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Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Aug 25, 2023
    Been a huge fan for over 20 years and they are still putting out good records. American Fall is no different. Its more of a pop-punk album then some of the past, but it works very well. Racists , Trouble follows me and Liar are really the stand out songs on it. Beings a long time myself, bass player Chris#2 plays some of the best lines i have heard in a long time, taking insperationBeen a huge fan for over 20 years and they are still putting out good records. American Fall is no different. Its more of a pop-punk album then some of the past, but it works very well. Racists , Trouble follows me and Liar are really the stand out songs on it. Beings a long time myself, bass player Chris#2 plays some of the best lines i have heard in a long time, taking insperation from Rancid's Matt Freeman. Great album! Expand
  2. Nov 8, 2017
    Absolutely way beyond my expectations. I love the tight production mixed with the high energy and anthemic choruses on this album. More passion than any other punk rock album released in the last few years. Top stuff!
  3. Nov 5, 2017
    Anti-Flag deliver a pretty by-the-numbers political melodic hardcore album with some influences from traditional punk, pop punk and I hear a little ska punk. Something that's a really big problem here is I think this sort of music is a little tired. Not just it's been overdone, but the artists themselves are tired of melodic hardcore. I got the same feeling from Rise Against's Wolves. It'sAnti-Flag deliver a pretty by-the-numbers political melodic hardcore album with some influences from traditional punk, pop punk and I hear a little ska punk. Something that's a really big problem here is I think this sort of music is a little tired. Not just it's been overdone, but the artists themselves are tired of melodic hardcore. I got the same feeling from Rise Against's Wolves. It's like they thought "We'll just write the same thing we've done before but a little different" because they don't think that they're good enough to write something different. It feels like they don't believe in themselves, which leads to me not really believing in them.

    Granted, I'd still consider listening to these albums, or at least the better tracks.

    Favorite songs: American Attraction, The Criminals, Liar,

    Least favorite songs: Digital Blackout, Racists,
  4. Dec 31, 2018
    When Donald Trump got elected, Anti-Flag must have instantly written 3 more records without even trying. Like, “Oh he’s the president? Hey, I have 47 songs I’ve just written this second to record. Let’s go to the studio.”

    This record comes out swinging right away with American Attraction. It’s a bloody fantastic track. After this it’s a fairly melodic and musically upbeat Anti-Flag
    When Donald Trump got elected, Anti-Flag must have instantly written 3 more records without even trying. Like, “Oh he’s the president? Hey, I have 47 songs I’ve just written this second to record. Let’s go to the studio.”

    This record comes out swinging right away with American Attraction. It’s a bloody fantastic track. After this it’s a fairly melodic and musically upbeat Anti-Flag record. Fast, mildly angry, melodic punk rock, there’s even a bit of a ska-dabble in When the Wall Falls . It’s definitely not a bad album, it’s just not anything fantastic. I’ve been a fan for over a decade, have some very fond memories of seeing them live many times, and believe in a lot of their messages, but politics aside I just can’t justify it being in the top 10. If you’ve never listened to Anti-Flag though, this might be a good record to get you into them as it’s current events, nicely produced, and crisply recorded.

    Best Tracks: American Attraction - When the Wall Falls - Racists
    2017 Listens: 100+

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Magnet
    Nov 21, 2017
    While not on par with the best from those two bands [The Clash and Stiff Little Fingers], American Fail is still potent. [No. 148, p.53]
  2. Nov 15, 2017
    There are a few more hooks on this latest release and the production is clearer, but it certainly doesn’t water down the sentiment.
  3. Kerrang!
    Nov 3, 2017
    It's radiant, bold and frequently brilliant. [4 Nov 2017, p.53]