
Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Jul 28, 2014
    These few highlights could make the 39-minute listen justifiable, but you wouldn’t be missing much by skipping Animal Ambition completely. Although fun, none of these songs are up with the best of 50’s career.
  2. Jun 17, 2014
    Despite being billed as his fifth album, it's nowhere near the level of his strong, yet largely overrated debut "Get Rich or Die Tryin'".
  3. Jun 13, 2014
    While simple pleasures are about all Animal Ambition can offer, it at least presents them with listenable panache.
  4. Jun 12, 2014
    An album that’s bogged down by a rapper--and production--stuck in the middle of the last decade.
  5. Jun 6, 2014
    It’s pointedly brief--11 songs, 39 minutes and with a scope every bit as limited.
  6. Jun 6, 2014
    He's trying to remind you that he's still tough, though these lines mostly just conjure images of Travis Bickle in the mirror: a guy alone and clueless, snarling at imagined enemies that can't talk back.
  7. Jun 5, 2014
    [50 Cent is un]likely to recapture the notoriety and relevance he had at his peak. He can, however, continue to offer vicarious thrills via the sinister-slick production of glock fantasy Hold On and the creeping dread of Everytime I Come Around.
  8. Jun 3, 2014
    The MC-entrepreneur smartly eliminates the bloated production that marred his latter-day work, yet the disc is undermined by a dearth of imagination and, ironically, ambition.
  9. Jun 3, 2014
    When listening to this record, there isn’t much to enjoy or appreciate. It’s a struggle to sit through, partly because it reads like the ramblings of an ex-genius turned affectless braggart, but mostly because it’s monotonous and unimaginative.
  10. 50
    The sonic equivalent of a blooper reel with a few solid highlights edited in to remind us of the player he once was, the 11-song album mostly rehashes ideas he's ruminated on with more focus and skill in earlier work.
  11. Jun 2, 2014
    Consider it the album before the album, and it plays out as interesting and often awesome, but put this next to his major works and it seems a bit off and quirky.
  12. Jun 2, 2014
    Animal Ambition showcases a very creatively confused 50 Cent, trapped in some sort of musical purgatory we can only hope he find his way out of.
  13. The slicker R&B tracks--alighted by singers like Trey Songz and Guardan Banks--have a more generic appeal. And, as always, 50’s bling-driven verse isn’t as rare as his rhythmic delivery. But when his rich instrument undulates over the minimalist riffs, there’s magic worth waiting for.
  14. 40
    Unchanged are his limitations as a rapper, both technically and in his choice of subjects.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 75
  2. Negative: 21 out of 75
  1. Jun 8, 2014
    Animal Ambition is a dope album! It starts with the cold and hard-hitting Hold On, and follows with the catchy club banger Don't Worry Bout ItAnimal Ambition is a dope album! It starts with the cold and hard-hitting Hold On, and follows with the catchy club banger Don't Worry Bout It (ft. Yo Gotti). Pilot features an uptempo beat and 50 spitting a catchy hook which turns out great. Smoke (ft. Trey Songz) sounds like a hit and makes you wanna party each time you hear it. This album is well balanced and entertaining. Club Hits like: Don't Worry Bout It, Pilot, Smoke. And Street Hard Hitters Like: Hold On, Everytime I Come Around, Irregular Heartbeat, Chase The Paper, Funeral, and Flip ON You. Amazing album and its just a PREVIEW to his big album STREET KING IMMORTAL Full Review »
  2. Jun 3, 2014
    I totally agree with All Music Guide - " Consider it the album before the album, and it plays out as interesting and often awesome, but putI totally agree with All Music Guide - " Consider it the album before the album, and it plays out as interesting and often awesome, but put this next to his major works and it seems a bit off and quirky. "

    It's different from what 50 have done earlier, but the album also got those songs with the little more 'gangsta' vibe to it like "Hold On" and "Irregular Heartbeat" alongside with "Chase the Paper".
    "Animal Ambition" got that GATman and Robbin" feel to it, and it should've featured Em!
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 3, 2014
    It's different from what 50 have done earlier, but the album also got those songs with the little more 'gangsta' vibe to it like "Hold On" andIt's different from what 50 have done earlier, but the album also got those songs with the little more 'gangsta' vibe to it like "Hold On" and "Irregular Heartbeat" alongside with "Chase the Paper".
    I personally loved this album,this is just a build up to Street King Immortal.
    Full Review »