• Record Label: Concord
  • Release Date: Jan 20, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 31
  2. Negative: 5 out of 31
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  1. Mar 13, 2023
    Easily my favorite AFI record. This is an enjoyable listen from start to finish
  2. May 16, 2017
    While showing some surprising signs of creative life in their newest release, the overzealous guitars that blasted through the texture still only make this work good for an angst-filled, early 2000’s loving crowd. My Score: 101/180 (Okay) = 5.6/10
  3. Apr 3, 2017
    Do another punk album...just one, for **** sake you, have more fans then those you've garnered since StS... 1 point cause they are still together, and that's the only possibility of it ever happening.
  4. Mar 9, 2017
    Despite their years of experience, AFI's self-titled effort consists of catchy-melodic choruses and rhythmical performances within a pile of songs which never seem to reach their full potential. A fun, yet ultimately disappointing effort that lacks both energy and effort - it sounds as subtle as its unveiling and release.

    Album highlight: Snow Cats
  5. Feb 12, 2017
    The rhythm section of bassist + drummer are still fantastic, committing to punk sounds not present on their recent albums. Unfortunately, there isn't anything worth exploring or listening to compared to their first few albums. Furthermore, there is a disconnect between the musicians playing. It's as if Jade & Havok are on their own, playing to a different crowd, with differentThe rhythm section of bassist + drummer are still fantastic, committing to punk sounds not present on their recent albums. Unfortunately, there isn't anything worth exploring or listening to compared to their first few albums. Furthermore, there is a disconnect between the musicians playing. It's as if Jade & Havok are on their own, playing to a different crowd, with different sensibilities. They've obviously spent too much time together to mesh well with the rest of the band. Collapse
  6. Jan 30, 2017
    Without Davey's screams, you realize how boring AFI can be . Even their best songs like Still a Stranger, Aurilia, or Pink Eyes are still lacking that raw Havok scream. i can't tell you how many chours's would be infinitely better with a 'rawwwwwwwwwr'. Sorry guys, blood album is skippable.
  7. Jan 24, 2017
    AFI is back! Well kinda.... at least Sing the Sorrow vibes are. I didn't care for Burials, the dark slow songs were meh, couldn't get into it. Crash Love was mediocre at best with about 2 songs i actually liked. The Blood Album imo is their best work since 2003. Really dig it. Snow Cats, Hidden Knives, Aurelia and Pink Eyes are my favorites but of course the whole album as a whole isAFI is back! Well kinda.... at least Sing the Sorrow vibes are. I didn't care for Burials, the dark slow songs were meh, couldn't get into it. Crash Love was mediocre at best with about 2 songs i actually liked. The Blood Album imo is their best work since 2003. Really dig it. Snow Cats, Hidden Knives, Aurelia and Pink Eyes are my favorites but of course the whole album as a whole is really good! Hope they continue with this sound instead of their Burials sound. Expand
  8. Jan 23, 2017
    AFI's self-titled (The Blood Album) is a bloody beautiful, and brilliant album. From front to back, this may be AFI's best album since Sing the Sorrow, and I predict will be on many BEST OF 2017 lists. I honestly enjoy growing and evolving with a band, and have the upmost respect for bands that are willing to experiment, and follow their muse in creating what is right for them at the time.AFI's self-titled (The Blood Album) is a bloody beautiful, and brilliant album. From front to back, this may be AFI's best album since Sing the Sorrow, and I predict will be on many BEST OF 2017 lists. I honestly enjoy growing and evolving with a band, and have the upmost respect for bands that are willing to experiment, and follow their muse in creating what is right for them at the time. It took me 2 complete listens to recognize and appreciate the record, and am proud to say 'I LOVE IT!', and that AFI (The Blood Album) is a true Masterpiece, in my opinion; and that it will be bring me comfort for many years to come. Enjoy the Bloodiness! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 70
    The punk energy remains, frontman Davy Havok’s vocal delivery dripping with drama and passion, but with a glorious, gilded production job from guitarist Jade Puget, AFI (The Blood Album) luxuriates in a velvety richness that makes it a sumptuous listen.
  2. 60
    While some of it lacks creativity, expression, and comes off a tad bland, you do get a sense of what could have been, had they just unchained themselves a bit more. Ironically, the songs that stand out the most here are the ones that ape tracks off Sing The Sorrow.
  3. Jan 25, 2017
    AFI has little in the way of stumbles and no real clunkers to speak of, but a sense of familiarity and repetition creep in before the finish. It’s not enough to tarnish the gems but a greater commitment to ruthlessness would have been welcome.