• Record Label: TVT
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 38
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 38
  3. Negative: 3 out of 38

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  1. John
    Aug 18, 2004
    I just LOOVE this cd! I really think these guys will be big, and big as in people who like intelligent music will like it, I love this album because it has a real heart, and they have a lot of passion and style. Every time I hear "Stay Where You Are" I almost get misty-eyed because the song is just SO beautiful!
  2. marcusr
    Mar 4, 2005
    classic little gems. There's about 5 classics, 3 or 4 very goods and a couple of fillers.
  3. AlexP
    Oct 27, 2004
    One of the year's best, without a doubt. Pure, masterful, effortless pop. Catchy yet spacious. Highly recommended.
  4. TyG
    Apr 9, 2004
    Brilliant muscianship and an excellent understanding for the craft of a solid song
  5. Karan
    Jan 1, 2005
    Every instrument plays a different part and has it's own groove. The music is so intricately woven, and blends so well. Great songwriters and talented musicians, as well. I saw em on MTV's discover and download, and ever since iv been completely entranced by this band.
  6. SamB
    Jun 1, 2005
    Reminiscent of The Velvet Underground, and dripping with New York 'Cool'. This album is an undeniable musical masterpiece, far outshining many of its influences.
  7. krysten
    Oct 12, 2004
    It's a gem of a record
  8. taylorf
    Apr 27, 2004
  9. bens
    Apr 4, 2004
    best debut since coldplay's parachutes, a great album by a great band.
  10. AnthonyN
    Jul 31, 2004
    One of the best albums of the year. A great mix of various different rock sounds of the past.
  11. NickC
    Jan 4, 2005
    i think this soundtrack has a beatles sound and a new age sound i like it a lot.
  12. BillyS
    Apr 14, 2005
    Beautiful thoughts on a CD!
  13. ChristianC
    May 22, 2005
    all tracks are great and the lyrics are both melodic and comparable to most people's situations.
  14. justiny
    Apr 2, 2006
    best album ever!
  15. Sean
    Apr 27, 2006
    Totally awesome debut. This definitely makes me regain a little bit of faith in the dying music scene
  16. BrendanN
    Jun 18, 2006
    One of the best albums I've listened to in months and months. Every song is it's own little island paradise.
  17. Aug 17, 2014
    it's like a time machine. I'm 32 now and I don't know how it feels or how I supposed to feel if I lived in early 70's or so, but when I'm listening to this amazing record I'm closing my eyes and I can see some paralell universe of those years. It's incredible. One song softly flows to another anod each of them is cmpletly different with it's own mood but in the end every track fitsit's like a time machine. I'm 32 now and I don't know how it feels or how I supposed to feel if I lived in early 70's or so, but when I'm listening to this amazing record I'm closing my eyes and I can see some paralell universe of those years. It's incredible. One song softly flows to another anod each of them is cmpletly different with it's own mood but in the end every track fits perfectly to complete puzzle. After listening to whole album there is a undescribable feeling - it's haunting and disturbing you soul so much. So talanted band, so beautiful songs. I wish these guys would get back together. Expand
  18. Apr 3, 2015
    Eleven years later, I only regret that they didn't release anything else. It is amazing, subtle and smart. Every, guitar, bass line and drums are perfectly arranged and brilliantly mixed with the voice, that only leaves you wanting for more.
  19. TomaszS
    Jul 23, 2005
    for those who like John Lennon would be a great surprise
  20. s.bradford
    Jun 9, 2004
    damn near perfect...great love making album ;D
  21. SiobhanM
    Oct 11, 2004
    Saw them open for The Killers and they were amazing!! I'd love to see them come back to Ottawa!
  22. chrisg
    Aug 23, 2005
    one of the best debuts ive heard in a LONG LONG time... infectious, smart, eclectic and wiry... this IS pop
  23. pablog
    Apr 6, 2004
    Pure pop for now people. You'll be singing along in no time. Ambulance borrows freely from every pop new wave band you've ever heard and creates a terrific best of collection on ambulance ltd.
  24. rayw
    May 2, 2007
    splendid listen, some interesting ideas and played with confidence and aplomb. any chance of a follow up ?
  25. markf
    Apr 27, 2004
    This album has some amazing highpoints. For me, they're the opening instrumental "Yoga Means Union", then one of the best Velvets songs that VU never wrote, "Primitive (The Way I Treat You)" and the pure 60s pop of "Ophelia." I don't mean to say that the rest of the album is a letdown. There's no losers in the bunch. It's just that sometimes when they could have kicked This album has some amazing highpoints. For me, they're the opening instrumental "Yoga Means Union", then one of the best Velvets songs that VU never wrote, "Primitive (The Way I Treat You)" and the pure 60s pop of "Ophelia." I don't mean to say that the rest of the album is a letdown. There's no losers in the bunch. It's just that sometimes when they could have kicked out the jams, they seem to get just a teeny bit mushy. This is still highly recommended and one of the best so far this year. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. The group creates an ornately atmospheric resonance throughout Ambulance Ltd., but their light-weight compositions place the album at serious risk of floating away.
  2. Blender
    Ambulance Ltd have good ears and an even better imagination: They run their influences through a filter of solid gold. [Apr 2004, p.126]
  3. Rolling Stone
    They have a brilliant gift for Lennon-style pop melody that makes their spaciest riffs go down like a spoonful of hash-laced honey. [13 May 2004, p.73]