• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 634 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 48 out of 634
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  1. Jun 13, 2017
    Paramore's best record to date. As a 10+ year fan, this is everything I could've possibly wanted from Paramore. After Laughter picks up right where self titled left off in terms of style and instrumentation, with a bit of an extra 80's new wave kick. The lyrics presented on this record are some of Hayley's darkest, laid out beneath synthy/funky beats that are instant classics.
  2. May 12, 2017
    Paramore is grown uo and they alredy found themselfs in a most sensitive and 80s era. Williams is impressive with the emotional lyrics and powerfull lyrics. They also explored the new sound in a really mature way.
  3. MPB
    May 14, 2017
    Most likely the best Paramore record to date, 'After Laughter' doesn't feature the classic punk and emo sound the band is famous for. It's the 80s and new wave sounds that elevate this record to new heights and allows Paramore to make great dance music with depressing meaningful lyrics.
  4. May 12, 2017
    I am so surprised at their consistency after so many years. The album is cohesive, its productions are strong and the writing is still sharp. a new wave gem.
  5. May 2, 2018
    The closest thing to a perfect album I've heard in a long time. Paramore hits every message, every theme, every note perfectly and with audio-bombast. I've listened to this album repeatedly since the day it was released and have not gotten tired of it one bit.
  6. May 31, 2017
    undeniably genius. each song has so many layers underneath its production and songwriting. the entire album sticks to one vibe and perfectly fits together. Also, showcasing fun tunes with sad lyrics made it even better. Williams and York pulled off their best album to date. This is exactly how bands should evolve. if you go deep into it, you'll notice that the album isn't that genericundeniably genius. each song has so many layers underneath its production and songwriting. the entire album sticks to one vibe and perfectly fits together. Also, showcasing fun tunes with sad lyrics made it even better. Williams and York pulled off their best album to date. This is exactly how bands should evolve. if you go deep into it, you'll notice that the album isn't that generic after all since most songs are not radio-friendly and do not fit the pop (popular) genre these days. All the best to paramore, I hope they keep on evolving more and more and people actually appreciate their artistry, including the academy. Expand
  7. May 20, 2019
    This album is pure art. I love old Paramore AND new Paramore and that's really something. They could reinvent themselves without moving into a bad direction and imitate everyone else.
  8. May 12, 2017
    The album is truly surprising. The 80s and 90s influences are all over it, harmonized, loud and humorized. Lyrics so down with up-beats made magic happen here. I don't know about big magazines, but this totally deserves a 80+ rate.
  9. Apr 12, 2019
    Here's the deal. I remember hating the self-titled album because of it's poppy sound. And at the time it was my reason for hating it, yet here we are me giving a 10 to their most poppy album. When you look at as a whole, this is the most authentic Paramore has been on all of their albums. They're not sugar coating anything on this album and they did it for them, and this album has done soHere's the deal. I remember hating the self-titled album because of it's poppy sound. And at the time it was my reason for hating it, yet here we are me giving a 10 to their most poppy album. When you look at as a whole, this is the most authentic Paramore has been on all of their albums. They're not sugar coating anything on this album and they did it for them, and this album has done so much for so many people. It is okay to not be okay. Now when I look back on the self-titled album, I don't dislike it for the sound, I dislike it for the inauthenticity and pretending that everything was okay when this album clearly states that it was not okay. This album is real and it's beautiful. Expand
  10. May 12, 2017
    Undeniably catchy, all songs cleverly written and cleverly produced, the most consistent Paramore record to date. Also, Zac Farro's back! And Hayley and Taylor are amazing as always.
  11. Feb 19, 2019
    o melhor álbum da carreira sem dúvidas, Pool é uma das melhores músicas da carreira. Rose-Colored Boy um ato grandioso do new wave e bem, o resto nem se fala. 10/10
  12. May 12, 2017
    Believe me - if you're hesitant on listening to this album, you need to. You can't approach this album with expectations but with an open mind. After a 4 year gap since their last album, After Laughter is delivered to the world with both a much shorter but honest track list, and refreshing vibe. This band honestly ditched any trace of their "punk-rock" sound, that they became known for,Believe me - if you're hesitant on listening to this album, you need to. You can't approach this album with expectations but with an open mind. After a 4 year gap since their last album, After Laughter is delivered to the world with both a much shorter but honest track list, and refreshing vibe. This band honestly ditched any trace of their "punk-rock" sound, that they became known for, and fully embraced the pop sound they were steering towards since their self-titled record, or honestly since the beginning. They laced simple yet deep, relatable lyrics with '80 synths that'd make the listener want to dance and cry at the same time. From expressing tiring battles against hard times, moments of uncertainty, and the strangest song to ever be placed on a Paramore record ("No Friend"); this album proves that Paramore can't be stomped on.

    This band never fails to surprise me.

    Some highlights: "Rose-Colored Boy", "Told You So", "Fake Happy", "Idle Worship", "Tell Me How"
  13. May 12, 2017
    Amazing album. The songs are catchy and bright sounding but the lyrics are darker and it's just an awesome mix. Hayley's vocals fit the material very well and Taylor York shines brighter than ever. Zac was a little underused but it's just great to have him back in the band. 10/10 Paramore does it again.

    Standout tracks: Hard Times, Told You So, Fake Happy, Pool, Idle Worship
  14. May 12, 2017
    simply genious. the sound of this album is so good and kinda nostalgic, i love it so much. the album aura is bright and amazing, definetly my favorite. paramore slay.
  15. Jun 30, 2017
    i love how the lyrics address so many important issues. I feel like mental health issues and suicidal thoughts are often ignored in music and it's amazing to see them represented in masterfully written lyrics and masked behind upbeat instrumentation. Collapse
  16. May 12, 2017
    i love how the lyrics address so many important issues. I feel like mental health issues and suicidal thoughts are often ignored in music and it's amazing to see them represented in masterfully written lyrics and masked behind upbeat instrumentation.
  17. Aug 30, 2017
    Difícil me expressar quando o assunto é paramore. Só queria falar que estou extremamente feliz pelo resultado desse álbum, e o quanto ele é significativo pra mim e com certeza mais ainda para os membros da banda que quase chegou ao fim. A mudança está longe de ser um problema pra mim, isso foi o que tornou as faixas tão especiais. As letras estão maravilhosas, muito consistente com o que aDifícil me expressar quando o assunto é paramore. Só queria falar que estou extremamente feliz pelo resultado desse álbum, e o quanto ele é significativo pra mim e com certeza mais ainda para os membros da banda que quase chegou ao fim. A mudança está longe de ser um problema pra mim, isso foi o que tornou as faixas tão especiais. As letras estão maravilhosas, muito consistente com o que a banda é hoje. Não vou negar que me identifico de alguma forma com quase todas as letras, adorei o conceito do álbum. Já é um dos meus favoritos da vida. Expand
  18. May 12, 2017
    The best album ever released by Paramore. The songs have realistic lyrics and the 80's inspired melody is great. Hard Times, Told You So, Fake Happy, Rose-Colored Boy, Idle Workship, Forgiveness and Tell Me How are my favorites
  19. May 12, 2017
    Paramore's new album is perfect, the lyrics are perfect, the melody, everything. I just loved it.
    One of their best albums so far. I hope they stay that way. Amen Hayley, Amen Taylor, Amen Zac, Amen Paramore.
  20. May 12, 2017
    Best album from Paramore, so emotional. I relate so much to the lyrics, you can feel the lyrics, I'm speechless. I'm so proud of them. Paramore is still a band
  21. May 13, 2017
    This album really breaks through what rut current pop music is in at the moment. After Laughter sports a darker set of lyrics disguised by the fluttery sounds of 70's 80's nostalgia found in every corner of every track. It may not be what Paramore's long time fans expect from them in terms of sound, but it is utterly shamefully Paramore, and that's what shines here.
  22. May 13, 2017
    I think so much about the album style, my conclusion is: Paramore still a great band, and now doing a beautiful and mature sound. All 12 tracks are so catch an addictive.
  23. May 13, 2017
    After Laughter is something different from what we have used to from Paramore and no one had expected something like this. A great vibe from the 80s and 90s with great songs EXPECT NO FRIEND. Literally, I did not like this song at all. It's not exactly a song they just talking and that "track" should not exist in such a great album.
  24. May 13, 2017
  25. May 17, 2017
    so free and mature.. it's like cake, one beautiful and tasteful cake.
    The guitars of the new songs are absolutely stunning and lyrics is deep and pure poetry.
    Great band, great musicians
  26. May 23, 2017
    After Laughter features a mature and reinvented Paramore. Although I miss pop punk from early albums and the wonderful influence of Jeremy Davis on Self-Titled tracks, After Laughter is a great job and proves that Paramore is always able to surprise us (positively).
  27. Jun 5, 2017
    The sign of a great artist/group - growth. On After laughter Paramore displays a maturity and confidence which comes through life experience. Hailey is an amazing singer and with After Laughter she marries great and complex music with life's struggles. Pool and Grudges are just two of the many standout tracks.
    I dare you to listen to the album three times in a row without falling in
    The sign of a great artist/group - growth. On After laughter Paramore displays a maturity and confidence which comes through life experience. Hailey is an amazing singer and with After Laughter she marries great and complex music with life's struggles. Pool and Grudges are just two of the many standout tracks.
    I dare you to listen to the album three times in a row without falling in love. Amazing job.
    I dare you to listen to this album three times in a row without falling in love with it.
  28. Jun 7, 2017
    Amazing! The evolution is visible and this is very good for the band. I hope they keep evolving like this. It's a perfect combination of pop and rock, with influences from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for this paramore!
  29. Feb 28, 2019
    My favourite Paramore album. It is such a drastic change but it's a very-welcome one. Their music is much different than their previous albums and feels like it's the last part of a great evolution. Not only the music is great but the lyrics are too. While music can be viewed as happy-go-lucky type of music, the lyrics are depressing and really sells the whole theme of the album. I love it.
  30. Jun 19, 2017
    Admiro la evolución musical de la banda, este álbum ha logrado un mezcla perfecta entre el tropical/synth-pop y el rock-alternativo. Cada canción es muy distinta de la otra, y los ritmos son excelentes. Paramore ha logrado cambiar de género musical totalmente y lo ha hecho muy bien.

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 11, 2017
    An album that’s ultimately OK with not being OK, it’s for that reason alone that it may just be perfect.
  2. Jun 19, 2017
    This album is a brave, bold-faced exorcism. While the wounds may still be fresh, the healing has finally begun.
  3. May 19, 2017
    Williams has managed to get out from under the pressure of having to be the perma-grinning frontwoman, and the emotional uncertainty that’s exposed is fascinating. Musically, meanwhile, this is as free as they’ve ever sounded. Again: Paramore have always been a pop band. They’ve just never been this proud of it.