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  1. Feb 15, 2022
    Já sabemos da capacidade de interpretação de Frank Ocean. A maneira única na qual o artista dá vida a cada nota é o que o diferencia dos demais artistas de sua geração.
    Profundo, harmônico e genial, três adjetivos que exemplificam Blonde. Talvez o projeto mais aclamado pelo público e com todos os méritos, um álbum que transita de uma forma espetacular por todas as faixas.
    É animador
    Já sabemos da capacidade de interpretação de Frank Ocean. A maneira única na qual o artista dá vida a cada nota é o que o diferencia dos demais artistas de sua geração.
    Profundo, harmônico e genial, três adjetivos que exemplificam Blonde. Talvez o projeto mais aclamado pelo público e com todos os méritos, um álbum que transita de uma forma espetacular por todas as faixas.
    É animador pensar que Frank segue seus próprios passos, sem medo de arriscar, sem medo de errar, e é isso que faz com que ele seja um dos artistas mais geniais da última década.

    Meu top 5 faixas:
    Pink + white
  2. Feb 17, 2022
    adoro tenho depressao e me deixa muito triste amo essa sensaçao so qro deixar no perfil so qro deixar no perfil
  3. Feb 25, 2022
    This type of production is usually not my style, but after a few tries I realized there is something really unique and personal about this work. The writing and vocals really touched me, and the production also worked for me after a few tries. I don't sure about some skits like "close to you" or "good guy", but the massive potential this album has is incredible. Nikes is one of the mostThis type of production is usually not my style, but after a few tries I realized there is something really unique and personal about this work. The writing and vocals really touched me, and the production also worked for me after a few tries. I don't sure about some skits like "close to you" or "good guy", but the massive potential this album has is incredible. Nikes is one of the most experimental songs I've ever heard. One of the best storytelling albums I've ever heard. Glad I listened to this kind of music, and it will always have a place in my heart. Expand
  4. Jan 8, 2023
    A very wavy produced simple piece of love, loss, heartbreak. It is like feeling summer and cold at the same time. Those simple tunes give the most complex emotions to somebody who is either with/not with or moving on from you. Its different and relatable for everyone. Man named an album "Boys don't cry" and then not just boys everybody cried. No way to hate this bruh Love ain't funny.....
  5. Jul 21, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow after listening to it for the first time given i already know half of the songs on the album it was a whole different experience i didn't really get the message he was trying to convey i liked the Nostalgia theme that was going on throughout the album favorite track Seigfried foreverrr Expand
  6. Aug 26, 2016
    Following an album as good as channel Orange is no easy task. and I'm usually a little suspicious when an album receives so many positive reviews. But I must say Ocean pulled it off beautifully. Stripped down and simple but yet every bit as ambitious as channel Orange. Pink + White is as good as it gets... a driving beat, acoustic guitars, piano, beautiful background vocals...great production
  7. Oct 3, 2016
    Talvez 2016 seja o melhor ano da música nessa década e com certeza o Frank Ocean está contribuindo para que isso aconteça. Qualquer demora para o sucessor do “Channel Orange” é justificável, ainda mais quando Frank não nos entrega simplesmente um álbum, mas sim dois: “Endless” e “Blonde”. “Blonde” é um álbum rico em samples, detalhes e estilos que o Frank mistura. A intenção dele não é deTalvez 2016 seja o melhor ano da música nessa década e com certeza o Frank Ocean está contribuindo para que isso aconteça. Qualquer demora para o sucessor do “Channel Orange” é justificável, ainda mais quando Frank não nos entrega simplesmente um álbum, mas sim dois: “Endless” e “Blonde”. “Blonde” é um álbum rico em samples, detalhes e estilos que o Frank mistura. A intenção dele não é de maneira alguma se acomodar e trazer mais do mesmo, e muito menos se render as tendências das rádios pop. Em “Blonde”, Frank quer imprimir novos estilos e por isso o álbum é um verdadeiro experimento e a gente percebe em algumas músicas como “Nikes” suas alterações de voz. Vale ainda lembrar o esforço que o Frank teve pra reunir grandes nomes da música atual como Jamie xx, Kendrick Lamar, Jazmine Sullivan, Sampha, Arca e outros já carimbados nomes como Beyoncé, Tyler The Creator e André 3000. O mais interessante de tudo isso é que até mesmo a participação da grandiosa Beyoncé em “Pink + White” acaba por se tornar apenas mais um detalhe no meio de uma de tantas músicas do álbum ricas em personalidade, sons e estilos. Em um ano com álbuns aclamados como “Lemonade”, “Coloring Book”, “The Life of Pablo” e “ANTI”, “Blonde” consegue saldo mais que positivo e se mantém como um dos melhores lançamentos do ano. Expand
  8. Jan 30, 2020
    Aug 9, 2018 - 6/10
    "Good album, but isn't too tasteful and intense than "channel orange". it would say it is even more slow-flowing and tiring than its predecessor."

    Blonde is a beautiful, full of lays, experimental and intense (yeah, I was wrong 1 and a half year ago). Sutile walls of guitars, minimalistic beats, mini-detalis combines with intimistic atmosphere, letting work even more human.
  9. Sep 2, 2016
    Great art isn't always immediate, in fact, it often isn't. This album takes time to sink in, revealing itself slowly over repeated listens. Like a couple other high profile releases this year, (Life of Pablo, and A Moon Shaped Pool) this album has a distinctly fractured quality, yet is meticulously crafted and tightly packed with beautiful moments. There are quick, seeminglyGreat art isn't always immediate, in fact, it often isn't. This album takes time to sink in, revealing itself slowly over repeated listens. Like a couple other high profile releases this year, (Life of Pablo, and A Moon Shaped Pool) this album has a distinctly fractured quality, yet is meticulously crafted and tightly packed with beautiful moments. There are quick, seemingly insignificant bits of the album that stick with you. "16, how was I supposed to know anything?" (White Ferrari) Parts, you have to scour the whole album for because you can't remember what track it was.

    This very well could end up being the best album released this year. Some songs are instant classics, "Solo", "Ivy" and "Self-Control" rival anything on Channel Orange.
  10. Sep 7, 2016
    We don't know which ways Frank took to get to Blonde, but for sure, there wasn't a easy one. Blonde is a fortress made of Ocean's flesh and bone, where he exposes every single bruise of every corner of his soul.

    Best Tracks: Ivy; Solo; Nights.
  11. Aug 31, 2016
    The long wait played out perfectly for everyone that awaited this release. I can say that this is his masterpiece, and I believe that this will go down as one of the modern-day greats. The cohesiveness and quality that Frank gives us is so satisfying that I'm glad we waited this long for it. The album starts out kind of on a bump with "Nikes", I wasn't a big fan with the song the firstThe long wait played out perfectly for everyone that awaited this release. I can say that this is his masterpiece, and I believe that this will go down as one of the modern-day greats. The cohesiveness and quality that Frank gives us is so satisfying that I'm glad we waited this long for it. The album starts out kind of on a bump with "Nikes", I wasn't a big fan with the song the first time listening to it, and I'm still not completely sold on it. Although it doesn't start particularly great, right after it comes one of the best runs of songs that I've heard in a while. From the chilling "Ivy" to the grandiose "Futura Free", we get almost near perfection in song crafting that I just want to shake Mr. Ocean's hand for a job well-done. The creativity and the diverse topics that he touches on shows a more mature state of Frank, and I'm glad that we've arrived at that stage in his career. He uses many different sounds and structures that make you want to fall in love with it instantly if you're a music fan in general. The production is top-notch, and the songwriting is impeccable. We saw a lot of the same praise in "channel ORANGE", but I believe that the instrumentation and cohesiveness is slightly better than his predecessor. Along with the structure, I believe that the more mature themes and sounds also give this project an advantage over his last album. I believe that fans of very solid works of musical projects will fall in love with this like I did, and I am very pleased with what Frank gave us in the end. The wait was completely and utterly worth it, and I believe that "Blonde" will age like a fine wine. Expand
  12. Aug 27, 2016
    Frequently heartbreakingly beautiful and showcasing constant lyrical strength,this album is very different from Channel Orange in many ways but is equally as impressive and Frank shows a maturity in his songwriting on this record.Ivy and Self Control are the most emotional and instantly likeable tracks on the album but it is in the less immediate tracks such as Siegfried and White FerrariFrequently heartbreakingly beautiful and showcasing constant lyrical strength,this album is very different from Channel Orange in many ways but is equally as impressive and Frank shows a maturity in his songwriting on this record.Ivy and Self Control are the most emotional and instantly likeable tracks on the album but it is in the less immediate tracks such as Siegfried and White Ferrari where we see a real maturity in his song writing. Expand
  13. Sep 13, 2016
    It's a very good album, it's very sticky, the production is 11/10 and I don't usually enjoy this music genre that much. I started hearing his music just for curiosity and I got caught!
  14. Oct 6, 2017
    Frank Ocean released his iconic debut album, Channel Orange, in summer 2012, and it became a pop classic very quickly with it's collection of superb and innovative alt-R&B bangers and power ballads. Frank had already proven his potential with the way in advance, timeless single Thinkin Bout You, which will be on wedding and coffeeshop playlists for years to come (I mean this in the mostFrank Ocean released his iconic debut album, Channel Orange, in summer 2012, and it became a pop classic very quickly with it's collection of superb and innovative alt-R&B bangers and power ballads. Frank had already proven his potential with the way in advance, timeless single Thinkin Bout You, which will be on wedding and coffeeshop playlists for years to come (I mean this in the most complimentary way I promise), as well of course as the moving Beyoncé ballad I Miss You. I remember just about half of my senior year class singing Forrest Gump passionately to the sky in the final days of our high school careers.

    to be blunt, Frank hits an unfortunate sophomore slump with Blonde. there are remnants of his deep emotional warmth in tracks such as the Beyoncé assisted Pink + White, the surf-rock inspired Ivy and the sweet and simple Skyline To. what I don't understand is that all of Ocean's most splendidly penned songs have been located on others' records. Bey's Superpower, Kanye's New Slaves to name a few. Blonde unfortunately doesn't continue the mark of excellence placed onto American pop culture that Channel Orange graciously gifted us. instead Frank's voice and songwriting quickly becomes grating and tiring with the unsettling squeals of Self Control and the obnoxious Pretty Sweet, which goes nowhere melodically. by no means is Frank Ocean a bad songwriter, in fact I still believe he has massive potential, but Blonde does little in terms of advancing him in the pop music zeitgeist.
  15. Aug 30, 2016

    This album really slows you down and lets you experience it all. The best songs are "Nikes", "Ivy", "Pink + White", Nights" and "Futura Free".
  16. Aug 24, 2016
    Even though the skits had no real meaning and the end of futura free was also unnecessary, Frank delivers strongly and tries to step through boundaries, switching his sound unpredictably and without much effort. Although a big part of the part seems simple, it is complex simplicity and simply perfectly timed as well as balanced. A very good album overall
  17. Aug 26, 2016
    This is one of the best albums of this year and Frank has done really good job. Maybe I have found 1-2 songs which I don't like, but i think I need to listen them again. Well done, like always.
  18. Sep 12, 2016
    This album is really special. This is probably going to be album of the year for me personally. I damn near had an out of body experience listening to this. This album is certainly a must listen that is overflowing with emotion and deep artistic expression
  19. Sep 22, 2016
    A lot of people wonder whether Blonde was worth the wait? Following his critically acclaimed debut album that took the world by a storm, Frank Ocean releases a very unorthodox and minimalistic project after a 4-year hiatus. The hype and anticipation for this album were almost "Detox" level for many people, a lot of this had to do with Frank Ocean toying and teasing with our emotions.A lot of people wonder whether Blonde was worth the wait? Following his critically acclaimed debut album that took the world by a storm, Frank Ocean releases a very unorthodox and minimalistic project after a 4-year hiatus. The hype and anticipation for this album were almost "Detox" level for many people, a lot of this had to do with Frank Ocean toying and teasing with our emotions. Blonde reveals a world wind of personal emotions and feelings as Frank discusses a wide array of topics. Besides the heartfelt lyrics, the production was remarkable and very dissimilar to current popular pop music. Over half the tracks do not have any drums, bold move Frank. Besides Ocean's experimenting with chipmunk like vocals and other sound effects, I have noticed Frank's voice has gotten noticeably superior. Blonde challenges the average listener and requires multiple listens and lyrical breakdown. But once you start enjoying and understanding Blonde, you cannot help but realize and criticise other artists for not experimenting and attempt bold artistic career moves. Thank you Frank Ocean, you were sincerely worth the wait. Expand
  20. Dec 12, 2016
    This album is far one of the best of the new R&B scenario. The vocals of Ocean are very relaxing to the ears, he literally have the voice of an angel; there's nothing to complain about this. The songs and the lyrics are full with deep feelings and good vibes; since the intro song "Nikes", I was introduced to the very rest of the album; "Ivy" is one of the best tracks in the record, theThis album is far one of the best of the new R&B scenario. The vocals of Ocean are very relaxing to the ears, he literally have the voice of an angel; there's nothing to complain about this. The songs and the lyrics are full with deep feelings and good vibes; since the intro song "Nikes", I was introduced to the very rest of the album; "Ivy" is one of the best tracks in the record, the melodies are just heartwarming... "Solo" and "White Ferrari" are also high points of the record, same with "Pink + White" and "Nights", these are the songs that will stick into your head. The spoken tracks like "Be Yourself" and "Facebook Story" really helps to set the mood. Different from most artists these days, Ocean knows how to sing with emotion. Though it has to be said that the album is not impeccable as it looks. Some tracks are just easy to forget — maybe because of the astonishing beauty of the memorable ones —, but still, I would rather consider them as underrated, since the lyrics are very pleasant. Particularly, I am not a fan of the genre itself, but I must say that "Blonde" was one of the most beautiful records of this year. Expand
  21. Mar 6, 2017
    HE DID IT AGAIN. No idea how is he able to create such a great masterpieces. THE BEST MALE SINGER. Deserved Album of The Year nomination. Nights......
  22. Mar 27, 2017
    Album of a my life time. This album is so emotionally jarring and addictive it's almost hard to listen to after months on repeat at time because of the emotional context of this album. Frank turned me into a believer. My favorite track vary with each listen but I always come back to Ivy, Self Control, Nights, Close to You, and Futura Free.
  23. Apr 16, 2017
    This album had an unbelievable amount of hype considering Frank's absence for several years. An amount of hype that I feel made this album almost impossible to live up to expectations, and indeed it is by no means a classic, career defining album for Frank. The album is very stripped back, placing the emphasis on Frank's vocals which are stellar throughout. However I feel that a fewThis album had an unbelievable amount of hype considering Frank's absence for several years. An amount of hype that I feel made this album almost impossible to live up to expectations, and indeed it is by no means a classic, career defining album for Frank. The album is very stripped back, placing the emphasis on Frank's vocals which are stellar throughout. However I feel that a few features would have helped to break up the project, past collaborations with Earl Sweatshirt as well as Kanye West have all been hugely successful and there was a distinct lack of hip-hop influence on this album besides the amazing Andre 3000 track. The opening track, 'Nikes' is stunning and an atmospheric song that feels like a acid fuelled journey through Frank's mind. It is certain that Frank is an artist more than just a singer and the video that accompanied this song is also fantastic. 'Ivy' is another highlight along with 'Self Control' which features some of Frank's best vocals on the album. The back end of the album is thought provoking and poetic, 'Siegfried' is a hugely emotional song the songs following it add an extra layer of lyrical depth to the album. However the final track is pretentiously long and uninteresting. Overall, Frank has created a fantastic album that narrowly edged Channel Orange, however it is not the classic album that I and many others hoped for. Expand
  24. Jul 28, 2019
    Blonde, despite being only 3 years old, is already clearly classic. It's a one-off in terms of style, with innovation to the max. There's a level of artistic integrity in Frank that is endearing, as he never sacrifices his sound at all and it willing to experiment in all sorts of ambience, R&B, pop, hip hop and technically genreless music. The lack of drums is a startling, strange yetBlonde, despite being only 3 years old, is already clearly classic. It's a one-off in terms of style, with innovation to the max. There's a level of artistic integrity in Frank that is endearing, as he never sacrifices his sound at all and it willing to experiment in all sorts of ambience, R&B, pop, hip hop and technically genreless music. The lack of drums is a startling, strange yet oddly incredible backbone to the album's palette - the irony of taking out music's classical backbone giving Frank room to manipulate his vocals, harmonize and fill the air with incredible music. It is also lyrically and emotionally dense, so it's not just ear candy, but substantive. This is a music legend at the peak of his powers and listening to it is an absolute treat. Expand
  25. Jul 18, 2017
    great album............................................................................................................................................................
  26. Sep 26, 2017
    Boy's Don't Cry/Blond/Blonde/Blonded is the best album of 2016, Endless notwithstanding. It's captivating to hear from the same guy who opened up to the world back in 2012 four years down the line. He's lived his life in that time, had experiences worth talking about before talking about them, much like channel ORANGE used experiences of his past to create a TV channel collection ofBoy's Don't Cry/Blond/Blonde/Blonded is the best album of 2016, Endless notwithstanding. It's captivating to hear from the same guy who opened up to the world back in 2012 four years down the line. He's lived his life in that time, had experiences worth talking about before talking about them, much like channel ORANGE used experiences of his past to create a TV channel collection of narrative snippets that connected to him in some way, even if it was indirectly. By using the time he took to find something to talk about through his art, he's created an album of significantly higher emotional potency, and it's all the better for it. I can't think of many things I could fault here, Futura Free being an exception, but regardless it serves as a fitting finale to an album that has covered so many different things in searingly personal detail.

    Favourite tracks: Seigfried, Self Control, Godspeed, Pink + White, Nights, Nikes, all of them really
    Least favourite: Futura Free's second half. Sure it's not a song, oh well.
  27. Apr 25, 2018
    Blonde has a very spares, ambient production that really lets you focus on the (incredible) vocals, just like on Channel Orange he lets you into the dark corners of his mind, love the way it flows from beginning to end like a movie
  28. Jun 16, 2018
    Simply a masterpiece. Whoever dislikes this album is beyond me. One of the best albums ever.
  29. May 22, 2019
    4 years was well worth the wait. Ocean follows up Channel Orange with a phenomenal sophomore project. The lyrical intricacy, gorgeous production, and Ocean's powerful vocals, this album is fantastic. The wide variety of sonic style provides a track for every instance. Tracks such as Self Control, Nights, and Nikes demonstrate Ocean's creativity and musical prowess, each showing him succeed4 years was well worth the wait. Ocean follows up Channel Orange with a phenomenal sophomore project. The lyrical intricacy, gorgeous production, and Ocean's powerful vocals, this album is fantastic. The wide variety of sonic style provides a track for every instance. Tracks such as Self Control, Nights, and Nikes demonstrate Ocean's creativity and musical prowess, each showing him succeed with a different style. Blonde will forever be a critical piece in Frank Ocean's discography due to its sheer brilliance. Expand
  30. Jun 8, 2020
    Frankly (pun intended) this is a good album, I just feel like it pales in comparison to nostalgia, ULTRA and channel ORANGE. It's just not my cup of tea with emotional ballads like this without drums. There are definetly still some fantastic songs on here, but I don't like the pitching up of his vocals on Nikes and some other tracks. That ruined Nikes for me unfortunately. That being said,Frankly (pun intended) this is a good album, I just feel like it pales in comparison to nostalgia, ULTRA and channel ORANGE. It's just not my cup of tea with emotional ballads like this without drums. There are definetly still some fantastic songs on here, but I don't like the pitching up of his vocals on Nikes and some other tracks. That ruined Nikes for me unfortunately. That being said, my favorite tracks are Ivy and Godspeed Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    The sum is Ocean’s most thorough reading of his world to date. [Oct 2016, p.65]
  2. Magnet
    Oct 18, 2016
    This is an album of mostly beatless soul whose heart nevertheless pumps vividly and loudly throughout its 17 tracks. [No. 136, p.61]
  3. 80
    This is music that fascinates on first listen but requires multiple spins for its complexities and idiosyncrasies to take hold.