• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Oct 13, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 256 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 32 out of 256
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  1. Nov 25, 2021
    This album is amazing, i love pink so much she is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Nov 25, 2021
    Her vocals here are so so good and hauting, this whole album is a piece of art, so beautiful
  3. Nov 24, 2021
    This is such a powerful album, I love this, Pink goes so so deep with her emotions and I'm here for it
  4. Mar 31, 2021
    When we listen to the album, is easy to understand why it's tour is one of the most succesful ever

    The musics are all great. Lyrics, vocals and production... Everything is on point
  5. Aug 28, 2020
    Love it! Easy to listen, well put together with great production. A lot of beautiful messages that shine through songs. Album that will make you feel good.
  6. Apr 11, 2020
    Beautiful Trauma by P!nk: 4.53

    Beautiful Trauma: 0.5 Revenge: 0.25 Whatever You Want: 0.75 What About Us: 1 But We Lost It: 1! Barbies: 1! Where We Go: 1 :) For Now: 0.75 Secrets: 0.5 Better Life: 0.5 I Am Here: 0.5 Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken: 0.75 You Get My Love: 0.25 8.75/13 ~ .673 -> 4.53 P!nk’s seventh album, Beautiful Trauma, is a little bit of a
    Beautiful Trauma by P!nk: 4.53

    Beautiful Trauma: 0.5
    Revenge: 0.25
    Whatever You Want: 0.75
    What About Us: 1
    But We Lost It: 1!
    Barbies: 1!
    Where We Go: 1 :)
    For Now: 0.75
    Secrets: 0.5
    Better Life: 0.5
    I Am Here: 0.5
    Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken: 0.75
    You Get My Love: 0.25

    8.75/13 ~ .673 -> 4.53

    P!nk’s seventh album, Beautiful Trauma, is a little bit of a disappointment. I like listening to P!nk because she makes really good rock music that is fun in its own unique way. Here, she trades that for slower electronic pop, which I don’t necessarily have a problem with, it’s just quite a big leap to go to this from fast, upbeat rock in the time span of one album. At least in Beautiful Trauma, the average power is increased per song compared to P!nk’s earlier work. Beautiful Trauma was a fair opening song that was nice and upbeat, but lyrics were only okay and it was chock full of unnecessary strong language. Revenge was more electronic and repetitive than I would have liked it to be, and it contained a lot of language as well. I thought Whatever You Want was a good song, and the acoustic guitar felt good compared to the electronic music of the previous two songs. What About Us had powerful lyrics married to well done music, a hit. But We Lost It and Barbies were both such good songs. They both had very powerful lyrics, which I always enjoy. Plus, they were both accompanied by great music, and I loved the piano in But We Lost It. Where We Go is arguably one of the best songs on the album, with amazing upbeat music and powerful lyrics. For Now was overall a good song, since it had good lyrics, even if the timing was trippy sometimes. I’m not sure why but I did not enjoy Secrets as much as the other songs. Perhaps it was too echoed, and it felt a little repetitive. Better Life had good electric piano, but it was slower without increasing lyric power. It marked the point where I started missing the old P!nk stuff more. I Am Here, unfortunately, was a bit repetitive and there were a couple music transitions that I felt could have been executed in a smoother way, though I did really enjoy how upbeat it was. I thought Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken was a very good song. It was powerful as well as having really good accompaniment, though the tame acoustic style was starting to get tiring, as most of the album had this style. I was hoping that You Get My Love would be a little more “poppy”, but sadly I was just all “acousticked out” by this point. Its lyrics were okay but it was full of emotion. Overall, I was a little let down by P!nk’s seventh release. It ups the power factor at the cost of the musicality of the album. If only the best of both worlds could have been met in Beautiful Trauma. That being said, this album still did well enough to score in the green, and I’m curious to hear what P!nk’s latest album sounds like, as Beautiful Trauma was really different from P!nk’s other work. Highlights: What About Us, But We Lost It, Barbies, and Where We Go.
  7. Feb 10, 2020
    Not good. Just average. Nothing good except the singles and title track. "Beautiful Trauma", the song deserves to be a hit. Then nothing more.
  8. Sep 2, 2019
    A surprise! Really good album, more personal and less commercial than her last one... Nevertheless I miss the rock old P!nk but this album is one of the best in 2017 so far
  9. Aug 3, 2019
    This is an enjoyable album with many great tracks.

    The standouts: "What About Us" is one of the best songs that P!nk has ever done because it speaks to the marginalized, the need to find a solution to what has marginalized people, love, trust, and the need to wake up and take action. We all need to be loved. "For Now" emphasizes the perfect past and wanting to return to the good
    This is an enjoyable album with many great tracks.

    The standouts:

    "What About Us" is one of the best songs that P!nk has ever done because it speaks to the marginalized, the need to find a solution to what has marginalized people, love, trust, and the need to wake up and take action. We all need to be loved.

    "For Now" emphasizes the perfect past and wanting to return to the good times.

    "I Am Here" is phenomenal and full of energy. Live life, enjoy the little things, the fact that worse places exist even when we think we are in the worst of places. and moving on despite falling to the depths. Anywhere can be home.

    "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken" is about fighting on, not being quiet, and not being tied down.

  10. Apr 26, 2019
    Some songs are good. But, as an overall album, it gets repetitive and boring after a while. I wish somehow we could get the rock-Pink back.
  11. Dec 2, 2018
    Really good album, Pink did't dissapoint me at all. My personal favorites are: Beautiful Trauma, Whatever You Want, Secrets, Barbies, But We Lost It and You Got My Love. Well done Pink!!!
  12. Oct 20, 2018
    P!nk (not to be confused with Pink Floyd) is talented and all, but she needs to do something different. Gymnastics and adult contemporary pop-rock can only get you so far.
  13. Oct 9, 2018
    Beautiful Trauma is better than The Truth About Love, though its sound may not be as mainstream as her previous effort. On this album, Pink is being as real as she can; not only does she talk about love but also talks about the problems that the world is facing and it's really necessary for an artist who has a good platform like her to speak the the truth out.
  14. Sep 28, 2018
    A good album with many emotionally-packed good songs. Good amount of tracks, however, there was some lapse in the structure of the album. Changing her tone completely, the album differs from all her previous works. Not a terrible album, Beautiful Trauma is a silent success in Pink's career.
  15. Aug 23, 2018
    P!nk nos ofrece un álbum bien intencionado con líricas bastante potentes que te darán un mensaje profundo. El problema se haya en esos ritmos R&B con fusiones de pop y ritmos mezclados con autotune que no permiten disfrutar o transmitir ese mensaje. Sinceramente en algunos puntos del álbum será mejor darle al botón de "Siguiente canción". Sin embargo no quita el poder que da este álbum yP!nk nos ofrece un álbum bien intencionado con líricas bastante potentes que te darán un mensaje profundo. El problema se haya en esos ritmos R&B con fusiones de pop y ritmos mezclados con autotune que no permiten disfrutar o transmitir ese mensaje. Sinceramente en algunos puntos del álbum será mejor darle al botón de "Siguiente canción". Sin embargo no quita el poder que da este álbum y la voz de P!nk que bien puede ser mi "hermoso trauma". Top 5 (Sin Orden) 1. Beautiful Trauma 2. Whatever You Want 3. What About Us 4. Secrets 5. You Get My Love. Para ser más exacto le daría un 8.2 Expand
  16. Jul 4, 2018
    Increible album, una canción mejor que la otra y su voz evoluciona constantemente como se puede ver en vivo.
  17. Jul 3, 2018
    Amazing album, old and new pop just mixed. Pink is so overrrated like always done with woman that go against gender rules
  18. Jun 24, 2018
    Nice album but perhaps one of the weakest Pink albums so far with no attitude. No stand-out track (apart from the lead single) and many safe choices. However, this is a mature sound more Adult Contemporary than her previous efforts.
  19. May 6, 2018
    Oh wow, P!nk really showed us a complete new side and sound of her! She has changed so much over the last five years and so has her music. Every track on this album is perfection and really shows how much effort she put into that record.
  20. Apr 22, 2018
    Nice album. I personally found in that a mixture of amazing and average songs. Proud of her.
  21. Apr 11, 2018
    Pink always brings good albums, but this one disappointed me a little, a lot of the songs seem boring, but very boring, and if she brings many reflections with her songs and I like that a lot, but others are just filling
  22. Feb 24, 2018
    Congrat p!nk. This is the best p!nk album I have listened to. literally, I listen to it every day. Thank you P!nk. More power to your elbow
  23. Feb 12, 2018
    P!nk's vocals in this album are stunning. I can't stand still when "Revenge" or "You Get My Love" is playing.
  24. Jan 19, 2018
    After listening to the album over and over again, this is one of P!nk's enigmatic albums. There is a clear divide between the best and worst songs. I Am Here, Beautiful Trauma and What About Us are outstanding, but then you find songs like Revenge that make you pounce for the skip button
  25. Jan 5, 2018
    The Truth About Love entire album still gives me chills, this doesn't. It''s a big dissapointment for me after waiting for 5 years.
  26. Nov 16, 2017
    During my listening sessions to P!nk’s newest album, I kept asking myself: “Since when did she become such a basic pop singer?” She has the voice, the look, the tools and, most importantly, the audience and she keeps on releasing generic Pop music. That is exactly what “Beautiful Trauma” is about: a compilation of generic pop and pop rock songs and ballads that kind of go around the sameDuring my listening sessions to P!nk’s newest album, I kept asking myself: “Since when did she become such a basic pop singer?” She has the voice, the look, the tools and, most importantly, the audience and she keeps on releasing generic Pop music. That is exactly what “Beautiful Trauma” is about: a compilation of generic pop and pop rock songs and ballads that kind of go around the same tempos, sounds and even lyrics.

    That doesn’t mean, though, that it is an atrocious piece of work. It isn’t because, at the end of the day, we all love easy hits and easy choruses to sing along, don’t we? I have got used to the record and I can sing along to almost 80% of its choruses. My main issue here is again the lack of uniqueness and risks. While I said “Beautiful Trauma” isn’t a bad work, there are a couple of atrocious songs, the main one being the collaboration with Eminem. “Revenge” is just a really, really bad song. It sounds childish, immature, wannabe and just forced. Up ‘til this day I can’t believe Eminem signed up for this. The lyrics are cringe-worthy and I seriously hope this doesn’t see the light of day as a single as I know radios are going to eat it up based on the artists. The final ballad - “You Get Me Love” - is another song that I simply can’t get into. The chorus being extremely high-pitched next to soft verses sounds weird and actually scary as one isn’t expecting that amount of screams in the middle of a nice subtle song.

    What’s left to come isn’t as bad. There’s another cheesy ballad (“Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken”) and a few uninspired songs (“What About Us” or “For Now”) but the remaining eight songs are good. “Secrets” must be the surprise of the album. While it isn’t my favorite track, it gives me “Funhouse” vibes for being fun and out of the box; “I Am Here”, while being quite generic, gives anyone a boost of energy and self-confidence and I could never go against that. My favorite track is really “Better Life”. The minimalistic production along with the lugging chorus makes it so interesting and reminds of something the (extinct?) group fun. would do.

    At this point, you may feel like I am a hater of P!nk’s ballads, I am not. Let’s talk about “Barbies”. While sonically it may sound a bit uninteresting, lyrically it blows anyone’s mind. The song discusses the flaws of growing up… Of how we can’t avoid problems coming our way without solving them. In the song P!nk repeats: “I wish I could go back to playing Barbies in my room, they never say that you gotta grow up quite this soon”. That’s a beautiful metaphor that just blew my mind the first time I heard it.

    To conclude, the record is built off two other great (though generic) Pop Rock songs such as “Whatever You Want” and “Where We Go”. While being P!nk’s most familiar sound, unfortunately it just fits her so well and become impossible not to sing along or wanting to repeat the play… And overall, it is impossible to hate on P!nk, she fought so hard to be where she is, to get the respect she deserved and to become the role model she had to be, she is definitely one of my generation’s most successful pop singers and she leaves us proud.
  27. Nov 5, 2017
    P!nk shows once again that he knows how to make a good album, we do not have bad tracks, only songs that have totally escaped his trademark style that is Pop / Rock, but it is a delightful album to listen to, the vocals are impeccable , the beats and lyrics are great, only he can not get close to the wonderful work that was his predecessor.
  28. Nov 3, 2017
    P!nk is still relevant, vital, dynamic and a standout among the other pop artists. Beautiful Trauma features inner phobias about lost innocence, family struggles and political worries. Vocally impressive and vibrant it shows a woman who has fought to find herself and finally plays her game by her own rules.

    Highlights: Beautiful Trauma, Whatever You Want, What About Us, Barbies, I Am Here.
  29. Oct 30, 2017
    Being shrouded under a blanket of metric and textural blandness, there were some surprising traits that made the music moderately enjoyable, from lively melodic lines to actual effective solo acoustics at the end, but the only real positive was the ability to keep listeners in the moment by not being too annoying and having small spots of melodic satisfaction, which was rather impressiveBeing shrouded under a blanket of metric and textural blandness, there were some surprising traits that made the music moderately enjoyable, from lively melodic lines to actual effective solo acoustics at the end, but the only real positive was the ability to keep listeners in the moment by not being too annoying and having small spots of melodic satisfaction, which was rather impressive given the complete lack of structural attraction. My Score: 108/180 (Okay) = 6/10 Expand
  30. Oct 28, 2017
    P!nk has managed to stay relevant for years and years. Beautiful Trauma is a good album. What About Us, and Beautiful Trauma are such meaningful and overall solid tracks, the only bad track on the album would be Revenge ft Eminem, it's just corny which would be fine if the album's theme was funny. But no it's a bold/brave album so Revenge didn't seem fitting, but this is truly one ofP!nk has managed to stay relevant for years and years. Beautiful Trauma is a good album. What About Us, and Beautiful Trauma are such meaningful and overall solid tracks, the only bad track on the album would be Revenge ft Eminem, it's just corny which would be fine if the album's theme was funny. But no it's a bold/brave album so Revenge didn't seem fitting, but this is truly one of P!nk's best pieces of work to date. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Q Magazine
    Oct 24, 2017
    An album with dirgeful ballads, though they do at least let her show off her excellent voice. [Dec 2017, p.109]
  2. Oct 23, 2017
    With Beautiful Trauma then, Moore proves that she’s both still relevant, and a vital, confident female voice on the pop circuit who has impressively never really succumbed to the pressures of the overly-sexualised pop machine.
  3. 60
    Secure behind the protective pop wall erected by producers such as Max Martin and the ubiquitous Greg Kurstin, there’s little room for originality here. Which may be for the best, given the mid-album limpness imposed by the gratingly wistful, cello-draped childhood yearning of “Barbies”, which oozes insincerity. Pink’s on safer ground riding the pumping pop-funk of “Secrets” and the title-track.