• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2007
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  1. Dec 8, 2013
    This is pretty fantastic for a Britney Spears record. Through her then personal struggles she managed to put out an original and classic dance album in which any of the tracks could be a hit single. Download: Every track except "Hot as Ice", "Why Should I Be Sad" and "Get Back" (and definitely not "Everybody" found on the deluxe edition).
  2. Dec 3, 2013
    I could list why every song on this album is just pure perfection, but it would take too long. "Blackout" is widely regarded as the most influential pop album in recent times, and rightfully so. Absolute perfection.
  3. Nov 21, 2013
    best Britney album so far, followed by Femme Fatale and then Circus. Blackout is so sick, deep, new, I love it. congratulations to producers! Still waiting for something like this again from Britney
  4. Jul 19, 2013
    Un album inteligente y sexy que ha logrado ser la inspiración para muchos artistas, es una obra maestra en donde Britney se escucha relajada y donde se le puede escuchar divertida en cada track
  5. Mar 24, 2013
    Her Best Album Up To 2007!
  6. Dec 24, 2012
    Britney at her best.
    I love this album. Not a single track in Blackout disappoints me. She got there first before everyone else jumped on the electro-dance wagon in 2011. Futuristic, sexy, under-rated.
    My album of 2007.
  7. Nov 7, 2012
    the world's biggest pop star has released one of her best records. out passing her In The Zone era, Blackout takes you into a world of fame, money, sex and glamour as Britney sings hits like Gimme More featuring Danja and lovey dovey ones like Ooh Ooh Baby alongside the amazing Piece Of Me and Toy Soldier
  8. Oct 8, 2012
    Probably the best album that Britney Spears will ever produce. It's the only of her records that lacks a bit of the shallow and empty touch that In The Zone exceeded and Femme Fatale sums up in voice effects and over-production.
  9. Sep 23, 2012
    Only time would be able to tell how much this would become the decade-to-come's most influential album. Considering what Britney did before and what she has done after this, Blackout certainly puts itself apart from her other productions, for only one reason: its darkness. Different from the easy-going, glowing "Circus", Blackout has deeper tracks with melodies that are catchy and yetOnly time would be able to tell how much this would become the decade-to-come's most influential album. Considering what Britney did before and what she has done after this, Blackout certainly puts itself apart from her other productions, for only one reason: its darkness. Different from the easy-going, glowing "Circus", Blackout has deeper tracks with melodies that are catchy and yet continue to have quality. Certainly influenced by a dark/struggle period in her life, Britney was able to create (since she is the executive producer of it) a cohesive and creative album. "Gimme More", "Freakshow", "Piece of Me" and "Heaven on Earth" are amazing. Incredible work. Expand
  10. Jul 14, 2012
    His worst album for sure, processed voice, songs stressful, sickening beats, the only good song of this album may be "Break the Ice". There's a lot of poor songs in this record.
  11. Jun 29, 2012
    Without a doubt her best cd released as of 2012. An it is one the top cd's released in 07. The production is just amazing. On pretty much every track Britney sounds so invested and/or engaged. A great thing to hear, excluding In The Zone, Britney had a tendency to sound like she wasn't really connecting with songs off previous albums. On this album though she sounds like she is having funWithout a doubt her best cd released as of 2012. An it is one the top cd's released in 07. The production is just amazing. On pretty much every track Britney sounds so invested and/or engaged. A great thing to hear, excluding In The Zone, Britney had a tendency to sound like she wasn't really connecting with songs off previous albums. On this album though she sounds like she is having fun and enjoying her time in the recording studio. The album would have sold millions had it been properly promoted and had Britney been in better health. Because at the end of the day it really is that amazing. Expand
  12. May 29, 2012
    Britney's Best Album (Up To 2007)
    Amazing Tracks And Vocals!
    Love Every Song..
    90% A-
  13. May 16, 2012
    Simply, one of the best pop albums of the millennium. Every song on that album is a masterpiece!
    "It's Britney **** is enough to make the album the most memorable one in history.
  14. Mar 24, 2012
    "Blackout" is, without a doubt, Britney's best album. It was released during the roughest time of her live, and when her image was very damaged because of her erratic behaviour (in fact, "Blackout" is the only Britney album that hasn't reached the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200 list). However that shouldn't have affected anyone's vision of the album, and "Blackout" is the most cohesive"Blackout" is, without a doubt, Britney's best album. It was released during the roughest time of her live, and when her image was very damaged because of her erratic behaviour (in fact, "Blackout" is the only Britney album that hasn't reached the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200 list). However that shouldn't have affected anyone's vision of the album, and "Blackout" is the most cohesive and meaningful album that she has ever done and, judging by her later efforts, that she will ever do. She didn't do any writing for the album (and she has never been a very productive writer), but the songs really fit her story, so she must have some good choosing skills, or very good writers working for her. The whole album is a statement, and a very effective one. It opens with "Gimme More" and the iconic "It's Britney, **** and is followed by "Piece of Me", one of her best songs ever. It is really sad that her situation was so out of control that she couldn't properly promote or perform these songs, because most of them were extremely mainstream and hits waiting to happen, and not every album has that and maintains it's quality. It is ironic how Britney could deliver her best album in her worst moment, making it to be her most ignored record. Some may say that it's overrated. I don't think it is, at all. I think she couldn't give it the attention it deserved. Highlights: Get Naked (I Got a Plan), Piece of Me, Radar, Hot as Ice Collapse
  15. Mar 23, 2012
    Her second best album, Heaven On Earth is epic!
  16. Mar 22, 2012
    Not the best album of Britney Spears had the ability to earn top marks in both the critics and admirers of the critique of pseudo-singer (not the fans, for their opinion should not be taken into account). From there we see the level of artist. No more comments.
  17. Feb 24, 2012
    This album will sway neither the faithful nor the unbelievers from their positions along the borders of her stalled momentum.
  18. Dec 23, 2011
    Very Solid Good Album!
    The Best Songs In My Opinion Are:
    Gimme More, Piece Of Me, Break The Ice, Freakshow, And Oooh Oooh Baby!
    My Favorite Song Is Get Naked (I Got A Plan)!
  19. Oct 28, 2011
    This album is grossly overrated. It sounds like everything Timbaland and co. were doing around the same time, only much, much worse. Generic beats, shallow lyrics, poor vocals... this is one you'll want to pass on.
  20. Oct 25, 2011
    This is pop music at its best. Britney went through hard times before and during the recording of this album, but the outcome is nothing less than spectacular. Definitely one of the best albums of the 00s.
  21. Sep 19, 2011
    Even if it's hardly Britney's effort, Blackout is a surprising comeback packed with cleverly produced, club-ready dance tracks that are heavily influenced by the electropop and synthpop genres ("Freakshow" has a striking dubstep influence) and about as catchy as the flu in December.
  22. Sep 17, 2011
    "Blackout" has re-defined the pop music. Since its release, the culture hasn't been the same. One of the best albums released by Britney Spears. Be sure to check "Heaven on Earth" and "Freakshow" on this album.
  23. Sep 10, 2011
    This album is the best one by Britney. It signs her return to the music world. The album contains really good dance tracks like Get Naked (I Got a Plan), Piece Of Me and Gimme More. This album has got Britney's touch. This album launched the music in a new planet: the Electro Music.
  24. Sep 10, 2011
    A famous magazine considers this the fourth best album of the decade 2000-2009. It was recorded in & out of the rehab and you can actually hear that Britney wasn't in the best conditions to record, but she still made the best comeback & amazing dance tracks. "Freakshow" features elements of dubstep, too.
  25. Aug 7, 2011
    A somethat surprising album that delivers more than you might actually expected, with loud, sexy, electronica beats as well as some Timbaland style corkers thrown into the mix you can't help but like this album for what it is, pop music. But that's all this album is, it offers little else, nothing that pushes the boat out, nothing overly memorable and sadly the only things that have beenA somethat surprising album that delivers more than you might actually expected, with loud, sexy, electronica beats as well as some Timbaland style corkers thrown into the mix you can't help but like this album for what it is, pop music. But that's all this album is, it offers little else, nothing that pushes the boat out, nothing overly memorable and sadly the only things that have been pushed to their limits is auto tuning and backing vocalists (Robyn for example), which i'm aware is used with most artists, but at some point a limit should be reached. Expand
  26. Jun 12, 2011
    I never liked her but this album is her best by far. Catchy chorus and beat. Of course after you have to consider she probably didn't write a single word or contribute in any way to this album but after all it's Britney Spears.
  27. May 23, 2011
    Blackout is the pop electronic album of the decade. Its a masterpeice and its a real shame that people can't enjoy it because of the credibility that Britney seems to have nowadays.
  28. May 23, 2011
    So much about Britney's actual "blackout". This version of her public life is splendid enough to make me hug it for the rest of my musically-inclined life. Its her best album since her debut and deserves more credit. As she sang in "Why Should I Be Sad?", "it's time for me to move along/it's time for me to get along". Thats the good news of promise and improvement and while she's at it,So much about Britney's actual "blackout". This version of her public life is splendid enough to make me hug it for the rest of my musically-inclined life. Its her best album since her debut and deserves more credit. As she sang in "Why Should I Be Sad?", "it's time for me to move along/it's time for me to get along". Thats the good news of promise and improvement and while she's at it, there's always Blackout to celebrate a high point in her career. Expand
  29. Apr 25, 2011
    THIS IS SO OUTTA THIS WORLD THE BEST BRITNEY ALBUM EVER AND FEMME FETALE IS SO GOOD TOO!!!!!! the songs so amazing were Perfect Lover, Piece of Me, Toy Soldier and Gimme gimme more gimme more!!!!!!
  30. Mar 29, 2011
    Ok I'm looking at Britney's past albums to see how people reviewed them and I'm really confused. People are giving Femme Fatale great reviews, but Blackout has almost 50 negative reviews? That's just not right. I'll keep this short. Blackout forever changed the playing field for pop music. I can play it from start to finish without skipping a single song. This is the Britney that I love.Ok I'm looking at Britney's past albums to see how people reviewed them and I'm really confused. People are giving Femme Fatale great reviews, but Blackout has almost 50 negative reviews? That's just not right. I'll keep this short. Blackout forever changed the playing field for pop music. I can play it from start to finish without skipping a single song. This is the Britney that I love. Ahead of its time, but it's a uniquely Britney album. It's Britney, **** Expand
  31. Mar 2, 2011
    On paper, a Britney Spears album without the help of writer Max Martin is a recipe for disaster. Yet despite the absence of the Swede, and the fact that Britney was fat, barmy and bald during the lead up to this record, Blackout does not suck. In fact, to date it's the only Spears album worth listening to in its entirety. Many of the tracks have the tendency to sneak up and surprise; sheOn paper, a Britney Spears album without the help of writer Max Martin is a recipe for disaster. Yet despite the absence of the Swede, and the fact that Britney was fat, barmy and bald during the lead up to this record, Blackout does not suck. In fact, to date it's the only Spears album worth listening to in its entirety. Many of the tracks have the tendency to sneak up and surprise; she sounds sexy on "Ooh Ooh Baby" without being gross, cool on "Gimme More" without trying too hard, and pissed off on "Piece of Me" without caring a whole lot. Somewhat of a minor miracle! Expand
  32. Jan 1, 2011
    First, I found it irritating, forgettable, and boring. Different from her previous work. As I listen to it again, I realized that it is entertaining and danceable. Futuristic at its best and shows that Britney will always hire the best. So, the album is Britney's best for me.
  33. Sep 13, 2010
    Britney's comeback album definitely was great but lacked some of what her previous albums had. On "In The Zone" Britney did a song with Madonna and it was the best. Black out is good Standout tracks: "Gimme More" "Why Should I Be Sad" and "Piece of Me"
  34. Sep 5, 2010
    i think this is her best job, in her worst moment, gimme more (single) is powerful and had the "it's britney B***h" that become in a unforgetting line
  35. MarinaS.
    Dec 4, 2009
    The best her album ever!!
  36. JoshuaS
    Apr 25, 2009
    You could stick on this album at a party and dance all the way through. It is just full of songs you wanna shake to!
  37. VictorC
    Apr 5, 2009
    Britney's best album yet. Very good from beginning to end.
  38. J.M
    Mar 24, 2009
    Overall there are a lot of great tracks on the album, but when listening you get the feeling she just doesn't care about the music anymore.
  39. Anonymous
    Mar 21, 2009
    Welcome back, Britney, we missed you! Blackout shocked me from start to finish. At first, I thought: "Oh, crap, another comeback album." But it's more. It's a defiant, in-your-face sucker punch to the media's gut. Full of catchy beats, unusual synth sounds, and fearlessly sexy lyrics, Blackout may just be Britney's best work yet. Piece Of Me, Gimme More, and Break The Welcome back, Britney, we missed you! Blackout shocked me from start to finish. At first, I thought: "Oh, crap, another comeback album." But it's more. It's a defiant, in-your-face sucker punch to the media's gut. Full of catchy beats, unusual synth sounds, and fearlessly sexy lyrics, Blackout may just be Britney's best work yet. Piece Of Me, Gimme More, and Break The Ice are the best tracks, but Toy Soldier and Freakshow are well done, too. Expand
  40. maruzhahaha
    Dec 8, 2008
    This is a legend should sound like One of the good album welcome back Britney.
  41. BetoA
    Nov 17, 2008
    Bad!! If I wolud have heard it before I wouldn't have bought it!!
  42. EnzoP
    Oct 31, 2008
    Perfectly produced and sang: Spears' voice sounds amazing on beats by Danja, Bloodshy & Avant and others. Her best album so far.
  43. CarlosA.
    Feb 9, 2008
    I had to give a 10 'cause since I got the album I can't stop listening to it, I know her life's been a trouble and that she's going through a lot of things related to her kids, the way she drinks and if she's on drugs.. but the album is really good...is electropop mixed with r&b and brit did a great job, that's the reason why she sold a lot albums around the I had to give a 10 'cause since I got the album I can't stop listening to it, I know her life's been a trouble and that she's going through a lot of things related to her kids, the way she drinks and if she's on drugs.. but the album is really good...is electropop mixed with r&b and brit did a great job, that's the reason why she sold a lot albums around the world. She is one the best sellers ever! at least in the USA. I just hope that everything is gonna be better and that she will realize that the night life and the drugs are not the best! I just hope that one day she will return to music and will do it great as she's done it before! that's why we love you Brit! get well soon! Expand
  44. DerekC.
    Feb 5, 2008
    Whilst her voice isn't very deserving of praise9lets face it the nasal sound can be giot from kindergartners!!) this album is just enjotable and for once she doesn't appeaar to be fixed at the mic her voice whether good or bad is shown. Not bad!
  45. BobD.
    Feb 1, 2008
    Very well done for someone so troubled. Shows that no matter how crazy you go, if you have an ear for excellent pop, that ain't gonna leave. Standouts for me are Heaven On Earth, Freakshow, Perfect Lover and the bonus track Outta This World. Every song is good in some way though, and this album sounds AMAZING if you play it blaring loud in your car during summer with the windows Very well done for someone so troubled. Shows that no matter how crazy you go, if you have an ear for excellent pop, that ain't gonna leave. Standouts for me are Heaven On Earth, Freakshow, Perfect Lover and the bonus track Outta This World. Every song is good in some way though, and this album sounds AMAZING if you play it blaring loud in your car during summer with the windows down. Well done Britney, now get well soon! Expand
  46. ixata
    Jan 21, 2008
    Really... i just had to give this album a 10. its just too good. no fillers AT ALL. and my idols are tori amos and bjork. please guys.. give ratings to THIS ALBUM.. not her life or whatever that bugs you.. buy this record and enjoy.
  47. JaredM
    Jan 20, 2008
    One of the best albums of 2007. I've never much cared for Britney Spears and her "Music" but this album has proven me wrong. Even if she didn't write most of the tracks (A smart business woman knows when to start and better yet stop). This killer dance album floored me. It will definitely be remembered years from now, for having some of the best dance tracks of the last decade.
  48. Zacht
    Jan 17, 2008
    lmfao at the people who are just rating it a zero without even hearing it. I'm betting it's the Christina fans, or the Jessica fans who have flopped so hard with so much promotion while Britney' album keeps going up, up, UP on the charts with no promotion, and just a video promoting the album. Don't be mad. Britney has sold 83 million albums in her 10 year career, and lmfao at the people who are just rating it a zero without even hearing it. I'm betting it's the Christina fans, or the Jessica fans who have flopped so hard with so much promotion while Britney' album keeps going up, up, UP on the charts with no promotion, and just a video promoting the album. Don't be mad. Britney has sold 83 million albums in her 10 year career, and another 35 million singles sold worldwide. Britney has sold more than all these rejects combined! Expand
  49. kellyj
    Jan 17, 2008
    The people who keep doubting Britney just keep on getting pushed further in the mud by her ever growing incredible dance music. That are also memorable. Britney is a legend, and not just in the joking kind of way like people on Livedaily keep saying about Crustina. Blackout is amazing. Gimme More, Piece of Me, Radar, Break the Ice, Heave on Earth, Get Naked, Freakshow, Toy Soldier, Ooh The people who keep doubting Britney just keep on getting pushed further in the mud by her ever growing incredible dance music. That are also memorable. Britney is a legend, and not just in the joking kind of way like people on Livedaily keep saying about Crustina. Blackout is amazing. Gimme More, Piece of Me, Radar, Break the Ice, Heave on Earth, Get Naked, Freakshow, Toy Soldier, Ooh Ooh Baby, Perfect Lover, and Why Should I be Sad are all A+ tracks from an A+ artist. Expand
  50. ScottB
    Jan 17, 2008
    Unlike her previous albums, this one doesn't contain those songs that make you instantly want to skip to the next track. While it still sounds like all the talent is in the producer's twiddling the knobs, they did a very good job of twiddlin' this time around. This same disc could have been made with studio musicians with no discernible difference in its sound, but for pure Unlike her previous albums, this one doesn't contain those songs that make you instantly want to skip to the next track. While it still sounds like all the talent is in the producer's twiddling the knobs, they did a very good job of twiddlin' this time around. This same disc could have been made with studio musicians with no discernible difference in its sound, but for pure pop its on the upper end of listenable. I never thought I'd say that about a Britney album. Expand
  51. RyanC
    Jan 15, 2008
    Radar is awesome!!!!!! I am pretty sure it will be another #1 single too. It's good.
  52. Mikey
    Jan 11, 2008
    Great Album, with the exception of "Heaven On Earth"...But, Obviously, Not Her Best Work.
  53. Noctiluca
    Jan 8, 2008
    The usual Britney fare is here. There's high-production and the myriad of maestros do their job, but the lyrics remain completely insipid (save for one track). It's designed for a bubbly audience that laps up anything with a consistent thump-thump, for people who could care less that what she's saying makes no sense, that the music is a bandwagon approach to what's The usual Britney fare is here. There's high-production and the myriad of maestros do their job, but the lyrics remain completely insipid (save for one track). It's designed for a bubbly audience that laps up anything with a consistent thump-thump, for people who could care less that what she's saying makes no sense, that the music is a bandwagon approach to what's "hot" at the moment, or -- most importantly -- that she didn't write any of it herself. Britney is interchangeable, as anybody could do her job, leaving her in the status of a guilty pleasure. It's more an ode to producer's talents than anything. Check it out if you're into music with a glossy sheen, but if you want pop with substance go elsewhere. Expand
  54. MB
    Jan 8, 2008
    Britney's best album yet.
  55. AjayD
    Jan 1, 2008
    I wasn't a Huge Fan of her, but after hearing this Album, I am her new Fan. THis album is kill people, Do not miss it, all the tracks are a Hit for me!
  56. Amy
    Dec 29, 2007
    I can't stand this girls music BUT this CD blew me away ! WOW !!!
  57. BeccaR
    Dec 26, 2007
    Britney is awesome and will always be awesome. Ive been listening to her ever since baby one more time came out and this album is even more amazing than all of her other work. Everyone out there hating on her needs to get a life and chill the fuck out. She'll grow out of this awful post-divorce funk and her hair will grow back. This album will bring Britney back! GO BRIT!!!!!
  58. SammyJ.
    Dec 23, 2007
    Great album. Britney is back. Gimme More is hot. Piece of me the video is awesome!
  59. AlexS.
    Dec 23, 2007
    Blackout rocks!! It's amazing. Britney's best album! She keeps getting better and better. She is the executive producer of blackout. She made an awesome album!
  60. VictorG
    Dec 22, 2007
  61. PaulinaC.
    Dec 22, 2007
  62. SilvioP
    Dec 17, 2007
    Mix Timberlake's FurtureSex/LoveSound and Madonna's Confessions On A Dancefloor, with Britney's Derriere... Puf! The Best Dance Album Of The Year!!!
  63. ZaneS.
    Dec 11, 2007
    Excellent album. "Freakshow" is like her best song yet!
  64. JoshuaN.
    Dec 10, 2007
    Love it !
  65. ChrisG
    Dec 5, 2007
    It is her best album yet. The songs are funky and futuristic. All of the bizarre voice she uses like in Get Naked (I Got A Plan) and Freakshow work to her advantage. The dance club hits like Gimme More and Radar make this cd a huge success.
  66. MikeS.
    Dec 3, 2007
    Despite her best efforts - Britney has not destroyed her career. This album is surprisingly good. Scratch that great. for what it is - you can't get much better. Fun, bubble gum pop that you can't help but dance to. "Radar" "Piece of Me" and "Gimme More" are stand outs but the best is "Toy Soldier" which should be a HUGE dance club hit.
  67. IgorL.
    Dec 2, 2007
    Funny that Britney delivered her best album when least expected. Never thought I would hear a great album from the "Oops I did it again" girl.
  68. JayG.
    Dec 1, 2007
    I don't know why people are making a huge deal over this album. a wonderfully produced, dance-ready album! leave it alone, stop with all of the negative comments. if you're not of fan of Britney's than just don't buy it and SHUT THE FUCK UP!! i mean please, its not like your opinion is going to influence anybody!!
  69. LouieT.
    Dec 1, 2007
    BLA BLA BLA . This Shit is the Hottest ALBUM EVER , if u r saying that she used Studi Tricks Thats SUPER COOL , She have ha Showed her abilities On - Hot As Ice - Heaven On Earth - An i really Dont Carfe about if Her Voice wasn't 100 Clear , BRITNEY HAVE MADE A HELL OF A COPMEBACK.
  70. ChrisH
    Nov 30, 2007
    Considering I never really enjoyed Brittney before, I was quite taken back by the quality of production and almost cutting edge electro pop beats and sounds. Each song is with ease better than anything she has released as single before, with maybe the exception of Toxic, which was class. Who cares if its mainly producers who have made this good? Good music is good music, so lets be happy Considering I never really enjoyed Brittney before, I was quite taken back by the quality of production and almost cutting edge electro pop beats and sounds. Each song is with ease better than anything she has released as single before, with maybe the exception of Toxic, which was class. Who cares if its mainly producers who have made this good? Good music is good music, so lets be happy there is so much of it on one CD, and its from Britney Spears, weird, but true! Expand
  71. KenW.
    Nov 29, 2007
    Best Pop Album of the year. Go figure. Intresting drving rhythms & experimental (for Brit) places that she has never taken the music before. Her best. Like sitting in Jack Ruby's bar while high on Ecstasy.
  72. MagnusS.
    Nov 26, 2007
    Still, and not surprisingly so, I have yet to be more amused at something than at the STUPID people in here who in doing what they do best, squabble, twist and turn the average review score by their useless voting and commenting. F First of all, let me praise all of you that can actually resent to judge an album based on it's quality and not based on the amount of drugs inhaled Still, and not surprisingly so, I have yet to be more amused at something than at the STUPID people in here who in doing what they do best, squabble, twist and turn the average review score by their useless voting and commenting. F First of all, let me praise all of you that can actually resent to judge an album based on it's quality and not based on the amount of drugs inhaled and/or injected prior to recording. Next, let me LAUGH at you useless dogs which qualify yourself to speak badly of a woman you barely know: How in earth do you know how much involvement Britney may have had in the album? If you want to squabble anymore about this and as a consequence of this give poor Britney a 0, please do this on gossipmsn. There's lots of fools like you there. As Rob B excellently states: "Her Music????" What are you people talikng(?) about. She doesn't write a thing. She's a product" I am sorry. Let me be like you. Britney's vocals are not as good as they used to be and therefore I give an 8/10 based on good, light-headed and entertaining music that will indeed rush clubs as alot of other average club music has done. Nicely produced. Expand
  73. AriffM
    Nov 20, 2007
    I was never a fan, except for the bounciness of Toxic & the pathos of Something, I never gave much thought about Ms Britney, that is, until she shaved her head. What a great show of defiance! Can you imagine Nelly Furtado or any of the top 10 female pop performers doing the same out of some bizarre emotional self-confrontation? As for the album - if you're a fan of Ladytron-Depeche I was never a fan, except for the bounciness of Toxic & the pathos of Something, I never gave much thought about Ms Britney, that is, until she shaved her head. What a great show of defiance! Can you imagine Nelly Furtado or any of the top 10 female pop performers doing the same out of some bizarre emotional self-confrontation? As for the album - if you're a fan of Ladytron-Depeche Mode you'd be pleasantly surprised. Expand
  74. KennyH.
    Nov 17, 2007
    Despite it all.. Britney delivers one of the most greatest dance albums in history!... This will set the clubs on firee!
  75. MarcoP.
    Nov 13, 2007
    britney rules!
  76. PaulaD.
    Nov 13, 2007
    I don't think that she's doing her best, but i like the album.
  77. LisaJ.
    Nov 13, 2007
    I shudder to think that people actually like this trash. It's a perfect example of Ms. Spears herself. Trashy, cheap, noisy and useless. The only song worth dancing to is Gimme More. The rest of the album is shockingly bad and prooves that her air head fans will buy anything with her name on it. The whole album conjures up images if a fithy, dive of a bar where you will end up with I shudder to think that people actually like this trash. It's a perfect example of Ms. Spears herself. Trashy, cheap, noisy and useless. The only song worth dancing to is Gimme More. The rest of the album is shockingly bad and prooves that her air head fans will buy anything with her name on it. The whole album conjures up images if a fithy, dive of a bar where you will end up with an STD when you wake up the next day. Expand
  78. JoeB.
    Nov 10, 2007
    Praise for this album centers on how great the dance tracks are, once again proving that many critics have a generally poor knowledge of the dance music scene. Everything on this album has been done better elsewhere--sometimes even with the help of the very same producers--on dance albums in the last two years.
  79. MateoG.
    Nov 10, 2007
    I Love it! great album.
  80. JulianA
    Nov 10, 2007
    it's true, Ms. Spears is BACK!! Despite an displeasing performance at the 2007 VMAs her first single, "gimme more, " was an instant hit! it's catchy, it's sexy, it's fresh-- It's GREAT!! The single paved the way on what to expect from her latest production on which she received help from some of the hottest producers in the industry. The songs are all hyped-up, it's true, Ms. Spears is BACK!! Despite an displeasing performance at the 2007 VMAs her first single, "gimme more, " was an instant hit! it's catchy, it's sexy, it's fresh-- It's GREAT!! The single paved the way on what to expect from her latest production on which she received help from some of the hottest producers in the industry. The songs are all hyped-up, dance-ready jams! so if you are looking for a cd to dance to, this is IT. Expand
  81. OlivierG.
    Nov 8, 2007
    It's her best material in career! Every songs is a hit!!!
  82. RobertB.
    Nov 7, 2007
    Absolutely terrible.
  83. alexb.
    Nov 6, 2007
    great album! and im not a britney fan...
  84. joeiU.
    Nov 6, 2007
    Consistently a good album but how could one say this merits a 10?? or even a 9, 8, 7?? I laugh at those who hail this as her best cd ever! None of her albums are worthy of critical acclaim nor of contimplation of merit. Why do we even care to vote or review such albums as BLACKOUT. Spears is the epitome of what's wrong in music now-days.. She had only one thing going for her in the Consistently a good album but how could one say this merits a 10?? or even a 9, 8, 7?? I laugh at those who hail this as her best cd ever! None of her albums are worthy of critical acclaim nor of contimplation of merit. Why do we even care to vote or review such albums as BLACKOUT. Spears is the epitome of what's wrong in music now-days.. She had only one thing going for her in the past, her dance moves.. All she does is lip-sync and hardly does anything worth praising, musically. She is as lame and lifeless as a plastic barbie doll except barbie is easier on the eyes. Now that she cant even dance-lyp-sync in her performance (mtv vmas 07) she is nothing! Her handlers-producers are the only ones we should be merriting on BLACKOUT.. i give the production an 8.. however britneys lifeless robotic chants bring this album to a non-reputable place, unworthy of her possession.. Its sad really to think that this lady here gets money from these lost gay men and lost little teenage girls who know nothing better then to listen to this iconic repression of real talent, Ms. Spears.. aka no talent, period! Expand
  85. RyanT
    Nov 6, 2007
    This album is great. All the songs, that's right, all of them, are great. Very dance-like. I recommend it to anyone.
  86. beautifuls.
    Nov 6, 2007
    This is one of the best album of the decade. this album is a huge hit. i feel like dancing to all the tracks.
  87. th
    Nov 6, 2007
    i actually think this album is fun, different and artfully crafted to kiss off her image as a bad parent, drug addict, trainwreck and forces us to realize why we loved britney before....her music...not her voice, her music. i think this is a great way of proving she hasn't gone completely crazy!
  88. MB
    Nov 5, 2007
    Britney's best album yet.
  89. Patrick
    Nov 5, 2007
    I don't know why MetaCritic lists this album as "61". The album has got GREAT reviews, practically across the board. This album is not a disappointment, it's a party from start to finish and only ONE song "Hot As Ice" I would consider filler. Pop album of the year!
  90. TreyceF.
    Nov 5, 2007
    I thought it really expressed how she felt. Piece of me and Why should I be sad are awesome.
  91. sandyk.
    Nov 5, 2007
  92. BillZZzzzZZZzzz
    Nov 5, 2007
    This is horrible. I can't listen to this. I don't want to dance to this. I won't.
  93. AlejandroS.
    Nov 4, 2007
    this is her best album so far!!! Amazing and catchy songs.
  94. VictorG
    Nov 4, 2007
  95. KobeeH.
    Nov 4, 2007
    An album that deserves to blasted for all 12 tracks. No denying it. Britney is on top of her game. Congratulations!
  96. ysiy.
    Nov 4, 2007
    wow! superb! get into her beat
  97. NandoG.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Best dance album out. Loved Britney From the start but now, this is a like breathe of fresh air coming through her music. Devine
  98. KeyserD.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Ugh, I'll never understand how people can enjoy "music" like this.
  99. RobB
    Nov 3, 2007
    If they make good music???? Her Music???? What are you people talikng about. She doesn't write a thing. She paid a bunch of people to write her an album and you people are giving her credit. She's a product ..... of course if you people love this album so are you.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 24
  2. Negative: 2 out of 24
  1. The biggest failure of these songs, and the most confusing thing about this album, are the melodies.
  2. Poetry it's not. Still, there is something delightfully escapist about Blackout, a perfectly serviceable dance album abundant in the kind of bouncy electro elements that buttressed her hottest hits.
  3. For every hot, of-the-moment track, though, there's something like the nonsensical 'Hot As Ice,' which was co-penned by the thoroughly talentless T-Pain and might have worked two albums ago but just sounds retrograde here.