
Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
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  1. Jul 21, 2011
    The slick production values and mighty arena-filling guitar and drum sounds will jolt fans of the New York City band's charming lo-fi debut.
  2. Under The Radar
    Jun 8, 2011
    You get a sense that The Pains Of Being Pure At heart are only kind of serious and it;'s this half-seriousness that makes the band's brand of wounded-bastard-twee-pop so very irresistible. [May 2011, p.86]
  3. Q Magazine
    May 18, 2011
    Only the title track, with its surge of guitar fuzz, really matches the idea with the execution. [May 2011, p.120]
  4. Mar 30, 2011
    The album's lows remain limp and strangely clinical, making its true promise all the more disappointing.
  5. Mar 29, 2011
    The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have retained most of what we loved about them while also finding new ways to dazzle us, to make us swoon.
  6. Mar 25, 2011
    The Pains of Being Pure at Heart opt to adapt, drafting in producer Flood and mixer Alan Moulder to polish and shine their second album.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Jun 10, 2012
    Let me get this straight: I'm really the only person here capable of hearing the defects with Belong? Really? I'm not going to say anythingLet me get this straight: I'm really the only person here capable of hearing the defects with Belong? Really? I'm not going to say anything nasty about The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart. They are a good band and are nice people and play a good live show (and one of my friends is an old roommate of singer Kip Berman), etc. TPOBPAH also made me wonder if we weren't entering into a surprise tweepop millennium when their eponymous full length gained its original megahype. Campesinos! aside, The Pains were really our new twee masters in 2008/9. But Belong is in no way the record the eponymous LP was. Especially coming off the extraordinary high water mark of the Higher Than The Stars 12" (specifically the digital only remixes of the songs). What happened? I've suspended judgment for more than a year. The results are that I can now stomach the excessive production values and guitar crunch (feedback, fuzz, reverb = good; Smashing Pumpkins, 1995 crunch = not good). I can handle the essential sameness of the songs (all the B-Sides from the first full length were equally same-y). But while the eponymous LP made me euphoric and wistful for fuzzy Britpop, Belong makes me remember how out of place dream pop was when it would spring up randomly in the 90s. (Belong's title track sounds more than a little like Primitive Radio Gods's "Standing In A Broken Phone Booth..." I know it's incidental. Still... It does.) But, all crankiness and feelings of betrayal aside, Beyond (the album, not the song) grows on you after a year. I'm not mad or hurt anymore. Moreover, I'm confident TPOBPAH can reprise their initial burst of momentum, break this sophomore slump, and release a great third album when the time comes. Full Review »
  2. Mar 14, 2012
    Second album from the fantastically named indie band. Although its similar in style to their debut, overall it shows progression. TheSecond album from the fantastically named indie band. Although its similar in style to their debut, overall it shows progression. The production is better, the vocals are a bit clearer and the songs are stronger. Their first album reminded me of the Smiths, but this time they remind me a bit of The Cure. There are plenty of upbeat Indie rockers on this and it's a really enjoyable album. Their sound isn't exactly original and I can't say the band excite me that much, but there is something about their music that's really positive and really attracts me to them. Heavens Gonna Happen Now, Heart in Your Heartbreak and My Terrible Friend (the closest thing to a cover of The Cures "In Between Days" you'll ever hear) are all great tracks and are the kind of tracks that you'd find on those Teen Summer Film soundtracks that are usually so much better than the films themselves. Having said all that, they could do with some variation as well. Full Review »
  3. May 10, 2011
    One of the most solid albums of the year. I'm so glad the band is becoming their own band. There's still a little Smashing Pumpkins meets MyOne of the most solid albums of the year. I'm so glad the band is becoming their own band. There's still a little Smashing Pumpkins meets My Bloody Valentine and Yo La Tengo in there but I feel like they're in a transition phase and building towards something possibly great. Whether they are imitating their favorite bands or not, this is one of the most fun and fresh albums of the year. Full Review »