• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Dec 11, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 996 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 52 out of 996
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  1. Nov 12, 2015
    WOW! What an interesting style! Incredibly simple melodic hooks with a ton of depth. Metacritic lists the genre as Indie rock, yet Google Music lists it as Dance / Electronic. They are both right and both wrong. Very rarely there is a musician who creates accessible pop music, but is actually an artist. Robyn is a good example of this... Grimes is another. Love it.
  2. Nov 6, 2015
    A great solo endeavor with brilliant production quality. Complex but immaculate layering and many subtle sound effects are what every track is composed of. You will definitely notice the versatility of Grimes here in this joyful, euphoric album.
  3. Nov 9, 2015
    I cannot believe this album. I cannot stop listening to Art Angels. Actually, i can believe it. Grimes proves once more how incredible she is. Every song in Art Angels is amazing. And what is even better, it makes me wanna dance wildly.
  4. Dec 16, 2015
    Grimes really came out of nowhere and surprised everyone with this album. I really wasn't expecting something like this. 0 fillers. NME named it Album of the Year, and it's easy to see why.
  5. Nov 8, 2015
    Compared from its previous work, "Visions", this album is less dark and more funny and happy, it doesn't loose Grimes' weird sound and lyrics. This is an amazing record, especially if you're ashamed of listening to the bad produced top 40 songs, because "Art Angels" is absolutely well produced.
  6. Dec 25, 2015
    This album is everything, with every listen i love her so much! i don't know how Grimes make this, is such a great pop album but at the same time is not pop, amazing!
  7. Nov 7, 2015
    Melhor álbum alternativo do ano!! O som soa como algo que nunca ouvi musicalmente falando.. Grimes sempre vem inovando com seus álbuns cada vez mais. Fico feliz em ver que veio um trabalho um pouco diferente do VISIONS.
  8. Nov 9, 2015
    This album is absolutely one of the best in this decade. You can really hear how Grimes care about her music. I cannot imagine how much efforts she put in making this album so good. It's mature but fun: crazy but in the control; smart and so sexy. The details are so subtle and so powerful. I am so glad to have her in the music industry today.
  9. Nov 6, 2015
    It have been years since pop artist/producer/singer/songwriter came out with an album. This is a long-waited album. This is probably the weirdest pop album ever, but the weirdness of the album makes it good. The tracks for the album are by far, the best she ever produced.

    The album version of "Realiti" sounds better than the one she released earlier this year on YouTube. The song is a
    It have been years since pop artist/producer/singer/songwriter came out with an album. This is a long-waited album. This is probably the weirdest pop album ever, but the weirdness of the album makes it good. The tracks for the album are by far, the best she ever produced.

    The album version of "Realiti" sounds better than the one she released earlier this year on YouTube. The song is a great song to dance to and sing alone to (if you know the lyrics).

    One of the most catchy song on the album is a song that features Janelle Monáe. "Venus Fly" is an outstanding song with a strong noisy beat. Even though she repeats herself though the entire song, it's a great song and one of the best on the album because of the noise-pop, weird electronic beat.

    This albums sounds like a combination of music that would be in an Japanese anime series and in a JRPG game.

    Scream is another weird track on the album that features Tai rapper, Aristophanes. The lyrics are hard to understand but the track overall, sounds good and fits the theme for the album.

    "Kill V. Maim" is a track where Grimes sounds like a character from an anime singing. It sounds really weird and if you were to bump this in your car very loud people would just shake their head at you. The weirdness of this song, like most of the songs on this album, sounds very good.

    "Flesh without Blood" is the highlight song on the album. It has the best songwriting and it's the only track where it's easy to understand what she's saying. Even though the track is still noisy, the her lyrics are easy to understand.
  10. Nov 7, 2015
    By far this is the best album that Grimes has created in her career.

    Creatively, with a great production and well-directed composition, Grimes knew how to involve and bring darkness to an alternative pop and that's wonderful. Moreover, she knew exactly how to fit the tracks in your sequence to keep simple, observant, dark and catchy at the same time. It's noteworthy amazing tracks
    By far this is the best album that Grimes has created in her career.

    Creatively, with a great production and well-directed composition, Grimes knew how to involve and bring darkness to an alternative pop and that's wonderful. Moreover, she knew exactly how to fit the tracks in your sequence to keep simple, observant, dark and catchy at the same time.

    It's noteworthy amazing tracks like "REALiTi", "Venus Fly", "Butterfly" and "Kill V. Maim" which have, by far, the best plot of production and development.

    Finally, there is nothing to complain about something that's so amazing. Grimes finally arrived in a goddess level, surpassing her previous album "Visions".
  11. Nov 7, 2015
    [A] phenomenal album. Grimes sounds a lot better, and the 1st song is one of the best intros I have ever heard. P.S. I pretty much prefer this version of REALiTi than the demo.
  12. Nov 30, 2015
    It’s slick and gritty, fun and funny, and horrifying and grotesque all at once. It will also make you shake your ass like nothing else. Masterpiece in 14 tracks.
  13. Nov 9, 2015
    O álbum é realmente muito bom. Traz o que já conhecemos da Grimes ao mesmo tempo em que nos mostra um cenário totalmente novo. Ela quebrou as barreiras do que todos achavam que ela era capaz de fazer para criar um álbum que ao mesmo tempo que é pop, também remonta ao estranho que está presente em toda sua carreira. Como ela deixa claro em sua composição, não é um álbum que qualquer um vaiO álbum é realmente muito bom. Traz o que já conhecemos da Grimes ao mesmo tempo em que nos mostra um cenário totalmente novo. Ela quebrou as barreiras do que todos achavam que ela era capaz de fazer para criar um álbum que ao mesmo tempo que é pop, também remonta ao estranho que está presente em toda sua carreira. Como ela deixa claro em sua composição, não é um álbum que qualquer um vai ouvir e gostar se você está acostumado com Halfaxa e Visions, você tem que abrir sua mente antes de ouvi-lo. Se você gosta de uma garotinha sonhadora, triste que produz música estranha que ninguém vai querer ouvir, bem, Art Angels não é pra você. É uma verdadeira revolução no que a Grimes faz, e sem dúvida um grande evolução como artista. Ah, sem contar que ele foi escrito quase em totalidade por ela e conta com a primeira faixa que ela produziu completamente sozinha, Scream. Palmas pra Grimes, ela realmente merece. Expand
  14. Nov 25, 2015
    Melhor álbum da rainha sim, as viúvas do Visions que aceitem logo. Tá cheio de hinos e eu não paro de ouvir desde que lançou, inclusive, Grimes é fanha.
  15. Dec 7, 2015
    This album is wonderfully bizarre! Grimes put many things in “Art Angels”: different music genres (mainly synth-pop, electronic and rock), catchy melodies and her unique style. The tracks make you get into the universe of the album and you cannot get out of it, singing and dancing with the upbeat ones and thinking deeply with the slow ones. The lyrics go pretty well to the Grimes’ vocalsThis album is wonderfully bizarre! Grimes put many things in “Art Angels”: different music genres (mainly synth-pop, electronic and rock), catchy melodies and her unique style. The tracks make you get into the universe of the album and you cannot get out of it, singing and dancing with the upbeat ones and thinking deeply with the slow ones. The lyrics go pretty well to the Grimes’ vocals and the melodies, showing clearly the album’s concept, what is pretty good because the most artist make this mistake (particularly in this kind of music), when the songs get lost in the album and they aren’t connected. Grimes has shown she is a complete artist and, perhaps, this is one of the best albums in 2015.

    Listen to: Flesh without Blood, Easily and Kill V. Maim.
  16. Feb 15, 2016
    This is probably the best "pop" album that's been released. The entire album will make you feel and burst of energy that you never knew you had. Songs like "kill v. Maim" prove that Grimes is one of the most unique artist around. Even the two reprise/intro are amazing. Every song goes together without going to far and sounding the same.
  17. Nov 7, 2015
    Simplesmente maravilhoso. A ascensão synth pop de Grimes, com toques county, sem deixar de lado seu experimentalismo, formando uma mistura perfeita, e maravilhosa de se ouvir. Com duas participações mais que perfeitas, posso dizer que o Art Angels está entre uns dos melhores álbuns desse ano.
  18. Nov 22, 2015
    Melhor álbum da fanha. Em Art Angels encontramos uma Grimes mais "comercial", melódica, que mostra sua potência vocal e o quê quase não teve nos álbuns anteriores: composições! Beijos viúvas do Halfaxa, Geidi Primes e Visions, mas principalmente pra você que reclamou quando ela lançou "Go". Beijos pra VOCÊ que quer escutar ruídos só pra se sentir diferente e especial. Meu recado pra vocêMelhor álbum da fanha. Em Art Angels encontramos uma Grimes mais "comercial", melódica, que mostra sua potência vocal e o quê quase não teve nos álbuns anteriores: composições! Beijos viúvas do Halfaxa, Geidi Primes e Visions, mas principalmente pra você que reclamou quando ela lançou "Go". Beijos pra VOCÊ que quer escutar ruídos só pra se sentir diferente e especial. Meu recado pra você que disse que ela perdeu sua identidade: SE FUDEU. Expand
  19. Nov 7, 2015
    One of the best albums of the year alongside Carly Rae Jepsen's EMOTION and Lana Del Rey's Honeymoon. I've been waiting for Grimes new record for a long time, and i'm not disappointed.
  20. Dec 13, 2015
    It's been 3 years since Visions released.Visions was minimalistic,complex,lo-fi album.It made grimes popular on the alternative/indie scene.Everybody was wondering what will she is going to do next.Will she stick to the minimalistic lo-fi indie girl image or is she gonna change completely?Online music sites like Pitchfork was very interested with Grimes.They followed every move she hasIt's been 3 years since Visions released.Visions was minimalistic,complex,lo-fi album.It made grimes popular on the alternative/indie scene.Everybody was wondering what will she is going to do next.Will she stick to the minimalistic lo-fi indie girl image or is she gonna change completely?Online music sites like Pitchfork was very interested with Grimes.They followed every move she has done.They see Grimes as a hipster magnet.Like she is doing some pretentious **** released bunch of singles and videos till the album release.Like dubstep influenced "Go",and "Realiti".Now we have her new album Artangels out.I can't lie i just shocked when i first listened.It was so not Grimes we used to know.Except Realiti i thinked this album sucked but after few listen i loved the album.Her sugary vocals,excelent synths and melodies made this album irresistible.She uses real instruments like piano and guitar on Artangels.Songs like California,Belly of the Beat got country-pop influence all over it.And songs like Flesh Without Blood,Kill V.Maim,Venus Fly represents her new style.Her "Art Angels".While ending my review i must say this is one of the most original albums I've ever listened. Expand
  21. Nov 9, 2015
    Um megamix de synthpop, k-pop e country que deu super super certo. A singularidade e a essência das músicas e da voz da Grimes não se perdeu durante o álbum, que sem dúvidas, é o melhor de toda a sua carreira.
  22. Nov 7, 2015
    This album is a complete masterpiece, incredible record. It just couldn't been better, this is Grimes at her best. My favourite album. Complete blown away.
  23. Nov 9, 2015
    I thought it unlikely that she could make an album that is better than 'Visions"; however, after listening to each song on the album, I can't find any filler or songs that didn't fit. In general this album is a very dramatic statment. It screams that Grimes is an independent artisit who has full creative control over every move she makes which makes her a valuable woman in thisI thought it unlikely that she could make an album that is better than 'Visions"; however, after listening to each song on the album, I can't find any filler or songs that didn't fit. In general this album is a very dramatic statment. It screams that Grimes is an independent artisit who has full creative control over every move she makes which makes her a valuable woman in this cut-throat, sexist industry. You go girl. Keep it up. Expand
  24. Nov 12, 2015
    Visions was neutral for me (it was good but I don't like that music genre) but this album is more "Pop" than Visions and I like better than genre. Art Angels is a strange album, but it is still a good and surprisingly catchy! SCREAM and Kill V. Maim are my favorites. Production, composition and vocals, perfect.
  25. Nov 7, 2015
    Her best album by far. The songs are connected and in a simple way it all makes sense and works like Visions and Halfaxa should. Best tracks: SCREAM, Flesh Without Blood, Kill V. Maim, Artangels, Pin, World Princes part II, Venus Fly and Butterfly, but the entire album deserves a listen.
  26. Nov 7, 2015
    YAAAAS GRIMES QUEEEENNN i waited 2 long 4 this album and its fantastic i loved every fukkin song specially kill v maim - realiti's album version - world princess pt II - butterfly. they all fantastic, i loved how grimes tried new sounds and new style, she progressed as an artist, grime's the queen of electronic
  27. Nov 7, 2015
    This alongside with Carly Rae Jepsen's E-MO-TION are what pop albums should be. A consistent and conceptual body of work, with a clean production and catchy melodies.
  28. Dec 11, 2015
    diegonelli user is a Fug gin F'ÁG diegonelli user is a Fug gin F'ÁG diegonelli user is a Fug gin F'ÁG
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  29. Nov 9, 2015
    Um álbum inteligente que é super pop e super alternativo ao mesmo tempo. Com tantas referências advindas do som experimental, punk rock, K-Pop, country, video games, mangás, entre outros, Grimes consegue entregar um álbum complexo e profundo recheado de emoção, eufórico e melancólico, com faixas cheias de camadas de instrumentos e voz. Ah, e ela fez isso tudo sozinha!
  30. Nov 6, 2015
    This is an absolutely fantastic record and 100% recommend it to any who enjoys this type of electronic, synthpop style. All the songs are sooo catchy and perfectly placed. Laughing and Not Being Normal is an incredible, (and her best), intro, and Butterfly beautifully wraps up the album. Go buy it!

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Dec 22, 2015
    Claire Boucher's fourth album is wilder, more ambitious, and--at least on the surface--more accessible than her breakthrough
  2. Dec 18, 2015
    Crackling with radio-primed hooks, whipsnap breakbeats and Boucher’s helium-pitched vocals, Grimes’ third album makes a convincing strike for playlist ubiquity, with a healthy dollop of the oddball chucked in.
  3. Uncut
    Dec 11, 2015
    You can sense the deceptively complex Art Angels will only continue to yield further depths with time. [Jan 2016, p.76]