• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Nov 1, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 29
  2. Negative: 14 out of 29

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  1. JadinH
    Nov 9, 2005
    I didn't bother buying Supernatural and never heard of Shaman. But when All That I Am came out I was hopeful it had gone back to the roots that made Santana great. It hadn't. The first song was the only song to have the great percusion, energy instrumental I've grown to love. The remainder I struggled to listen to more than once. Maybe next album.... maybe.
  2. CarlosSantana
    Jan 23, 2006
    Santana will never be the same after he starting having pop stars trail his band. Their old stuff is 50000x better than what it has been lately. There's no energy anymore, and all the actual Santana can get out of this is a 10 second solo each song. SOOO Lame IMO. And what the hell is up with Santana doing R&B? He needs to retire while he's ahead, and while he can still be Santana will never be the same after he starting having pop stars trail his band. Their old stuff is 50000x better than what it has been lately. There's no energy anymore, and all the actual Santana can get out of this is a 10 second solo each song. SOOO Lame IMO. And what the hell is up with Santana doing R&B? He needs to retire while he's ahead, and while he can still be considered a good artist. The only reason he's getting a few 10s is because the people that gave 10s have never heard what he used to be like. There wasn't Steven Tyler or Mary J. Blige or anything like that. Whatever happened to the pure originality that was once Santana??? It's gone. Maybe if he made another album of just his band, I will like him again. But the pop has to go. Expand
  3. jand
    Nov 7, 2005
    Shaman and Supernatural were bad omens, now a legend becomes a caricature
  4. ChielV
    Nov 2, 2005
    one point for what he has done in the past. Please stop mister Santana if you want some dignity the rest of your life!
  5. Gnarles
    Nov 3, 2005
    F*** you, Santana.
  6. JosephA
    Nov 4, 2005
    Santana once again proves that making an entire album of guest musicians is the best way to hit the bulls eye of mediocrity. This album can bugger off and belongs in the "junk" section of the music store and by golly i think the cd, THE REAL CD ITSELF, smells of garbage. Just kidding, but this album is neant for people that have unfortunately lost the ability to hear. Santana, you're Santana once again proves that making an entire album of guest musicians is the best way to hit the bulls eye of mediocrity. This album can bugger off and belongs in the "junk" section of the music store and by golly i think the cd, THE REAL CD ITSELF, smells of garbage. Just kidding, but this album is neant for people that have unfortunately lost the ability to hear. Santana, you're playing for a minority there. Boo you and your latest lack of success. Knock knock? Who is there? This album is pooooo. Expand
  7. SeanM
    Nov 6, 2005
    This album reeks of pure s@#%!!!
  8. AlanR
    Nov 7, 2005
    Just die already!
  9. Aaron
    Nov 1, 2005
    Blech! Same formula, same old crap.
  10. TomB
    Nov 4, 2005
    This album is like that one last piece in Jenga that, when pulled, knocks down the entire structure. Whoever thought this album was a good idea is about the dullest, least imaginative, unvisionary person in the world. This is the most cynical record ever made. Fuck you, Santana - indeed. And fuck you to the people who stock this in jukeboxes and a double fuck you to those who play it.
  11. Trim
    Nov 4, 2005

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Even Santana sounds bored, absentmindedly delivering Latin rock-influenced guitar licks behind a parade of stale melodies.
  2. A bland, friendly affair that disappears into the ether the moment it's finishing playing.
  3. Billboard
    Too often Santana sounds like a guest on his own show.