• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 841 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 50 out of 841

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  1. Feb 19, 2014
    Un Disco excelente, de hecho me parece el mejor de la banda hasta ahora, lo recomiendo a cualquiera que le guste el rock, ademas cuenta una historia muy buena, muy recomendado!
  2. Dec 16, 2012
    This has got to be one of the greatest albums, not just in rock history, but of all music history. Definitely one of those albums you should listen to before you die.
  3. Jan 12, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A amazing album, its got it all, from punk to softer songs that all goes together really well. There is a storyline cleverly written in to this album which can has so many meanings and everytime you listen to it you pick up on something new. One of the greatest albums of all time! Expand
  4. Apr 14, 2013
    American Idiot is a cool rock opera. I usually don't like rock operas, but American Idiot is cool. The title track is epic and it is the best song of the album, along with Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams. The album is consistent. Talking about the rest of the album, I ,like St. Jimmy, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Are We The Waiting. I don't like Whatshername, as it is for meAmerican Idiot is a cool rock opera. I usually don't like rock operas, but American Idiot is cool. The title track is epic and it is the best song of the album, along with Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams. The album is consistent. Talking about the rest of the album, I ,like St. Jimmy, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Are We The Waiting. I don't like Whatshername, as it is for me the worst of the album. To be honest I am not a huge Green Day fan. I don't like Punk. The songs are so similar. But I was surprised. It is a good album. Expand
  5. Apr 19, 2013
    This is the kind of album that gets people excited about music. A beautiful blend of the personal and political, "American Idiot" excellently captures the emotional landscape of the post-9/11 U.S. Themes like media hysteria, anti-imperialism, antiwar sensibilities, lower middle class life, religious disillusionment, drug addiction, tragic love, the search for meaning, and ultimatelyThis is the kind of album that gets people excited about music. A beautiful blend of the personal and political, "American Idiot" excellently captures the emotional landscape of the post-9/11 U.S. Themes like media hysteria, anti-imperialism, antiwar sensibilities, lower middle class life, religious disillusionment, drug addiction, tragic love, the search for meaning, and ultimately learning everything the hard way, are all woven together into a story that makes up for what it lacks in clarity with surprisingly accessible gravitas. Stylistically, critics of Green Day are quick to point out their disloyalty to the tried-and-true formulas of punk's first wave, and indeed you will find this album to be anything but formulaic. This time, the trio have seen fit to experiment not only with song structure, but also modestly with instrumentation, and it has paid off. That said, if you are a fan of the boisterous pop-punk of the Ramones, the fiery idealism of the Clash, and the grandiosity of the Who, you will feel at home listening to "American Idiot". While older critics harp on the fact that Green Day had the nerve to form in the late 80's instead of 10 or 15 years earlier, the sweet children have grown up, and they have a hell of a story to tell. Come to this album with no biases or pretensions, and it might very well change your life. Collapse
  6. Jun 2, 2013
    "American Idiot" Uma Obra Prima Dos Anos 2000.
    Com Temas Essenciais Como Politíca,Injustiça,Morte E Desemprego.
    Duas Longas E Excelentes Ópera De Rock Jesus Of Suburbia E Homecoming. As Punk Rock Essência Do GD American Idiot,Holiday,St Jimmy,She's A Rebel,Letterbomb E As Longas Jesus Of Suburbia E Homecoming E As Fundamentais Baladas De Rock Boulevard Of Broken Dreams,Are We The
    "American Idiot" Uma Obra Prima Dos Anos 2000.
    Com Temas Essenciais Como Politíca,Injustiça,Morte E Desemprego.

    Duas Longas E Excelentes Ópera De Rock Jesus Of Suburbia E Homecoming.

    As Punk Rock Essência Do GD American Idiot,Holiday,St Jimmy,She's A Rebel,Letterbomb E As Longas Jesus Of Suburbia E Homecoming

    E As Fundamentais Baladas De Rock Boulevard Of Broken Dreams,Are We The Waiting,Give Me Novacaine,Wake Me Up When Semptember Ends E Para Encerrar Com Chave De Ouro Whatsername

    Top De American Idiot
    1-Boulevard Of A Broken Dreams
    5-Jesus Of Suburbia
  7. Jun 15, 2013
    American Idiot is one of my favorite albums of all time. The music is great and the messages from the songs are ones I can agree with. A quick message to everyone that is mad about Green Day calling Americans "idiots": We are, now chill.
  8. Oct 4, 2013
    Amazing album that stands it test of time and still is a masterpiece almost 10 years into the future. Truly a classic. I would even go so far to compare this album to Nevermind by Nirvana or Abbey Road by The Beatles or IV by Led Zeppelin.All tracks are amazing but I would have to admit that the middle is not as good as the beginning and end but those tracks are awesome aswell! Track byAmazing album that stands it test of time and still is a masterpiece almost 10 years into the future. Truly a classic. I would even go so far to compare this album to Nevermind by Nirvana or Abbey Road by The Beatles or IV by Led Zeppelin.All tracks are amazing but I would have to admit that the middle is not as good as the beginning and end but those tracks are awesome aswell! Track by track: American Idiot 10/10 this power rocker starts up the album with a huge bang, still hears this song today on the radio or the tv. Jesus of Suburbia 10/10 this 9 minute rock-opera keeps my interest through the whole song. Holiday 10/10 Awesome! Nuff' said. Boulevard of Broken Dreams 10/10 another timeless classic that i still hear being played. Are we waiting 10/10 This 3 minute song is so epic! St.Jimmy 10/10 Fast paced fun! Here is where the album is getting a bit worse on the 4 following tracks: Give me novachine,Extraordinary Girl, Letterbomb. 9/10 but I love She is a Rebel 10/10. Wake me up when september ends 10/10 A truly beautiful song that Billie Joe wrote to his dad that passed away of cancer when Billie Joe was 10. He died in september and "Wake me up when september ends" is a reference to what BIllie Joe said on his fathers funeral. Homecoming 10/10 another awesome 9 minute
    rock-opera. Diverse and intense. Whatsername 9.5/10 awesome closer that sums up the album perfectly. Oh, did I mention that you should listen to the lyrics to truly understand the album. You see, this whole album is a story. This review turned up pretty long so I think I will end it here. You know what to do! Just listen to this already!!!
  9. Jan 4, 2014
    Introduced to this album when I was six years old, I loved it, and got told off for singing the bad words in it. Nine years on, I still listen to the songs in this album. It's definitely one of Green Day's greatest albums made and stands out above their new material.
  10. Mar 31, 2014
    This album, while it may have controversial lyrics, has a lot of soul in the tune, which is why I listen to music. It's got powerful choruses and catchy verses - and some substantial songs, I enjoy that a lot.
  11. Oct 5, 2014
    This album is arguably the best album of Greenday portraying the life of a drug-abused teenage with a self-proclaim title "Jesus of the Suburbia". I just don't know what happen in the end of his journey. Even years has passed by, I am still excited when they sing the title track " American idiot "
  12. Oct 27, 2014
    It's been 10 years since the initial release of Green Day's iconic rock-opera that arguably defined a generation of rock. The album shows far more diversity and complexity on every level than anything Green Day had done prior. That, and it's prettier political punk(ish) sound and theme put the band back into the limelight. The album features a far more political and anti-establishmentIt's been 10 years since the initial release of Green Day's iconic rock-opera that arguably defined a generation of rock. The album shows far more diversity and complexity on every level than anything Green Day had done prior. That, and it's prettier political punk(ish) sound and theme put the band back into the limelight. The album features a far more political and anti-establishment theme than anything the band had done before, but it was their least punk record. Diving into arena rock, power pop, and overall alt rock awesomeness while still sticking to the relatively simple multi power chord based sound they're known for, the album is a musical success. Who would have thought that Green Day of all bands would put out a 57min album with a coherent plot line, fleshed out characters, two 9+min tracks and do it with astonishing results. In years to come, this will be put alongside some of the greatest American albums of all time. Expand
  13. Mar 9, 2015
    Most songs I hear in on the radio on a regular basis are about love, sex, and heartbreaks. The album American Idiot by Green Day (originally known as Sweet Children) is made up of songs inspired by acts of protest. When Green Day formed in 1986, they were known as punk band who had great fondness for marijuana. Most of their early albums were influenced by health problems and controversialMost songs I hear in on the radio on a regular basis are about love, sex, and heartbreaks. The album American Idiot by Green Day (originally known as Sweet Children) is made up of songs inspired by acts of protest. When Green Day formed in 1986, they were known as punk band who had great fondness for marijuana. Most of their early albums were influenced by health problems and controversial actions. For example, their album Dookie (released in 1994) depicts a bomb dropping on people and buildings which indicates a form of vandalism and people getting seriously hurt. Creating albums like this appear to be a way of influencing others to cause destruction. In the late 90's and early 2000's, Green Day's success started to decline due to lack of variation in their music.

    In 2004, they gained their success back when they released the album American Idiot, which they took a more conscious approach to. This album consists of songs that have intentions of influencing others to express who they feel. There are many people who don't agree with the laws and boundaries that apply to them. Some individuals find unique ways of expressing their opinions (for example, some do it through song). The song “American Idiot” is about expressing how you feel and being proud of it. There is one point in the song where Billie Joel Armstrong says something like: “I may be no good in the perspectives of others, but I am proud of the person I am and I will not change that”. America claims to be a nation where everyone has the right to speak their minds. Instead of having their words taken into consideration, some people get chastised for their actions. Going against the laws are usually seen as just unforgivable crimes done by selfish individuals. There are times when people feel the need to go against these laws to receive attention the public's attention. In the song “Holiday”, the band says to “kill” those agree with their actions and words. They aren't necessarily saying they want to kill someone, but giving a message saying they won't let others give them direction and blow off those who disagree. American Idiot contains pieces that have influential lyrics with solid instrumentals behind them that give off an intense mood letting people know that they need to stay entitled to their own opinions and can't let disagreement of others refrain them from doing so. Although Green Day's choice of words in their songs are somewhat offensive, their music is powerful overall and they have every right to use it to get the public's attention.

    The album American Idiot not only has pieces based on protest, but also personal struggles each member of the band went through. For example, the song “Wake Me Up When September Ends” was influenced by the death of Billie Joel Armstrong's father which occurred when Armstrong was a child. The song emphasizes losing loved ones and the pain people feel when it happens. Its title is basically a line coming from someone who is trying to cope with this pain despite the difficulties. The song sends a message saying to be careful about what you say to your loved ones because you never know when you might lose them. Armstrong was influenced to give that message when reflecting on losing his father at a young age. It is important to show the people in your life as much love as you can because you never know whether or not it's the last time you'll see them. American Idiot not only shows a great change in Green Day's music, but also a positive change who they are as people.
  14. Apr 4, 2016
    ................................................................................................................................................................A Masterpiece!!!!!!!!
  15. Dec 16, 2017
    An Landmark album for Green Day Career and for music, Maybe the best album ever by Green Day, and simply one of 5 best album of 2000's Decade, also one of best albums ever made.

    The Album is too Masterpiece that even seem Underrated an rating of 79% of 100, by the critics this album could pass easily the 80%, and even the 90%.
  16. Sep 20, 2015
    I enjoyed pretty much every song on this album with an exception which is "Are We the Waiting", that song just kinda annoys me. But overall the album is a 10
  17. Aug 26, 2015
    One of the best albums of Green Day , a concept album that reflects life in the US in the government of Bush in a very good shape. It is not limited to be politically correct and show anger and condemnation . The two most notable songs : American Idiot and Jesus of Suburbian
  18. Oct 23, 2015
    “American Idiot” by Green Day is the best album I’ve heard in my 18 years on this earth. It starts with greatness and ends with greatness. It has songs that a BMX rider can ride to and then songs that you can listen to when you’re out for a walk. Truly shows that when Green Day took there break in 2000 after their album “Warning”, and then, 2004 released “American Idiot” which sold“American Idiot” by Green Day is the best album I’ve heard in my 18 years on this earth. It starts with greatness and ends with greatness. It has songs that a BMX rider can ride to and then songs that you can listen to when you’re out for a walk. Truly shows that when Green Day took there break in 2000 after their album “Warning”, and then, 2004 released “American Idiot” which sold 267,000 in its first weeks. And since 2004 to 2014 they have sold 6.2 million “American Idiot” albums. It shows that the break they had really paid off in the long run. Especially the next year when they won 5 awards for best album and best international album from 5 different music companies. And then won 2 awards at the Grammy’s forest rock album and record of the year for “ Boulevard of Broken Dreams”.
    What this album is really about though is about how the US Government was, back in 2001 during the Iraq War. Mr. Billie Joe Armstrong said from an interview on “Fresh Air Interviews” that, “..right after 9/11 and watching the sort of tanks going into Iraq and these embedded journalists going in live, it felt like a cross between war and reality television," and he also says, “So I just felt this great sort of confusion,...For me, I felt this moment of rage and patriotism,”. What this also means is that when the journalists were broadcasting this live to American viewers it was showing how bad Iraq was with their government. And Armstrong was trying to get his point across that if we don’t elect the right president in the 2004 elections this country could go downhill with the US Government. Hence the name “American Idiot”, a lot of Americans dont think things through and would probably elect the wrong person to be in the oval office. A song thats also in the album that really tells people is it a good idea to go to war and lose even more people is the song, “Wake Me up when September Ends”. Its saying is it a good idea to step to their level and lose people just to get pay back. Then “The Death of St. Jimmy” is is supposed to be god, but in this case its supposed to be someones child that joined the service and the mother is very worry about him. Especially when he returns home and he’s acting very differently and both paretns are concerned about him. So for a band that could look l ike a bunch of punks they know what’s going on in the country.
  19. Oct 29, 2015
    American Idiot, a punk rock opera centering around the Jesus of Suburbia, is probably Green Day's second best album next to Dookie. There are only a few barely noticeable problems. All in all, a good album.
  20. Dec 19, 2015
    This review may be slightly biased since this album did get me into music. However, I do think this album deserves this score. Every single on the album was great and among my favorites. Even the slower songs, we which I am usually not fond of. But Green Day managed to pull off a great rock opera. Cheers to them :)
  21. Apr 17, 2016
    No one saw this coming. Green Day makes a rock opera, and then that rock opera becomes one of the greatest of the decade. This album never lets up from the scorching prelude that is the title track, to the emotionally charged ending.
  22. Jan 17, 2016
    um ótimo álbum, com letras incríveis, o american idiot é, sem sombra de dúvidas, o melhor álbum do green day (dookiefãs não passarão). um dos melhores que já ouvi.
  23. Oct 4, 2016
    An amazing record from beginning to end filled with so many classics. I liked some of GD's stuff before this but AI was what really got me on board as a fan. Sensational!
  24. Apr 25, 2016
    When I first listened to one of the songs like "American Idiot" and "Wake Me Up When September Ends". I was expecting this album will be great. When I ordered a vinyl of this album. I was stunned of their songs. The songs are rocking good, and also chilling. I highly recommend new Green Day fans this album.
  25. May 11, 2016
    .........................................................................................................................Fantastic Album Masterpiece...................
  26. Oct 11, 2016
    "I. Love. Punk." those are the three words that I said to myself after listening to this titanic, beautiful, awesome album. I have never experienced such an amazing album in my life, nothing else could compare to this fantastic album, this was a turning point for my life, seriously, I've never had such a life-changing masterpiece hit me so hard to turn away from the mainstream. This is the"I. Love. Punk." those are the three words that I said to myself after listening to this titanic, beautiful, awesome album. I have never experienced such an amazing album in my life, nothing else could compare to this fantastic album, this was a turning point for my life, seriously, I've never had such a life-changing masterpiece hit me so hard to turn away from the mainstream. This is the holy grail of punk, this is the greatest punk album that exists at the moment, you can completely ignore the critics and user review score, just know this, you will be listening to this god damn album for years to come. Green Day does the impossible in American Idiot, they delve into so many different styles and genres, yet sticks to it's heart. Everything about this album is memorable, from the concept, to the track list, to the riffs, to the first muffled audio that you hear in American Idiot before the kick, you will remember this extravaganza of an album.

    Usually, I would put a negative part on this paragraph, but, it's perfect, so, there's not much to say, but I'll talk about the concept! The story is so simple yet so memorable, Jesus of Suburbia is sick of the town that he lives in, so he decides to leave the town and live in the city in a new identity (I'm not going to talk about it anymore because you need to listen to this album for yourself). My favourite part of this album is it's existence. Some of the tracks on the album definitely deserved to get more attention, like Extraordinary Girl and Letterbomb, there are just so many classics on this album.

    I want you to go to your nearest record store/hi-fi store/phone, buy this album, and listen to it on repeat for a few months. This is an essential for the human race, every person NEEDS to get this album because this is the best album I've ever listened to, don't buy anything else, just get this album right now, seriously, you don't know what you're missing out on.
  27. Feb 21, 2017
    American Idiot is a great album with catchy songs, some upbeat and fun, while others are more thoughtful and dark like Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Overall it has a nice variety of songs that keep you wanting to listen to them over and over again.
  28. Sep 30, 2017
    American Idiot hits the ground running with the title track's loud, political punk, but quickly becomes something else - an epic concept album that mostly hits the mark. The first four tracks cannot be faulted, with the agressive ranting of Holiday, the bleak angst of Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and the five-part, nine-minute Jesus of Suburbia, a feat of songwriting so ambitious that itAmerican Idiot hits the ground running with the title track's loud, political punk, but quickly becomes something else - an epic concept album that mostly hits the mark. The first four tracks cannot be faulted, with the agressive ranting of Holiday, the bleak angst of Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and the five-part, nine-minute Jesus of Suburbia, a feat of songwriting so ambitious that it practically gives the album an extra star on its own. Apart from a few weak tracks (She's a Rebel, Extraordinary Girl), the album is a masterpiece of rock that cements Green Day as one of the biggest bands of our time. Favourite track: Holiday. Expand
  29. Mar 12, 2018
    Lo mejor q ha hecho Green Day nunca, en mi opinion, totalmente perfecto, musical y liricamente
  30. Mar 9, 2017
    American Idiot are the best album from Green Day to me, Dookie second.
    It all contain a very serious written song, emotional singing, power beat, and a nice change of pace.
    Maybe it is one of the best album ever made of all time.
  31. Jul 5, 2017
    Green day alcanzo la cuspide con esta obra, que hasta la fecha sigue siendo en mi opinión su mejor trabajo discográfico que se vuelve un himno juvenil contra la estupidez de la política y gobiernos del mundo, te da un mensaje radical de rebeldía para defender tu opinión y no hacer callar tu voz
  32. Nov 30, 2017
    Best album of all time. I wouldn't skip a single song. Every single song on this album is an absolute masterpiece. Boulevard of Broken Dreams is the best song of all time and Jesus of Suburbia is an underrated classic.
  33. Jan 3, 2018
    This album is another great one by Green Day. While not my favorite i really do enjoy this one a lot. The guitar riffs are stuff that you can recognize when you hear them and are also very interesting. The lyrics are can get very deep in points, talking about politics, society issues, and some times even talking about death. this album is really enjoyable to listen to and it gets a 9.5/10
  34. Mar 10, 2018
    This along with 21st Century Breakdown show the peak of Green Day's career. Both are classic albums
  35. Mar 25, 2020
    American Idiot by Green Day: 7.66

    American Idiot: 1 :) Jesus of Suburbia: 0.75 Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams: 1 :) Are We the Waiting (0.75)/St Jimmy (1): 0.75 Give Me Novacaine (0.75)/She’s a Rebel (1): 0.75 Extraordinary Girl (0.75)/Letterbomb (1 :)): 1 Wake Me Up When September Ends: 1 :) Homecoming: 0.75 Whatsername: 1 Too Much Too Soon: 1 :) Shoplifter: 1
    American Idiot by Green Day: 7.66

    American Idiot: 1 :)
    Jesus of Suburbia: 0.75
    Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams: 1 :)
    Are We the Waiting (0.75)/St Jimmy (1): 0.75
    Give Me Novacaine (0.75)/She’s a Rebel (1): 0.75
    Extraordinary Girl (0.75)/Letterbomb (1 :)): 1
    Wake Me Up When September Ends: 1 :)
    Homecoming: 0.75
    Whatsername: 1
    Too Much Too Soon: 1 :)
    Shoplifter: 1
    Governator: 0.5

    10.5/12 = .875 -> 7.66

    Green Day’s American Idiot is one heck of an album! There are so many amazing songs on it, from American Idiot and Holiday to Letterbomb and Too Much Too Soon. Boulevard of Broken Dreams is my absolute favorite song. The only song I wasn’t crazy about was Governator, but even that misfire wasn’t terrible, making this album near perfect. If the album were up to me, I’d take away the drug content, but I suppose that’s Green Day. All in all, a spectacular album! Highlights from this album are American Idiot, Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Extraordinary Girl/Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Whatsername, Too Much Too Soon, and Shoplifter.
  36. Jan 14, 2019
    This album has to be one of Green Day's best along with Dookie. Every song on this album, besides the title track, is great to amazing. There are definitely several favorites from this album with my personal favorites being Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, St. Jimmy, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Homecoming. Fortunately, the rest of the album is fullThis album has to be one of Green Day's best along with Dookie. Every song on this album, besides the title track, is great to amazing. There are definitely several favorites from this album with my personal favorites being Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, St. Jimmy, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Homecoming. Fortunately, the rest of the album is full of great songs. American Idiot is an amazing album and one of Green Day's best albums! Expand
  37. Mar 2, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before.
  38. Feb 11, 2020
    Truly magnificent album. Arguably the best they've done. Combination of great singles and album tracks. Fave tracks : Jesus of Suburbia, Homecoming, Whatsername
  39. Nov 10, 2019
    This album is amazing and iconic, but can we please get an F in the chat for Saint Jimmy.
  40. Aug 7, 2021
    This is a masterpiece.
    Best songs: Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Jesus of Suburbia, American Idiot, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Holiday, Give Me Novacaine
    Worst songs: -
  41. Aug 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um dos 3 melhores álbuns do Green Day de toda a história da banda.
    Incrivelmente bem escrito, arranjo dos acordes sequencialmente bem colocados, a história por trás de Jimmy muito bem feita e extremamente criativa. Uma dádiva do século 21 vindo de uma banda pouco valorizada atualmente, mas que realmente possui seu devido reconhecimento pelo mundo dada a trajetória da banda ao longo do final dos anos 80 e início dos anos 90.
  42. Oct 5, 2020
    There won't be an album like American Idiot, this good and this passionate, with awesome multi-part songs like jesus of suburbia and homecoming, slow and emotional moments like Give me novocaine and Are we the waiting and uplifting songs like Holiday and St. Jimmy (not to mention letterbomb, what a song, guys). A roller coaster of emotions, incredible concept...
  43. Jan 13, 2021
    Great album. The greatest Green Day album in my opinion. Ever since this album, Green Day has not been able to capture the same spark this album had.
  44. Mar 30, 2021
    One of the best albums ever made!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
  45. Sep 23, 2021
    Great album, had it all. Best album on Earth. Green Day have gone to another level with this.
  46. Nov 21, 2021
    Complete waste of time to listen to everything is bland and boring and has no feeling to it.
  47. Sep 4, 2022
    First things first: there's a reason there's a Broadway musical of this album.

    In this album, Billie Joe Armstrong belts out his views of the country while telling the story of the Jesus of Suburbia. Every single song is powerful and meaningful, whether it's a slow ballad like Are We The Waiting, Give Me Novocaine, and Wake Me Up When September Ends, or a fast-paced song like American
    First things first: there's a reason there's a Broadway musical of this album.

    In this album, Billie Joe Armstrong belts out his views of the country while telling the story of the Jesus of Suburbia. Every single song is powerful and meaningful, whether it's a slow ballad like Are We The Waiting, Give Me Novocaine, and Wake Me Up When September Ends, or a fast-paced song like American Idiot, St Jimmy, or Letterbomb, or a full-on rock opera like Jesus of Suburbia or Homecoming.

    Lyrically, this album is perfect, Billie Joe Armstrong's vocals always deliver, and the band sounds incredible behind him. The story and meaning behind this album is second to none, and it's full of songs you can replay over and over again. It's very easily a perfect 10.


    FLAWLESS: Wake Me Up When September Ends
    PERFECT: Jesus Of Suburbia, Homecoming, Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    AMAZING: Holiday, Extraordinary Girl, St Jimmy, Whatsername
    GREAT: American Idiot, She's A Rebel, Letterbomb, Give Me Novocaine, Are We The Waiting
    GOOD: n/a
    OKAY: n/a
    BAD: n/a
    TERRIBLE: n/a
  48. Mar 15, 2023
    Even from the first listening it is a perfect album, over time it is a rock album that has kept respect.
  49. Mar 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is the best story driven album a lost boy st jimmy on his quest for his love whatsername and AMERICAN POLITICS on songs like "holiday" and "American idiot" THE SONG! And the story telling songs like "Jesus Of Suburbia" And "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" Which is my 3rd Favorite Song OF ALL TIME!! and the parts in the album that are good but best for adding the story like "are we waiting?" And "st Jimmy" "give me nova cane" and "shes a rebel" FAVORITE SONG : BLVD OF BROKEN DREAMS LEAST FAVORITE SONG : ST JIMMY RATING 9/10 Expand
  50. Mar 30, 2023
    Are We the Waiting is a truly underrated song that I never hear anyone talking about, and I wish I did.
  51. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    bom album, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. It is exactly what the band needs to boost itself to the next level of pop-punk prowess.
  2. There's still plenty of spunk in to be found in this Sgt. Pepper-lite.
  3. Not only does it contain Green Day’s finest songs (and choruses) to date... but it also scratches at the surface of political dissatisfaction with nails sharp enough to leave a nasty scar.