• Record Label: Valory
  • Release Date: Nov 9, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Nov 9, 2010
    Given her current partnership with the crossover kings at Big Machine, one hopes that an album of pop covers might loom in McEntire's near future. (How great would she be on "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars?) Until then, we'll have to make do with "All the Women I Am," which offers another welcome helping of her well-established sound.
  2. Nov 9, 2010
    This is her 34th studio disc and one of her best efforts. It blends hard-edged, modern country-rock with some profoundly tender ballad singing
  3. Jan 11, 2011
    [Reba] singing, "I'll give my heart to a song, but I'll never sell my soul." That's exactly how Reba's approached her career thus far, and what she continues to do on this emotionally charged set of songs.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Nov 11, 2010
    McEntire brings seasoned richness to both barnstormers and ballads. [12 Nov 2010, p.73]
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  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Jan 3, 2011
    This album continues reba's transformation from country to country-pop, the lead single is a sassy and catchy song, that it is 90% pop, with aThis album continues reba's transformation from country to country-pop, the lead single is a sassy and catchy song, that it is 90% pop, with a hint of country to it. The rest of the album is more vintage reba, i dont know if this is as good as her last album but its definitely close. Reba's cover of Beyonce's if i were a boy is absolutely amazing, when she sings it, it sounds so much more mature coming from her. Other great songs are Cry, Somebody's Chelsea, When Love Gets A Hold Of You and When You Have A Child. Full Review »