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Generally favorable reviews- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 71
  2. Negative: 8 out of 71
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  1. Oct 18, 2022
    I was expecting more from this album. I preferably like their debut album in my opinion.
  2. Oct 14, 2022
    I was pretty disappointed by this album as a 1975 fan, it felt very unoriginal and flavorless compared to their other projects, with their sound becoming even more cliche sounding making it feel extremely disingenuous. The only song I found some slight enjoyment in was about you because it’s slow longer length made it seem like some care was put into it.

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Oct 17, 2022
    The songs click almost immediately, but they’re subtler and pricklier than a first listen would imply, with unexpected twists like faint spoken-word samples and odd bits of distortion on guitar and piano. And the 1975 uses these textures more tastefully than much of the music that inspired them.
  2. Oct 14, 2022
    Fifth time around, The 1975 get the equation right: pop first, art later.
  3. Oct 14, 2022
    Healy has smartly introduced a measure of restraint, but it wouldn’t be a 1975 album without his idiosyncratic discursions; these songs, sturdy melodic creations at their core, are all the better for it.