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Generally favorable reviews- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 74
  2. Negative: 4 out of 74
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  1. Mar 21, 2020
    This album was the most immaculate project that i've heard and definitely one of the best albums that i've ever heard throught this entire year. Jay Electronica and Jay-Z were the perfect match for each other. also the production on this album was top notch from start to finish and mostly the lyricism on this project was on point. This LP was definitely worth the wait.
  2. Mar 19, 2020
    In a world of mumble rap and amidst a massive release from Lil Uzi Vert in the same week this album is a lyrical refresher for the hip-hop genre. It allows for a new generation to learn from the patience and articulation Jay Electronica expresses here with the help of Jay Z. This is 100% a joint album between the two and an effort to spread the teachings of the Nation of Islam while alsoIn a world of mumble rap and amidst a massive release from Lil Uzi Vert in the same week this album is a lyrical refresher for the hip-hop genre. It allows for a new generation to learn from the patience and articulation Jay Electronica expresses here with the help of Jay Z. This is 100% a joint album between the two and an effort to spread the teachings of the Nation of Islam while also smoothly skating on incredible beats. Jay Elec himself produced most of the songs while The Alchemist, No-ID, Hit Boy and Swizz Beats lend a hand. The lyricism and production is unlike anything mainstream music has heard since Freddie Gibbs and Madlib's "Bandana". It was well worth the 10 year wait for this album and it will for sure be on repeat for the underground and dedicated listener. Jay Elec also positioned himself back into the underground by not including Jay Z on the track list which for some came as a nice surprise. For others who may only give this album a glance, without Hov's name on the track list they may skip over it whereas they may have jumped on it with his name attached. Expand
  3. Mar 23, 2020
    One of the best albums I've personally ever listened to. The general flow and transitions are amazingly done, and the tone really fits the speed of the album.
  4. Apr 3, 2020
    Album of the year. Masterpiece from Jay Electronica. Jay Z merks every track he’s on, as always.
  5. Mar 18, 2020
    Solid rapping production isn't the norm but it's fine they tried pushing the sound sonically
  6. Mar 20, 2020
    A fully realised project. Amazing, jarring production in places evened out by smart verses and catchy hooks. Each song has it's place and makes for a cohesive 40 minutes.

    The Blinding is a certified banger, produced by Hit-Boy of Backseat Freestyle and you can hear it. An assault on the senses in the best way before a beat change with slower and considered bars. Flux Capacitor with a
    A fully realised project. Amazing, jarring production in places evened out by smart verses and catchy hooks. Each song has it's place and makes for a cohesive 40 minutes.

    The Blinding is a certified banger, produced by Hit-Boy of Backseat Freestyle and you can hear it. An assault on the senses in the best way before a beat change with slower and considered bars.

    Flux Capacitor with a simple, off-beat hook by Jay Z could easily be the makings of a radio friendly hit. Instead, Jay Electronica's beat on this thing is so harsh and in your face that it counters any simplicity. Not to mention this is Jay Z's best appearance on the album. His verse is perfect.

    Jay E's best moment comes on the slow and beautiful ballad of Ezekiel's Wheel. Such a beautiful way to slow down the album and fade us out, and his two verses make it such an amazing song.

    I get that people have a problem with Jay Z being on this a lot with it being called a solo album, but I don't see it as a negative. It is completely Jay Electronica's vision, and Jay Z brings his top form to a project far different to any other he's been on.
    This is such a breath of fresh air to me. It's the most unique and bold rap album I've heard in years.
  7. Jul 25, 2021
    This is a pretty great Jay Z album, with Electronica providing some strong raps as well. The instrumentals are a highlight as well, with some being the most beautiful you'll ever hear, along with songs like Flux Capacitor with more blown out, experimental beats. Would recommend for any Jay Z fan, or people who liked the third verse of Control.
  8. Sep 3, 2021
    Still waiting on that solo LP jayelec - One of the greatest to ever do it. APIDTA had me crying like a baby
  9. Apr 26, 2020
    I lately feel like Alexander Fleming. Maybe by accident or maybe because Spotify wants me to stop listening to 20M+ monthly listeners artists, I am discovering a bunch of amazing ones by surprise. And what a surprise. Jay Electronica has come to me in a time when after a month and a half of self isolation, I started to believe that nothing but me or my closest friends or family membersI lately feel like Alexander Fleming. Maybe by accident or maybe because Spotify wants me to stop listening to 20M+ monthly listeners artists, I am discovering a bunch of amazing ones by surprise. And what a surprise. Jay Electronica has come to me in a time when after a month and a half of self isolation, I started to believe that nothing but me or my closest friends or family members exist. The world is monstrously huge and, due to censor or ignorance, we constantly forget that there is war, poverty and hunger in many places in the world. This record has brought that desire to fight for something back to me after feeling empty. Words can't express how greatful I am for having this album in my playlist.
    There is a fine line between screaming and shouting, between an argument and war. "A Written Testimony"'s sound stands on this line since the music is aggressive without being boisterous. The album has a perfect equilibrium between peace and evil. A strong reivindicative message exists thoughout the whole record in major part due to the author's necessity to let all his thoughts and feelings out. Just scream, shout and let it all out. Maybe because or perhaps of its brevety, this 40-minute long album is the strongest, cleanest, freest political expression turned hip hop record that I have seen in recent years. It has time for everything, from violent revolution to small talking. The skillset of Jay Electronica as both an MC and a producer is on full display. Even though it is true that the background sound effects sometimes bomb the artist's artistic rap, this album wouldn't have been this fine without it.
    However, the album is exquisite. While dozens of 'artists' have made their mark on rap with one banger, made the crowds dance during one Billboard 100 hit and have been pleased with this level of fame and impact. Well, not enough consistency. A lot of them have fallen into oblivion after only a few years without an album, but not Jay Electronica, who didn't and won't. I am looking forward to hearing what he has to offer on his next album which I hopefully pray gets released sooner as this one.
  10. Mar 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I'm a huge fan, but this is certainly no classic, however it's good, makes me want to wait out for him and just blaze to do one. He gains points for being the main producer and everyone who's disappointed with Jay Zs appearances are Crazy. Think about it like this electronica had the prowess to not only get us the best Jay Z in years, but also manages to fully convert him to a full Muslim in the process, righteous twenty years younger rejuvenated Jatly Z and visionary Jay Electronica. Doesnt live up to the hype, that's impossible but its solid, fantano butchered this one. Expand
  11. Apr 4, 2020
    Great production (mostly) but occasionally raps sound disconnected from melody and a distraction. Well worth repeated listens as each reveals more from production.
  12. May 5, 2020
    ( 77/100 )

    Para ser una álbum debut, realmente hay mucho que desear. Las letras son personales e intimas, pero la producción, a cargo de un grupo de productores en la que destaca él mismo, no propone un diferenciador importante. A pesar de eso, el atractivo es evidente, las melodías fácilmente serán populares, alude a la nostalgia con los samples y usa loops para generar esa clásica
    ( 77/100 )

    Para ser una álbum debut, realmente hay mucho que desear. Las letras son personales e intimas, pero la producción, a cargo de un grupo de productores en la que destaca él mismo, no propone un diferenciador importante. A pesar de eso, el atractivo es evidente, las melodías fácilmente serán populares, alude a la nostalgia con los samples y usa loops para generar esa clásica esencia del Hip-Hop reflexibo y de observación. Por otro lado también se ariesga a compartir su propia visión de Hip Hop popular y logra un par de track de harán bailar a la gente. "A Written Testimony", aunque no es nada nuevo, el lo bueno de lo ya existe.
    For being a debut album there's a lot to wish. The lyrics are personal and intimate, but the production, where he is the main best in between all of the other 8, doesn't propose an important differentiator. Even though that, the attractiveness can be seen, the melodies will easily be popular, alludes to the nostalgia with his samples and he uses loops to create that classic essence of reflexive and observational Hip-Hop. On the other side, it risks to share his vision in popular Hip Hop and achieves a couple of tracks that will make people dance. "A Written Testimony", even if it's nothing new, it's the good things of what it already exists.
  13. Jan 20, 2021
    This album is so beautiful and feels like a real religious experience. Jay Electronica's bars are extremely creative but the highlight of the record is the use of collaborations. The record is extremely skilled in conveying it's ideals of spirituality and how it affects personal relationships. My favourite is the melancholy closer which resembled a goodbye at a funeral. I love the chorus.This album is so beautiful and feels like a real religious experience. Jay Electronica's bars are extremely creative but the highlight of the record is the use of collaborations. The record is extremely skilled in conveying it's ideals of spirituality and how it affects personal relationships. My favourite is the melancholy closer which resembled a goodbye at a funeral. I love the chorus. Favorites:A.P.I.D.T.A. Expand
  14. Mar 6, 2021
    This requires some time to truly get into it. After a while realize even more what this is all about. Production is really weird and oscillate between amazing and quite bad according to me. Some tracks are really painful to listen to at some point even if you give it several chances. For example 'Flux Capacitor' is that kind of song that seems so drafty and overdetailed that it almostThis requires some time to truly get into it. After a while realize even more what this is all about. Production is really weird and oscillate between amazing and quite bad according to me. Some tracks are really painful to listen to at some point even if you give it several chances. For example 'Flux Capacitor' is that kind of song that seems so drafty and overdetailed that it almost becomes unlistenable. On the opposite Jay Electronica shows us that he also can achieve some amazing work as in the end of 'Flux Capacitor' or in the next one called 'Fruits of the Spirit'.

    The omnipresence of Jay-Z is really questionnable to me since we hear him almost as much as Jay Electronica himself if not more. The fact that he is uncredited all along raise even more questions. People wanted so much more that the tracks with other guests (and especially with Travis Scott) appear to be more popular than the rest (I mean just Jay-Z and Jay Electronica).

    Anyway it is hard to deny this album truly has something. The sequence of tracks is great, we go through so many different styles and moods. The religious message bring even more depth to the whole. Jay-Z's presence were honestly welcome but maybe not that much. I have to highlight his verses and his constant effort even if I also identify it as the major weakness of 'A Written Testimony'.

    I could have given 'A Written Testimony' an 8 out of 10 if its artistic development and appearance were not that blurry and incoherent. Thinking about Jay Electronica saying that he released this project after working on it for ten years is really destabilising.
  15. Apr 9, 2020
    Decent album with a bunch of pretty great songs and verses from both Jay's. Production was very quality with high points being on The Blinding, Ghost of Soulja Slim, and The Neverending Story produced by The Alchemist, who is always consistent. One choice Jay and his producers made that kind of confused me was the incessant use of the kids cheering sound effect. The weakest song of theDecent album with a bunch of pretty great songs and verses from both Jay's. Production was very quality with high points being on The Blinding, Ghost of Soulja Slim, and The Neverending Story produced by The Alchemist, who is always consistent. One choice Jay and his producers made that kind of confused me was the incessant use of the kids cheering sound effect. The weakest song of the album has to be Flux Capacitor, which has a pretty weak beat, but good verses. The thing that gets me about this album, however, is that it isn't really a Jay Electronica album. Jay Z is on almost every song and has all the best verses. While this isn't a bad thing on. its own, this was supposed to be Jay Electronica's shining moment and for this reason, the album is brought down for me. Also the inclusion of Louis Farrakhan, who has made many Anti-Semitic comments, is a bit iffy. Expand
  16. Jun 10, 2020
    Not what I wanted from a Jay Electronica “debut”.. Hov out rapped him, which is not a surprise, but Hov shouldn’t have been on so many tracks. Some of beats on here also weren’t the best. Still though there was really good rapping from both of them.
  17. Mar 18, 2020
    Ok so full transparency, this album would be a nine if it wasn't for a few things. First, this is a collab album no hiding it or disguising it. Thus making it a way easier and more palatable as a debut. Second, was definitely the weaker half of this album. JayZ did great and if it was his project it would be a 9. Jay electronica got a pass because of exhibit c and how great it was. But meOk so full transparency, this album would be a nine if it wasn't for a few things. First, this is a collab album no hiding it or disguising it. Thus making it a way easier and more palatable as a debut. Second, was definitely the weaker half of this album. JayZ did great and if it was his project it would be a 9. Jay electronica got a pass because of exhibit c and how great it was. But me personally, I can't give this a higher score. Expand
  18. Jun 8, 2020
    This was a very underwhelming album. I expected more from Jay Electronica, who showed great potential in the late 2000s, and I thought his verse on Control was pretty good. Then he is gone almost a decade, and comes out with this. An album as much a Jay-Z album as a Jay Electronica album. The features are underwhelming. Travis Scott, who usually has great hooks, had an awful hook withThis was a very underwhelming album. I expected more from Jay Electronica, who showed great potential in the late 2000s, and I thought his verse on Control was pretty good. Then he is gone almost a decade, and comes out with this. An album as much a Jay-Z album as a Jay Electronica album. The features are underwhelming. Travis Scott, who usually has great hooks, had an awful hook with awful autotune on The Blinding. The mixing, the beats, everything about this album feels rushed, but it shouldn't. He had a decade to make this, and it still turned out not too good. I think i prefer Jay-Z's verses on this one. Expand
  19. Jun 14, 2020
    Not being familar with Jay Electronica prior to listening to this, I really struggled to get through this album. It contains some clever lyricism, but I was caught off guard by the prominence of Jay Z even though he isn't mentioned anywhere.

    A Written Testimony gives the impression of an unfinished work. One of the better songs, Ghost of Soulja Slim is a 4:30 track with 2 minutes of dead
    Not being familar with Jay Electronica prior to listening to this, I really struggled to get through this album. It contains some clever lyricism, but I was caught off guard by the prominence of Jay Z even though he isn't mentioned anywhere.

    A Written Testimony gives the impression of an unfinished work. One of the better songs, Ghost of Soulja Slim is a 4:30 track with 2 minutes of dead space at the end, and only one short verse from Jay E. It starts developing well, but just does not deliver on the promise it creates. This, along with other strange production decisions like sampling what sounds like speeches and repeatedly playing children screaming "yay" (which is so incredibly out of place), and the lack of any hooks make this a tough listen.

    More than anything, this project comes across as a disorganized concept album. After listening to Testimony, I went back to hear Exhibit C to see what all the hype is about. Honestly, I would find it hard to say this album is cut from the same cloth as some of Jay's earlier singles.
  20. Mar 20, 2020
    Very weak production, doesn't look like Jay Electronica's album at all, more like Jay-z mixtae
  21. May 16, 2020
    This album is the most incohesive mess that I've heard, and by far the worst album I've ever heard. I thought before that Man of the Woods was bad, but this hits another level of bad. Most of the sounds sound like they are thrown onto the album and it doesn't even sound like music. The production is downright hideous and the drums on Flux Capacitor sound like trash, literally. TheThis album is the most incohesive mess that I've heard, and by far the worst album I've ever heard. I thought before that Man of the Woods was bad, but this hits another level of bad. Most of the sounds sound like they are thrown onto the album and it doesn't even sound like music. The production is downright hideous and the drums on Flux Capacitor sound like trash, literally. The buzzing synth on Blinding and Travis Scott shows up for one part, Travis Scott, you are better than this. All in all, this is awful. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. The Wire
    Apr 28, 2020
    Filled with ghosts; confessions; jokes; an abundance of Jay-Z features and a prodigal son offering explanations for his disappearance and return. [May 2020, p.65]
  2. Q Magazine
    Apr 7, 2020
    An album that dares to tackle life's big questions head on. [Jun 2020, p.101]
  3. Apr 2, 2020
    Bold production choices gel with this collaborative energy for an album that's inspired, driven, and sounds moved by the hand of unseen powers.