• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Dec 13, 2013
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  1. Apr 30, 2018
    I feel like this album solidified Beyoncé's icon status as it showcased her artistry more compared to her previous albums. Arguably one of the best R&B albums of all time, though it is obvious that there are many genres mixed perfectly in this excellently cohesive record.
  2. Feb 18, 2018
    Wow, The Queen has dropped a total game-changer back then. Visuals are BEYutiful and She sounds like an angel
  3. Feb 2, 2018
    Melhor álbum, impecável, músicas perfeitas, letras maravilhosas e visualmente maravilhoso. Beyoncé Rainha!
  4. Oct 21, 2017
    Really liking many of the songs on this album, especially Yoncé, Flawless, Drunk in love and Partition. One of the greatest albums of 2013. Beyonce is really talented.
  5. Oct 18, 2017
    Some song are good and catchy ! I think about Yoncé / Particion, Jealous, 7/11 or Flawless ! I really appreciate the message and the tune of Pretty Hurts ! And how forget the amazing Drunk In Love (btw the remix on the Platinum Edition is awesome) But I find the rest of the album is too soft, all songs are the same, none stands out !
  6. Oct 13, 2017
    Muy buen trabajo Beyoncé, sonidos muy agradables de escuchar, calidad al máximo, así se hace
    Pretty Hurts: 10/10
    Haunted: 9/10 Drunk in Love: 8/10 Blow: 10/10 No Angel: 10/10 Partition: 9/10 Jealous: 8/10 Rocket: 7/10 Mine: 10/10 XO: 10/10 ***Flawless: 10/10 Superpoer: 8/10 Heaven: 10/10 Blue: 9/10 7/11: 8/10 Flawless Remix: 9/10 Drunk in love remix: 6/10 Ring off: 10/10
    Muy buen trabajo Beyoncé, sonidos muy agradables de escuchar, calidad al máximo, así se hace
    Pretty Hurts: 10/10
    Haunted: 9/10
    Drunk in Love: 8/10
    Blow: 10/10
    No Angel: 10/10
    Partition: 9/10
    Jealous: 8/10
    Rocket: 7/10
    Mine: 10/10
    XO: 10/10
    ***Flawless: 10/10
    Superpoer: 8/10
    Heaven: 10/10
    Blue: 9/10
    7/11: 8/10
    Flawless Remix: 9/10
    Drunk in love remix: 6/10
    Ring off: 10/10
    Blow Remix: 10/10
    Standing on the sun Remix: 10/10
  7. Aug 12, 2017
    Es el segundo mejor álbum de Queen Bey, sin duda nos demuestras que eres capaz de hacer y hacer más arte, este álbum esta lleno de temas verdaderamente buenos de principio a fin.
  8. Jul 25, 2017
    Второсортная херня для больных на голову людей, преступников из гетто и одиноких, брошенных феминисток. с этим альбомом и началась у блядонсе открытая мания величия, хотя с чего это она появилась - не очень-то и понятно. Синглы жутко флопнулись, альбом кое-как бултыхался в биллборде, не считая первой недели - оно и понятно, не зря же ее называют певицей одной недели в одной стране - сшаВторосортная херня для больных на голову людей, преступников из гетто и одиноких, брошенных феминисток. с этим альбомом и началась у блядонсе открытая мания величия, хотя с чего это она появилась - не очень-то и понятно. Синглы жутко флопнулись, альбом кое-как бултыхался в биллборде, не считая первой недели - оно и понятно, не зря же ее называют певицей одной недели в одной стране - сша (откуда, собственно, и родом ее основная аудитория), на грэмми опозорилась, тряся своим целлюлитным задом и открывая рот под фанеру. только с туром и повезло - но и тут можно объяснить, откуда же такой спрос на это жуткое шоу. дело в том, что ее муж - гей зи, в прошлом занимался преступной деятельностью, а то есть - резал людей и насиловал несовершеннолетних. получается, что у него есть связи с точно такими же грязными людьми, как и он сам. ну и понятное дело, что деньги за такой позор своей женушки нужно было отмыть, вот он и нанял людей, чтобы те заставляли туда ходить других. а делать-то на таком мероприятии нечего, да и уходить нельзя - может караться смертью, но люди же умные, в отличии от этой семейки орангутанов - они нашли, чем заняться - ловить покемонов. И правильно делали, хоть время с пользой провели!
    Ставлю заслуженную и аргументированную оценку этой дряни - 0.
  9. Jun 17, 2017
    i love this album so much... it is amazing.. almost the haters here just don't like Queen B, but this album it is amazing i love it . my second best album for life... But lemonade it is my number one.
  10. Jan 4, 2017
    The grand album of the year 2013. This era Beyoncé the most interesting and "Delicious". Tracks are very different, but the video unites them. Beyonce blew late 13th and early 14th year!
  11. Dec 1, 2016
    Beyonce at her core has proven to be a student of music, particularly of the R and B genre, but with each album she has experimented with other flavors. This album amazingly brings so many sounds together while still sounding like one. Clearly Beyonce's best album by far, and arguably the best mainstream album in the last decade. Impeccable production, unique song structures, mind blowingBeyonce at her core has proven to be a student of music, particularly of the R and B genre, but with each album she has experimented with other flavors. This album amazingly brings so many sounds together while still sounding like one. Clearly Beyonce's best album by far, and arguably the best mainstream album in the last decade. Impeccable production, unique song structures, mind blowing vocals, boundary pushing content, everything you want and more from a cultural blockbuster Expand
  12. Nov 21, 2016
    Beyonce at her core has proven to be a student of music, particularly of the R and B genre, but with each album she has experimented with other flavors. This album amazingly brings so many sounds together while still sounding like one. Clearly Beyonce's best album by far, and arguably the best mainstream album in the last decade. Impeccable production, unique song structures, mind blowingBeyonce at her core has proven to be a student of music, particularly of the R and B genre, but with each album she has experimented with other flavors. This album amazingly brings so many sounds together while still sounding like one. Clearly Beyonce's best album by far, and arguably the best mainstream album in the last decade. Impeccable production, unique song structures, mind blowing vocals, boundary pushing content, everything you want and more from a cultural blockbuster Expand
  13. Nov 4, 2016
    Posh Beyonce album, on which she carefully worked. Album with a bunch of samples and steep hits. Well done! Best album of Beyonce. I love Flawless, 7/11, Partition and Mine
  14. Oct 26, 2016
    Lacrou beyonceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  15. Aug 30, 2016
    Amazing! The best Beyoncé album ever! Is everything and has everything i always wanted Beyoncé to do. She presents a perfect masterpiece and not everyone these days can do it like she can. Collapse
  16. Aug 30, 2016
    UnderRated just like all Her Albums. No Fillers, Lesser thans but no fillers. Its packed with some really great songs all throughout. Great Album. 5 stars. Collapse
  17. Jul 30, 2016
    Her Riskiest album to date, her declaration of Independence. While this is not Beyonce's first collect of great songs, sonically this is her greatest piece of art. The crafting of the visuals is also astounding. A risky album that was to be her doom, instead its her saving grace. Allowing her to experiment and grow as an artist in ways Dangerously In Love, B'Day and 4 could not. BeyonceHer Riskiest album to date, her declaration of Independence. While this is not Beyonce's first collect of great songs, sonically this is her greatest piece of art. The crafting of the visuals is also astounding. A risky album that was to be her doom, instead its her saving grace. Allowing her to experiment and grow as an artist in ways Dangerously In Love, B'Day and 4 could not. Beyonce steps out as more than just an household name. She's now the most thought provoking pop diva since Madonna. Deviating from the massive push of singles and focusing on the parent album. Self Titled is so good it sells on its own merit Expand
  18. May 31, 2016
    Perfect 10! She is the most talented, beautiful, magnificent woman on earth. Beyonce on this album shows her vulnerability and when she is mostly desiring of. From 90s inspired song Blow, to suggestive songs like Drunk In Love and Partition and songs where she shows her vulnerability like Jealous and where she shows that she is Queen Bee and sets the internet on fire!
  19. May 30, 2016
    1. Pretty Hurts 9/10
    2. Ghost 9/10
    3. Haunted 9/10
    4. Drunk In Love 10/10
    5. Blow 9/10
    6. No Angel 8/10
    7. Yoncé 7/10
    8. Partition 10/10
    9. Jealous 10/10
    10. Rocket 10/10
    11. Mine 9/10
    12. XO 9/10
    13. ***Flawless 10/10
    14. Superpower 10/10
    15. Heaven 10/10
    16. Blue 10/10
    17. Grown Woman 10/10
    18. 7/11 10/10
    19. Ring Off 10/10
    20. Standing On The Sun (Remix) 10/10
  20. May 29, 2016
    Since its not personally my best I must recognize the incredible increase this album come in Beyoncés discography. First time she really improves and puts her experiments in a solid, self conscious way. Even though she puts some poppish songs, the album as a whole comes as alternative. and the visual album concept gives this album another life, since if we ever get tired of hearing it, weSince its not personally my best I must recognize the incredible increase this album come in Beyoncés discography. First time she really improves and puts her experiments in a solid, self conscious way. Even though she puts some poppish songs, the album as a whole comes as alternative. and the visual album concept gives this album another life, since if we ever get tired of hearing it, we can catch ourselves watching the videos and fall in love once again with the tracks. Expand
  21. May 29, 2016
    BEYONCE se tornou um álbum nada experimental, mas totalmente produzido e estruturado em volta de críticas sociais(Pretty Hurts, ***Flawless, Superpower), questões pessoais(Heaven, Mine) e muitos outros conceitos. O álbum pode ser considerado um dos melhores da carreira de Beyoncé, atrás apenas do seu último lançamento, LEMONADE. Se isso não é uma obra-prima, eu não sei o que é.
  22. Apr 30, 2016
    It was undoubtly the best album of 2010s decade until Beyonce outdid herself with her best album "Lemonade" One of my Top 10 albums of all time. One can say this album is "Flawless". 
    Top 3 tracks - 
    1. Drunk In Love
    2. Flawless
    3. Haunted
  23. Apr 28, 2016
    BIBLIA VISUAL! Oh meu Deus, Beyoncé é tão revolucionária em lançar um álbum visual de surpresa com uma sonoridade maravilhosa como é o BEYONCÉ. Parabéns!
  24. Apr 28, 2016
    Primeiro álbum visual de Beyonce não poderia ter sido tão bom quanto a altura do talento dela. Cheio de músicas provocantes e gostosas de se ouvir, esse álbum se torna um dos melhores de sua carreira.
  25. Apr 25, 2016
    This album changed my life; love everything about it and have listened to it almost every day since it came out 2.5 years ago. It establish Bey as an icon whose name can be billed next to Prince, Michael, and Madonna.
  26. Apr 25, 2016
    Beyoncé's self titled fifth album is her first step through a new level of music, that brings us an incredible sound full of modern instrumentals and a great contribution by BOOTS. 'Drunk in Love' and 'XO' despite being so differents are such great records. A cohesive and strong record, for sure!
  27. Apr 24, 2016
    A very complete album, with political and social nature very large, beyond all intelligence and genius involved in this disc comes several taboos such as "sex" in a relaxed way.
  28. Feb 20, 2016
    This album explores themes as identity, relationships, sexuality and motherhood. The album does not have a large and typical ballad. But has love songs. I was surprised by the explicit lyrics - but not shocked -but it just shows that Beyoncé delivers her art as she wants it and not in order to please a certain age or social class.
    Drunk in love is the single where she returns to
    This album explores themes as identity, relationships, sexuality and motherhood. The album does not have a large and typical ballad. But has love songs. I was surprised by the explicit lyrics - but not shocked -but it just shows that Beyoncé delivers her art as she wants it and not in order to please a certain age or social class.
    Drunk in love is the single where she returns to collaborate with JAY Z, and as always, does not disappoint.
    Blow is probably the most retro single from the album and the most fun.

    A part from the lyrical content, the revolutionary idea of delivering some with a video for each song revolutionized the industry and how the fans react to it.

    Even if this album would not be a success in sales, it would be in live shows. Beyoncé is a hurricane on stage and gives life to the most boring song.

    Great Job. Feminine, feminist, sexual and powerful-
  29. Jan 31, 2016
    Horrible album. Beyoncé does nothing new except use the same R&B/Pop blend that she has been overdoing for the past couple of years. The gimmicky surprise release only adds to the desperation that Beyoncé needs from critics, along with the general public, and it comes off nothing more than just sad and pathetic. Beyoncé has really outdone herself with this one, not only did she make one ofHorrible album. Beyoncé does nothing new except use the same R&B/Pop blend that she has been overdoing for the past couple of years. The gimmicky surprise release only adds to the desperation that Beyoncé needs from critics, along with the general public, and it comes off nothing more than just sad and pathetic. Beyoncé has really outdone herself with this one, not only did she make one of the worst albums of all time, she completely destroyed her credibility as an artist. Expand
  30. Jan 30, 2016
    Surely one of the best albums of the past decade, let alone it's innovative and magnificently staged release, the biggest surprise was that the album, in it's entirety, was a masterwork. Not one song was a filler, every track was single-worthy and every video accopanied them beautifully. This is a faultless album
  31. Jan 21, 2016
    Para começar, esse não é meu álbum favorito dela. Porém é inegável que é o que tem mais qualidade em toda sua carreira. As intros, as letras, os vocais, parece que tudo se encaixa para formar a obra de arte que esse álbum é. Sem mencionar a evolução da Beyoncé do DIL até esse magnífico e mágico álbum.
  32. Jan 16, 2016
    She has always been called queen, but never showed a queen material. This has changed when this album was released, bu far her most mature and well produced album
  33. Jan 16, 2016
    Beyonce never sounded so mature in any of her previous releases. The album seems so weel constructed. It tells her story and the real beyonce that not everybody knows.
  34. Jan 16, 2016
    By far her best album ever released. She has improved so much and "BEYONCÉ" is full of great and interesting beats. Her vocals are incredible, as always, but mature as never were before
  35. Dec 13, 2015
    Sem dúvida alguma, esse é um dos melhores trabalhos de Beyoncé. Espero que seu próximo álbum, seja tão bom quanto esse, e que ela consiga novamente envolver seus fãs, com um trabalho tão íntimo quanto esse.

  36. Nov 17, 2015
    The Masterpierce, Bey pegou todos de surpresa com esse hinário conceitual.

    Faixas pra dançar: Partition, XO e Blow.

    Faixas Cult: Mine e Superpower.

    3º melhor dela.
  37. Nov 11, 2015
    nothing more than a handful of xerox, innovative nothing, nothing again the same old thing, it's not for nothing that always comes out in the media scandals with her name, she's all artificial and tries to portray a false feminism.
  38. Nov 6, 2015
    Esse sem duvidas é um dos melhores albuns da história da musica e com certeza o melhor da década. Com toques de Urban barroco com pitadas de rococó, Beyoncé provou que ainda não vai deixar de reinar no mundo da musica tão cedo, e espero que não mesmo, não podemos perder uma das artistas mais importantes do mundo.
  39. Sep 7, 2015
    horrible album, make me sleep, the only song that's good, is Pretty hurts, the others make me sick, please, back to sasha fierce, is your only way to be great again
  40. Sep 7, 2015
    This review contains spoilers. Great album!!!I love the way Beyonce shows topics like female enpowerment and feminism in her songs!!!This album is flawless and has great well performed songs with the suitable and interesting collabs!!! Collapse
  41. Jul 13, 2015
    Some songs are very good, others are boring . I love tour Mrs Carter, who was antecedent to this album , however this album promo tour with her husband of the singer, Jay Z , was a bore !
  42. Jun 15, 2015
    Foxes é maravilhosa. Eu amo tudo o que ela faz, tudo bem feito, impecável. Coisa de artista de verdade, é uma pena ver que não tem o reconhecimento merecido.
  43. May 30, 2015
    Beyonce is Beyonce's best album to date, not only because it contains some of the best songs she has recorded in her career, but also because this is her first album where she shows a great deal of artistry (I guess Kanye West was right then...) She has always been a great vocalist, but she has never showed this much artistry on anything she has ever done before. This artistry lies in theBeyonce is Beyonce's best album to date, not only because it contains some of the best songs she has recorded in her career, but also because this is her first album where she shows a great deal of artistry (I guess Kanye West was right then...) She has always been a great vocalist, but she has never showed this much artistry on anything she has ever done before. This artistry lies in the combination between the often meaningful lyrics, great production, and the fact that she decided to make a video for each song (even though I didn't watch all of them). Now, to break down each individual element of the album. This album finds Beyonce at her most explicit lyrically - and usually does a great job of this. Some of the lyrics get repetitive sometimes, but the varying topics, ranging from the struggle of wanting to be pretty every day to showing off how flawless she is to loving Blue. And although sometimes she may prove to be very similar to other R&B artists, she solidifies her place as a very special diva and vocalist on this album. What really got me into this album, though, is the ambient production Beyonce uses on a great deal of the album. The often trendy, but still very interesting and original production, is one of the main reasons I gave this album an 8. If she had kept her production styles from her previous albums I probably would have given this a 7. And this is definitely an imperfect album with a few shining weak sports, but this doesn't stop it from being Beyonce's best and an album that shows the artistry of a vocalist. Grade: B+/A-. Highlights: "Drunk in Love", "Partition", "Jealous", "Mine", the "Flawless" portion of "Flawless". Worst song: "Superpower" Expand
  44. May 4, 2015
    her best effort as of yet. Sonically this album is a masterpiece and visually stunning. It emotes so much emotion it's almost tangible. In closing Beyoncé has proved yet again why she
  45. Apr 18, 2015
    It is simply brilliant, just like Beyonce's other albums. She's a star, a powerful, confident woman and those qualities are shown in this masterpiece. The songs are great like always.
  46. Apr 15, 2015
    Not only did Beyoncé’s new album already break multiple records, including being the fastest-selling digital album of all time, but it also has changed the way artists will release music in the future. With absolutely no announcement or promotion ‘BEYONCÉ’ was unleashed to the public exclusively on iTunes, equipped with 14 songs and 17 music videos. What makes this ‘visual album’ so muchNot only did Beyoncé’s new album already break multiple records, including being the fastest-selling digital album of all time, but it also has changed the way artists will release music in the future. With absolutely no announcement or promotion ‘BEYONCÉ’ was unleashed to the public exclusively on iTunes, equipped with 14 songs and 17 music videos. What makes this ‘visual album’ so much more respectable is the fact that all this was created while Beyoncé travelled around the world on a sold-out world tour.
    With this revoluntionary release strategy, Beyoncé has shown other artists that they can take control of their work and don’t have to hype it up in order to sell. Word gets around fast on the internet, so releasing something digitally means that everyone will know about it soon enough. There is no longer any need to announce an album 5 months before its release, because it doesn’t take that long for consumers to catch on anymore.There is also the inevitable burden of “hype”. We have so many artists these days who advertise the hell out of their product and act as if it’s going to be amazing. So much hype just ends up creating too many expectations which hurts the artist in the long run. The same can be said for companies in other industries as well.
    And it’s not only Beyoncé’s release strategy that’s amazing, the music is great as well. The R&B diva who has always held it together finally lets go on this album and shows us emotion we’ve never seen before. On “Pretty Hurts”, the first song on the album, Beyoncé tells the story of a pageant queen hopeful who is faced with the burden of having to be big-chested and skinny. She sings, “Vogue says thinner is better,” on the Sia-penned track. And while the song was written by the same woman who brought us so many pop hits in the last few years, including Rihanna’s “Diamonds”, Beyoncé makes the song her own and doesn’t end up sounding like a Sia imitator as some others have.
    Beyoncé also gives us some blunt honesty on the record. We see this clearly on “Ghost”, a song Beyoncé wrote about being fed up with record labels and the same old game. “I’m climbing up the walls ‘cause all this **** I hear is boring,” Beyoncé states in the song before expressing, “I don’t trust these record labels, I’m touring.” Later in the song we hear Beyoncé telling us that she doesn’t expect to make a lot of money off this album, a sarcastic and ironic statement in that ‘BEYONCÉ’ has already sold over 800k copies worldwide after only three days of being released.
    It isn’t all political, however, as the album covers such a wide variety of topics and genres that its almost hard to digest properly on first listen. But with writing help from Miguel, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell, and even Chairlift’s Caroline Polacheck, what was there to expect. There’s signs of funk, R&B, trap, alternative rock, and so many other genres throughout the album. This results in a body of work with so much mass appeal that it’s insane to say it won’t crossover to multiple formats. The only other influential Pop album I can think of that changed the game and was so appealing to different audiences was ‘Thriller’, and we all know how that turned out.
    Unfortunately, with such a strong statement of an album, there will be negative feedback. I’ve noticed some critics who’ve praised the album but ended up giving it a not so favorable score. It’s interesting that these publications are the same ones who give mediocre indie and rock albums 10s across the board. The problem with a lot of these critics is that they have a biased view on music and see Pop as inferior, so even if, just for example, Nicki Minaj came out with a better album than Muse, the latter would still get the higher rating just because it’s considered rock. Just because it’s a Pop artist doesn’t mean it’s inferior though, and Beyoncé has clearly earned that respect. Hopefully, as it all sinks in and people realize the brilliance, creativity, and hard work put into this project, some more traditional views will start to change.
  47. Mar 21, 2015
    Probably,Beyonce's the best album.No traditional R&B like in previous albums.A lot of genres in album-R&B,pop,dubstep,soul,hip-hop,chillwave,trap...Supports her title "R&B-diva".
  48. Feb 28, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is the most amazing work of Beyoncé , she is already a historical icon , and then this masterpiece she still deserves more recognition ( if that is possible) then I found the amazing and wonderful all the work and I believe that will please everyone who will listen ... Expand
  49. Feb 17, 2015
    Beyoncé's self-titled album came out one year and some months ago and I still don't know if the surprise was the unexpected release or the supreme quality inside every lyric and every track on this album. It's clearly her best (so far) and probably the best of 2013 & 2014 years. This album and the artist behind it are not overrated, they're getting what they deserve. Nobody knows what toBeyoncé's self-titled album came out one year and some months ago and I still don't know if the surprise was the unexpected release or the supreme quality inside every lyric and every track on this album. It's clearly her best (so far) and probably the best of 2013 & 2014 years. This album and the artist behind it are not overrated, they're getting what they deserve. Nobody knows what to expect from her next work, neither do I, but I'm certain of one thing: She will slay us all again. Expand
  50. Feb 12, 2015
    Brilliant album! Not only did the Queen defy the tradition and shatter records, this album is a visual and artistic masterpiece! She truly understands that music is a whole experience, for the ears and the eyes!
  51. Feb 10, 2015
    To say this album is ground breaking is far from the truth. Mixing electronic beats with R&B and overtly audible auto-tuned vocals its the same crap that basting on every radio and in every club for past several years. The vast majority of songs on this album all sound the same: shallow lyrics over extremely processed beats; I could barely make it through the entire album as the I keptTo say this album is ground breaking is far from the truth. Mixing electronic beats with R&B and overtly audible auto-tuned vocals its the same crap that basting on every radio and in every club for past several years. The vast majority of songs on this album all sound the same: shallow lyrics over extremely processed beats; I could barely make it through the entire album as the I kept hearing the same chords and vocal licks over and over again with a poor use and understanding of dynamics. I regret the time I wasted listening to this garbage. Expand
  52. Feb 2, 2015
    A completely overrated album, few good songs, nothing impressive or good at all I think this is her most overrated album of all time, actually beyonce have better ones.
  53. Jan 18, 2015
    Beyoncé has at last experimented with the themes she’s continuously half-explored throughout her decade(+)-long career—feminism, sexual expression, self-empowerment—and overall, she has created her most erotic, overtly feminist, and sonically experimental record to date. The intros and interludes of audio snippets seeming to act out Knowles’ childhood experiences and the segments ofBeyoncé has at last experimented with the themes she’s continuously half-explored throughout her decade(+)-long career—feminism, sexual expression, self-empowerment—and overall, she has created her most erotic, overtly feminist, and sonically experimental record to date. The intros and interludes of audio snippets seeming to act out Knowles’ childhood experiences and the segments of speeches discussing society’s expectations of women (“***Flawless”) and why women can openly love sex (“Partition”), it’s a concept album through and through. Besides its accompanying visual experience, the dark, moody production trails PBR&B, electronic, and even ambient influences and its large array of producers—Ammo, Boots, Detail, Hit-Boy, Timbaland, etc.—and featured artists—Drake, Frank Ocean, and, of course, hubby Jay-Z—help her achieve her musical ambitions. The monumental “Drunk in Love”, the sultry “Partition”, the urban confidence of “***Flawless” featuring an insert from Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Beyoncé’s self-titled fifth studio albums further certifies her status as one of pop music’s most dominant divas and if her overnight release date without any prior promotion or singles isn’t evidence of that, let her musicianship and vocal capabilities speak for her themselves. Expand
  54. Jan 13, 2015
    The most memorable and the most musically rich album to date. Bey is the queen and will always remain. My favorite songs are: Haunted, XO, Heaven, Blow and Jealous.
  55. Dec 19, 2014
    I have only one word to say about this album: FLAWLESS, Beyonce will always be Beyonce, for she got the style, voice, looks, lyrics EVERYTHING. I can predict that this album will be a success
  56. Dec 17, 2014
    Cabe resaltar que Beyoncé ha sido capaz de hacer ver un album meramente experimental para su estilo como si desde el inicio de su carrera fuese una artista madura y una genio del R&B de la nueva era.
  57. Dec 16, 2014
    (Already counting on the Platinum Edition) I can not understand all this love that people have for this album, it really is a good album, but not the best of Beyoncé, many his songs make me sleep and I can not hear whole, the lucky for you there are great songs that save the album.
    Highlights: Partition and Drunk In Love
    Lows: Superpower and No Angel
  58. Dec 13, 2014
    BEYONCE shows so much artistic growth. It's a truly stunning album.
    Rocket, Drunk In Love and ***Flawless have to be some of the best songs of all time!
  59. Nov 30, 2014
    The self-titled album from R&B/Pop Superstar Beyoncé is a terrific effort. Each song is perfectly crafted and lyrically fenomenal. With songs like "Pretty Hurts," "Heaven," and "Blue," Beyoncé really delivers her vocal talent. Beyoncé also dabbles in some urban style on songs like "Flawless," "No Angel," and "Drunk in Love." The visuals on this album are an added bonus. The album itselfThe self-titled album from R&B/Pop Superstar Beyoncé is a terrific effort. Each song is perfectly crafted and lyrically fenomenal. With songs like "Pretty Hurts," "Heaven," and "Blue," Beyoncé really delivers her vocal talent. Beyoncé also dabbles in some urban style on songs like "Flawless," "No Angel," and "Drunk in Love." The visuals on this album are an added bonus. The album itself could have stood alone without the videos, and it would have done just as great. 10/10. This album is great in every way. Expand
  60. Nov 27, 2014
    As a seasoned R&B veteran who has long earned her stripes, Beyonce's fifth studio offering is disappointing in its lack of growth from previous albums and its unoriginal rehashing of tried and tested R&B tropes. Ms Knowles would do well to remember that sexier does not always equal better and hard work does not always deliver when the content is abysmally thought out to begin with. WhileAs a seasoned R&B veteran who has long earned her stripes, Beyonce's fifth studio offering is disappointing in its lack of growth from previous albums and its unoriginal rehashing of tried and tested R&B tropes. Ms Knowles would do well to remember that sexier does not always equal better and hard work does not always deliver when the content is abysmally thought out to begin with. While others laud her vocal technique and attention to detail, the lack of depth in this album makes it evident that Ms Knowles lacks basic understanding of music genres other than R&B and variations of pop. It is disheartening to know that this incomprehension does not matter when you have a fantastic production team, incredibly marketing savvy and a solid fanbase who will swear blind that pink is blue, just so that their 'Queen' may continue to reign. Expand
  61. Oct 11, 2014
    Experimental and Artistic, Personal and Sexual. BEYONCÉ sounds like that or even more. Lyrically, Queen B puts her emotions and she's not afraid, Instrumentally sometimes falls but still great.
  62. Sep 19, 2014
    Sem dúvida o melhor album de 2013. Bey surpreendeu a todos, com uma majestosa surpresa. "BEYONCE" mescla um pop/r&b, com pegadas hip-hop. Destaque para BOOTS, um dos melhores produtores desse album.
  63. Sep 10, 2014
    Beyonce's new album Beyonce is just as bad as the rest of her manufactured corporate garbage. Beyonce does not write her own lyrics. Each of her songs are written by 2 to 7 different writers. She is listed as a co-writer even though she didn't do anything to give the song "credibility". This is the way it is with all pop artists. They are always credited as one of the writers even thoughBeyonce's new album Beyonce is just as bad as the rest of her manufactured corporate garbage. Beyonce does not write her own lyrics. Each of her songs are written by 2 to 7 different writers. She is listed as a co-writer even though she didn't do anything to give the song "credibility". This is the way it is with all pop artists. They are always credited as one of the writers even though they didn't anything. Beyonce's latest album is another prime example of label manufactured garbage. The record label executives made all the creative decisions. All Beyonce did was show up in the studio for 2 days to record songs written and composed for her by other people. That is all the effort she put in this album. I don't review albums based on the record label's contribution. I base my reviews on the artist's contribution. Beyonce didn't do anything. She is just as lazy as her sellout husband Jay Z. Jay Z and Beyonce represent everything wrong with today's music. People who enjoy this album have never heard music outside of billboard top 40 hits. There is a lot of good music out there but not on this album. Expand
  64. Sep 10, 2014
    Gosto muito da Beyoncé,mas esse álbum não me agradou. O álbum foi um estouro na época,já que foi lançado de surpresa,então achei que seria um ótimo álbum,mas ele é apenas mediano. Existem músicas muito boas,como Pretty Hurts e XO,mas a maior parte do álbum não é boa. A Bey consegue ser melhor que isso.
  65. Sep 6, 2014
    O álbum BEYONCÉ foi uma surpresa para todos, quando foi lançado de surpresa no iTunes, e ele surpreendeu a muitos. Depois de ouvi-lo, formulei uma opinião própria: é um album mediano. Não que seja ruim. BEYONCÉ é um álbum com músicas lentas em sua maioria e também são muito compridas. Dangerously, I Am... Sasha Fierce e 4, em minha opinião, são bem melhores do que esse álbum.
  66. Aug 30, 2014
    O que esperar de uma artista com 17 Grammys e tantos marcos na carreira? Que ela se acomode. Mas Beyoncé faz o contrário, prova o seu valor cada vez mais e mostra que não tem a mínima pretensão de deixar os holofotes da indústria. Tem 1 Grammy pra cada ano de carreira e se depender desse álbum, terá mais um para cada próximo ano que virá.
  67. Aug 25, 2014
    She really surprising. Compositions, vocals, melodies ... Everything is amazing! I think "perfect" is correct for this artwork term. BEYONCE Undoubtedly the best album of 2013 and one of the best of recent times.
  68. Aug 25, 2014
    Beyoncé (album) states that not only Beyoncé (singer) can surely master the art of audiovisual creativity, but can unite power, consistency and, of course, a beautifully placed voice in one single piece of heaven. With songs that go from a desperate perfection-addiction to an acute case of nymphomania, there's no need to doubt why she is called Queen B. She's earned the crown anyway, hands down.
  69. Jul 17, 2014
    OMG, this album sucks, is the same freaking kind of R&B, nothing change about influences or beats, it's all the same. Is so easy make money like this.
  70. Jul 11, 2014
    I think this is the best album of Beyoncé. She can go from calm and lovely song even more powerful song, taking his impeccable voice without losing control of your tunes.
  71. Jul 7, 2014
    In my personal opinion, this is Beyoncé's 2nd best album, to I Am...Sasha Fierce. However I believe the overall messages of the songs are more powerful and emotive. The opening track, 'Pretty Hurts', discusses the importance of self confidence, and how trying to be beautiful and fit in to society's standards of beauty is so dangerous and harmful to us. The songs 'XO' and 'Blue' are alsoIn my personal opinion, this is Beyoncé's 2nd best album, to I Am...Sasha Fierce. However I believe the overall messages of the songs are more powerful and emotive. The opening track, 'Pretty Hurts', discusses the importance of self confidence, and how trying to be beautiful and fit in to society's standards of beauty is so dangerous and harmful to us. The songs 'XO' and 'Blue' are also personal, emotional ballads, to her husband and the latter to her daughter. In contrast, songs like '***Flawless', 'Partition' and 'Blow' still have powerful messages, yet use more upbeat dance production. An array of beats with the same recurring message. The only thing that stops it receiving a perfect 10 is the mashup of tracks like Yoncé & Partition or Ghost & Haunted. A process which I never found appealing. Still strongly recommend. Expand
  72. Jun 23, 2014
    Bee's historical album!
    and it's amazing that she tried colorful music and MV.
    especially I love "Ghost", "XO", "Mine", "Haunted", "Yonce" and so on...
    absolutely her revolutionary album!!!
  73. Jun 20, 2014
    Mais uma prova de que nem tudo que a crítica aclama,é bom.
    Talvez esse 85 no Metacritc sejam pelas vendas,que sim,foram altas,mas não compraram a qualidade desse album.
    Continuo achando que I Am...Sasha Fierce é seu único bom album.
  74. Jun 15, 2014
    Ich hätte von beyonce ein besseres Album erwartet statt dieser Mainstream Electro-RnB, und Pop album......vorallem verstehe ich nicht wieso sie jetzt so viel Sex in dem Album hat, und einfach einen Feministischen vorwand dafür benutzt, sie hat es nicht nötig ihren Körper so billig zu präsentieren, sie ist nicht Miley, Rihanna oder Lady Gaga. Beyonce hat so viel mehr talent als die dreiIch hätte von beyonce ein besseres Album erwartet statt dieser Mainstream Electro-RnB, und Pop album......vorallem verstehe ich nicht wieso sie jetzt so viel Sex in dem Album hat, und einfach einen Feministischen vorwand dafür benutzt, sie hat es nicht nötig ihren Körper so billig zu präsentieren, sie ist nicht Miley, Rihanna oder Lady Gaga. Beyonce hat so viel mehr talent als die drei zusammen....aber sie hat anscheinend gemerkt das sich ihre alben nicht mehr so gut verkaufen, aber dan gleich auf Sexsells zu setzten???.......auch wenn einige Lieder gut produziert sind, so enttäuscht sie mich mit ihrem Album, das ist leider das bisher schlechteste von ihren 5 alben Expand
  75. Jun 3, 2014
    Great album! The videos, the songs, the surprise release ... I like the simplicity of the songs. Here Beyoncé sings about personal things like relationship between mother and child, death, sex (in a romantic way), relationship problems, etc..

    Highlights: Jealous, Pretty Hurts, XO, Flawless and Blow.
  76. May 30, 2014
    The album, while it was enjoyable, I didn't see it as the masterpiece everyone is making it out to be. The songs were catchy and unforgettable, but it wasn't different from any other Beyonce album that I've heard.
  77. May 23, 2014
    6 months after the release, I am still charmed by it.
    experimental sounds are mesmerizing!
    this record is the least commercial of her, ba a large margin and I lvoe it!
    well done bey!
  78. May 11, 2014
    Out of the few female R&B artists of note, Beyonce is the best going round & this album stamps her authority.
    Standout Tracks: Drunk in Love, Partition, Blue, Heaven, Superpower.
  79. Apr 22, 2014
    Beyonce seems to be going in the right direction. The album is not a masterpiece by any means, but it sounds more experimental than ever coming from her. One of Beyonce´s main problem as a recording artist is her lack of creativity (well, her writers lack of creativity) and she seems to be getting better on that front. Her voice keeps being in a good state (no Whitney Houston but you know,Beyonce seems to be going in the right direction. The album is not a masterpiece by any means, but it sounds more experimental than ever coming from her. One of Beyonce´s main problem as a recording artist is her lack of creativity (well, her writers lack of creativity) and she seems to be getting better on that front. Her voice keeps being in a good state (no Whitney Houston but you know, good for nowadays low standards). There is still an over abundance of raunchy songs, which have always been the main structure of her career. The best part of the album is the last, where all that disappears. Expand
  80. Mar 20, 2014
    Average album. I only like Pretty Hurts, Drunk In Love, Yonce and Blue. To be serious, other songs made me bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  81. Mar 18, 2014
    Beyoncé surprises the world with her secret 5th studio album entitled Beyoncé but fails to win me over like she did on her previous attempts.

    I have been a fan of her's since i first heard Crazy in Love but really came on board with B-day and I am... Sasha Fierce which really impressed me with her ability to sing and write some of the best songs of the past decade. However she dipped
    Beyoncé surprises the world with her secret 5th studio album entitled Beyoncé but fails to win me over like she did on her previous attempts.

    I have been a fan of her's since i first heard Crazy in Love but really came on board with B-day and I am... Sasha Fierce which really impressed me with her ability to sing and write some of the best songs of the past decade. However she dipped with 4, in my opinion. I found that the album was mediocre at best (apart from Run the world, I was here & Best thing i never had). Then with Beyoncé she has failed to get back on top. Don't get me wrong its a very good album but isn't up to her standard.

    Songs such as Partition, Mine, Blue & Heaven are all 5/5's are are the real highlights of this album. They are all amazing! Heaven particularly reminiscent of her I am work in particular Halo. However, Drunk in love, Rocket, Superpower, Yoncé & Flawless all prove to be rubbish! They sound very bad and are nothing like what this woman can make!! Flawless & Drunk in love are mediocre but ultimately are hyped up songs that end up adding to nothing more than average at best.

    Overall, it's a good album with some brilliant songs but it has its 'flaws' and is certainly not as good as her previous work.
  82. Mar 15, 2014
    Her best yet. It is most certainly, most determined to be only about the music. It abandoned inspiring messages, marketing, and everything else to be able to make an album so perfectly woven together, it's simply a masterpiece. The crown jewel is Ghost, which uses such ambient and soft sounds, so quiet yet it speaks louder than any of her R&B songs. Good job, Queen Bee. Good job.
  83. Mar 15, 2014
    Beyonce, once again, changed the music industry. Her album tells a story, a story of a woman who is not afraid to show all sides of her. You can't decide weather you would listen to it or watch it. It's a combination of pure talent and hard work. She started a new era of music. There is a reason Beyonce is called a Queen, and her "visual album" proves why she is on top for the past 15Beyonce, once again, changed the music industry. Her album tells a story, a story of a woman who is not afraid to show all sides of her. You can't decide weather you would listen to it or watch it. It's a combination of pure talent and hard work. She started a new era of music. There is a reason Beyonce is called a Queen, and her "visual album" proves why she is on top for the past 15 years and will remain to sit on HER throne. Expand
  84. Mar 4, 2014
    Welcome back " Queen B " Beyonce has really brought out honesty and boldness in this album, expressing her music in a very experimental way. You rock !!!
  85. Mar 4, 2014
    Beyoncé's voice is good, it's indisputable... Bút I tried much to listen the full album. It's so hard to feel such tunes. I hope she will return to her before style "single ladies"
  86. Feb 27, 2014
  87. Feb 26, 2014
    Ótimo CD/DVD, nada se compara aos lançados em 2013!
    PERFEIÇÃO, é a palavra que define completamente esse álbum!
    Beyoncé é ótima em tudo que cria/lança!
  88. Feb 23, 2014
    A horrible album. I did not like any songs. The only decent song in this album was 'Drunk in Love', even then, it is average at best. Not a good album. This album fell below my expectations. Boo you, Beyonce.
  89. Feb 22, 2014
    though the visual side to the album offers some background to each song, the album alone, without the videos is touching and enjoyable enough. There is an awful lot of language in there that might perhaps need some over-looking but otherwise Beyonce seems to have messages to deliver in her songs and they make the songs feel more vital and enjoyable. Beyonce has redefined her music, and shethough the visual side to the album offers some background to each song, the album alone, without the videos is touching and enjoyable enough. There is an awful lot of language in there that might perhaps need some over-looking but otherwise Beyonce seems to have messages to deliver in her songs and they make the songs feel more vital and enjoyable. Beyonce has redefined her music, and she has created without doubt the greatest album of her entire career in the music business. Expand
  90. Feb 1, 2014
    all songs are the same. This album has no vision. is boring, tedious and not at all innovative. people like it because it's beyonce, if he had published another artist, no one would like.
  91. Jan 31, 2014
    I was told to listen to it because ITS SOOO GOOOD apparently, no beyonce album has bored me like this one, overrated crap imo. Everyone has become complacent towards her and its obvious
  92. Jan 21, 2014
    B put her foot into this one. This is all I am listening to right now. Videos are beautiful, she is beautiful, her baby is beautiful. I was just a regular fan before she dropped this album but I am now a full blown stan. Best album of the year!!
  93. Jan 19, 2014
    I think this is Beyonce best work to date! The level of musicality, topics she discusses and vocal maturity really shows us why she is one of the best in the music industry.
  94. Jan 12, 2014
    Beyoncé pegou a todos de surpresa e isso só prova mais ainda que ela é maravilhosa em tudo que faz.Creio que esse álbum visual mudou os conceitos da música,ela surpreende a cada uma delas.Os videos deram ainda mais enfase,o que ficou melhor ainda de entender as músicas.O mundo da música já pode considerar uma nova rainha:Beyoncé!!!
  95. Jan 9, 2014
    Beyonce at her core has proven to be a student of music, particularly of the R and B genre, but with each album she has experimented with other flavors. This album amazingly brings so many sounds together while still sounding like one. Clearly Beyonce's best album by far, and arguably the best mainstream album in the last decade. Impeccable production, unique song structures, mindBeyonce at her core has proven to be a student of music, particularly of the R and B genre, but with each album she has experimented with other flavors. This album amazingly brings so many sounds together while still sounding like one. Clearly Beyonce's best album by far, and arguably the best mainstream album in the last decade. Impeccable production, unique song structures, mind blowing vocals, boundary pushing content, everything you want and more from a cultural blockbuster. Expand
  96. Jan 9, 2014
    I just love it. This is the Beyonce that I like, it is such a good album, love the R&B mixed with Pop and Hip-Hop, it's incredible. Beyonce knew how to make this albums, it has a good variety and the lyrics shows the amazing artist that Beyonce is, a lot of songs that are excellent like "Pretty Hurts", "Partition", "Drunk in Love", "XO", and others; I like the message that she wants toI just love it. This is the Beyonce that I like, it is such a good album, love the R&B mixed with Pop and Hip-Hop, it's incredible. Beyonce knew how to make this albums, it has a good variety and the lyrics shows the amazing artist that Beyonce is, a lot of songs that are excellent like "Pretty Hurts", "Partition", "Drunk in Love", "XO", and others; I like the message that she wants to shows with the album, it's really good music. Expand
  97. Jan 9, 2014
    This album really has all the great things of Beyoncé in it. Creativity, maturity and honesty are the keywords of this album. This album includes strong pop ballads as Pretty Hurts, urban/hiphop songs such as ***Flawless and strong R&B midtempoes as Partition, Haunted and Drunk In Love. XO as the lead single is a really smart choice, because it's kind of an anthem. It's a very great loveThis album really has all the great things of Beyoncé in it. Creativity, maturity and honesty are the keywords of this album. This album includes strong pop ballads as Pretty Hurts, urban/hiphop songs such as ***Flawless and strong R&B midtempoes as Partition, Haunted and Drunk In Love. XO as the lead single is a really smart choice, because it's kind of an anthem. It's a very great love song. Beyoncé really shows her voice and talent in this album and she knows how to keep on being the best one in the game. Expand
  98. Jan 8, 2014
    sensuality, mature, sexuality, strenght, fierce, emotion, honesty... a wonderful album for mrs carter, the best of her career for me, i still listening this 2/3 times by day
  99. Jan 7, 2014
    I have always appreciated Beyonce as an artist, however, honestly I never looked to her for intellectually stimulating organic music. I figured we only had Janelle Monae achieving any greatness in the R&B/electronic realm. With this record I stand corrected. It is a beautifully expressive piece of work. It's not perfect, but hey it's pop at it's finest. This album will be rememberedI have always appreciated Beyonce as an artist, however, honestly I never looked to her for intellectually stimulating organic music. I figured we only had Janelle Monae achieving any greatness in the R&B/electronic realm. With this record I stand corrected. It is a beautifully expressive piece of work. It's not perfect, but hey it's pop at it's finest. This album will be remembered years after any of us are around. I really hope she continues to experiment because we need more artists willing to do more than make an extra dollar. Expand
  100. Jan 6, 2014
    Beyoncé's fifth Studio album is her best yet. I was excited to hear the direction her music would go in after becoming a mother and I'm glad it''s a good one. She manages to stay true to the Beyoncé' we all know and love while still revealing sides to her that we have never seen. There is something for everyone here. Fans, Stans and even non-fans can appreciate this body of work. BeyondBeyoncé's fifth Studio album is her best yet. I was excited to hear the direction her music would go in after becoming a mother and I'm glad it''s a good one. She manages to stay true to the Beyoncé' we all know and love while still revealing sides to her that we have never seen. There is something for everyone here. Fans, Stans and even non-fans can appreciate this body of work. Beyond the hype of the surprise release, there is some great music here. Congratulations to Beyoncé' for taking a risk and not being afraid to focus on the ALBUM again. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. Feb 14, 2014
    At its dizzying zenith, Beyoncé is a loaded fusion of generosity and self-empowerment. or perhaps, more accurately, it finds self-empowerment in generosity.
  2. Mojo
    Feb 11, 2014
    It's this continued need to feed her multi-platinum beast that stops the album from being the post-modern wheeze it could have been. [Mar 2014, p.94]
  3. Jan 23, 2014
    Though there are a million details about BEYONCÉ to examine--from the release strategy to the visual aspect and more--the strongest ideas are still found solely in the music. She addresses topics like beauty, body image, miscarriages, jealousy, sexuality, marriage, motherhood and self-worth.