• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. His vocals here are mostly murmurs, and the musical accompaniment, though skillful throughout, lacks the punch of his previous albums.
  2. Instead of the dynamic sound Mayer is capable of, he has instead continued along the same nicely-paved road he has ridden his whole studio career, a path that has always elicited the same reaction from this writer – a shrug.
  3. His latest mundane disc lacks edge despite sometimes aiming for U2.
  4. It would be unfair to call Battle Studies an outright misfire, but it’s undoubtedly a regression on his winding, forward-moving path toward artistic maturity. Two steps forward, one step back then.
  5. Q Magazine
    While Heartbreak Warfare and War Of My Life chug pleasantly along in their Police-lite way, and Taylor Swift makes the briefest of cameos on the bittersweet half Of My Heart, true inspiration, as ever, remains a conspicuous absentee. [Jan 2010, p. 120]
  6. Battle Studies is terrific when Mayer drops the seriousness, pondering and sending up his reputation as a rake.
  7. Mayer's talents are obvious, but there's so much more cheese than charm here that he would seem like a hard sell outside the Billboard heartland.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 76 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 76
  2. Negative: 6 out of 76
  1. KaiR
    Nov 30, 2009
    I definitely say 7 with a heavy heart. After Continuum and Where the Light Is, I was definitely expecting something... I don't know, I definitely say 7 with a heavy heart. After Continuum and Where the Light Is, I was definitely expecting something... I don't know, PROFOUND, maybe. After listening to the album in its entirety the first time, I found it forgettable and I couldn't believe I of ALL PEOPLE was thinking this. I practically swear by the man's music. I had to listen again and most of the songs have at least grown on me, but I definitely don't have a favorite to rival my favorites from his past albums. I'm still definitely going to see him in concert in February when he comes to DC, but I feel like this album was either meant to raise my expectations for the next one, or made so he could get out of the studio and get on with it. Full Review »
  2. LisaB
    Nov 30, 2009
    As usual, John lied. This album, as always, is for me and mostly about me, not Jennifer Aniston. Although, I must hasten to add that I As usual, John lied. This album, as always, is for me and mostly about me, not Jennifer Aniston. Although, I must hasten to add that I wasn't the one who said John couldn't or shouldn't do half a dozen things. And I wasn't the other half of his many vulgar relationships. Just his former co-writer and muse. Please ask him when I'm getting paid. Full Review »
  3. RichardM
    Nov 29, 2009
    I've been a defender of John Mayer since the beginning and, until now, that was an easy job. Each album has been better than the last, I've been a defender of John Mayer since the beginning and, until now, that was an easy job. Each album has been better than the last, and they've all been loaded with well-written songs and great guitar work. Not so with battle studies. There's no other way to say it - this album flat sucks. The songwriting is lazy and uninteresting, the pace is tedious. Crossroads is outright embarassing. Hopefully he'll chalk this one up as a lesson learned and go back and listen to continuum ten times before be starts writing the next batch of tunes. Full Review »