• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Dec 3, 2014
    The main takeaway from what is at times a feast of class pop, is that Simple Minds are a band re-energised and thus re-invented.
  2. Nov 24, 2014
    Some other songs miss the mark, including the clumsy “Concrete and Cherry Blossom” and the annoying “Kill or Cure,” but diehard fans will still find plenty to like.
  3. Nov 24, 2014
    Simple Minds have finally come to terms with all the fragments of their musical identity, focused them in a complementary manner, and delivered a whole with an unapologetic pop savvy and flair. It is easily their most consistent offering since Once Upon a Time.
  4. Mojo
    Nov 19, 2014
    Their best album in 30 years. [Dec 2014, p.92]
  5. Q Magazine
    Nov 13, 2014
    Big Music's bold title matches the bold music within. [Dec 2014, p.118]
  6. Nov 12, 2014
    This is the first new Simple Minds album in recent memory that you’ll want to keep returning to.
  7. Uncut
    Nov 11, 2014
    More often Big Music reanimates the band's founding spirit of adventure. [Dec 2014, p.80]
  8. Nov 11, 2014
    Big Music sees them come out fighting with their best album in decades. Rather than appearing musically tired or bereft of ideas, they have real stomach for the fight, a resilience that looks set to see their star continue to shine.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
  1. Apr 26, 2020
    Back at the top, Simple Minds actually never hit the rock bottom in his 35 years of career, Real Life and Neapólis is the two average albumsBack at the top, Simple Minds actually never hit the rock bottom in his 35 years of career, Real Life and Neapólis is the two average albums by the band, but still own great moments & songs of the group.

    Big Music (2014) after the excellent Graffiti Soul (2009), Black And White 050505 (2005), Cry (2002) & The non-released "Our Secrets Are The Same", is Simple Minds diving deep with all inspiration in the Synthpop again, now with Electronic modern beats, is Simple Minds revisited the genre of his gold years the Synthpop & New Wave, but with modern sounds now, and the mission was accomplished with success.
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  2. Feb 2, 2018
    Simplesmente Big Music (2014) é o prosseguimento da ressureição do Simple Minds.

    Na Minha opinião Simple Minds erraram o pé em somente dois
    Simplesmente Big Music (2014) é o prosseguimento da ressureição do Simple Minds.

    Na Minha opinião Simple Minds erraram o pé em somente dois álbums, que também tem seus méritos o primeiro foi Real Life (1991) pode parece um absurdo pois com hits magníficos como "See The Lights" "Let There Be Love" "Stand By Love" a faixa título "Real Life" leva a crê que é um ótimo álbum, mas para um álbum com 13 faixas que é o caso do álbum "Real Life", o álbum se torna um desperdício de álbum, músicas e tempo, "Rivers Of Ice" e "Banging On The Door" são outros poucos destaques do álbum as outras músicas se perdem na simplicidade e na falta de desenvolvimento.

    O outro é Néapolis (1998), mas como disse também tem suas virtudes a faixa "War Babies" certamente uma das melhores da carreira do Simple Minds outras como "Song For The Tribes", "Superman Vs Supersoul", "Tears of a Guy" e "Glitterball" também são destaques, mas novamente o resto do álbum se perde num período não muito inspirador do Simple Minds.

    "Cry" (2002), não é excelente mas é uma boa volta a forma dos Simple Minds, Black and White 050505 (2005) então, é definitivamente uma volta a fina forma de Simple Minds, passando pelo ótimo também "Graffiti Soul" (2009).

    Até chegar neste novo álbum Big Music (2014), Big Music é uma reinvenção que acerta bem no alvo, além de revisitar o Synthpop gênero fundamental da carreira dos Simple Minds eles também acertam em cheio com a nova e moderna onda "Eletrônica". Sem perder é claro o estilo e som dos veteranos escoceses.

    Pontos Altos

    Honest Town
    Blood Diamonds
    Midnight Walking
    Broken Glass Park
    Spirited Away
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  3. Dec 14, 2017
    A Good time at music, the new songs are simply beautiful with few excessions, for me The title track "Big Music" and "Imagination".

    A Good time at music, the new songs are simply beautiful with few excessions, for me The title track "Big Music" and "Imagination".

    "Blood Diamonds" and "Broken Glass Park" still more beautiful in the new versions, "Honest Town", "Human", "Spirited Away" are awesome and beautiful new tracks, "Concrete & Cherry Blossom" is here to remember that Simple Minds still knows how to Rock.

    "Midnight Walking", "Blindfolded", "Kill Or Cure" and the cover "Let The Day Begin" Kick-Ass.

    Is a Pleasure to see Simple Minds Back at his Best, and back in the New-Wave & Pop-Rock Era.
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