• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Apr 5, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 73 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 73
  2. Negative: 5 out of 73
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  1. Oct 19, 2017
    TL;DR at the bottom for those with little time to spare :)

    Hollywood Undead have recently become one of my favourite bands of all time, and until the release of 'Five' in just over a week from this review being written, American Tragedy is currently my go-to album from the group (although not my favourite). Songs such as Been to Hell and Hear Me Now are recommended listens no matter
    TL;DR at the bottom for those with little time to spare :)

    Hollywood Undead have recently become one of my favourite bands of all time, and until the release of 'Five' in just over a week from this review being written, American Tragedy is currently my go-to album from the group (although not my favourite).
    Songs such as Been to Hell and Hear Me Now are recommended listens no matter who you are and what you like. They are easily some of the best songs to come out of 2011. Along with these two songs, another stand out song is the happiest song you'll ever hear about killing yourself. Bulet has gained a major following for it's combination of depressing lyrics matching up to the cheery guitar strums in the bulk of the song. The party songs Le Deux and Comin' in Hot are also sure to get you dancing around, both featuring solid beats and good lyrics to match. Give Gangsta Sexy a miss though... Other songs such as Street Dreams or S.C.A.V.A are welcome, more emotional songs akin to that of Paradise Lost from their debut album and Tendencies is one of the heaviest songs the group has ever made.

    Hear Me Now and Been To Hell are classics
    You need to listen to Bullet!
    Party songs are good (excepting Gangsta Sexy)
    Street Dreams and S.C.A.V.A for those who don't want to listen to party songs or rock songs or songs about killing yourself
    Tendencies is for those with more of a taste for rock/metal

    Final Score: 8/10
  2. May 2, 2017
    Very good sophomore album by Hollywood Undead. Has a lot of great songs such as: Bullet, Tendencies, Mother Murder, Hear Me Now, and Levitate. Overall an awesome album I find myself listening to every now and then.
  3. Aug 21, 2016
    While some songs in this album are bland and tasteless there are some good ones and this is maybe their best album yet but it is still flawed but still great.
  4. Jul 1, 2016
    This is amazing album, in this album there are wonderful songs, eg Gansta Sexy, Been to Hell, My Town and Hear Me Now . Clip by Been to Hell is excellent . This is best album of 2011 (in my opinion) and maybe one of the best Hollywood Undead album, but best Hollywood Undead song is Young from album "Swan Songs" . American Tragedy is good album, as most album from Hollywood Undead .
  5. Jan 25, 2016
    A pretty decent album it is one that I would recommend people listen to because songs such as Bullet and Comin' In Hot are brilliant and so misleading especially Bullet a suicide song with a jolly beat to it. The album though is quite addictive.
  6. Mar 30, 2015
    Every single song is fire. Bullet is one of my favorite songs I've ever heard at 27 years old. The album starts out in typical dark, HU fashion with the killer "Been to Hell" and still can transition to a melancholic jam in "Pour Me'. Few bands out there have this range. Even though their first two albums were better than the latest, these guys deserve more credit and more play. Period.
  7. Jan 9, 2014
    A more serious album than the previous. Most of the songs have lost the sense of humor and vulgarity that the band's previous work was known for, but it still proves to be an excellent time. "American Tragedy" also moves away from the rap songs and establishes more of a rock style for the band. There's still rapping, just not as much. It's a bold move for the band to change so muchA more serious album than the previous. Most of the songs have lost the sense of humor and vulgarity that the band's previous work was known for, but it still proves to be an excellent time. "American Tragedy" also moves away from the rap songs and establishes more of a rock style for the band. There's still rapping, just not as much. It's a bold move for the band to change so much stylistically, but I feel it payed off. The sound is tight and this is still a band that one can enjoy rocking out to. I find it really cool that the band managed to change up their musical style without sacrificing their identity that the fans love. All in all I find this to be an excellent album with many songs that I'll enjoy returning to listen to time and time again. Expand
  8. Dec 23, 2013
    Hollywood Undead is probably my favorite band, and this album is amazing. Deuce has left, opening the band to deeper lyrics, and a movement that pursues a different kind of Hollywood Undead. The party songs are still here, but we have some newer stuff from them, like Pour Me, Coming Back Down and SCAVA. This album is beautiful and amazing.
  9. Jun 12, 2013
    I love the band but I can't give them a 10 because some of the songs are simply too rap heavy... I look at them as a rap/rock group like linkin park and not as a rap group.. But ofc some of the songs like Hear Me Now, Coming Back Down and S.C.A.V.A are amazing.
  10. Nov 1, 2012
    "American Tragedy" serves as a great sequel to the well done "Swan Songs". With the departure of Deuce, Hollywood Undead has taken on a more serious shift towards making music. With songs like "Been to Hell" and "Tendencies" this album serves up some great heavy rock music. Combined with songs like "Comin in Hot" and "Gangsta Sexy" that bring a more upbeat/ party style like atmosphere to"American Tragedy" serves as a great sequel to the well done "Swan Songs". With the departure of Deuce, Hollywood Undead has taken on a more serious shift towards making music. With songs like "Been to Hell" and "Tendencies" this album serves up some great heavy rock music. Combined with songs like "Comin in Hot" and "Gangsta Sexy" that bring a more upbeat/ party style like atmosphere to the album. Also included are several more downer songs that have great lyrics, but are so depressing that listening to these certain songs more than a few times brings you into a musically induced depression. These songs include the likes of "I Don't Wanna Die" and "Pour Me". With lyrics like "I wake up right about the mid-afternoon,with the sun in the sky. but night's coming soon and I walk to the mirror just to fix myself, Yeah, life gets harder when you love nothing else" I can't say i love these songs; more admire the creative lyrics and the darker side of the song. Then there are the other songs of the Album. Songs like "Lights Out" which is an obvious attempt to swing back at the ex-band member Deuce and his constant tirade of songs ripping Hollywood Undead. Songs like "Hear Me Now", and "Glory" are 2 other great rock songs, Yet are sometimes sidelined by several of the other good songs on the album like the rock/rap mix of "Levitate" and the rap song "Apologize". Then you get a song like "Bullet", an upbeat song about suicide. Yes, that's right. Suicide. With a chorus that goes like "My legs are dangling off the edge, the bottom of the bottle is my only friend" you would expect yourself to put a "bullet in your head" by the end of the song. However, that is not the case, instead it puts life into perspective. Whenever I am having a bad day I will listen to this song and just say to myself "Hey, it can be worse". Overall, fantastically written album, sometimes the chorus of songs is weak but the verse's more then make up for it. Expand
  11. Apr 21, 2012
    At times they sound like Linkin Park at its finest, at others they sound like depressed little wannabe **** Hollywood Undead are a bunch of **** who think they're cool and try to play up to both the metal fans and the rap fans by playing a fusion of both but instead, they end up alienating both groups and end up attracting douchebags that just wanna drink. With that being said, there areAt times they sound like Linkin Park at its finest, at others they sound like depressed little wannabe **** Hollywood Undead are a bunch of **** who think they're cool and try to play up to both the metal fans and the rap fans by playing a fusion of both but instead, they end up alienating both groups and end up attracting douchebags that just wanna drink. With that being said, there are some really good songs on this album. Basically, if they end up imitating Linkin Park they sound great, and if they try to imitate Hollywood Undead of 2008, they sound like total douche****. Deuce is gone so they have to center their sound more around Danny, the singer who does the choruses. When they do that, they sound great. When they don't, they sound awful. Highlights of this album are Been to Hell (definitely one of the rock songs of 2011), Hear Me Now, Coming Back Down, Bullet and Lights Out. Low points of this album are I Don't Wanna Die, Comin in Hot (ugh), Gangsta Sexy (UGH). Don't get this album but download some songs from this album because there are some great songs on this, lost in the **** of course. Expand
  12. Jan 29, 2012
    It's heavy and intense. If you enjoyed hybrid theory and meteora, you'll probably enjoy this album as well. It was rather weird listening to this, as there wasn't a single unlikable song, even the emo ones.
  13. Nov 16, 2011
    Another great album by Hollywood Undead. I liked every single song in this album, especially Lump Your Head, Bullet & Comin' In Hot. I've listened to each song on the album numerous times and I'm still not tired. This is the kinda music that you'll listen to for a long time. It's almost like it's addicting.
  14. Oct 15, 2011
    i loved this album, every song, especially "been to hell". a lot better than swan songs ever could be. Danny is also a better singer than deuce was. these 14 songs are all i listen to now.
  15. Sep 17, 2011
    Hollywood Undead has done it again. the album itself brings out the talent that HU possesses, however that being said, its great, but Swan Songs was their greatest. i just think that not everyone was ready for the minor or maybe major changes that they made to their musical style but it is a great album nonetheless. a great recommendation in my book.
  16. Jun 21, 2011
    This is the first album that I heard from Hollywood Undead and I thought that this album was amazing with the electronic synth beats and heavy urban and rock sounds. The lyrics are very stuck up and inappropriate at times, but that is who they are and it definitely works for them. I can listen to any song on the album and enjoy it. The music itself is mind blowing and it stays with youThis is the first album that I heard from Hollywood Undead and I thought that this album was amazing with the electronic synth beats and heavy urban and rock sounds. The lyrics are very stuck up and inappropriate at times, but that is who they are and it definitely works for them. I can listen to any song on the album and enjoy it. The music itself is mind blowing and it stays with you until you listen to it again. If you don't have the deluxe version, then you should really look those songs up because they are amazing, including the iTunes bonus track "Street Dreams," which is awesome as well. This is different than Swan Songs, but a good different and I recommend it to all the HU fans out there. Expand
  17. Jun 6, 2011
    This album is a lot different than Swan Songs, but that doesn't mean it's not good. Fans of the previous album may not enjoy American Tragedy. It does not bother me that their style has changed. I have listened to album many times and am still enjoying it.
  18. Apr 20, 2011
    Since I bought this album, it's 14 songs have dominated my playlist. This is a clever, heavy, and just plain fun album and possibly my favorite overall album ever. I'll do a mini-review of each song:

    1: Been to Hell - This song, for those accustom to HU's party themed techno music, is one hell of a sucker punch, combining a heavy and overall awesome beat to a dark subject covered well by
    Since I bought this album, it's 14 songs have dominated my playlist. This is a clever, heavy, and just plain fun album and possibly my favorite overall album ever. I'll do a mini-review of each song:

    1: Been to Hell - This song, for those accustom to HU's party themed techno music, is one hell of a sucker punch, combining a heavy and overall awesome beat to a dark subject covered well by good singing and lyrics. 9/10.

    2: Apologize - They go the route of Eminem for this song and dis all haters while commenting on their status as a role model, as well as just singing about how they don't give a **** Add this to catchy beat and we're in business. 8/10.

    3: Comin' in Hot - Pure Hollywood Undead. It's about partying and it's catchy as all hell. If you like ANY of Hollywood Undead's old songs about partying you will like this. 8/10.

    4: My Town - This track is forgettable at best, while not bad, hell, it's pretty fun to listen to, it just avoids my memory (whereas by now I can recite most every other song). 6/10.

    5: I don't wanna Die - Well, creative title there. However this song overall is really good, despite somewhat simplistic and uncreative lyrics. 7/10.

    6: Hear Me Now - I am convinced that this song was created purely to show off Danny (the new "lead" singer)'s singing ability, and it is one of my favorite songs by this band as well as the favorite song of the album by all of my friends. 9/10.

    7: Gangsta Sexy - You thought that Comin' in Hot was pure HU? **** please. Typical partying and drinking, good singing, catchy beat, you know the dril- Freeze... at ease... let Funny Man bang on these keys (8/10).

    8: Glory - Most underrated song on this album. Is it unique? Not really. Is it catchy? Not like some other songs on this track? Then what makes this song so good? Well, singing and lyrics of course. This song is just a well-made product. It's not flashy but it gets the job done well. 8/10.

    9: Lights Out - If you are unfamiliar with this band's history, it's former "lead" singer was a total **** and the band kicked him out, then he tried to dis the band through song. This is the retaliation, and I pity poor Deuce after the beating he had received. Otherwise, it again has good singing and lyrics, and shows off Danny's talent. 8/10.

    10: Coming Back Down - Worst song on this album. While it grew on me enough to not hate it, it is too different (in a negative fashion) than the other songs on here and is just out of place rather than unique. 4/10.

    11: Bullet - My favorite song on the album. Why? Well it has a happy, bass heavy beat that is catchy as hell, and, until J3T's low, depressing voice starts singing (followed by his daughter's creepy little girl voice) has quality and positive singing. Did I mention that it's about someone who wants to commit suicide and is determining his options? 10/10.

    12: Levitate - I have no clue what this song is about, but I do know that while the repetition of lyrics (somewhat common in this album) is just annoying here, and it drags down this otherwise intense and entertaining song. 7/10.

    13: Pour Me - A depressing song about the desperation of a hopeless alcoholic, this song shows how powerful a ballad can be when done in rap form (Stan, anyone?) and shows off the previously mention depressing voice work of J3T. If I had to pick one song to show someone from this album, it would be this one, to show the band's true potential. 10/10.

    Tendencies - Ending like it began, American Tragedy's final track is a heavy-as-an-anvil thrill ride about killing **** and makes me feel like a badass inside. 8/10.

    Overall verdict on the album: I love it, for all of its ups and downs, it's an album to represent the person who isn't rich (these guys were a million dollars in debt before they could even release an album) and has struggled through life, and of course it reflects the lifestyle of where they live (Hollywood?), both positive and negative aspects. The party songs seem to show both a cover-up to the depression and violence in the other songs and a genuinely alluring good life that one can have, but don't believe the hype.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Kerrang!
    Apr 21, 2011
    Some of the more rap-heavy moments are terrible, but when they throw in huge, guitar-laden choruses such as on Been To Hell and Hear Me Now, they hit the same anthemic heights as Linkin Park. [2 Apr 2011, p.51]
  2. Apr 15, 2011
    American Tragedy is a tight mash-up between contemporary sonics and old-school aesthetic.
  3. Apr 13, 2011
    American Tragedy is wildly fun, a head-thumping, booze-chugging, 14 track-long hedonistic binge.