
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. 70
    There’s a warm, fuzzy familiarity to Goatsnake’s doomy, bluesy sound, with Stahl’s stirring, soulful vocals always elevating these southern gothic rumbles above the mundane, not least on the striking and rather beautiful seven-minute closer A Killing Blues.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jun 10, 2015
    With overwhelming heaviness tempered by blues and gospel vibes, this enthralling comeback soothes the soul even as Goatsnake crush your ears. [13 Jun 2015, p.52]
  3. Mojo
    Jun 10, 2015
    Black Age Blues is satisfyingly solid and reassuringly familiar a comeback as you'd expect. [Jul 2015, p.89]
  4. Jun 5, 2015
    Through little fault of Goatsnake’s own, listening to Black Age Blues can sometimes feel like watching wizened blues musicians play the music of their now-distant youth. The style is familiar enough to be comforting, but it’s also inherently trite and redundant.
  5. Jun 3, 2015
    Black Age Blues makes you think about how the simplest things are often the hardest to express. Most importantly, though, it kicks ass.
  6. Jun 3, 2015
    While a few songs on Black Age Blues could’ve been cut, it’s still a Goatsnake album, which is to say that it’s badass.
  7. Jun 3, 2015
    Not only is Black Age Blues Goatsnake's best album, it is an instant classic of the stoner-doom hybrid and an earthy, electrifying endgame for rock & roll itself.
  8. Jun 3, 2015
    This is an exceptional addition to Goatsnake's catalog; it's a doomsday boogie album for the ages.
  9. Jun 3, 2015
    This might be blues, it might be doom, but the return of Goatsnake can be nothing other than a good thing.
  10. Jun 3, 2015
    here’s not one tired moment, no obvious retreads to be heard. It’s a solid third act, making good on the promises of (many) tomorrows.

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