• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: May 12, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 3 out of 22
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  1. May 30, 2023
    Les Jonas Brothers sont de retour tout en fraîcheur avec leur cinquième album studio « The Album ». Les sonorités estivales des morceaux vous feront danser tout au long de l’été, que cela soit à l’apéro ou sur une plage au sable chaud, accompagnées des bruits des vagues. Les voix des deux chanteurs du groupe, Nick et Joe Jonas, sont à l’honneur et atteignent des notes encore plus hautes etLes Jonas Brothers sont de retour tout en fraîcheur avec leur cinquième album studio « The Album ». Les sonorités estivales des morceaux vous feront danser tout au long de l’été, que cela soit à l’apéro ou sur une plage au sable chaud, accompagnées des bruits des vagues. Les voix des deux chanteurs du groupe, Nick et Joe Jonas, sont à l’honneur et atteignent des notes encore plus hautes et plus puissantes que sur leur dernier projet de 2019, « Happiness Begins ». Les producteurs se sont amusés en proposant des instrumentaux toujours aussi fun et good vibes, à l’image du trio star. Mention spéciale à l’ovni « Summer In The Hamptons », la meilleure chanson de l’album qui, plus expérimentale que le reste, joue en boucle dans notre tête après plusieurs écoutes, notamment grâce aux boucles répétitives des derniers refrains. La courte durée de ce nouvel opus et de ses chansons fait baisser la note car elle donne l’impression que le groupe ne va pas complètement au bout de ses idées, bien dommage… Les chansons de 2 minutes, voire moins, sont trop taillées pour passer à la radio ou buzzer sur les réseaux sociaux… Si seulement le groupe prenait le temps de poser leurs compositions, le résultat final de l’album semblerait bien plus achevé et complet !
    « The Album » reste néanmoins un meilleur album que son prédécesseur, grâce à son ton dance-pop plus assumé et ses productions soignées, plus expérimentales (« Wings », « Summer In The Hamptons », « Walls »). Hâte de découvrir ce que les Jonas Brothers nous réservent pour leur sixième album studio !
  2. May 29, 2023
    This album is my summer soundtrack. Most tracks are an absolute bop--standouts are Summer Baby, Waffle House, Vacation Eyes, Montana Sky. This sound is something that I've noticed has been developing since their last album, and I'm here for the nostalgic feel. I find myself skipping Summer in the Hamptons. Apart from that, I've listened to the album several times and can't help but feelThis album is my summer soundtrack. Most tracks are an absolute bop--standouts are Summer Baby, Waffle House, Vacation Eyes, Montana Sky. This sound is something that I've noticed has been developing since their last album, and I'm here for the nostalgic feel. I find myself skipping Summer in the Hamptons. Apart from that, I've listened to the album several times and can't help but feel golden, as if I'm falling in love by the ocean instead of being in front of a computer screen. Collapse
  3. May 25, 2023
    Jonas Brothers are one of the most charismatic boys band that we had in the last years. They're also very good harmonizing their vocals which makes almost every song on this album sound very well produced. The thing is that they don't get very personal. And that's ok...it's just that it lacks some content. Nevertheless, it's a good album, having its tops such as "Waffle House", "VacationJonas Brothers are one of the most charismatic boys band that we had in the last years. They're also very good harmonizing their vocals which makes almost every song on this album sound very well produced. The thing is that they don't get very personal. And that's ok...it's just that it lacks some content. Nevertheless, it's a good album, having its tops such as "Waffle House", "Vacation Eyes" and "Walls". Expand
  4. May 16, 2023
    This album is by far the laziest album from the Jonas Brothers, and extremely underwhelming. 33 minute runtime is a joke to fans, and most of the songs are too short to get into the groove with. Overall just a mess that sounds like corporate pop rather than organic music written by the best "boy band" group to ever be. Utter disappointment.
  5. May 14, 2023
    It’s just what this season needed. A sun-drenched, yacht-rock-tinged concept album about a classic American summer. It’s perfectly retro - calling back to MJ, Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder. There’s some lovely moments - sweeping vocals, soft guitars, nostalgic melodies. This album surprised me.
  6. May 12, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Os Jonas Brothers continuam fazendo músicas de qualidade. "Waffle House" deixa claro a proposta de um disco como muitos elementos, incluindo um coral e a produção de Jon Bellion. Os grandes destaques da produção são "Montana Sky", "Vacation Eyes" e "Celebrate!". O disco está lindo demais. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. May 18, 2023
    Most of The Album sounds as if it was made with relaxation in mind; it's all shimmering soft rock and tempered disco, soundtracks for Montana skies and celebrations. The exceptions to the rule are "Little Bird" and the Bellion duet "Walls," a pair of slower, introspective numbers that end The Album on a curiously dour note.
  2. May 18, 2023
    We are left with an album that has several great tracks, but whose filler and repetitive subject matter prevent the Jonas Brothers from realising their full-grown potential.
  3. May 15, 2023
    Aside from that awkward reach across the aisle ["Americana"], The Album’s other attempts to dig into weightier matters have better results.