• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: May 1, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27

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  1. Jennifer
    May 18, 2007
    I had high hope for this album especially after hearing the first track off the album. Unfortuantely I have to agree with a few others on the page.. I was disappointed. There are a couple of good tracks but this album in no way measures up to, "In My Own Words". It is obvious he is trying to channel Michael and one track is so very reminiscent of Prince. I will pop it in again very soon I had high hope for this album especially after hearing the first track off the album. Unfortuantely I have to agree with a few others on the page.. I was disappointed. There are a couple of good tracks but this album in no way measures up to, "In My Own Words". It is obvious he is trying to channel Michael and one track is so very reminiscent of Prince. I will pop it in again very soon to give it another chance in its entirety. Overall a decent sophmore album but not as great as the first. Expand
  2. sama
    May 14, 2007
    This was a disappointing follow up to the first cd.
  3. mikes.
    May 8, 2007
    A homosexual that sings love songs for straight people and the pop masses. This album is boring and unlike the Rufus Wainwright newer release that showcase's his openly gay songwriting; neyo album is never honest or believable and the production is seemingly recycled loops from his previous album. Overall an artist with loads of talent but poor production and poor song writing and A homosexual that sings love songs for straight people and the pop masses. This album is boring and unlike the Rufus Wainwright newer release that showcase's his openly gay songwriting; neyo album is never honest or believable and the production is seemingly recycled loops from his previous album. Overall an artist with loads of talent but poor production and poor song writing and structure is equals a bad album this time around Expand
  4. MikeD
    May 8, 2007
    I'm a huge Ne-Yo fan but this album dissapointed a little bit. Although, I learned to love a few of the songs on "In my own words", I don't know if I'll say that same about this album. Definatley a couple very good tracks though. All in all, not TOO bad, but not as good as the last album..
  5. KristiW
    May 5, 2007
    I totally agree with Lena W. I only liked 4 out of 12 songs. I was highly disappointed. I think the album was rushed and doesn't remotely compare to "In My Words" (which I LOVED). The production was off and it seems more like an effort to imitate Michael Jackson, Prince, Usher and Donell. The Ne-Yo I highly favored this time last year was lost somewhere among bad production and that I totally agree with Lena W. I only liked 4 out of 12 songs. I was highly disappointed. I think the album was rushed and doesn't remotely compare to "In My Words" (which I LOVED). The production was off and it seems more like an effort to imitate Michael Jackson, Prince, Usher and Donell. The Ne-Yo I highly favored this time last year was lost somewhere among bad production and that sad freestyle by Jay-Z ... I give it a 5 (for average). Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    The album is an unmistakable attempt to channel [Michael] Jackson's early Quncy Jones-helmed LPs--and the effort often pays off beautifully. [27 Apr 2007, p.139]
  2. The album is almost identical to Ne-Yo's promising debut, last year's In My Own Words, but, while it starts off strong with the thumping yet melodic title track, nothing here matches the smooth pop of "So Sick" and "Sexy Love," and there are at least two other young stars out there doing the MJ thing better.
  3. A likable little album.