• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Jul 24, 2020

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jul 24, 2020
    Whether by consequence or coincidence, All the Time has a lighter and more sensual touch than Lanza's two previous albums. Characterized less by lavishly layered and hypercharged whiskings of electro, house, and juke, its pared-down sound and slower tempos suit Lanza's higher prioritization of lyrics.
  2. Jul 30, 2020
    Despite the incredible detail built into the songs on All The Time, the productions still feel spacious and lightweight – a futuristic version of the pop-R&B hybrid we already know. This allows the tracks to be engrossing in their layering, but still leave plenty of space for Lanza’s lyrical expression to come through clearly. And it’s shocking how deeply personal and painful a lot of it is for Lanza.
  3. Jul 24, 2020
    A radiant and eminently danceable album, it’s a necessary salve to put on this year.
  4. Jul 22, 2020
    Lanza zooms between feelings and situations so nimbly that every time you revisit All the Time and the accompanying artwork, it's just as easy to imagine a freewheeling Lanza doing gleeful donuts in that parking lot as it is to envision her having a breakdown behind the wheel.
  5. Mojo
    Jul 22, 2020
    In Jessy Lanza's case, disruption has elevated artistic output. [Jul 2020, p.82]
  6. Jul 27, 2020
    While not quite as immediate as its predecessor, All The Time is an enjoyable collection of bops and ditties for those who like their tunes retro and mischievous.
  7. Jul 24, 2020
    All the Time is sincere so it doesn’t have to be deep—merely an invitation to look beneath the surface.
  8. Jul 24, 2020
    Though All the Time indulges and dissects neuroses, it's not the sound of someone falling off the wagon. Rather, this lush and spacious collection of songwriting shows a hard-fought mental clarity, a deliberate effort to resist the instincts on display on "VV Violence" in pursuit of digging deeper into oneself. Intrusive thoughts flare-up, but they're allowed to wash over, eventually fading away. The payoff is immeasurable.
  9. Q Magazine
    Jul 22, 2020
    All The Time is cool and compelling dance-pop. [Aug 2020, p.108]
  10. Jul 27, 2020
    Further focus is rewarded with a deeper experience, sadder and more upset than you might hear the first time.
  11. Jul 23, 2020
    All the Time is filled with tracks that get the delicate balance right between experimentation and a love of an uncomplicated pop tune; between nostalgia for the past and a dedication to sounding like the future.
  12. 80
    Though it doesn’t quite scratch the same itch for experimentation as her last album, Lanza has once again proved that she’s a forward-thinking producer with a knack for writing irresistible pop music.
  13. The Wire
    Jul 22, 2020
    It fizzles out in places – there's none of the languor of previous work nor the melancholy that collaborator Jeremy Greenspan perfected in Junior Boys – but at its best this is aural champagne, chill, crisp and delectable. [Aug 2020, p.66]
  14. Aug 26, 2020
    All the Time is the ultimate pop record for 2020. It’s laid back while also emotionally involved; it’s evocative and authentic while also questioning human nature. Lanza’s music can’t fit in a single box and it’s all the more refreshing because of it.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Jul 25, 2020
    É um bom álbum, mas se retém a isso. A Taylor não inova, mas ainda trabalha com excelência no seu nicho.
    Além disso relata as mesma
    É um bom álbum, mas se retém a isso. A Taylor não inova, mas ainda trabalha com excelência no seu nicho.
    Além disso relata as mesma experiências e expectativas do álbum anterior.
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