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Universal acclaim- based on 483 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 28 out of 483

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  1. ChairwomanMadge
    Apr 25, 2003
    This is an ace CD and the best song (my song of the year so far) is "Nothing Fails" - infinitely moving. Mirwais' production is top-notch, there's something different in each, and while "Mother and Father" can be a bit cringeworthy at times ("I had a mother/It was *nice*), the album as a whole is outstanding and not the sonic monstrostity most reviewers would have you believe. BUY IT!
  2. nonenone
    Sep 20, 2007
    Excellent album.
  3. VictorC.
    Apr 5, 2009
    An excellent Madonna album. Songs such as "Intervention," "Nothing Fails," and "X-Static Process" really pull this album together.
  4. BillC.
    Aug 2, 2010
  5. BillC.
    Apr 24, 2003
  6. Fabio
    Jun 12, 2004
  7. TRhgfegdsghs
    Jan 9, 2005
  8. JoaoJoao
    Aug 5, 2005
    It's different but worth listening to. It grows on you.
  9. LevanA
    Oct 14, 2006
    Her best. Critics don´t know shit.
  10. seanf
    Mar 26, 2006
    don't believe the negative reviews
  11. DejanSt.
    Apr 8, 2008
    Her best album. Take a bow! She is master!
  12. ClifC
    Jun 23, 2008
    That's why I hate American music critics: they are all offended when we talk badly about American government! So they give bad reviews and grades. This is one of her best albums (for me, it's her best), and nobody can't deny. I see also another solution: Bush paid them to underrate this masterpiece.
  13. JensO
    Aug 1, 2009
    Her most underrated album by far-- those who doubt that Madonna is a musician should listen to this album.
  14. LouisP.
    Apr 22, 2003
    Critics are afraid of what they don't understand; some will hate this album because it dares to be different. It's an original LP. I really like it a lot! The best songs are Nothing Fails, Hollywood, Mother & Father and Intervention.
  15. AlexanderH
    May 30, 2003
    It's perfect. Although Ray of Light is better, this album is about her and it haven't got a comercial prospect, like other albums of other artist.
  16. MattM
    Jun 16, 2003
    Despite receiving heavily mixed reviews and a poor reception on the album charts, any music aficionado with a true appreciation of Madonna's work will see that "American Life" is easily her best album to date - Yes, it's even better than "Ray Of Light"! Lyrically, it's the most personal stuff Madge has ever written; and musically, it's even better. It's back to Despite receiving heavily mixed reviews and a poor reception on the album charts, any music aficionado with a true appreciation of Madonna's work will see that "American Life" is easily her best album to date - Yes, it's even better than "Ray Of Light"! Lyrically, it's the most personal stuff Madge has ever written; and musically, it's even better. It's back to basic acoustics on the beautiful "X-Static Process," while "Nothing Fails" is easily one of the best songs Madonna has ever produced. Mirwais's electronic touch is present on the title track and "Nobody Knows Me," while Michel Colombier's sensational string arrangements are featured in "Die Another Day" and "Easy Ride". Madonna's "American Life", to reiterate, is her best album ever as well as the best album of 2003. Expand
  17. RodB.
    Jul 2, 2003
    One of Madonna's best CDs and probably her most personal one. It's very enjoyable with the exception of a couple of songs. Track ratings: American Life- B- Hollywood- C+ I'm So Stupid- D Love Profusion- A+ Nobody Knows Me- A Nothing Fails- A Intervention- A X-Static Process- A- Mother & Father- A+ Die Another Day- B+ Easy Ride- A+
  18. PaulPaul
    May 26, 2005
    This is her best album I just can't believe, that SHE had this produced. Better then "Ray of Light"
  19. MichealT
    Sep 23, 2006
    I love this record...
  20. GusT
    Jun 11, 2003
    While "Ray of Light" is her best work, this is truly a successful progression from that CD and from "Music." I play the CD everyday and must tell you that the more you listen to it, the more you will like it. It does not immediately grab you, but rather sneaks up on you. Do you really want another "Immaculate Collection?" C'mon! It's 2003 and Madonna is still innovative and While "Ray of Light" is her best work, this is truly a successful progression from that CD and from "Music." I play the CD everyday and must tell you that the more you listen to it, the more you will like it. It does not immediately grab you, but rather sneaks up on you. Do you really want another "Immaculate Collection?" C'mon! It's 2003 and Madonna is still innovative and fresh. What else do you have to ask for? Expand
  21. yorid
    Aug 12, 2003
    beautiful album.why does feeling love and sharing it,make her boring?i prefer when she disturbs the norm but can appreciate this album,the message and mood.the first single was more a political statement than anything else,but once you forgive soars. "and i know that love will change us forever...." indeed.
  22. James
    Nov 10, 2006
    Beautiful music
  23. EduardoM.
    Dec 24, 2006
    Stop the criticism the album is great songs like nothing fails,mother and father,x-tactic process stand out....weak songs are American life and i'm so stupid.
  24. EdijsG.
    Feb 23, 2009
    I have to give a credit for this album, because i didn't like it when i heard it first time .. i still remember and that it just stayed there for fue weeks, and than i started to listen again and this is the best album still for me, love all the songs. This is better than MUSIC, Ray of light or Confessions, at least for me. Thy lyrics are good and the feeling that this cd gives is I have to give a credit for this album, because i didn't like it when i heard it first time .. i still remember and that it just stayed there for fue weeks, and than i started to listen again and this is the best album still for me, love all the songs. This is better than MUSIC, Ray of light or Confessions, at least for me. Thy lyrics are good and the feeling that this cd gives is undescribable - magic happens. Expand
  25. Apr 12, 2012
    Very underrated. People, including critics, seem to only be judging the pop tracks and not really listening to the ballads which really showcase Madonna's vocals. Excellent album, terrible critical response
  26. Jul 21, 2012
    This album is a masterpiece. Really! I simply think that people really did not understand it. She criticizes a lot of aspect of the modern american society.---
    The album opens with American Life, a song that reflects how people are satisfied with their lives with very insignificant thing (listen to the rap (my favorite part of it): I'm diggin' on the isotopes/This metaphysics **** is
    This album is a masterpiece. Really! I simply think that people really did not understand it. She criticizes a lot of aspect of the modern american society.---
    The album opens with American Life, a song that reflects how people are satisfied with their lives with very insignificant thing (listen to the rap (my favorite part of it): I'm diggin' on the isotopes/This metaphysics **** is dope/And if all this can give me hope/You know I'm satisfied). ---
    Hollywood is a song expressing how everyone wants to be a star because of what they see in movies, in interviews, etc. And she says how everyone's opinion of Hollywood is wrong. And how shallow Hollywood is too.---
    I'm So Stupid declares how everyone who's comparing themselves to others, always trying to be someone else are stupid because there is nothing for you when you are not yourself.---
    Love Profusion, I think, is a very heavy song, but what I understood from it is that love is so important in people's mind (because we hear of it in every movies, songs, etc.), that they don't take the time to understand the whys and hows of the world. And when you get rid of the illusion that love is the most important thing, you start to make your own happiness and find the real answers (There are too many questions/There is not one solution /There is no resurrection /There is so much confusion [...] I have lost my illusions /What I want is an explanation )---
    Nobody Knows Me is probably the best song! The key word that makes it the most mindblowing song for me is "No one's telling you how to live your life/But it's a setup until you're fed up". She really explores how people think they are free and made their choices in life, but really, they have been pushed by the elites who controlled the TV channels, the radios, the journals, magazines; in the end you have been SOOO influenced that she says that even if nobody tells you how to life your life, you are not really free of doing what you want, and I would even say that people probably don't even know what they would have wanted if they have not been influenced all their lives by the media.---
    Nothing Fails, the way I see it, show how flawless religion is. Myself, I have been a believer all my life until recently and believe it or not, this song persuaded me to walk away from my religion. It shows that when you feel like you are losing Faith, you immediately makes you want to pray. When a dear one dies, instead of questionning God's existence, the first thing we do is pray. And it is true for every event that should make you question God (war, death,catastrophes, mass shootings, rapes, etc.)---
    The rest of the album is beauty. She leaves the strong messages to turn to very beautiful songs (Intervention, X-Static Process, Easy Ride) or more dancey (Mother And Father, Die Another Day) without loosing quality.Madonna is a complete artist. She is a very deep pop artist and very talented.
  27. Apr 8, 2011
    Absolutely perfect. The most fantastic album ever made by a singer. The triumph of perfection, sounds and feels.
    From "Hung Up" to "Let it will be", every single song is mixed perfectly!
  28. Mar 26, 2012
    American Life is Madonna's most underrated album. You can tell from reviews all around the web that it's a love it or hate it album. It's definitely not in-your-face pop, so I would avoid this one if you're just looking for radio-friendly material. On this album, we see Madonna at her most vulnerable. From the cynical American Life to the touching Mother and Father, Madonna takes us on aAmerican Life is Madonna's most underrated album. You can tell from reviews all around the web that it's a love it or hate it album. It's definitely not in-your-face pop, so I would avoid this one if you're just looking for radio-friendly material. On this album, we see Madonna at her most vulnerable. From the cynical American Life to the touching Mother and Father, Madonna takes us on a tour of her world. I applaud her guts, especially for the American Life video, which raised controversy like never before. Notable tracks: American Life, Love Profusion, Nothing Fails, X-Static Process. Expand
  29. Apr 3, 2012
    The perfect example of a misundertood album concept... American life in spite of what people may think is not about war and politics criticism... It's Madonna being creative in a unusual pop way a synth-acoustic-pop with AMAZING lyrics where she tells about her life in the US, about her relationship, about her kids and life experiences in general. There are songs there that are GENIUS. andThe perfect example of a misundertood album concept... American life in spite of what people may think is not about war and politics criticism... It's Madonna being creative in a unusual pop way a synth-acoustic-pop with AMAZING lyrics where she tells about her life in the US, about her relationship, about her kids and life experiences in general. There are songs there that are GENIUS. and for me a Madonna Top 5 Album! Expand
  30. Nov 11, 2013
    Great album. It's so sad that AL is so underrated. It's full of flawless lyrics and songs.
    She also proves once again, that she is actually a really good singer.
    One of my favourites from The Queen of POP.
  31. Nov 11, 2013
    Amazing album! Very personal and VERY underrated by the time it was released. Critics in general tend to dismiss Madonna's ability to write very personal songs and this album is full of them. Songs like Love Profusion, Xtatic Process, Easy Ride and Nobody Knows Me shows her unmatchable talent to deliver through her music her own personal experiences in a very vivid life.
  32. Mar 12, 2015
    Apparently I'm alone in this, but American Life is my favorite Madonna album (with Ray of Light being a close second), and it's also one of the few albums where I love every song. The unique blend of folk and electronica is especially appealing to me, and I really like how cohesive the album is. There's a fairly pervasive melancholy mood throughout, but the songs are catchy and melodicApparently I'm alone in this, but American Life is my favorite Madonna album (with Ray of Light being a close second), and it's also one of the few albums where I love every song. The unique blend of folk and electronica is especially appealing to me, and I really like how cohesive the album is. There's a fairly pervasive melancholy mood throughout, but the songs are catchy and melodic enough so that it maintains momentum at the same time.

    Another thing I love about this album is that Madonna clearly wasn't trying to please anyone with it. It doesn't have the massive appeal that some of her other stuff has, but it's certainly intriguing and inspired, something I can't really say about her albums since. It's too bad critics received it so poorly though, because it really is an underrated gem in her long career.
  33. Oct 3, 2017
    This album makes me cry. Amazing underrated effort that's just for her die-hard fans. I adore all singles from it and rock-version of American Life from "Remixed and Revisited" is just so Emmy-wise. Excellent!
  34. Oct 20, 2016
    American Life is a staggering pop masterpiece which easily contains some of Madonna's best work in her entire career, even eclipsing her work on critic's favourite Ray of Light. Madonna makes a daring continuation from the experimental nature of Music and this shows on some the album's highlights such as American Life, Hollywood and Nobody Knows Me. She also shines in the raw, personalAmerican Life is a staggering pop masterpiece which easily contains some of Madonna's best work in her entire career, even eclipsing her work on critic's favourite Ray of Light. Madonna makes a daring continuation from the experimental nature of Music and this shows on some the album's highlights such as American Life, Hollywood and Nobody Knows Me. She also shines in the raw, personal songs such as X-Static Process and Intervention which are still strikingly relevant to her life in the present day. Expand
  35. Apr 7, 2018
    Uno de los mejores albumes de Madonna, y sin duda alguna, el mejor de este milenio
  36. Aug 16, 2017
    American Life es una de las joyas de Madonna sumamente increíbles, lamentablemente a los críticos no les parece lo mismo, este es de los pocos álbumes que se pueden justificar el porque tienen un amarillo. American Life es la joya americana y un gran avance en la carrera de la reina del pop, aunque no era raro que ella hablara de lo que quisiera, es sin duda una reina entera.
  37. Apr 30, 2020
    Madonna did it when she tried to do a perfect album. The queen of pop. Lover her so much
  38. Feb 22, 2019
    the most underrated album of all time, madonna is so unique and brilliant, this album is an avant-garde masterpiece.
  39. Jun 13, 2019
    It's a masterpiece, a experimental political, social and love Revolution, acoustic and electronic that feels too good
  40. Jul 2, 2019
    Her best album. Political, reflexive, personal and deeply lyrically meaningful. The production of the french electronic god Mirwais transforms the record into a real masterpiece. Indeed does not have any bad song.
  41. Jul 1, 2019
    The best album of her whole career ! Travelling through the years without aging ! This mix between electro and acoustic is pure genius. A masterpiece.
  42. Nov 25, 2021
    Madonna forecasts the world in 2020 while the rest of people still lived in 2000. The most underrated album of all time.
  43. Nov 16, 2020
    a brilliant masterpiece and ahead of its time. more relevant today than ever. along with erotica rebel heart and bedtime stories this is her most underrated album. this won’t be for everyone
  44. May 31, 2020
    60 metascore? Seriously? Such a fantastic album. Lyrics are perfect, everything flows so good and still sounds incredible in 2020.
  45. May 23, 2020
    Her most misunderstood work. A work of genius. Flawless sound and lyric production from start to finish.
  46. May 29, 2020
    I can't describe how much I love this. Americans had all their fails and mistakes thrown in their face and the critics show that they weren't willing to take it! Shame, because Madonna slayed everyone!
  47. Aug 26, 2020
    Exactly like the previous album, Music, American Life is such a dark, introspective, authentic record, which mixes the folk sound with the techno genre. Underrated!
  48. Nov 23, 2021
    Invented the flop era, the controversial era, and the woke era all at once. This has some of her worst work that she has ever put out. "Sigmund Freud, analyze this", I'm looking right at you!
    At the same time, this has the best track run from any album in her catalogue. The Love Profusion to X-Static Process sequence is pure gold. Hollywood is a bit overrated, in my opinion. And the rap
    Invented the flop era, the controversial era, and the woke era all at once. This has some of her worst work that she has ever put out. "Sigmund Freud, analyze this", I'm looking right at you!
    At the same time, this has the best track run from any album in her catalogue. The Love Profusion to X-Static Process sequence is pure gold. Hollywood is a bit overrated, in my opinion. And the rap bits are kind of camp once you get used to them. In the end, you have nothing to lose, except time. This is really her ARTPOP if you really think about it.
  49. DaniCocaH
    Apr 24, 2003
    she can't please everyone, she never tried so why do people still act like she will this time. the songs on the album are a fresh direction that she and mirwais with music's don't tell me. although i thoroughly enjoyed music i wasn't giddy over that particular track on american life it works, and rather well. the album is a mix of a few upbeat signiture mirwais electro she can't please everyone, she never tried so why do people still act like she will this time. the songs on the album are a fresh direction that she and mirwais with music's don't tell me. although i thoroughly enjoyed music i wasn't giddy over that particular track on american life it works, and rather well. the album is a mix of a few upbeat signiture mirwais electro and slower ballad like tracks were she spreads some of her wisdom, which can at times interfere with the groove but coming from her it doesn't sound as contrived after further listening. lyrics aside what has always kept her alfoat and ahead were the neats. its easy to see why for the first time in her career she has worked with the same principle producer twice. mirwais is by far among the most inventive and unique producers in contemporary music. the music is evidently affected by the recent progression of electroclash but acousticly so, if that makes sense it also strikes me similar to the petshops boys acoustic masterpeice release when she gets more acoustic then electronic. it might be too cool for some, judging by some of the reactions in the media but at the end its a solid record, killer new beats and more madonna. Expand
  50. AndrewL
    May 21, 2003
    Give it a few listens before making up your mind. This is truly her best albulm.
  51. LeonardoF
    Oct 20, 2005
    One of her best works yet, but I think Die Another Day should have stayed out of this record.
  52. MarcosT.
    Jan 2, 2007
    What if it was about Palestinians or Islamic society? wouldn't it have been great?
  53. JoshP
    Jan 3, 2009
    An fantastically produced album by Madonna and Mirwais, American Life is a 'tell all' album with some excellent hard hitting tracks-American Life,Hollywood,Love profusion,Nobody knows Me,Nothing Fails,Die Another Day & Easy Ride are all fabulous tracks.
  54. Rodrigo
    Oct 23, 2004
    Although not as good as Ray of Light or Music, it is able to prove that Madonna is still on top.
  55. PhilP
    Apr 22, 2004
    Maybe not the Madonna album to be expected but then again maybe it is in a re-invention matter of speaking. Maybe one of her most personal cd´s overall, and Mr Mirwais as becoming one of her most influential producers. American Life , the song that is, nicely balancing straight forward sounding couplets with a melodic kind of refrain,just like Madonna did with songs like Ray of Maybe not the Madonna album to be expected but then again maybe it is in a re-invention matter of speaking. Maybe one of her most personal cd´s overall, and Mr Mirwais as becoming one of her most influential producers. American Life , the song that is, nicely balancing straight forward sounding couplets with a melodic kind of refrain,just like Madonna did with songs like Ray of Light and Sky fits Heaven. Nothings Fails,a great popsong in the actual meaning of the word, the most revolutionary James Bond song ever, This together with the pounding Hollywood and the static Nobody knows me ,makes this album stand out on the levels; Personal, Unique and Daring in every way. Cherish it Expand
  56. Miky
    Jul 25, 2007
    One of her best album! Too much underrated!
  57. EinarJ.
    Mar 11, 2008
    Depressing, how 'Music' got 20 points higher than Madonna's ricochet album, 'American Life'. The album is full of acoustic guitars, sounds of nature and blurred vocals. Definitely less commercial, less accessible. Yet, perhaps her best album. 'Hollywood' is the ballad, grieving over our society's up-and-coming superficiality. Depressing, how 'Music' got 20 points higher than Madonna's ricochet album, 'American Life'. The album is full of acoustic guitars, sounds of nature and blurred vocals. Definitely less commercial, less accessible. Yet, perhaps her best album. 'Hollywood' is the ballad, grieving over our society's up-and-coming superficiality. 'Intervention' and 'I'm So Stupid' are clever and eclectic. The album does suffer weaker moments, yet the overall agenda seems to fit quite well. This would definitely make my top 3 Madonna cds. Expand
  58. PatrickK
    Apr 25, 2003
    More consistent than Music.
  59. GigiM.
    Apr 24, 2008
    A highly underrated album that will end up getting more respect years from now.
  60. Jan 6, 2019
    This is her best album so far....I am not used to be enthusiastic when it comes to Madonna´s work but it is true that she caught my attention with Ray of Light which was pretty experimental taken into account the fact that it was supposed to be radio Friendly.
    With "American Life" she definitely pushes the boundaries but unfortunately this album did not get the same acclaim, being
    This is her best album so far....I am not used to be enthusiastic when it comes to Madonna´s work but it is true that she caught my attention with Ray of Light which was pretty experimental taken into account the fact that it was supposed to be radio Friendly.
    With "American Life" she definitely pushes the boundaries but unfortunately this album did not get the same acclaim, being negatively criticised, and mostly in the wrong way. Critics focusing on lyrics or the demo aspect of the tracks like if they were not completely finished (the minimalism of Mirwais has completely been misunderstood and it is appalling!) This album is still relevant nowadays lyrically but mostly because of its sound palette which remains unique (thanks to the half failure this album supposed to be and prevented other artists to collaborate with the French producer which would have generated a mainstream sound as it happened with producers such as Timbaland or Neptunes for ex) Maybe that´s what Madonna wanted this album to be, a personal and vulnerable confession, outsider and avant garde. This could have been perfectly an indie work if Madonna would have replaced her stage name by another one. It would have surely been considered differently by the industry and a different audience as well. Only remains the hope of a later glory that this album will surely generate for a generation who will not perceive Madonna as she is nowadays.
  61. Dec 15, 2013
    American Life is very similar to Erotica (1992) in that it's misunderstood and is overlooked!

    It's not my favourite album by the Queen of Pop but it's up there. 2003 saw Madonna take another change musically. She wanted to do more acoustic music while still maintaining her dance/electronic sound from previous album Music (2000). There are many great songs on this album such as:
    American Life is very similar to Erotica (1992) in that it's misunderstood and is overlooked!

    It's not my favourite album by the Queen of Pop but it's up there. 2003 saw Madonna take another change musically. She wanted to do more acoustic music while still maintaining her dance/electronic sound from previous album Music (2000).

    There are many great songs on this album such as: Hollywood, Mother and Father, Die another day, Easy ride and Intervention. Because of the message Madonna tried to get across and the way in which she tried she was banned off the US radio and people didn't want to listen. As a result one of her greatest albums have been overlooked both commercially and artistically.
  62. Jul 1, 2015
    It's a shame Madonna was commercially and critically punished for American Life because, even if it might not quite be her 'best' album, it is as personal and sincere as Bedtime Stories, as direct and confrontational as Erotica, as radically original as Ray of Light, and in many ways it marks the high point of her development as an artist and a musician. She has been in retreat everIt's a shame Madonna was commercially and critically punished for American Life because, even if it might not quite be her 'best' album, it is as personal and sincere as Bedtime Stories, as direct and confrontational as Erotica, as radically original as Ray of Light, and in many ways it marks the high point of her development as an artist and a musician. She has been in retreat ever since.
    As great as the Music single is, most of the rest of the Music album feels like Madonna and Mirawais are working separately as much as together. On American Life their collaboration is seemless, and the results are truly strange and pretty much perfect.
    The lead in, title song simultaneously condemns and relishes selfish materialism, and the inherent self-contradiction forms one of the album's main themes. This theme is deliciously manifested by having the album's second track, a sarcastic and disillusioned look at Hollywood, mirrored by the album's second-to-last track, Die Another Day, the theme from a film from one of Hollywood's most valuable franchises.
    Generally, the mood mellows and the arrangements move from abrasive synthesizers to acoustic guitars as the album progresses, and Madonna has never made anything more straightforwardly poignant as some of the almost folk-like tunes in the closing half of American Life.
    Her vocals throughout the album are as varied and strong and expressive as she has ever managed. I find the often repeated ridicule of her rapping to be absolutely incomprehensible, as her use of rhythmic spoken word here (call it rap if you want) is, in the song American Life, frightening and funny, and in Mother and Father, boldly strange and evocative.
  63. May 16, 2015
    Again, another underrated album by Madonna. In Europe this album is a fan favorite. Interesting and brave mix between electronic and folk. Personal and social lyrics. Love it.
  64. Nov 17, 2015
    Ultra reliģiski politisks kantrī-folk ievirzes albums ar autotjūna un repa elementiem. Tiešām šāds savienojums bez iedziļināšanās albumā varētu likties trakiņš. Tāpēc arī šis kļuva par kritiķu noraktāko albumu Madonnas vēsturē; visvarāk kritizēta tika tituldziesma “American Life”. Politiskā satura un amerikāņu dzīvesstila kritizēšanas dēļ dziesma tikai aizliegta ASV radiostacijās un tāsUltra reliģiski politisks kantrī-folk ievirzes albums ar autotjūna un repa elementiem. Tiešām šāds savienojums bez iedziļināšanās albumā varētu likties trakiņš. Tāpēc arī šis kļuva par kritiķu noraktāko albumu Madonnas vēsturē; visvarāk kritizēta tika tituldziesma “American Life”. Politiskā satura un amerikāņu dzīvesstila kritizēšanas dēļ dziesma tikai aizliegta ASV radiostacijās un tās īpaši neētrtais videoklips vēl šodien nav atrodams Youtube portālā. Dziesmā Čikone dzied par mūžamseno atziņu, ka nauda un vara ne vienmēr nozīmē laimi un par viņas ceļu pie šīs atziņas. Tā uzskatāma kā kritika Džordža Buša politikai; pieņemu, ka šāda reakcija nebūtu bijusi, ja albums iznāktu nevis pirms Irākas kara, bet dažus gadus vēlāk, kad, piemēram, atklājās, ka Irākā kara iemesla – masu iznīcināšanas ieroču nav bijis. Vēl šajā albumā sastopams līdz nelabumam saautotjūnētais monotonais Džeimsa Bonda tāda paša nosaukuma filmas saundtraks Die Another Day.

    Citādi aiz kritikas par stila savienojumiem un politiku, slēpjas vispersoniskākais Madonnas albums, kurā ir daudz skaistu un melodisku dziesmu un visnotaļ viņas vokāls ir krietni labāks nekā kritiķu slavētajā albumā Confessions(…). Dziesmas, kuras vērts noklausīties – Nothing Fails; Love Profusion; X-Static Process.
  65. Apr 28, 2019
    Let's get one thing clear. I don't like Madonna. Never have never will. Yes I like the odd album but I do not see the obsession. However, the critical dismay that American Life has received is uncalled for. I personally prefer the more political pop stance that she adopted on this album and I think theme albums really suit her. I find her 80s and 90s music dross, anything past Hard CandyLet's get one thing clear. I don't like Madonna. Never have never will. Yes I like the odd album but I do not see the obsession. However, the critical dismay that American Life has received is uncalled for. I personally prefer the more political pop stance that she adopted on this album and I think theme albums really suit her. I find her 80s and 90s music dross, anything past Hard Candy is embarrassing. I think her best three albums are American Life, Confessions and Ray of Light (maybe on par with Like a Prayer). I found the concept of American Life (the song) genius and the nice thing is that it is not in your face criticisms of the Republican Party- rather more implications which overall is successful as it does not fear an isolation of the listener. Expand
  66. Oct 22, 2017
    Her most underrated album is more than an annoying songs (American Life, I'm so stupid), is about the contradiction she's in, and her struggle to look herself in the American dream mirror. The critics only hate the album because her point of view, which is, at least, polemic. The highlights are the ballads: Nothing Fails, Intervention, X-Static Process and Easy Ride.
  67. Jul 24, 2020
    Um álbum político e poderoso, onde Madonna manda mensagens para o então governo de Bush, com inúmeras críticas e retaliações.
    Um dos álbuns mais injustiçados e, sem dúvida, o mais boicotado da Rainha do Pop.
  68. Mar 30, 2021
    this album is highly underrated. The only issue this album had, was being called "American".
  69. JohnM
    Apr 25, 2003
    the music is great, and her voice is pretty decent. but for the most part, the lyrics are really weak.
  70. martinb
    Apr 27, 2003
    Un album intimiste et sans exubérance auquel madonna ne nous avait jamais préparé...Exit l'innovation de music,mais bonjour à la cohésion en tant qu'album qui faisait défaut à son prédécesseur...un excellent album, à l'exception de l'excès de vocoder sur nobody's know me, et Un album intimiste et sans exubérance auquel madonna ne nous avait jamais préparé...Exit l'innovation de music,mais bonjour à la cohésion en tant qu'album qui faisait défaut à son prédécesseur...un excellent album, à l'exception de l'excès de vocoder sur nobody's know me, et particulièrement la magnifique pièce nothing fails!!! Expand
  71. cure0001
    Apr 29, 2003
    It's a really good album, just wait till you hear "Hollywood" the second single. A great song.
  72. KiwiJ
    Jan 21, 2004
    This is a schizophrenic album that revels a rather confused Madonna, both lyrically and musically. Generally, the more acoustic, more romantic songs (Love Profusion, Nothing Fails) are way more successful that the more preachy, techno ones (American Life, I'm So Stupid), which makes one wonder whether the whole album would have been better as a more low key acoustic affair. Its This is a schizophrenic album that revels a rather confused Madonna, both lyrically and musically. Generally, the more acoustic, more romantic songs (Love Profusion, Nothing Fails) are way more successful that the more preachy, techno ones (American Life, I'm So Stupid), which makes one wonder whether the whole album would have been better as a more low key acoustic affair. Its vilification is certain media is wholly unwarranted as it contains some beautiful songs and as an artist she is still streets ahead of her challengers. Perhaps though a break with Mirwais might be a good thing for the next album. Expand
  73. GCQ
    May 22, 2004
    Features the euphoric Nothing Fails, lyrical gem Intervention, and the stop the presses this is the shit EASY RIDE. Not the dance Pop record you typically expect from her...but those expectations be damned this is a deeply personal and solid piece of work. Only misteps are the title track and I'm so stupid. Everything else is top notch!
  74. IxatA.
    Apr 18, 2007
    better than the next one, really! the thumping sounds kept on playing inside my mind!
  75. BenjaminE
    Jan 14, 2004
    I love Madonna very much, and I think this album is one of her best ones. She 's always changing her look and style and I like that. This album is totally different from the previous ones. I gave her an 8 and not a 10 because there are some songs that i think are not in her style: (I'm so stupid). But hollwood is VEEERY Madonna, it's full of glamour (and ofcourse its music I love Madonna very much, and I think this album is one of her best ones. She 's always changing her look and style and I like that. This album is totally different from the previous ones. I gave her an 8 and not a 10 because there are some songs that i think are not in her style: (I'm so stupid). But hollwood is VEEERY Madonna, it's full of glamour (and ofcourse its music video helps). I was very surprised because of that american life music video thing. I saw pieces of the original one and I thought it was just FANTASTIC, but ... but I love the single though, especially the rap of it. Love profusion is not one of my favourite but i think its a good song and the music video is something i ve never seen before. My favourite single in this album is the last one: easy ride. I love orchestral music and this single has it all! I really appreciate the fact that now, finally, Madonna is changing for the best. Her lyrics talk about morality and she s telling us fans that she s in love in various ways (x-static process, Intervention, Love profusion and Nothing fails). The latter is simply beautiful! the pity is that she goes on repeting the same phrase... and by the way, I think that britney snog was a big mistake. From that point onwards, the hollywood single went down! She was looking for publicity (as she always do) and she got it, a bad one though! anyway, whatever she does or say, for me she's always be THE QUEEN OF POP. Expand
  76. DrewK
    Nov 21, 2005
    Now that "Confessions..." has come out and I have listened to "American Life" numerous times. This album is underestimated. It takes sometime to warm up to though. The lyrical content is better than "Confessions..." Key songs "Love Profusion", "Intervention", "American Life" (minus rapping), "Mother and Father", "X-Static Process". As time goes this album will be considered just as good Now that "Confessions..." has come out and I have listened to "American Life" numerous times. This album is underestimated. It takes sometime to warm up to though. The lyrical content is better than "Confessions..." Key songs "Love Profusion", "Intervention", "American Life" (minus rapping), "Mother and Father", "X-Static Process". As time goes this album will be considered just as good as her other albums. Expand
  77. Oct 15, 2013
    As others have already mentioned, "American Life" is definitely one of Madonna's most under-rated albums. Often referred to as a commercial failure, that must be taken into some sort of context as I think there are thousands of artists who would kill to have a #1 album that included a Top 10 hit and seven Top 10 dance singles (FIVE of which hit #1). It may not have been up to par withAs others have already mentioned, "American Life" is definitely one of Madonna's most under-rated albums. Often referred to as a commercial failure, that must be taken into some sort of context as I think there are thousands of artists who would kill to have a #1 album that included a Top 10 hit and seven Top 10 dance singles (FIVE of which hit #1). It may not have been up to par with other releases by Madonna, but it was still a huge success in and of itself.

    Besides two weaker songs in "Hollywood" and I'm So Stupid," the rest of the album is an incredible personal peak into the psych of the most important recording artist of all time, just not as commercially accessible as her other works due to the high-electro feel of the album.

    Definitely a love it/hate it album in Madonna's discography, but for most of us with a real appreciation of her work, this is yet another brilliant album from a musical genius and I, for one, think it's one of her strongest albums, period.
  78. Dec 10, 2016
    Alternative, dark and beautiful electro-pop. Madonna somewhat corrected the over-production issues heard on 'Music', by stripping it back every-so-slightly on American Life. There's nothing overly exciting here, but it's never boring. There's an intrigue to each track and a consistency that we first heard on 'Ray of Light'. A gorgeous and criminally underrated album.
  79. Jul 22, 2012
    This album definitely isn't perfect, but aside from quite weak songs like Nobody Knows Me and Mother and Father, it includes brilliant songs like X-Static Process, Hollywood and American Life. I absolutely adore the slightly minimalistic and honest sound of this album and I think it's highly inspiring.
  80. Dec 14, 2013
    Uma recepção mista por parte da crítica por conta dos EUA e seu patriotismo ridículo, pode até ser meio reciclagem de seu álbum anterior, mas suas letras são impecáveis e um dos melhores álbuns de Madonna.
  81. May 15, 2016
    American Life is a very personal album of Madonna, her most underrated one beacuse she is not pleasing anyone, as usual. She makes music on her own terms and here she is with a new musical direction. She's done with charts, sales, fame, etc. Now she is a caring mom who wants to teach her children "how to fly...way up like a bird in the sky"
    This experimental production album finds Madonna
    American Life is a very personal album of Madonna, her most underrated one beacuse she is not pleasing anyone, as usual. She makes music on her own terms and here she is with a new musical direction. She's done with charts, sales, fame, etc. Now she is a caring mom who wants to teach her children "how to fly...way up like a bird in the sky"
    This experimental production album finds Madonna criticising the "American Dream" and embracing immaterialism.
    "I tried to stay ahead,
    I tried to stay on top
    I tried to play the part,
    But somehow I forgot
    Just what I did it for
    And why I wanted more"...she sings on the title track "American Life". The album contains 2 time Grammy nominated song " Die Another Day", theme song of James Bond film.
    Essential Tracks - American Life, Hollywood, Die Another Day.
  82. Mar 27, 2020
    Not bad at all.

    Everthing in this is TRUTH!

    It's just a perfect definition of what American Way Of Life...
  83. Nov 30, 2020
    Альбом действительно можно считать одним из лучших альбомов Мадонны и чуть ли не лучший выпущенный в этом тысячелетии. Сильный посыл, мощный лид-сингл и саундтрек "Die Another Day" добавляют альбому агрессивным и дают понять, что она настроена серьезно. Слабых песен практически нет, лишь "nobody knows me" меркнет на фоне шедевров.Альбом действительно можно считать одним из лучших альбомов Мадонны и чуть ли не лучший выпущенный в этом тысячелетии. Сильный посыл, мощный лид-сингл и саундтрек "Die Another Day" добавляют альбому агрессивным и дают понять, что она настроена серьезно. Слабых песен практически нет, лишь "nobody knows me" меркнет на фоне шедевров.
  84. HenryH.
    Apr 22, 2003
    On one hand , it's bloomed with brave and uncanny electro sounds. On the other hand, it's just too typical Mirwais.
  85. DavidK.
    Apr 23, 2003
    Was prepared to loathe it, but it's quite good. It's really producer Mirwais's record -- she's just an appendage of sorts, the production's rubbery AND crisp -- lot's of addictive electro layering, Cher's hijacked and run amok vocoder, and smart synth flourishes -- helping unfocus the banal lyrics -- some of her worst ever, but then she never was Joni Was prepared to loathe it, but it's quite good. It's really producer Mirwais's record -- she's just an appendage of sorts, the production's rubbery AND crisp -- lot's of addictive electro layering, Cher's hijacked and run amok vocoder, and smart synth flourishes -- helping unfocus the banal lyrics -- some of her worst ever, but then she never was Joni Mitchell in that department. Expand
  86. Nathan
    Oct 21, 2006
    Not the best Madonna album ever, but still love it.
  87. RuanH.
    Aug 12, 2007
    Very experimental. Overall not her best work, but tracks such as "Hollywood", "American Life" and "Love Profusion" are outstanding. A noteworthy direction for Madonna's musical career.
  88. Nov 21, 2011
    Apesar das faixas repetitivas, American Life é um bom álbum. Musicas como Hollywood e Nobody Knows Me são completamente descartáveis, mas faixas como Love Profusion e Mother And Father fazem a viagem valer a pena.
  89. Jun 2, 2011
    With songs that range from idle club beats to thought-provoking personal poems, this is her most reflective album yet. Though far from perfect, nothing beats a raw, experimental but meaningful move from a once Material Girl pop starlet.
  90. Oct 24, 2013
    When Madonna released American Life in 2003, she took it as a gamble. The politically-charged video for American Life may have been taken too literally but really the album itself takes a mostly toned down approach from Music. there are still sprinklings of electronic music but some songs like Love Profusion harnesses the acoustics of the guitar. Nothing Fails serves almost as a Like aWhen Madonna released American Life in 2003, she took it as a gamble. The politically-charged video for American Life may have been taken too literally but really the album itself takes a mostly toned down approach from Music. there are still sprinklings of electronic music but some songs like Love Profusion harnesses the acoustics of the guitar. Nothing Fails serves almost as a Like a Prayer Part 2 with its soaringly moving choir. The lead single itself is not as bad as critically penned. It was the subject that mattered and I wish she had stood her ground and release the awesome video instead of puling it off air, replacing it with a dull flag-bearing video. Expand
  91. Dec 1, 2019
    One of Madonna's weaker efforts, however not her worst. The message at times gets lost in its pop sensibilities. It's as if her producers shied away from either being too political or too forward thinking with the lyrics, though the production at times is quite strong.
  92. May 18, 2017
    The art of U.N.D.E.R.R.A.T.E.D.....................................................................................................................................
  93. Mar 27, 2020
    In my opinion this album is good, but it's first three singles ("Die Another Day", "American Life", "Hollywood") aren't good, at least for most of people, for me they're okay. However when I started listening to this album I found out really stripped version of Madonna, that I didn't expected after hearing it's singles. "Intervention" is my favorite track.
  94. Sep 2, 2019
    Madonna's most underrrated album. Great production and original music with a deep meaning behind.
  95. Sep 25, 2020
    É um álbum julgado mal pelo seus singles de qualidade duvidosa como "American Life" e "Die Another Day",que são faixas realmente podres por si só mas tem clipes perfeitos,se for tirar essas músicas e Hollywood se percebe que é um álbum super legalzinho para ouvir de tarde
  96. May 3, 2012
    "American Life" is noted as one of Madonna's most underrated album to date. And yes, I agree 100 percent. But this doesn't mean just the lyrics itself. The lead track "American Life", unfortunately, describes the album fully, but tracks like "Love Profusion", "Nothing Fails" and "Mother and Father" describe Madonna in the purest of way. But letdowns are also obvious as well. "I'm So"American Life" is noted as one of Madonna's most underrated album to date. And yes, I agree 100 percent. But this doesn't mean just the lyrics itself. The lead track "American Life", unfortunately, describes the album fully, but tracks like "Love Profusion", "Nothing Fails" and "Mother and Father" describe Madonna in the purest of way. But letdowns are also obvious as well. "I'm So Stupid" is a bit too describable, and "Nobody Knows Me" is a bit too strong on Madonna's personal side... But overall, the album doesn't dissapoint for fan approval.... Just critical approval. Expand
  97. May 29, 2016
    El Album Es Buenisimo, Las Letras Igual...Pero tiene mucho autotune, y se me hace un poco aburrido en algunas canciones, amo a Madonna, pero este album casi no me gusta
  98. Sep 9, 2020
    Overall, American Life is better for what it promises than what it delivers, and it's better in theory than practice. A massive letdown. It sounds like a dim imitation of its predeccessor. The only true standouts are: Love Profusion, Intervention, X-Static Process and Easy Ride.
  99. Sep 2, 2020
    Eu acho que da pra entender a nota da crítica.. isso aqui ou você ama ou você... hum... sabe?! Experimental, completamente experimental.. e pro meu paladar o sabor amargou!
  100. Jul 25, 2023
    Not her best work, but great album. You wont get it the first time and its not an easy listen.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17
  1. This album, if it came from a newcomer, could kill a career stone dead.
  2. Vibe
    This may be the first time Madonna hasn't pushed herself to explore new ground, but at least she's chosen a good place to rest. [June 2003, p.155]
  3. For once, Madonna has stumbled not because she reached too far, but because she didn't reach far enough.