
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Nov 17, 2011
    This is a truly throwaway fast food album. You will enjoy it for a while, and in a year, I guarantee that you will not be listening to it, save for a few songs (such as "Legendary" and "Ambition").
  2. Nov 17, 2011
    With a tight-knit collection of features and palpable confidence exuded in his lyrics, Ambition is Wale's most cohesive and likewise enthralling project thus far in his brisk career.
  3. Nov 15, 2011
    Ambition is just his latest pop grab, and in many respects, it's more realized than his last one.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Nov 11, 2011
    While his follow-up's party beats are sturdy, it's frustrating to hear him trade his brainy morality for shoutouts. [11 Nov 2011, p.75]
  5. Nov 7, 2011
    Combined with a good ear for beats, this makes Ambition a strong sophomore release, one that shouldn't disappoint old fans while drawing in new ones.
  6. Nov 4, 2011
    Everything is fast-moving, breezily entertaining, and patently ridiculous.
  7. Nov 1, 2011
    The overall result is an album that's easily enjoyable, but not particularly interesting.
  8. Nov 1, 2011
    The sonic mood of Ambition reflects its title and author and proves, on the whole, far warmer than his debut.
  9. Nov 1, 2011
    Ambition nods to Ross' cartoon grandiosity in "Miami Nights," where Wale details his collection of luxury goods over a jubilant horn riff. Characteristically, though, the album heads in plenty of other directions as well.
  10. Oct 31, 2011
    As far as why it all hangs together so well, credit goes to Wale's talent and his strong personality, which here has grown into an interesting combination of Lil Wayne and Plies, with a little 50 Cent smirk and bit of Drake's phrasing thrown in for good measure.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
  1. Nov 7, 2011
    Well this album was suppose to be a classic let Wale tell it. He also said it would be better than "Reasonable Doubt" which is also false.Well this album was suppose to be a classic let Wale tell it. He also said it would be better than "Reasonable Doubt" which is also false. This album was ok at best. I expected so much more out of Wale. His mixtapes "More about nothing" & "the 11.1.11 theory" were both amazing. His lyrics for the album dumbed way down, his word play just isnt there and he went away from why many people liked him. The album is too up tempo and I as a fan and critic knows Wale sounds much better with softer beats so he can be very poetic. Full Review »
  2. Nov 15, 2011
    Ambition is an ok album. Worth a couple listens and not much else. After "Attention Deficit" & his "The 11.1.11 Theory" mixtape I was reallyAmbition is an ok album. Worth a couple listens and not much else. After "Attention Deficit" & his "The 11.1.11 Theory" mixtape I was really expecting a lot from this album. I hate to say that I'm fairly disappointed. The lyrical content is nowhere near what he's shown he's capable of in the past. His rhyme structure has progressively become less complex and "Ambition" does little or nothing to change that. Still, all-in-all, this isn't a bad album, especially by today's hip-hop standards. This falls somewhere between the pop-fiend and indie fanboy, likely turning both off, just a bit. Full Review »
  3. Dec 1, 2011
    A few tracks are great, but most are standard hip hop. Wale has talent though, and this WAS a good album. but just not the amazing one itA few tracks are great, but most are standard hip hop. Wale has talent though, and this WAS a good album. but just not the amazing one it could have been. Full Review »