher rated then this? A Moon shaped pool is fantastic and if you're a Radiohead fan, you'll love every track. PROTIP: listen to it on repeat, it gets better on new game plus ;)
  29. May 8, 2016
    Best album since OK Computer. (Review in portuguese)

    Radiohead se reinventa a cada álbum. Isso é fato. Desde Pablo Honey, seus álbuns posteriores costumam sempre ser uma espécie de borboleta libertada do casulo do álbum anterior. Se com "The Bends" tivemos a evolução da guitarra nervosa de Jonny Greenwood em relação ao seu álbum de estreia, em "OK Computer" tivemos a quintessência do
    Best album since OK Computer. (Review in portuguese)

    Radiohead se reinventa a cada álbum. Isso é fato. Desde Pablo Honey, seus álbuns posteriores costumam sempre ser uma espécie de borboleta libertada do casulo do álbum anterior. Se com "The Bends" tivemos a evolução da guitarra nervosa de Jonny Greenwood em relação ao seu álbum de estreia, em "OK Computer" tivemos a quintessência do grupo, um álbum tão impactante para os anos 90, como Dark Side of the Moon foi nos anos 70. Porém, ao término da "trinca" inicial de álbuns, em que o falsete de Thom Yorke se aventurava dentre as guitarras poderosas do grupo e por um belo casamento da "cozinha" da banda (baixo e bateria), temos a releitura mais radical do grupo com "Kid A", álbum que foi um divisor de águas no cenário musical, algo que se seguiu até "In Rainbows". Claro, tivemos flertes com o antigo e bom rock "sujo" presente no Radiohead dos anos 90. Porém, nunca tão efervescente como nesse registro aqui. Se em "The King of Limbs" tivemos uma predominância quase que total de elementos eletrônicos experimentais, (algo que enjoava em certas partes), aqui em "A Moon Shaped Pool" temos uma bela mescla de todos os gêneros que já se tiveram presentes ao longo da jornada da banda. É provavelmente o álbum mais eficiente em sua proposta, mais ainda que "Hail to the Thief". E o mais consistente desde OK Computer. Pra muitos vai ser o "bom e velho" Radiohead flertando com o "Radiohead do século 21", mas não existe "Radiohead daqui" ou "Radiohead dali", essa é a mesma banda que iniciou sua jornada em 1993, e que a cada novo registro se reinventa de forma satisfatória, e que hoje revela seu disco mais revolucionário desde OK Computer, e que provavelmente se tornará um marco para a música.
    Continue assim Radiohead, sendo um dos últimos fornecedores de frescor musical, em meio a esse circo de horrores que se tornou a indústria.
  30. May 10, 2016
    Wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did since I wasn't that crazy about "Burn the Witch" when it was just first released but that song kinda grew on me a bit but thankfully it's the weakest track on here. The other tracks are absolutely stunning. "Daydreaming," "Glass Eyes," and "Ful Stop" might be my favorites on here, but "Daydreaming," in particular is one of the greatest songsWasn't expecting to like this as much as I did since I wasn't that crazy about "Burn the Witch" when it was just first released but that song kinda grew on me a bit but thankfully it's the weakest track on here. The other tracks are absolutely stunning. "Daydreaming," "Glass Eyes," and "Ful Stop" might be my favorites on here, but "Daydreaming," in particular is one of the greatest songs Radiohead has ever done. Absolutely compelling and exceptional track. I've listened to this on loop all day and I have to say I continue to crave it. I understand that there will be those who are like "this is meh because they didn't experiment," who are ironically the ones who were like "uhh.. This isn't MY Radiohead I love," when they experimented with TKoL.

    Experimental or not, just take this album for what it is: gorgeous, transportive, and organized songs that we should be rejoicing over. It has been so long since we had a Radiohead album, and this is a wonderful way to come back.

Universal acclaim - based on 43 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 43
  2. Negative: 0 out of 43
  1. Aug 11, 2016
    Gone are any remnants of yesteryear's "rock music" ideology, thrusting Radiohead into a mature state of potentially their best work still to come.
  2. Magnet
    Aug 9, 2016
    This is Radiohead's deepest, darkest pool of devotion and doubt in a career marked by almost nothing but. [No. 133, p.51]
  3. Uncut
    Jun 21, 2016
    There's a lighter, more hopeful bent to the musical settings, which perfectly balance the more dissonant leanings of The King Of Limbs with a sumptuousness and gentleness they've rarely sought since OK Computer. [Aug 2016, p.81]