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Universal acclaim- based on 154 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 9 out of 154
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  1. Oct 6, 2019
    As close to perfection as you'll ever get. It's got plenty of timeless classics (Come Together, Something, Here Comes the Sun) that you still hear regularly today. It's got experimentation throughout the album. It's got fantastic "album" tracks. The musicianmanship is spot on and the production is flawless. I have heard on occasion people referring to the 6 track medley toward the end asAs close to perfection as you'll ever get. It's got plenty of timeless classics (Come Together, Something, Here Comes the Sun) that you still hear regularly today. It's got experimentation throughout the album. It's got fantastic "album" tracks. The musicianmanship is spot on and the production is flawless. I have heard on occasion people referring to the 6 track medley toward the end as self indulgent. Bearing in mind the songs were probably all throwaway numbers to begin with, it's incredible that the band and producer created some of the most innovative music ever put down in a studio with this section. Yes, there is Revolver and Sgt Pepper, both incredible records but for me it's Abbey Road that is the Beatles most mature, most consistent, most balanced and overall most complete work and that is really saying something. A pleasure to listen to every single time. Expand
  2. Sep 28, 2019
    Magnificent work. A return to form with modern audio techniques. A classic of pop rock music, a must.
  3. Apr 15, 2021
    Perhaps the most definitive Beatles album, alongside Revolver. It's the most bittersweet and tender farewell you will ever hear in music.
  4. Sep 28, 2019
    Side two of this album may be the best album side ever. The Beatles and George Martin at their best.
  5. Oct 21, 2020
    The latest Beatles album is the one that best exemplifies the artist at his peak. Thinking about the end leads us to a purification of the previously seen to give way to an infinity that will only extend to be studied and understood, but above all enjoyable. A masterpiece.
  6. Dec 31, 2020
    Magnificent in every department. Each member is at the height of their powers regarding singing, songwriting and musicianship.
    A perfect way to end the journey.
  7. Sep 28, 2019
    An already perfect album is made even better by the incredible mixing done to songs like Oh! Darling, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Here Comes the Sun, and Golden Slumbers
  8. Sep 27, 2019
    Amazing. There will never be another band like the Beatles and this proves it why. Loved it, specially "the long one", what an amazing medley.
  9. Oct 2, 2019
    @SuperMax156 : you are full right !!! i'm an old boomer who love this boring music until my death...BUT (because there's always a BUT) don't forget that you are the future stupid boomer of tomorrow !!!
  10. Sep 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Abbey Road truly shows what boomers talk about when they call The Beatles the greatest band ever. A fun experience from start to finish. This album also contains, in my opinion, the best recording of the last century. Expand
  11. Nov 4, 2022
    one of the most beautiful and iconic albums of all time. the fact that the cover art itself is hyper iconic just tells you all that you need to know
  12. May 14, 2020
    The album is what I want in a rock album. The album features elements of blues, jazz, psychedelia and funk to their style. While some songs aren't as strong as others, there are also some of the best rock hits like Here Comes the Sun or Come Togethere. This album I think is overall pretty strong still
  13. Nov 25, 2020
    The Beatles best work. So many fantastic and iconic songs. Probably the best album of all time.
  14. Feb 10, 2022
    Um álbum incrível, que mostra a genialidade dos Beatles e todas as nuances de sua grandeza. Um marco para a música mundial.
  15. Aug 10, 2022
    One of the greast albums in the earth! I'm not crazy beatlemania but it's greatest!
  16. Jul 17, 2023
    Abbey Road, the iconic album by The Beatles, remains an extraordinary testament to the band's creative genius and timeless musical legacy. Released in 1969, it represents a culmination of their artistic evolution, showcasing their exceptional songwriting, impeccable harmonies, and innovative production techniques. With its cohesive blend of rock, pop, and psychedelic elements, Abbey RoadAbbey Road, the iconic album by The Beatles, remains an extraordinary testament to the band's creative genius and timeless musical legacy. Released in 1969, it represents a culmination of their artistic evolution, showcasing their exceptional songwriting, impeccable harmonies, and innovative production techniques. With its cohesive blend of rock, pop, and psychedelic elements, Abbey Road stands as a pinnacle of musical achievement, earning its rightful place in the annals of music history.

    From the very first notes of the album's opening track, "Come Together," Abbey Road captivates listeners with its infectious melodies and irresistible hooks. Each subsequent track seamlessly flows into the next, creating a musical journey that is both captivating and immersive. The Beatles' ability to effortlessly transition between various musical styles is on full display, ranging from the energetic rock anthem "Oh! Darling" to the delicate ballad "Something" and the whimsical medley of "Golden Slumbers," "Carry That Weight," and "The End."

    One of the album's most notable highlights is the ambitious side-two medley, a stunning display of the band's compositional prowess. Merging distinct song fragments into a cohesive whole, the medley takes listeners on a transformative musical experience. It effortlessly transitions from the melodic balladry of "You Never Give Me Your Money" to the infectious rhythm of "Polythene Pam" and the emotional depth of "She's So Heavy." The medley concludes with the legendary combination of "Golden Slumbers," "Carry That Weight," and "The End," leaving listeners in awe of the band's craftsmanship.

    Abbey Road also showcases The Beatles' unparalleled vocal harmonies, as demonstrated in tracks like "Because" and "Sun King." The meticulous layering of their voices creates a lush sonic landscape that adds depth and beauty to each song. Additionally, the technical innovations employed during the album's production, including tape loops and backwards recording techniques, exemplify the band's pioneering spirit and willingness to experiment with new sounds.

    The production quality of Abbey Road remains impeccable even by today's standards. The album exhibits a sonic richness that captures the essence of each instrument, allowing every element to shine through. From George Harrison's captivating guitar solos to Ringo Starr's masterful drumming, each member of the band contributes their unique talents, resulting in a cohesive and harmonious ensemble.

    Beyond its musical brilliance, Abbey Road also boasts iconic album artwork, featuring the four band members walking across the zebra crossing outside the famed Abbey Road Studios. This image has become synonymous with The Beatles and has since become one of the most recognizable album covers in history.

    In conclusion, Abbey Road is an undeniable masterpiece that deserves its reputation as one of the greatest albums ever created. The Beatles' extraordinary talent, combined with their innovative approach to songwriting and production, culminate in a musical experience that transcends time. With its diverse range of musical styles, impeccable harmonies, and flawless production, Abbey Road solidifies its place as an enduring symbol of The Beatles' unparalleled legacy. Without a doubt, this album deserves a perfect rating of 10/10.
  17. Aug 20, 2023
    What was meant to be goodbye ended up becoming a revolution in rock culture, on this album it is possible to see George Harrison at the height of his career in the Beatles with the songs "Something" and "Here comes the sun" with complex and immersive melodicas, and Of course, his special touch at the end of the song "The end", the disc is also made up of simple, sticky and full ofWhat was meant to be goodbye ended up becoming a revolution in rock culture, on this album it is possible to see George Harrison at the height of his career in the Beatles with the songs "Something" and "Here comes the sun" with complex and immersive melodicas, and Of course, his special touch at the end of the song "The end", the disc is also made up of simple, sticky and full of personality tracks like "Come together", Abbey Road is certainly the Beatles' most solid album, even though it is the last to be recorded, this disc makes the Band eternal Expand
  18. Mar 23, 2021
  19. Jun 20, 2022
    [Read as review for the original]
    This us a very difficult record for's very dense which stops me from connecting as much as i want to with the material. There's many higlights such as 'carry that weight ' 'here comes the sun' & 'she's so heavy ' . But a myriad of experiments i don't enjoy weight it down such as 'octopus garden ' 'because ' 'maxwells hammer' . Stilll a
    [Read as review for the original]
    This us a very difficult record for's very dense which stops me from connecting as much as i want to with the material. There's many higlights such as 'carry that weight ' 'here comes the sun' & 'she's so heavy ' . But a myriad of experiments i don't enjoy weight it down such as 'octopus garden ' 'because ' 'maxwells hammer' . Stilll a landmark. achievement for an artist loaded with them but ultimately their least compelling release
  20. Jun 22, 2020
    Abbey Road is an amazing classic of The Beatles. With the amazing medley, the meaningless Come Together, the beautiful Something, and mystical Octopus's Garden. In my opinion, the worst song is I Want You (She's So Heavy), it is just no up to par like the other songs.
  21. Jan 28, 2023
    Iconic album which showcases both highly popular tracks and amazing experimental ones. For me, 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)' appears to be the main surprise of the record as I totally got into its gorgeous crescendo and variations. I enjoyed the variety of voices and tones, the large palette of instruments, and, if the versatility in the structures of the tracks lacks from time to time, IIconic album which showcases both highly popular tracks and amazing experimental ones. For me, 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)' appears to be the main surprise of the record as I totally got into its gorgeous crescendo and variations. I enjoyed the variety of voices and tones, the large palette of instruments, and, if the versatility in the structures of the tracks lacks from time to time, I was entertained by the many different reading grids The Beatles proposed here. I love how the tracks bear a interesting representation of how world was running back there in 1969. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Dec 5, 2019
    Unsurprisingly, the true treasure for devotees occurs in long-vaulted studio moments.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Oct 15, 2019
    The original album, remastered by a team co-headed by George Martin's son Giles, is presented with a freshness and immediacy that makes a mockery of the passage of half a century. ... The two CDs of sessions and demos are a revealing trove. [Nov 2019, p.88]
  3. Oct 3, 2019
    The Abbey Road Anniversary Super Deluxe proves they were a cohesive unit through to the end. Their work once again sounds fresh and experimental yet always in the pocket of the melody. We can hear that the Beatles were eager to work together one more time to pour more musical flavors into their magic elixir.