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Generally favorable reviews- based on 511 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 63 out of 511
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  1. Jun 18, 2012
    I thought this album was fantastic. Really showed a new level for LP. It is a much more serious album and you should know that the album is one your going to want to listen to from start to finish. Otherwise your not going to get a good feel for it. This album is not just a bunch of 3-4 minute singles like most of the stuff before it. In summary this is Linkin Park + Depth. Well worthI thought this album was fantastic. Really showed a new level for LP. It is a much more serious album and you should know that the album is one your going to want to listen to from start to finish. Otherwise your not going to get a good feel for it. This album is not just a bunch of 3-4 minute singles like most of the stuff before it. In summary this is Linkin Park + Depth. Well worth a listen. Expand
  2. Jul 17, 2012
    This is definitely the most organic of Linkin Park's albums. Highly experimental and fully of politically and socially charged lyrics, A Thousand Suns holds up well, but it seems to be lacking much of the heart of the albums before it. It's a good album, but not a very strong one.
  3. Dec 23, 2012
    1 mark for iredescent, and one mark for the catalyst cos those are the only two decent tracks on the album. the rest sucks! this album is an insult to hybrid theory and meteora!
  4. May 11, 2013
    For now, Linkin Park is quite crap. Not for this album. Though quite far away from maintaing its experimental themes of apocalypse (which they are trying to talk about in the album), Linkin Park's shift has gone unnoticed. And by far this is their best album. Not fantastic but not so bad.
  5. Mar 24, 2013
    This was simply not a good album.
  6. Oct 14, 2013
    Well this is definetaly LP's most controversial album for the fans becuase it throws away the HT and Meteora sound completely and comes in with a completely different. I think this album is really, really good! The Intros or 1 minute tracks is there to boost up the tracks they are connected to for an even more mind blowing experience. What holds this album back is "The Messenger", theWell this is definetaly LP's most controversial album for the fans becuase it throws away the HT and Meteora sound completely and comes in with a completely different. I think this album is really, really good! The Intros or 1 minute tracks is there to boost up the tracks they are connected to for an even more mind blowing experience. What holds this album back is "The Messenger", the closing track. Absolutely HORRIFIC track. The album's second to last song "The Catalyst" would be a perfec closer because it is so epic!! Another unnecesary track n my opinion would be "Robot Boy". It is some piano melody and a line repeated over and over again. It would be cool if it was like 2 minutes but this song is 4:29! Now over to the good songs:

    "Burning In The Skies" is the third track on the album which is connected to the first 2 songs and this is a calm song with chester singing through the whole song. Here is lines repeated again just like "Robot Boy" which I wasnt a huge fan of but the song keeps my interest.

    "When They Come For Me" is another excellent track. It is one of the few times Mike Shinoda really gets to shine along with his rap on

    "Wretches and Kings", his rapping on "Waiting For The End" and singing on "Iridiscent". "When They Come For Me" is very world-music influenced with native bongo drums or something and really cool singing by chester. Aaaahhaahhaaahaa!

    Jornada Del Muerto is the only track under 2:00 minutes i would want to touch on. It is definetly my favorite of the under 2:00 minute songs on this album if I choose one because it has a cool guitar solo or something and Mike's voice sounds really cool while he sings in a foreign language. It is a perfect transition to my second favorite song on this album "Waiting For The End" which is a close second to the lead single "The Catalyst".

    "Waiting For The End" is a really epic 4 minute song that for some reason reminds me a lot of M.I.A's classic: "Paper Planes". Rob's drumming is very good and I hear a cowbell sond or something frequently. Chester's singing is really good.f tones on it. What I think make's this such an outstanding track is the multilayered acapella's that you hear along with all the little details and effects in this song which makes this song quite a masterpiece. Also Mike's rap is really good.

    "Blackout" is the next song and I would say this is one of the most upbeat songs on this war influenced concept album. It has a really catchy melody that is played throughout the song and Chester is almost rapping in this song and it sounds really cool. Also Mr.Hahn's remix of the song that comes in the second half is really well done and is a blast to listen to and is one of the few times where Mr.Hahn really gets to shine and embrace his excellent scratcing and mixing skills.

    "Wretches and Kings" is the next song which starts of with another reference from some old recording. He talks about how the machines are talking over. The Main Riff by Brad with a lot of effects on it is really unique and makes this track really stand out and this song is also another time where Mr.Hahn really gets to shine on his turntable.

    "Iridiscent" is the next song I want to talk about. Featured in Transformers 3. It is basically a ballad with Mike and Chester singing back and forth. Not the most interesting on the album but is definetaly a very good song.

    "The Catalyst" is the last song I want to talk about. I remember back in 2010 when I heard this for the first time. At that time I had been listening to LP for about 2 years and I had no Idea they were gonna release a new album. I logged in to spotify and went to Linkin Park's discography page and I saw this song "The Catalyst". I listened to it and my mind was blown. This song was truly epic. It was'nt traditional 3:30 minute LP this was something completely different. I could not stop listening to it.

    Well this has been my review and I enjoyed writing it while listening through the whole album. Overall score: 9.4/10
  7. Sep 29, 2013
    At the beginning of the listening of this album, I was a little divided good or bad album Good or bad come back I've found my answer this album is an experimental album, this album is a concept album, this album is the best (from the Linkin Park discography).

    All the tracks are worked, the writing is very high, the group had mix Rock with Experimental and it fuc*ing works ! So
    At the beginning of the listening of this album, I was a little divided good or bad album Good or bad come back I've found my answer this album is an experimental album, this album is a concept album, this album is the best (from the Linkin Park discography).

    All the tracks are worked, the writing is very high, the group had mix Rock with Experimental and it fuc*ing works !
    So well appreciate this album at its first listening isn't really easy, maybe not possible But this album is probably the best Linkin Park album, I wish Linkin Park will return to this composition style and work, because even if I like A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES or LIVING THINGS well, the landing was difficult after the take-off which was A Thousand Suns.

    The masterpiece The Catalyst
    The best tracks Burning In The Skies, Blackout, When They Come For Me, Wretches And Kings
    The worse track Iridescent
  8. Mar 16, 2014
    A Thousand Suns is almost insulting to Linkin Park fans (at least, true Linkin Park fans). Just seems like a sellout to make an extra buck, and is far from the sound that I (and I'm sure, many other people) loved from Meteora, Hybrid Theory, etc.

    I wouldn't mind a little electronica, but this is too much. Overproduced and dull, could hardly listen through three songs before giving up.
    A Thousand Suns is almost insulting to Linkin Park fans (at least, true Linkin Park fans). Just seems like a sellout to make an extra buck, and is far from the sound that I (and I'm sure, many other people) loved from Meteora, Hybrid Theory, etc.

    I wouldn't mind a little electronica, but this is too much. Overproduced and dull, could hardly listen through three songs before giving up. I'll admit it's not all entirely bad, but coming from what used to be metal and hard rock to this is disorienting and angering. It hurts thinking people actually respect this album, and whilst I can't disagree with their opinions, I'm assuming they don't understand what it means to a true metal and post hardcore fan such as myself to have something almost perfect revoked.
  9. Mar 10, 2018
    Most of my criticisms of this album are of the unnecessary filler instrumentals which have no point to them. Empty Spaces? Come on, that track may as well be called "20 seconds of filler". But the full length tracks are pretty consistently good. Tracks like Wretches & Kings, Blackout, The Catalyst and Waiting for the End show us why Linkin Park is such a great band
  10. May 22, 2019
    A masterpiece! Linkin Park experienced with electronic sounds and it payed off.
  11. Sep 24, 2015
    This is the experimentation that Linkin Park should have done instead of Minutes of Midnight. A Thousand Suns pushes the boundaries for the band, and it's made them stronger than ever.
  12. Jan 11, 2016
    A Thousand Suns é o álbum mais aclamado da crítica e o que tem um maior conceito do linkin Park, o conceito da guerra nuclear. Ele é maravilhoso, com músicas ótimas. É um dos meus três favoritos da banda. Só há uma coisa que ele peca: excesso de faixas curtas.

    Pontos Altos: Robot Boy, Blackout, The Catalyst
    Pontos Baixos: The Radiance, Jornada Del Muerto, Fallout
  13. Mar 13, 2016
    If you loved their previous albums with their nu-metal sound, then you can't love this one. If Linkin Park wants more hits, they should stay at their nu-metal sound or make more masterpieces because there is nothing here like In The End, Numb, Crawling e.t.c
  14. Apr 16, 2016
    It's an artistic album, I enjoyed and found it creative. There are a lot of overcoming songs which are great and catchy, "Waiting For The End" for example, is one of them.
  15. Jan 3, 2017
    Linkin Park prove better their talent in this album than Minutes to Midnight, because they contains some of their greatest songs, but the album is mixed overall. Some tracks such as Burning in the Skies, Waiting for the End are great, other good track like Robot boy or The Catalyst saves the album, but the track The Messenger doesn't fit at all with the rest of the album, and there are tooLinkin Park prove better their talent in this album than Minutes to Midnight, because they contains some of their greatest songs, but the album is mixed overall. Some tracks such as Burning in the Skies, Waiting for the End are great, other good track like Robot boy or The Catalyst saves the album, but the track The Messenger doesn't fit at all with the rest of the album, and there are too much useless instrumental track compared to their previous and later releases. They should have put less instrumental tracks to adopt a standard 11-12 tracks form like their other albums. Taking onto account mediocre tracks and highlights singles, A six out of ten would be suitable. Expand
  16. Mar 1, 2017
    since meteora, a thousands suns is the best linkin park album. is not nu metal but is sooooooooooooo great. viva Waiting for the end, blackout, when they come from me,the catalyst,irisdecent,the mesenger, etc,etc
  17. May 18, 2019
    One of the best album by Linkin Park. The band finally found their own sound and created a truly great album.
  18. Aug 7, 2021
    Great underrated album. I liked the experimentation on this one.
    Best songs: Waiting for the End
    Worst songs: -
  19. Aug 20, 2021
    The album has some bangers, like "Iridiscent", "Waiting For The End" is definitely one of my favorite LP Songs, though the album has wayy too many skits. I still get uncomfortable knowing that 'Meteora' had the Foreword on it, which is basically just the intro for 'Don't Stay' and here they need 2 skits together almost as long as one song to introduce their record and there is more to go.The album has some bangers, like "Iridiscent", "Waiting For The End" is definitely one of my favorite LP Songs, though the album has wayy too many skits. I still get uncomfortable knowing that 'Meteora' had the Foreword on it, which is basically just the intro for 'Don't Stay' and here they need 2 skits together almost as long as one song to introduce their record and there is more to go. It has bangers, it's definitely not bad as i would say, but i feel like a lot of those skits are useless and try to fill the album, which is kinda disappointing to me. Although i must say, this is quite a step up from "Minutes To MIdnight". Expand
  20. Nov 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I have never thought that Chester can rap. That is why you should listen this album. Expand
  21. Aug 1, 2023
    Very unique and interesting, I didn't appreciate it much at first but it definitely grew on me more and more over time.
  22. Dec 28, 2022
    A great album with a great concept definitely one of there best and most misunderstood masterpieces
  23. Jun 21, 2023
    Venturing away from their rap-rock formula that thrust them into the limelight with Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes to Midnight, Linkin Park have embraced creativity on A Thousand Suns and its a gamble that pays off in a big way.
    Gone are the back and forth vocal tradeoffs between Shinoda and Bennington and in their place are carefully pieced together electronic rock songs with an
    Venturing away from their rap-rock formula that thrust them into the limelight with Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes to Midnight, Linkin Park have embraced creativity on A Thousand Suns and its a gamble that pays off in a big way.
    Gone are the back and forth vocal tradeoffs between Shinoda and Bennington and in their place are carefully pieced together electronic rock songs with an overarching theme of brooding and impending destruction. A Thousand Suns of course refers to the description of the Manhattan Project and atomic bomb tests - the bombs being "brighter than a thousand suns" and there's an underlying unsettling feeling throughout. It's like we are listening to a musical adaptation of the tension, fear and anticipation during those atomic tests. There's an end of the world feel to songs like Blackout, Waiting For The End and The Catalyst and clever sampling makes the album feel like it could've been written by some musically gifted A.I in response to the events of the atomic bombs being dropped.
    I personally love this album because its different, it's not afraid to stand on its own and it excels in expressing dread. Its ambitious, experimental and a ride that you won't want to get off until it concludes. Chester's voice sounds amazing - especially on Waiting For The End and Iridescent - two of my now all-time favourite LP songs. Just the way these tracks build to a huge conclusion is testament to the group's song-writing prowess.
    I hope this album is remembered for many many years as the wonderful piece of art that it is - not just a band writing by the numbers but letting go of the safety bar and allowing themselves to express their creativity in a big big way.
  24. May 26, 2023
    It's one of the best concept albums in modern rock. The members of the band were not afraid of misunderstanding which could be. They have just made what they wanted to make. The album dives you into unbelievable atmosphere of the imminent apocalypse which depends on what people do and how. Harmonic combination of songs which are calm from despair and songs which are rigid from life'sIt's one of the best concept albums in modern rock. The members of the band were not afraid of misunderstanding which could be. They have just made what they wanted to make. The album dives you into unbelievable atmosphere of the imminent apocalypse which depends on what people do and how. Harmonic combination of songs which are calm from despair and songs which are rigid from life's reality. The best songs, as for me: Wretches and kings, The Catalyst, Burning in the skies. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. With Rick Rubin co-producing, the band embraces not just synth-pop clamor but also dancehall-style chants and U2's grandiosity. It's the sound of Linkin Park feeling their way toward a new identity, but their skill for melody is obvious.
  2. They didn't want whatever their next album was to be predictable, and while A Thousand Suns might have emerged by accident compared to previous LPs, it's certainly a far from plays-to-perceived-type affair.
  3. On its latest release, A Thousand Suns, the six-piece rock act truly breaks the habit of everything we've heard from it before.