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Generally favorable reviews- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 53
  2. Negative: 6 out of 53
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  1. Nov 1, 2018
    Not as good as HYIMW but I think it's still a pretty solid record, the time is not a contra for me, as a matter of fact is a pro
  2. Nov 1, 2018
    Julia Holter has created with Aviary a completely uncompromising album, one that takes a totally different approach from her previous and more accessible Have You in My Wilderness. Here she embodies her full spacious, moody, ethereal persona, apparently not caring if it will appeal to most people (see the 4 minute bagpipe extravaganza opening of Everyday is an emergency), though invitingJulia Holter has created with Aviary a completely uncompromising album, one that takes a totally different approach from her previous and more accessible Have You in My Wilderness. Here she embodies her full spacious, moody, ethereal persona, apparently not caring if it will appeal to most people (see the 4 minute bagpipe extravaganza opening of Everyday is an emergency), though inviting us nonetheless to share her songwriting bliss, carving an elegant space, with lots of hidden details so that we can discover every time we listen to it a new piece of it. Just marvellous! Expand
  3. Oct 31, 2018
    Most important album of the year or maybe 10 years. Most cohesive sound i've heard since In Rainbows by Radiohead
  4. Oct 29, 2018
    As always, she's exploring new sounds. As a whole, it sunds beautiful but if may become a little like.. mmm again?
    You must hear this album anyway.
  5. Oct 28, 2018
    What a beautiful mess! Julia worked hard, but the listener has to work even harder to find the order in this music. Or do we need the order? Anyway, this album is her mix of Aerial/Dreaming - two albums by Kate Bush that remind me of Aviary´s beautiful madness.
  6. Oct 26, 2018
    Could be Holter's most unorthodox effort thus far, and probably its length has something to do with it (excessive for some). Nevertheless, it remains somehow pure and truthful. It's a creature grandiloquently parading its inner visions and thoughts throughout the vast density of a forest-like darkness, making a guiding light of itself for us to endure the ninety-minute tour de force itCould be Holter's most unorthodox effort thus far, and probably its length has something to do with it (excessive for some). Nevertheless, it remains somehow pure and truthful. It's a creature grandiloquently parading its inner visions and thoughts throughout the vast density of a forest-like darkness, making a guiding light of itself for us to endure the ninety-minute tour de force it lasts, and bringing us several moments of awe, unsettlement, relief, joy and self-contemplation along the way. It grows on you. Not as fast as you'd might want it to, but it grows. We shall love. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Nov 2, 2018
    Aviary ultimately has the effect of looking through a new friend’s bookshelf, accessing the wild particularities of their mind.
  2. Oct 31, 2018
    Where Have You In My Wilderness faithfully stuck to pop structures and verse-chorus-verse dynamics, Aviary appears through-composed, as though its songs were written purely according to whatever felt like the right thing to do next, and not dictated by any of Holter’s more traditionalist habits. This doesn’t make it a difficult listen, though--this is an album steeped in beauty, a celebration of sound.
  3. Oct 30, 2018
    Aviary is an incredibly immersive voyage and arguably her greatest achievement. In fact, it wouldn’t be too bold to say this is an Art pop masterpiece via one of the best songwriters alive—it’s just not for everyone, and Holter is ok with that.