• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 8, 2010
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Universal acclaim- based on 832 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 99 out of 832

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  1. cesarb.
    Jun 8, 2010
    Excelente disco.
  2. JoshP.
    Jun 8, 2010
    Bionic is an album of POP GOLD with fantastic uptempo songs such as Elastic Love,Glam,Bionic,Prima Donna and WOOHOO! and some of the greatest ballads she has ever recorded. Christina's masterpiece and the critics don't do the album justice, plus not all the critics have been accounted for either! Bionic is a masterpiece pop album and her most personal and fun if deepest and Bionic is an album of POP GOLD with fantastic uptempo songs such as Elastic Love,Glam,Bionic,Prima Donna and WOOHOO! and some of the greatest ballads she has ever recorded. Christina's masterpiece and the critics don't do the album justice, plus not all the critics have been accounted for either! Bionic is a masterpiece pop album and her most personal and fun if deepest and grooviest!! coolest album of 2010 if the BEST ALBUM OF 2010 Expand
  3. Lucy
    Jun 8, 2010
    Bionic is a complete mess. It is not electronic but it is not pop. It is not r&b but it is not soul either. It's a little bit of everything, and everything is mixed. I get what they wanted for this album, but they failed to accomplish it. Christina said a lot of times that she wanted somenthing futuristic. Then she said the album was going to be short and sweet. Now we have some 19 Bionic is a complete mess. It is not electronic but it is not pop. It is not r&b but it is not soul either. It's a little bit of everything, and everything is mixed. I get what they wanted for this album, but they failed to accomplish it. Christina said a lot of times that she wanted somenthing futuristic. Then she said the album was going to be short and sweet. Now we have some 19 songs that don't match with that statements. There are some good songs, but most of them are credited as "bonus" (Birds Of Prey, Stronger Then Ever and Monday Morning) in the deluxe edition of the album. Collapse
  4. SamS
    Jun 11, 2010
    10 for the Deluxe edition! Maybe a 9 for the regular 18-track edition. Elastic Love/Birds of Prey/Glam prove that this isn't your regular attempt at an electronic album by a Pop artist! Other songs to look out for - I am, You Lost Me, Woohoo, Prima Donna, I Hate Boys.
  5. LinD
    Jun 11, 2010
    This album was supposed to be the product of Christina's experimentation with different kinds of music. Sadly, it consists mainly of recycled electrobeats and awful lyrics. Some consolation comes from the songs produced by Switch and Ladytron but that's all there is to it. Fans will love it, nobody else will.
  6. AlexC.
    Jun 10, 2010
    This album is defintely one of this years best pop albums. Electric, supersonic, futuristic indeed. The title track tones down Aguilera's voice, something differen from shat she has done before. Her voice in most of the songs is a actually soothing to the ear. The album does lose you a little with 5 back to back ballads. It becomes a bore throughout that section. However it comes This album is defintely one of this years best pop albums. Electric, supersonic, futuristic indeed. The title track tones down Aguilera's voice, something differen from shat she has done before. Her voice in most of the songs is a actually soothing to the ear. The album does lose you a little with 5 back to back ballads. It becomes a bore throughout that section. However it comes right back up with her fast paced "We will rock you" beat wounding song, I hate boys. Definitely a throw back to her "Cant Hold Us Down" days. It is followed by the Peaches produced song "My Girls," another upbeat song about just having fun! the deluxe version includes a track called "Bobblehead." if you were to take Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl," modernize it, and make fun of it at the same time, that is what you'll get with this track. Definitely a floor stomping song. It Also includes the "Fighter" sounding "Stonger than Ever" and the Ladytron produced "Birds of Prey." The latter sounds like a hot Jennifer Paige ("Crush") mixed with Alice in Wonderland and the Matrix all together. Othe great songs? The vogue-esque "Glam". She definitely shows off her old voice (like her old self) mid song as she does with "Vanity." Also, "Prima Donna" is a great hip hop track to be looking out for in the clubs. Overall, a great dance album. The ballads lose you a little bit, but overall the artist's best album to date. Deluxe songs are definitely worth the extra money! Expand
  7. RJC
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album! It's definitely a new sound for Christina. The album should be considered a "fun" album, not to be taken so serious and judged by it's lyrical content.
  8. RogerD
    Jun 10, 2010
    Worst album of the year. I already have all the songs of the artists she's copying.
  9. CarlosHK
    Jun 10, 2010
    the best album of the last 4 years. exactly what we were waiting, futuristic sound with ballads that show Christina's voice and nothing more. That's Christina, no one else.
  10. DarrelJohnston
    Jun 10, 2010
    I got this album for the ballads, very moving!
  11. elizabeth
    Jun 11, 2010
    I had mildly high hopes for this album the more I read details. I was disappointed when I heard "woo-hoo" but now after buying her cd anyway (how can I resist?) I must say that I'm really enjoying it thus far. Her ballads are beautiful as usual, but her other songs are really fun. I don't really get the Lady Gaga comparison, especially since everyone is turning to dance music I had mildly high hopes for this album the more I read details. I was disappointed when I heard "woo-hoo" but now after buying her cd anyway (how can I resist?) I must say that I'm really enjoying it thus far. Her ballads are beautiful as usual, but her other songs are really fun. I don't really get the Lady Gaga comparison, especially since everyone is turning to dance music lately anyway, but her songs still adhere to similar subject matter that she's always had in her songs and her sound is different than gaga's. Plus either not many people know, or just don't say it but Gaga has at times a similar voice to Xtina's, this is due to the fact that Gaga got vocal lessons from xtina's voice coach and she perhaps wanted to emulate xtina's voice. I love them both and consider both to be my fave pop artists actually, so I want them to have lots of success!!!!!! Expand
  12. ozzyn.
    Jun 10, 2010
    A fantastic album, I love the way this girl constantly reinvents herself. No other female artist of this generation has the versatility and voice that Christina possesses. Bionic is an electric in your face album that's awesome from beginning to end. the perfect album for this summer.
  13. Michael
    Jun 10, 2010
    Christina Aguilera is the most versatile artist out there. Bionic is a masterpiece.
  14. BrunoL
    Jun 10, 2010
    I love this album, so much diversity. From track #1 to #25, it's perfect!
  15. EdwardL
    Jun 10, 2010
    A diverse pop album which showcases Christina Aguilera's almost unlimited singing techniques. She just keeps getting better. Favorites: You Lost Me, Vanity, Birds Of Prey, Monday Morning, Elastic Love, Bionic, I Am, Lift Me Up, Desnudate, Prima Donna
  16. FátimaMoreira
    Jun 10, 2010
    BIONIC OMG this album is AMAZING All the song All the nasty lyrics Everything in this album is EPEIC She is A PRIMA DONNA WHO CAN RULE THE WORLD BITCHES!!!!
  17. ChelseyZ
    Jun 10, 2010
    Critics should shut their bias up, the only influence this album has is Madonna! Nothing wrong with that imho.
  18. evelynm
    Jun 10, 2010
    Chrisitna Aguilera has more than a few gems on this album. I love the versatility and the fact that she can give me a song like "NMT" and than she goes and gives me something like "You Lost Me".
  19. AlexD
    Jun 10, 2010
    So the 4 year hiatus of Xtina didn't let me down. She was inspired a lot, she's sexier than ever and she's back to her throne. What can i say? The collaborators list is fantastic. Ladytron did an amazing job on Birds of Pray and Little Dreamer, Sia wrote some of Christina's best ballads, M.I.A. led Christina to different paths of music and Santigold made Christina So the 4 year hiatus of Xtina didn't let me down. She was inspired a lot, she's sexier than ever and she's back to her throne. What can i say? The collaborators list is fantastic. Ladytron did an amazing job on Birds of Pray and Little Dreamer, Sia wrote some of Christina's best ballads, M.I.A. led Christina to different paths of music and Santigold made Christina bionic!! I need more! THe album combines many kinds of music and it's so interesting to hear Christina's voice because it's unique and different in many songs. The only thing i don't like is the lyrics. Stripped and Back to Basics had more inspired lyrics. The booklet and in general the artwork is brilliant. Good job Christina! Expand
  20. reneb
    Jun 10, 2010
    I think the way she uses her voice differently is just about every track really shows just how versatile and BIONIC her vocal talent is. She goes dark balads to fun pop songs about hating boys. The range on this album is great and it's a plan and simple awesome pop album.
  21. anad
    Jun 10, 2010
    This album is awesome I love it is such a fun record. My favs are You lost me, Little dreamer, Elastic Love and Vanity. I'm totally Jamming to this record right now!
  22. JohnnyT
    Jun 10, 2010
    Birds of Prey is the best song, make sure you get the deluxe.
  23. KatyN
    Jun 10, 2010
    Its been so long since her last album, 4 years actually but its worth it cause this is the album of the summer!
  24. DavidP
    Jun 10, 2010
    Not really into this chick music but I just had to get this album for the Ladytron.
  25. AliasQ
    Jun 10, 2010
    Honestly, the best she had since Stripped. Stripped was so great because it was so multilayered and versatile, Bionic pretty much guarantees some for everybody The ballads are out of this world. Other key tracks: Monday Morning, Birds of Prey, Bionic, and Elastic Love.
  26. KevinT
    Jun 10, 2010
    A very interesting album to listen to. I beleive it is Crafted well and is also very entertaining.
  27. MikeC
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album, no matter what stupid 50+ year old critics say. This album is for young people who know how to have fun, not for old farts who live in their parents basement thinking they know what real music is cause they get paid to write about it. ...like that Rob S. dude who writes for RollingStones, total idiot. Pick up the deluxe edition of this album, its amazing!
  28. JamesW
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album, critics dont know good music at all.
  29. KatrinaC.
    Jun 13, 2010
    Good ballads, solid Britney-shaped musical experiments like Elastic Love...and then everything else, which could be worked on and made better...ending the song with her kid saying You Are Mummy was the nail in the coffin for me, on this painful, fake, over-sexed, self-indulgent record.
  30. EnriqueP
    Jun 17, 2010
    Excellent from beginning to end, the only bad thing is the interludes with Max's voice or her husband. That was so uncool.
  31. JonathanM
    Jun 8, 2010
    This album is fantastic. "Bionic", "Elastic love", "Glam", "I am", "You Lost me" and "Vanity" are masterpieces. Love it!!!! Christina is a genius!!!
  32. M.Foy
    Jun 8, 2010
    The album is not what I expected from this girl. The ballads are bigger than the electronic elements she brought into this "Bionic", and the tracklist contains 18 songs, such a LP that can't keep anybody keen on listening this album.
  33. ChristopherP
    Jun 8, 2010
    Bionic is Christina's best and most diverse record since 2002's Stripped. A masterpiece!
  34. DanielP.
    Jun 8, 2010
    What an amazing Album. I cannot believe Christina is doint this type of music, but still keeps the classic balads without an electronic touch. This album has a different type of music for everyone. The best tracks: Birds of Prey, Monday Morning, Elastic Love and Bionic. Thank you Christina for doing such an amazing album!
  35. JustinS
    Jun 8, 2010
    Christina isn't afraid of trying anything new, and she puts that to the test here. Although there are some missteps, the overall album is a rewarding experience for anyone willing to devour this slowly. This album is not the immediate, hooky, overfed pop on the radio, this is Christina Aguilera doing things her own way. Some say this is dated, desperate, and unoriginal, but if you Christina isn't afraid of trying anything new, and she puts that to the test here. Although there are some missteps, the overall album is a rewarding experience for anyone willing to devour this slowly. This album is not the immediate, hooky, overfed pop on the radio, this is Christina Aguilera doing things her own way. Some say this is dated, desperate, and unoriginal, but if you listen closely you will find some of Christina's best work among this group of songs. Sequencing is a problem on the first listen with the ballads placed erratically, but this fades on repeat listens. The bonus material is just as strong than the standard edition material. Personal favorites include: Stronger Than Ever, You Lost Me, Bionic, Sex for Breakfast, Elastic Love, Birds of Prey, Little Dreamer, and I Am. Expand
  36. JonathanW
    Jun 8, 2010
    there are only a few real songs.
  37. DorigaA.
    Jun 8, 2010
    Bionic is exactly what Christina Aguilera promised-Fun and light-heartedness. I enjoyed Bionic from the Title Track all the way through I Am (Stripped). What I like most about the album is that there's a little something for everyone. You can make your own tracklisting as you may not like all 20 tracks and 3 intros. My favorites are Bionic, WooHoo, Desnudate, Primma Donna, I Am, You Bionic is exactly what Christina Aguilera promised-Fun and light-heartedness. I enjoyed Bionic from the Title Track all the way through I Am (Stripped). What I like most about the album is that there's a little something for everyone. You can make your own tracklisting as you may not like all 20 tracks and 3 intros. My favorites are Bionic, WooHoo, Desnudate, Primma Donna, I Am, You Lost Me, Vanity, Monday Morning, Bobblehead, Birds of Prey, and Stronger Than Ever. Expand
  38. KwinM
    Jun 8, 2010
    Xtina's new CD has a nice mix of songs. There are a few duds, but over a few good club hits, and a fresh sound that I appreciate nowadays. Death to autotune! Celebrate originality!
  39. RezJ
    Jun 8, 2010
    She knows how to dazzle her audience and everytime she comes back, she brings something new and "Bionic" is the one of them. they can name it as a Huge breakthrough after 4 years of being away from music. it's brilliant!
  40. HC
    Jun 8, 2010
    I love every track. The ballads are beautiful and the uptempo songs are great. Recommend!
  41. PabloM
    Jun 8, 2010
    The album starts with Bionic, giving a certain excitement about what is to come. This first song is quite unique, and I felt it has mixed Christina
  42. PedroI.
    Jun 8, 2010
    Bionic showcases the personal growth this amazing and powerful woman has achieved in the years since her 'Back to Basics' album. It reflects her fun and naughty side (in songs like Not Myself Tonight, Glam, I Hate Boys, My Girls, Vanity), her vulnerability (in songs like Lift Me Up, All I Need, You Lost Me) and her vision of the future (Bionic, Elastic Love, Birds of Prey) on a Bionic showcases the personal growth this amazing and powerful woman has achieved in the years since her 'Back to Basics' album. It reflects her fun and naughty side (in songs like Not Myself Tonight, Glam, I Hate Boys, My Girls, Vanity), her vulnerability (in songs like Lift Me Up, All I Need, You Lost Me) and her vision of the future (Bionic, Elastic Love, Birds of Prey) on a cohesive and entertaining roller coaster of emotions. Expand
  43. DemiR
    Jun 8, 2010
    One of the greatest pop records of all time! Never been a big fan of Christina with this album she comes back stronger than ever, proving pop can be just as fun yet soulful at the same time as every other genre! Thumbs up!
  44. JonC.
    Jun 9, 2010
    Overall, xtina's new album is her boldest work to date. She's delivered on the promise of creating a futuristic sound that is unlike much of the stuff playing on the radio today, this, perhaps, is the reason why listeners aren't responding favorably. However, this album offers something for everyone, from up-beat club tunes ("Not Myself Tonight") to awe-inspiring ballads ( Overall, xtina's new album is her boldest work to date. She's delivered on the promise of creating a futuristic sound that is unlike much of the stuff playing on the radio today, this, perhaps, is the reason why listeners aren't responding favorably. However, this album offers something for everyone, from up-beat club tunes ("Not Myself Tonight") to awe-inspiring ballads ( "I Am" and "You Lost Me") and from fun and energetic anthems ("I Hate Boys" and "My Girls") to mesmerizing electro-infused numbers ("Elastic Love," "Monday Morning," and "Birds of Prey"). Having said that, some tracks like "Sex For Breakfast" and "Vanity" (the two intros as well) are a little boring and could have been scrapped in favor of the better -perhaps more representative of the experimental sound she was aiming for- bonus tracks found in the deluxe edition. Two thumbs way up for effort! Expand
  45. ManuelD.
    Jun 9, 2010
    Amazing album! Her bes one yet.
  46. CruzH
    Jun 9, 2010
    After four years waiting, Christina released her brand new LP, Bionic, the songs on the album are diverse, therefore, it still prove how well she can sing different type of songs. Her album speaks for itself, and it's nothing like other singers'. well done, Christina Aguilera.
  47. SeanB.
    Jun 11, 2010
    The ballads such as I Am, and You Lost me are beautiful and showcase her powerful voice. Bionic offers something to everyone. Upbeat tracks such as Glam, Prima Donna, Desnudate are party starters.Christina Aguilera can do no wrong on this album.
  48. Santix
    Jun 11, 2010
    This is a great album. Ok, it has more up-tempo's than ballads, but as Christina said 'Im not gonna sit on a stool singing ballad after ballad' Not even Celine Dion does that... So let the woman have fun, for god's sake. I think it's a very daring album, songs like Bionic, Elastic Love, Monday Morning, My girls, Birds of Prey sound very different from what we This is a great album. Ok, it has more up-tempo's than ballads, but as Christina said 'Im not gonna sit on a stool singing ballad after ballad' Not even Celine Dion does that... So let the woman have fun, for god's sake. I think it's a very daring album, songs like Bionic, Elastic Love, Monday Morning, My girls, Birds of Prey sound very different from what we always hear from Xtina. All I Need and I am showcase her voice without going too far. You Lost Me and Lift Me Up are totally Xtina ballads. The fact that she mixed singing and talking-rapping makes it even more fun (Woohoo, Bobblehead, I Hate Boys, Vanity) Glam is very soft and rhytmic until the bridge comes, and we can hear Xtina going up and strong. Desnudate is a great club-banger, sexually charged song (one of the best on the album, IMO). And last but not least, Prima Donna,, Stronger than Ever and Sex for Breakfast which I think are the weakest songs on the album, but that doesn't mean they're awful. I give it a 10. Expand
  49. NakeyaF
    Jun 11, 2010
    Bionic is for her fans! Who are these "critics" to judge. Good job Christina, I have been partying hard and relaxing hard with this CD. Im a fan.
  50. LukeC.
    Jun 10, 2010
    A phenomenal album with enough pop uptempos and ballads to keep anyone happy. Xtina is truly inspired on this one, possibly even beating her best album to date, 'Stripped'.
  51. TylerD
    Jun 10, 2010
    Copycat. I've got all the original artists songs and CDs already. No need to buy this outdated and copying the trends CD.
  52. RomelS
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album. Flawless from beginning to end, i suggest everyone go out and buy a copy of the deluxe edition, its WELL worth the money.
  53. JenniferSweeny
    Jun 10, 2010
    The ballads on this album shine through like no other, perfect album.
  54. VannaC
    Jun 10, 2010
    Bionic has more than a hint of schizophrenia. It is at times unnerving, predictable, and contradictory, yet manages to be cohesive, interesting, and most importantly, fun. While newcomers create music that purports to be "Electronica," this album actually ventures into that very nuanced world, and draws from it a pulsing, living rhythm that does right by the world that inspired its creation.
  55. FredericG
    Jun 10, 2010
    This is a great new re-invention from Christina. This album is orignal with all the collaborator, there is song for everyone on this record since there is a great variety of genre but it keeps in the futuristic vain.
  56. PhoebeM
    Jun 10, 2010
    Bionic may not be Christina's best offering, but it comes close. The album is promoted as being the lovechild of Christina and Goldfrapp, Ladytron, Sia and M.I.A - the artists that she worked with before filming her debut movie, Burlesque. Unfortunately she had a change of heart, and delightfully haunting songs like "Birds of Prey" by Ladytron are relegated to the back of the deluxe Bionic may not be Christina's best offering, but it comes close. The album is promoted as being the lovechild of Christina and Goldfrapp, Ladytron, Sia and M.I.A - the artists that she worked with before filming her debut movie, Burlesque. Unfortunately she had a change of heart, and delightfully haunting songs like "Birds of Prey" by Ladytron are relegated to the back of the deluxe version, and replaced by the unwisely chosen first single, Not Myself Tonight. There are enough tracks on the album to be able to ignore the infantile embarrassment of Not Myself Tonight, Woo Hoo, and I Hate Boys. The aforementioned Birds of Prey is a highlight, containing witty lyrics about The Matrix and Wonderland in a surprisingly restrained vocal performance that is reminiscent of the Middle East. The tracks with Sia are easily the highlights of the album. All I Need, a lullaby to her son Max, is a little too sugary sweet, but I Am is a love song with the perfect balance of self deprecation and respectl, and nobody with a soul can avoid being moved by the power of Lift Me Up and You Lost Me. Of the uptempos, Elastic Love is the most captivating. Stationary related lyrics that initially seem silly actually paint a very vivid picture of a topsy turvy relationship. Vanity closes the standard version of the album with a tongue in cheek declaration of "Who owns the throne?" - a hilarious three minute take on the claims of arrogance that have bombarded her throuhgout her career. With a little less of the focus on sex and hot beats, and a little more deference to the indie producers and writers that were part of Christina's initial vision, the record could be perfect. Expand
  57. FranzO
    Jun 10, 2010
    It's an amazing album that has everything for everyone. I love its diversity which some people do not appreciate. I think that is what makes it a strong record. The benefits from this outweigh the disadvantages so I don't mind - it's amazing to listen to.
  58. AmyS
    Jun 10, 2010
    Christina Aguilera has an amazing voice but I'm glad she branched out and did some fun dance music this time. She is very talented and the album will be a Summer fave.
  59. JoseA.
    Jun 10, 2010
    Its always interesting to see what Christina Aguilera is going to do next, I never understand why so many people dislike her, this album is so much fun and amazing! I love how she showcases her voice.
  60. SvetlanaR.
    Jun 10, 2010
    This album rocks my socks.
  61. WalterT
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album, the best of her carrer. Great beats, different vocals. Definetely the best pop singer out there and the voice of our generation!
  62. KimP.
    Jun 10, 2010
    Love this album! it's a mix of everything that makes Christina the best! her vocals are on point as usual.
  63. KembaI
    Jun 10, 2010
    Every song on Bionic has a purpose. As usually Christina brings sass, pain, love, joy, playfulness, and so much more. There are 19 new songs and 1 stripped version so 20 in all, and if you don't like some, it doesn't matter because you can get rid of them and still have a full album. Bionic, Elastic Love, Sex For Breakfast, Vanity, Monday Morning, Bobblehead, Birds of Prey and Every song on Bionic has a purpose. As usually Christina brings sass, pain, love, joy, playfulness, and so much more. There are 19 new songs and 1 stripped version so 20 in all, and if you don't like some, it doesn't matter because you can get rid of them and still have a full album. Bionic, Elastic Love, Sex For Breakfast, Vanity, Monday Morning, Bobblehead, Birds of Prey and Stronger are really innovative and new directions for Christina. The slow tempo ballads are crisp and serene, a well done departure from her usual belting ballads. A+ Solid Pop Album! Expand
  64. ConanO
    Jun 10, 2010
    Underrated album from and underrated singer. Bionic shows off her versatility very well and while there are a couple tracks that are meh, the rest is more than enough for me to highly recommend this album.
  65. LaceyJ
    Jun 10, 2010
    This album is one of the BEST pop albums of the past 5 years!
  66. Jai
    Jun 10, 2010
    I always look forward to her music and Bionic did not disappoint. Her voice is like no other and she really shines on all types of songs here, especially the ballads and deluxe tracks. Not to mention the album artwork is stunning. Job very well done!
  67. AlexM
    Jun 10, 2010
    BIONIC is the best album of the year 'nuff said. Christina has reinvented herself once again and does a damn good job at it. This woman can do it all. Shes amazing and an all around artist. The way she plays with her voice is truly jaw opening. I've never seen a mainstream vocalist be as versatile as Christina. Check out BIONIC u wont be disappointed. Production is also killer BIONIC is the best album of the year 'nuff said. Christina has reinvented herself once again and does a damn good job at it. This woman can do it all. Shes amazing and an all around artist. The way she plays with her voice is truly jaw opening. I've never seen a mainstream vocalist be as versatile as Christina. Check out BIONIC u wont be disappointed. Production is also killer and top notch. My favorite tracks are Bionic,Lift Me Up, I Am, Vanity, Birds Of Prey, Stronger than Ever and Bobblehead. Make sure to pick up the deluxe version as it has 5 deluxe extra tracks!! Expand
  68. VictoriaR
    Jun 10, 2010
    I haven't listened to Christina in awhile. I caught NOT MYSELF TONIGHT on radio one day when I was driving back from work and got excited because it was a new song. I decided to look Christina up. I gave the album a listen and ended up buying it off itunes. Its definitely my favorite album this year. ps. the version i bought on itunes has 5 deluxe tracks and a bonus track called I haven't listened to Christina in awhile. I caught NOT MYSELF TONIGHT on radio one day when I was driving back from work and got excited because it was a new song. I decided to look Christina up. I gave the album a listen and ended up buying it off itunes. Its definitely my favorite album this year. ps. the version i bought on itunes has 5 deluxe tracks and a bonus track called "Little Dreamer" which i really enjoyed. Expand
  69. ArthuroT
    Jun 10, 2010
    Such a great vocalist and a fun record. I'm not a big fan of her, but she keeps changing everything in her image and her music, and I guess it's a wonderful thing for a young pop artist!
  70. ShalinaL
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album, original music, amazing production, and of course, AMAZING VOCALS! Spotlight for Little Dreamer and Elastic Love.
  71. ParadisR
    Jun 10, 2010
    What a diverse collection of songs! I have loved her evolution since the Stripped days. She is a talented singer/songwrites and is clearly the voice of this generation.
  72. Melly
    Jun 10, 2010
    Amazing album from beginning to end.
  73. StalloneT
    Jun 10, 2010
    surely the best futuristic sound with great vocal from Christina best pop album of 2010 I think :)
  74. JerryH
    Jun 10, 2010
    BIONIC is an instant classic. The critics have always hated Christina, but after 10years she's still here. It's sad critics hate on one of the few artist's with a vioce. Britney, Kesha, and Katy Perry get better review so it puts things in perspective. Old critics trying to be "hip" by jumping on the Perez bandwagon; Classy and Professional.
  75. JebsenG
    Jun 10, 2010
    this is her best work of art ever.her voice keeps getting better ten years in the business she is here to stay her ballads are great! she is stand out talent from today's crappy auto-tuned music.
  76. BryanC.
    Jun 12, 2010
    This is an underrated album. The comparisons are way off. This deserves to be successful.
  77. James
    Jun 12, 2010
    The fourth outing for Christina is a welcome change. I have always been a fan of Aguilera, but I have loved electronic music even more. This album brings the two together into one nice package. The standout tracks on the album have to be "WooHoo" ft. Nicki Minaj, "Prima Donna", and "You Lost Me". While the album sounds futuristic there are a few draw backs in the album. The biggest being The fourth outing for Christina is a welcome change. I have always been a fan of Aguilera, but I have loved electronic music even more. This album brings the two together into one nice package. The standout tracks on the album have to be "WooHoo" ft. Nicki Minaj, "Prima Donna", and "You Lost Me". While the album sounds futuristic there are a few draw backs in the album. The biggest being "Elastic Love". This is the M.I.A song.... the only thing is it does not even sound like a Christina Aguilera song. It is a bit of a disapointment. I suggest that everyone should give the album a listen, and you will be playing it all summer long. Expand
  78. JohnM
    Jun 14, 2010
    Christina Agulera`s Album "BIONIC" show completly all the talent and vocal hability, of course the sound is completly different but it`s a great change. This album is amazing!!!
  79. JohnC.
    Jun 14, 2010
    This album is PERFECT and it deserves a metascore of 100, not only 57!!! The best tracks (though all of them are brilliant) are Bionic, Not myself tonight, Woohoo, Elastic love, Des Nudites (or Desnudate, whatsover), Glam, Lift me up (first time I heard it, I was totally strucked), All I need, I am, You lost me (brilliant!) and I hate boys.
  80. MikeJ
    Jun 15, 2010
    This is by far the worst album by this over-zealous singer. While past efforts were contrived, nothing beats this bloated disc! Instead of sounding futuristic, it sounds pathetic and very much the middle of the last decade. I thought the first single was awful, until I heard the remainder of the tracks on that CD. Siphoning off "indie" artists, she proceeds to sing in the respective This is by far the worst album by this over-zealous singer. While past efforts were contrived, nothing beats this bloated disc! Instead of sounding futuristic, it sounds pathetic and very much the middle of the last decade. I thought the first single was awful, until I heard the remainder of the tracks on that CD. Siphoning off "indie" artists, she proceeds to sing in the respective singer/writer's style, losing herself and ... frankly, it's almost for the better! She's totally uncharismatic, rude and incredibly vain and while she can sing, she prefers to shout instead. Yeah, I don't like it, and sorry Xtincta, but f@&k you! Expand
  81. MidoC
    Jun 15, 2010
    I should be honest with this album .. i only liked 3 of the entire songs Bionic, Woohoo and not myself tonight and all of the otehrs are crap .. she surely can do better that this .. i should also mention that she is a copy cat of madonna and lady GAGA
  82. EricJ
    Jun 17, 2010
    Christina still has a solid voice, but the material on this album is horrendous. She rips off everyone from Britney Spears to Lady Gaga to Madonna without having a voice of her own. At this stage of her career Christina needs an identity and it seems like she is still searching for it.
  83. BrianS
    Jun 17, 2010
    I really enjoyed most of the album. It's fun, it's got nice bump to it and lots of attitude. Christina does her girl-thing well and, I note, has been doing it for many years. It's not the most original group of songs (not that much is these days) but it's all around fun listening. I especially enjoy Woohoo, Vanity, My Girls, Not Myself Tonight, I Hate Boys.
  84. NoahH
    Jun 17, 2010
    Xtina's a perfectionist and that's exactly how Bionic sounds. A perfect album, that is solid from beginning to end. A great amount of the tracks are single-worthy. It's quite underrated, people used to say she's oversinging, now I hear she's undersinging. I'd say, don't listen to the negativity and give this album a chance and step into it with a free mind.
  85. MarioR.
    Jun 8, 2010
    Incredible, modern and fresh.
  86. RickD
    Jun 8, 2010
    Her narcissism makes her unlikable.
  87. DavidB
    Jun 8, 2010
    Christina has no idea of who she is musically. She has always had a great voice but never has had anything worthwhile to say. This album is abysmal.
  88. Craig
    Jun 8, 2010
    The album is OK, but Christiana is all over the place on this album. The first half reminded me of 80's electronic new wave. Then she went and played several R&B love songs. And she finishes up with several songs that must not have made the Stripped album. There are probably half a dozen good songs on here. There is too much filler, and she inflates the set list with a number of The album is OK, but Christiana is all over the place on this album. The first half reminded me of 80's electronic new wave. Then she went and played several R&B love songs. And she finishes up with several songs that must not have made the Stripped album. There are probably half a dozen good songs on here. There is too much filler, and she inflates the set list with a number of short worthless intros. Expand
  89. JaneS
    Jun 8, 2010
    Geez..very good album, and Gaga did not invent anything...puleeze...I love Gaga and Xtina but Xtina has been in game for over 10 years and deserves some respect. The US media has been awful to her..like a pck of Perez Hiltons. YUCK...GO Xtina!!!
  90. Manny
    Jun 8, 2010
    Love it! Her best album! the ballads are the best of her career and its jsut a great fun pop album.
  91. mikkamikka
    Jun 8, 2010
    Christina always reivent herself, and brings her touch in the commercial pop business.
  92. Ajd
    Jun 8, 2010
    This is a drag. All Her talent wasted on beat heavy and superficial pop music. she should at-least try to separate her self and form her own identity. The music here is emotionless, immature and boring. Go cop Toni Braxton's abum "Pulse", Now that is music!
  93. RichardH
    Jun 8, 2010
    I really enjoyed Stripped and B2B better, but this Album is very catchy and uplifting. Empowerment, what a great message Christina sends through many of the songs on this album. =) Be yourself, don't let others tell you what to do, or who to be.
  94. LaylaAli
    Jun 8, 2010
    The album only had two good tracks and two just okay ones. The rest were trash.
  95. armandoa
    Jun 9, 2010
    I've never purchased a Xtina album. I must say that I've always thought she could sing. Seeing her venture out on her last album with the retro sounds made me realize she's definitely not afraid to experiment. When I heard she was working with Sia, M.I.A., Switch and Santigold I couldn't wait. Those collaborations are all what they promised to be...Pretty amazing. I I've never purchased a Xtina album. I must say that I've always thought she could sing. Seeing her venture out on her last album with the retro sounds made me realize she's definitely not afraid to experiment. When I heard she was working with Sia, M.I.A., Switch and Santigold I couldn't wait. Those collaborations are all what they promised to be...Pretty amazing. I wish they would have put the bonus tracks in and gotten rid of other less interesing songs like the lead single, Woohoo and even glam. The new wave of Monday Morning and Bounce of Bobble Head could have replaced Glam and Prima Donna. Birds of Pray was quality as well. Expand
  96. JonatanS
    Jun 9, 2010
    It is a fearless album. Not easy to eat, more sophisticated and few people will get it. Now, trash like Kesha or Rihanna are the number ones, but they just do hits. XTina is an artist.
  97. NateW.
    Jun 11, 2010
    I got Bionic last Friday and have been listening to ONLY Bionic since. 7 days going strong and I am loving every single track. These songs are addictive. I cannot wait to get on to a dance floor with these beats blasting through the speakers. It is a fun record. She isn't taking herself too seriously. She is experimenting and exploring new and exciting places. I am beyond happy with I got Bionic last Friday and have been listening to ONLY Bionic since. 7 days going strong and I am loving every single track. These songs are addictive. I cannot wait to get on to a dance floor with these beats blasting through the speakers. It is a fun record. She isn't taking herself too seriously. She is experimenting and exploring new and exciting places. I am beyond happy with this record. I have been a die-hard Christina fan since 1998 and will never stop supporting her. She is a true artist - a true visionary. Expand
  98. HumbertoC
    Jun 11, 2010
    It is so amazing. Christina really does it again! She is so versatile, amazing vocals! Really satisfies her fans!
  99. ArmenS
    Jun 11, 2010
    Once you get past the idiotic comparisons critics seem stuck on, this is an amazing album, filled with many varied layers.
  100. SpuddMonkey
    Jun 12, 2010
    HUGE disappointment. Her beautiful voice is wasted and covered up electronically. I could have enjoyed an electronically enhanced pop album but it's all uninspired copycat stuff for at least 90% of the album. Christina could have done so much better than this and has in the past - esp her last album. Stick with the old school style it suits you so much better!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. As convincing as she attempts to sound, Bionic does nothing to persuade authenticity.
  2. Because she's bold enough to do it her way, Aguilera maintains her reign.
  3. Sure, her voice remains full, brash, and loud. But ultimately, so much of what passes for hedonism on Bionic feels synthetic and compulsory.