
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. It's a melodic, pop album that doesn't pay attention to any typical structures or formulas, and Adam Pierce has pulled off another winner.
  2. Adam Pierce has concocted a cogitative brew, a fountain of trills 'n' thrills, that has the noisy echo of '80s New York noise bands, glimpses of the Fusion and Latin flair that transfixes the likes of Fila Brasilia and Jimpster, and the gossamery drift of Scandinavian techno-pop.
  3. Although finely tuned and well orchestrated, the album never panders by creating an artificial sense of drama or relying on familiar rock tropes.
  4. Continues the Brasilia bent of last year's Obrigado Saudade, enjoying the freedom of stumbling beats and washes of warm sound.
  5. Pierce sinks his heart into his music, and while that may not manifest in impassioned yelping or big rock riffs, the exquisiteness of his playing and songcraft make it apparent.
  6. Urb
    Pierce has broken down another barrier between elusive genius and sheer pleasure. [Jun 2005, p.79]
  7. This is a standout record even by his high standards.
  8. So much of Bem-Vinda Vontade sounds so nice, with guitar and drum textures as lovely as anything the band has attempted. But the singing seems tacked on and the music suffers, resulting in Mice Parade's least consistent album.
  9. Mojo
    Richly textured percussion, thrumming nylon-string guitars, discreet electronics and sundry guest vocalists. [Jul 2005, p.105]
  10. There's a feeling of constant evolution over the course of any given track; subtle changes in swing, intonation and attack let you in on the secret that this is no automaton, but a living, breathing entity that's being brought into existence.
  11. Mice Parade is an original, hovering over multiple traditions without disturbing any of them.
  12. Rather than the nostalgic, distant wistfulness of last year’s work, Bem-vinda is much more open, and while there are complex rhythms and arrangements in abundance, none of this gets in the way of some eminently hummable tunes.
  13. The Wire
    A complex and challenging listen. [#257, p.61]
  14. Magnet
    Sparkles with glittering innovations. [#68, p.102]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. ScottT
    Jun 27, 2005
    It's Pierce's drumming that takes this stylistic blend into repeated listening territory. A unique indie rock album that will It's Pierce's drumming that takes this stylistic blend into repeated listening territory. A unique indie rock album that will hopefully garner the airplay it deserves. Full Review »
  2. CodyP
    Jun 13, 2005
    One of the best of the year. An enjoyable listen through and through.
  3. MarkD
    Jun 1, 2005
    Only on my fourth complete listen yet am already hooked. Unfortunately this is my first listen to the band but after hearing this album I am Only on my fourth complete listen yet am already hooked. Unfortunately this is my first listen to the band but after hearing this album I am to remedy that situation at the earliest possible opportunity. If you are on the lookout for something a little different yet expressing itself eloquently then look no further. An album that oozes whether the volume dial is on a relaxed low or an energy filled cranked up setting. Full Review »