
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Feb 5, 2016
    It’s a slightly uneven collection with some weaker tracks, but nevertheless its creators remain artists whose ability to construct slinky, agile grooves with a dark underbelly is still well worth seeking out.
  2. Feb 8, 2016
    All the songs on Big Black Coat sound like love songs, all eleven of them.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. Feb 9, 2016
    Well-crafted, well-produced piece of electropop. It's the kind of stuff that should be on the radio but will probably get swept under the rugWell-crafted, well-produced piece of electropop. It's the kind of stuff that should be on the radio but will probably get swept under the rug by custom people who snub it with their concerns that are overly critical. Full Review »
  2. Aug 30, 2016
    This album is definitely a grower. The songs are a bit more experimental than some of Junior Boys' previous stuff, and they don't immediatelyThis album is definitely a grower. The songs are a bit more experimental than some of Junior Boys' previous stuff, and they don't immediately pull you in, but after listening to this several times, I definitely think it's a strong album. The production is cohesive yet varied and fantastic overall, and the songs have a nice flow to them. The style is sort of a cross between jazz, techno, dance, and R&B, which is a really interesting combination. At first it doesn't seem like a standout album but I find myself coming back and listening to it pretty frequently. It's got a great vibe to it and is really enjoyable. Definitely one of their strongest albums.

    Standout tracks: Big Black Coat, You Say That, Over It
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  3. Feb 6, 2016
    Big Black Coat is a well-crafted, well-produced bore. These dance-pop tracks go in one ear and out the other with boring, predictable, andBig Black Coat is a well-crafted, well-produced bore. These dance-pop tracks go in one ear and out the other with boring, predictable, and unbearably repetitive vocal melodies. The vocals are merely okay; they are devoid of any and all emotion, but they do fit reasonably smoothly atop the synthetic beats. There are some entertaining moments here, but not enough to make this album worth your time. This would make semi-decent background music.

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