• Record Label: Sire
  • Release Date: Jun 13, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 109 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 92 out of 109
  2. Negative: 12 out of 109

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  1. Nov 25, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece, Regina Spektor is such a lovely talent and her lyrics are very genius
  2. Nov 25, 2021
    I love this album, Regina Spektor is such a great song-writter and her personality is lovely and charming
  3. Nov 24, 2021
    Regina Spektor's charm is wonderful and her clever lyrics here are amazing as well
  4. Nov 22, 2021
    Perfection, Regina Spektor is so talented and smart, I just love this album and all of its music!
  5. Sep 26, 2019
    Though taking a much more pop-oriented turn than Soviet Kitsch, Regina paints an album full of beautiful balladry, vivid storytelling, theatrical piano-playing, and beautiful anti-folk vibes that make a pop album worth universal acclaim. Samson is a poignant tear-jerker while Fidelity and On the Radio are upbeat perfection. One of my favorite albums of the 2000s.
  6. Aug 22, 2018
    Like the minimalism in the stories of Raymond Carver, the precision in the lyrics and cleanliness makes us see the simplicity of the human soul through their loving or humanitarian actions. A very spiritual album.
  7. Jan 23, 2013
    Begin to Hope is easily Spektor's best album. In it she covers all that is classically influenced, using her own odd vocal techniques and oral sounds to make a completely abnormal, yet entrancing piece of music.
  8. Jan 19, 2013
    A positive, bubbly, almost childish personality coupled with a great voice and spectacular song-writing skills make Regina Spektor one of the greatest musicians of our generation.
  9. Oct 2, 2010
    The Mellow sounds of Regina Spektor are enough for anyone to instantaneously fall in love with, beware, once you've heard it you wouldn't dare listen to anything else from the same genre
  10. RonnieM
    May 7, 2007
    A wondeful album!
  11. Epic
    Apr 29, 2007
    The best record of 06! I love this album!
  12. Roco
    Apr 29, 2007
    A brilliant musical achievement. Beautiful songwriting and great, great songs. One of the best albums of 06, by far!
  13. SlayD
    Apr 29, 2007
    A fine album, wonderfully put together. Regina is one of the best musicians right now in music.
  14. DontrelleM
    Apr 20, 2007
    One of my personal favorites. Gets better and better the more you listen to it.
  15. DBag
    Apr 9, 2007
    Such a lovely, wonderful album by Regina. Beautiful gem and one of the best all around records of 2006. This is a must buy!!
  16. JP
    Apr 5, 2007
    One of my favorite albums of the year. There's only one song that I skip over "Field Below"- it's not that it's a bad song, it just gets repetitive. I was worried that the transition from piano to pop would be awkward, but she pulled it off with charm! I like this album just as much as I liked Soviet Kitsch, maybe even better.
  17. DH
    Feb 27, 2007
    Oy! This passes for intelligent music? Banging out piano chords, sliding your voice up and down hardly qualify as music. The lyrics are uninspiring; well, if you like unicorns and collect candles maybe they will speak to you. Shallow, dumbed down music suitable for anyone who wishes George Winston would sing. Regina Skeptor is the paradigm of faux indie music. On the plus side: your Oy! This passes for intelligent music? Banging out piano chords, sliding your voice up and down hardly qualify as music. The lyrics are uninspiring; well, if you like unicorns and collect candles maybe they will speak to you. Shallow, dumbed down music suitable for anyone who wishes George Winston would sing. Regina Skeptor is the paradigm of faux indie music. On the plus side: your mother probably loves her music. Expand
  18. ChadS
    Feb 14, 2007
    "Begin to Hope" has two amazing songs about being in love; "On the Radio" and "Hotel Song". Spektor takes a sweet-sour approach that her rhapsodies about love don't get too icky. The former has killer observations about the reciprocation about love, but it's framed within a narrative about drug addicts; the latter tells the story of some amorous escapades in a hotel room, but "Begin to Hope" has two amazing songs about being in love; "On the Radio" and "Hotel Song". Spektor takes a sweet-sour approach that her rhapsodies about love don't get too icky. The former has killer observations about the reciprocation about love, but it's framed within a narrative about drug addicts; the latter tells the story of some amorous escapades in a hotel room, but Spektor, again with the drugs, almost digressively sings " a little bag of cocaine", because her album, albeit teenager-friendly, is for adults. There's a few songs that go absolutely nowhere, but "That Time" isn't one of them. It redeems the latter half of a sometimes very beguilling album of commercialized eccentricity. Expand
  19. JohnathanE
    Jan 22, 2007
    She annoys me...Her personality and voice are both highly irritating.
  20. EricW.
    Jan 18, 2007
    A truly manificent work. Combine Miss Spektor's pitch-perfect vocals, her fascinating lyrics, and her superb piano-playing talent, and you have "Begin to Hope," an album that is one the greatest collections ever recorded. Call me crazy, but Regina Spektor just might become the most influential act in music since The Beatles.
  21. bretts
    Jan 2, 2007
    it was emotionally evoking, well done and intelligent. i really enjoyed it
  22. timothys
    Dec 29, 2006
    amazing vocal quality and diversity. many songs i just feel compelled to play over and over. fabulous!
  23. GustavoP
    Dec 29, 2006
    Best album of the year. Talented, criative, inventive and truly beautiful work.
  24. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    There is something special going down in the New York City's East Village anti-folk scene. The Russian born Regina Spektor is a good example of this movement, which is becoming known, at least by me, living on the other side of the world, for producing excellent female singer-songwriters who combine tinkling on the piano with alt. county style folk. Similar to a contemporary Martha There is something special going down in the New York City's East Village anti-folk scene. The Russian born Regina Spektor is a good example of this movement, which is becoming known, at least by me, living on the other side of the world, for producing excellent female singer-songwriters who combine tinkling on the piano with alt. county style folk. Similar to a contemporary Martha Wainright, she is carrying on the tradition that harks back via Lucinda Williams, Aimee Mann, Fiona Apple and Ani DiFranco, with a touch also of PJ Harvey, to a little known and fairly inconsequential artist named Kate Wolf who sang a lovely song called 'Here In California'. Expand
  25. stevenb
    Oct 29, 2006
    An extraordinary work, lavish and sparse in equal measure. An exquisite voice and wonderfully devilish sense of humour. The best thing I have heard since Jane Siberry's 'When I was A Boy'.
  26. CorenD
    Oct 19, 2006
    Regina remains one of the most talented artists working today.
  27. AndyR
    Jul 26, 2006
    It may take some getting used to for extreme "Soviet Kitsch" fans, but it's still worthwhile to give this fantasic album a listen. It's inspiring and has also many "piano and vocal only" songs too for you purists.
  28. AlexW
    Jul 25, 2006
    She's friggen rad.
  29. JeremiahW
    Jul 18, 2006
    All her disconcerted critics can fuck right off.
  30. Elliott
    Jul 14, 2006
    I actually think that the production makes it a more expansive and equally pretty, catchy and fun (if not spectacular) album as the rest of her pretty, catchy and quirky work.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    She displays a range fans old and new will find intoxicating. [16 Jun 2006, p.75]
  2. It's a consistently intelligent and daring record, yet remains enormously listenable.
  3. On the whole her performance throughout Begin to Hope exhibits new levels of control and direction, reaching a point where the song and the singing are inseparable.