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Universal acclaim- based on 9 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jan 11, 2018
    What I love and embrace in music is originality; albums that defy the norm. This album definitely does that with it's music. It's catchy, upbeat, and crafted with many different instruments. It sounds amazing. I have listened to this album dozens of times, mostly because of it's music. Andrew's voice is another plus on this album, and blends perfectly with the music and lyrics. Lyrically,What I love and embrace in music is originality; albums that defy the norm. This album definitely does that with it's music. It's catchy, upbeat, and crafted with many different instruments. It sounds amazing. I have listened to this album dozens of times, mostly because of it's music. Andrew's voice is another plus on this album, and blends perfectly with the music and lyrics. Lyrically, this album isn't as good as it is musically. "Rainy Girl" has good lyrics that get stuck in my head from time to time. This album has plenty of clever, memorable lines. Expand
  2. Nov 12, 2015
    This is the first work I've heard by Andrew McMahon and after looking at his previous work in Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate, I can say that Andrew McMahon is one of the greatest artists of the 2000s. This album is one of highlights from beginning to end. If I had to choose favorites and least favorites (Note: I can't say worst songs because they're all fantastic) my favoritesThis is the first work I've heard by Andrew McMahon and after looking at his previous work in Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate, I can say that Andrew McMahon is one of the greatest artists of the 2000s. This album is one of highlights from beginning to end. If I had to choose favorites and least favorites (Note: I can't say worst songs because they're all fantastic) my favorites would be Cecilia And The Satellite, High Dive, All Our Lives, See Her On The Weekend and Halls and my least favorites would probably be the opening song Canyon Moon and the closing song Maps For The Getaway but they are still good songs. Download this full album! You won't regret it and I would definitely check out Andrew's previous work "Everything In Transit" under the name Jack's Mannequin. Expand
  3. Oct 15, 2014
    This man has created some of the most amazing music I have ever listened to. From Something Corporate, to Jack’s Mannequin, and finally here, I’ve been with him the whole way. This is the biggest step he’s taken, but I think it may be one of his best.

    1. Canyon Moon I love this as an opening track. It really gives a great vibe of what the rest of the album has in store. The steady
    This man has created some of the most amazing music I have ever listened to. From Something Corporate, to Jack’s Mannequin, and finally here, I’ve been with him the whole way. This is the biggest step he’s taken, but I think it may be one of his best.

    1. Canyon Moon

    I love this as an opening track. It really gives a great vibe of what the rest of the album has in store. The steady bass beat in the background carries the song well, and the chorus is catchy as anything he’s written before. This is a very promising start.

    2. Cecilia and the Satellite

    As the opening single, this track gave me a lot of hope in knowing that he was going to keep to his same sound, but still evolve. It’s one of those songs that make you step back and just think. So much nostalgia value here, and the song itself is very well written. The verses are steady, and the chorus breaks into a emotional swing. Beautiful song.

    3. High Dive

    This song defines a piece of music defined by its lyrics. When I first heard this song, I wasn’t sure how to feel about it (especially that little siren noise in the background). But after reading a bit from him explaining that it was a song from his perspective as if his love was with someone else, it gave me a whole new perspective and a whole new love for the song in general.

    4. All Our Lives

    This track is just so much to take in. The lyrics here are top notch, and the piano driven verses really catch you off guard. He sounds more alive in the chorus here than I’ve heard him in a long while/ Just so much energy here, I love it.

    5. See Her on the Weekend

    Now, the first track I’m not sure about. Don’t get me wrong, no one writes a slow song like Andrew, but his vocals here just sound off. In the chorus, I just though the vocals sound off tune or something. I mean, it’s not a bad song, but it could have been better.

    6. Black and White Movies

    This one keeps in the same gear as All Our Lives. The well written verses bleed nicely into the explosive chorus and really leaves you with a good feeling. Songs like this are the best type to fill an album with because ever if they’re similar, they never leave you wanting.

    7. Driving Through A Dream

    Hmm, I’m not sure about this one. The song is just a bit boring. Also, with the same pattern as See Her on the Weekend, the vocals sound a bit off in the chorus. It might just be my ears, but I can’t get over it. Again, not a bad tune, but it’s definitely not the best.

    8. Halls

    I can’t express how much I love this song. This just screams classic Andrew music, perfectly written, build up verses and a completely beautiful chorus that just screams passion. These are the types of songs that keep you coming back for more. Great song.

    9. Rainy Girl

    Remember how I said the last song was great? Well that is nothing compared to this song. This is the epitome of everything Andrew writes. It is absolutely perfect. The vocals here are the best they’ve been in some time, and the instrumentation is so well written it stings. It just doesn’t get better than this.

    10. Maps for the Getaway

    Albums like this need to have a perfect closer to put the ribbon on the box. That is exactly what we get here. This song perfectly embodies the album and leaves it with a great feeling. It speaks of times to come and a bright future, and I couldn’t imagine a better written conclusion to such a wonderful record.

    Favorite Song

    Rainy Girl

    Final Thoughts

    This is the perfect record to kick off Andrew’s solo career. It blends a new sounds with the nostalgia of old so well it’s crazy. I wanted so much from him, and he delivered. Please, give this album a listen, it is well worth your time.

    Rating 8.5/10

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Oct 14, 2014
    Despite being frustratingly inconsistent though, Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness is still a step in the right direction.
  2. Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness is especially welcoming given that it’s probably his most consistent front-to-back set of songs since Transit.
  3. Oct 14, 2014
    His penchant for on-the-nose phrasing and big pop moments would be grating if those instincts weren't so sharply honed and the sugary results so immaculately delivered.