• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Sep 12, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 180 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 180

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  1. Jul 16, 2018
    Lot of creativity and technical + twisted compass + frenetic and perfect drum lines that sounds like solos + two very well intertwined guitars + vocal and production enhanced in relation of past album + more guitar solos than previously albums = this excellent piece. Mastodon consecrate themselves as one of the best actual metal bands.
  2. Jun 5, 2018
    Mastodon are impressive musicians. Blood Mountain is a very good continuation of their previous two records, Remission being the Earth's core and Leviathan representing water.
  3. Jun 21, 2014
    From the opening track onward, Mastodon take you through a majestic progressive metal heaven. Arguably some of the best drumming ever, combined with technical guitar riffs, make this the most memorable Mastodon album to date.
  4. Jan 5, 2012
    first of all mastodon are great and this is a great album there is a lot of great songs on it i also like how it is a good change of pace then there first album was it has a bit of everything progressive and thrash so all in all a very good album
  5. Sep 4, 2011
    i'm a huge metal fan so i couldn't miss this album it is just amazing and i dont know how ppl could hate on this band or this album i love it and dont understand how ppl can't
  6. Aug 10, 2011
    Arguably Mastodon's finest album, an absolute masterclass in experimentation and progressive metal that blows other bands clear out of the water. An astounding musical achievement that deserves the recognition and reputation it has gathered since it's release. This is a record that every metal fan should own in his or her respective collection.
  7. Schmidty15
    Mar 31, 2009
    These guys are insanely talented musicians. Just think of what they could do if they had a legitimate lead singer!
  8. JH
    Feb 21, 2009
    Great album and an instant classic. Its become a standard that I judge everything else by. The drums continue to blow my mind.
  9. KyleZ
    Feb 1, 2009
    Not nearly as goo d as levanthian, or remission, there ae some great tracks on here for sure, but Mastodon is clearly getting less hardcore and much more mainstream, hope that this stops.
  10. IsraelM
    Jan 21, 2008
    One of the greatest metal songs of late years.
  11. SteveS.
    Jan 12, 2008
    The most original and and interesting album of the decade. Brilliant.
  12. ScottB.
    Jan 6, 2008
    This is THE perfect metal album. Bloody brilliant!
  13. JakH
    Dec 29, 2007
    Of the 11 tracks on Blood Mountain, Mastodon produce several MODERN metal masterpeices. Combinding the low growls, screams and hard gravel singing of bassist Troy Sanders and guitarist Brent Hinds with the poweful and fast druming of Brann Dailor and Bill Kelliher also on guitars, Mastodon cant be stopped. With only a small dip into the great rock ballad with their song "Mortal Soil" Of the 11 tracks on Blood Mountain, Mastodon produce several MODERN metal masterpeices. Combinding the low growls, screams and hard gravel singing of bassist Troy Sanders and guitarist Brent Hinds with the poweful and fast druming of Brann Dailor and Bill Kelliher also on guitars, Mastodon cant be stopped. With only a small dip into the great rock ballad with their song "Mortal Soil" Mastodon keep it rockin hard while also bringing a new listening experiences to not only metal and rock lovers but to some of the mainstream. A must buy for all! Expand
  14. Jama
    Sep 18, 2007
    Over the top without being wanky, heavy without being dull, and driven without them taking it too seriously. If you hate this record... you obviously have your ears only painted on.
  15. elmo.
    Aug 12, 2007
    By far the best metal album of the year, maybe even the decade. It seems moving to warner bros has'nt costed their integrity. the smartest album of any genre this year.
  16. ChadM
    Aug 5, 2007
    The best metal album of the last ten years. Mastodon is the most talented and smartest band in metal today. "Blood Mountain" is one part The Mars Volta, one part Metallica, and one part ancient mythology all rolled into one. Heavy as hell and relentless.
  17. samb.
    Jun 25, 2007
    the most creative metal album in a decade, it's features some of the best drumming in years
  18. AlbertoP
    Jun 24, 2007
  19. MatteoB.
    Jun 6, 2007
    A masterpiece
  20. JeremyI.
    May 26, 2007
    Mastodon are a great band and the album overall is a 10.
  21. ShaneM
    Apr 6, 2007
    Every song is worth listening to over and over again
  22. MichaelK
    Mar 14, 2007
    I don't usually "get" metal but I can't stop listening to this album. The playing is outstanding.
  23. JenniS
    Feb 12, 2007
  24. JoshO
    Feb 12, 2007
    Absolutely incredible.
  25. BrettW.
    Feb 10, 2007
    Blood Mountain is an amazing complex and rich testament to progressive metal. Long live Mastodon.
  26. JasonP
    Feb 7, 2007
    So I read about these guys in my guitar mags for the last couple of years. Never really gave them a chance until January of 2007 and now I can't get over how good their drummer is. Now I hum their riffs all the time everyday...something is compelling about them.
  27. WillR
    Feb 6, 2007
    This is the finest album released in 2006. It's complexity, and tone are unparalelled in metal today, and possibly ever. If you even slightly enjoy music, you should obtain a copy of this phenominal album.
  28. JonathanM
    Feb 3, 2007
    This album is amazing from the beginning to the very end. Mastodon really outdid themselves on this one, and we can expect even greater things from them in the future.
  29. Darius
    Feb 1, 2007
    Blood Mountian is phenomenal. There's at least 5-7 powerhouse metal songs in it. I can honestly say that this is the most glorified metal band since metallica's reign in the 80's. Aside from that, they're ever potentially greater than iron maiden and metallica, and blow the lid off slayer and pantera. Next to Black Sabbath, they're the crowning kings of Heavy Metal.
  30. AaronM
    Jan 11, 2007
    What the hell has Rob R been listening to?
  31. GaborA
    Dec 7, 2006
    A really good album. Relentless thrash riffs with enough prog tendancies to mix things up, but no where near entering artsy territory. Kind of like a modern And Justice For All. But metal album of the year? Album of the year? Not even close. Blood Mountain is front to back solid, but never earth shattering. There are much better bands out there, but i'm interested to see where this A really good album. Relentless thrash riffs with enough prog tendancies to mix things up, but no where near entering artsy territory. Kind of like a modern And Justice For All. But metal album of the year? Album of the year? Not even close. Blood Mountain is front to back solid, but never earth shattering. There are much better bands out there, but i'm interested to see where this band goes. Expand
  32. E.Gomez
    Dec 7, 2006
    Absolutely their best! Mastodon embodies progressive by actually evolving with each album. The move to major label could not compromise their sound. Their mission to crush all preconceptions of their music is on point. Great album!
  33. Kamil
    Dec 3, 2006
    Best metal album of the year. They rock hard and don't avoid melody. Hardcore mixes with progressive, trash and some jazzy licks.
  34. carld
    Dec 2, 2006
    mastodon has the power to take over the metal scene.
  35. AlexA
    Nov 27, 2006
    I am no metal fan, but Mastodon makes me happy.
  36. AndyG
    Nov 13, 2006
    It's an impressive album, without a doubt the metal album of the year, but after awhile it seems like the band was trying to impress guitar magazines more than working on writing actual songs. It is pretty awesome to hear the band go completely nuts, but it all starts to blur together after awhile. Leviathan was a much more cohesive album.
  37. SeamusS
    Nov 4, 2006
    It's hard to sum up an album that's truely a masterpeice when one's running off of 3 hours of sleep. Oh and no, my sleep depravation is not why I appreciate the album. I initially purchased the album getting a cheap thrill out of the tounge in cheek quality of the titlle and band name. I though 'what could be more "metal" (Insert high pitched pseudo rawk yell) than It's hard to sum up an album that's truely a masterpeice when one's running off of 3 hours of sleep. Oh and no, my sleep depravation is not why I appreciate the album. I initially purchased the album getting a cheap thrill out of the tounge in cheek quality of the titlle and band name. I though 'what could be more "metal" (Insert high pitched pseudo rawk yell) than that?' and bought it when I saw it was on clearence. Little did I know that it would Save my life. The album proved to be a masterwork of complex and highly emotive energy. It's a heavy album that doesnt let up, fast, furious and quite exhausting. OH and if you'd like to know what I normally listen to (for the non-metal fan): Leonard Cohen Big Star The Beach Boys Wilco My Bloody Valentine Fugazi Meaning, this isnt just for metal fans (not that this sounds like any of them). Expand
  38. CurtisC
    Oct 24, 2006
    I notice very high reviews and very low reviews. As a long time mastodon fan, and a fan of heavy music and music in general, this is thier BEST album. Production is where it needed to be and the songs are all good. Some of these critics are off the mark. This is just a great album.
  39. KirkS
    Oct 24, 2006
    Mastodon still isn't getting the attention they deserve. They're the best new rock band of the last several years and they keep getting better and better.
  40. J.
    Oct 17, 2006
    For once, the hype is real. An utterly amazing album. Any serious fan of metal - or rock music in general - needs to get Blood Mountain right now. Note to The Guardian: stick to Britpop, please. It's obvious you only reviewed this album because the American press are so taken with it, and you didn't know what you were getting into. An album with balls must haven really thrown For once, the hype is real. An utterly amazing album. Any serious fan of metal - or rock music in general - needs to get Blood Mountain right now. Note to The Guardian: stick to Britpop, please. It's obvious you only reviewed this album because the American press are so taken with it, and you didn't know what you were getting into. An album with balls must haven really thrown you for a loop. Cue up some Coldplay, drink some tea, and get back into your comfort microcosm. Leave the adventurous listening to those who are prepared for it. Thanks. Expand
  41. donnyG
    Oct 15, 2006
    Brilliant & Epic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  42. Shinya
    Oct 15, 2006
    Very addictive. Quality album. Best metal album of 2006.
  43. RobC
    Oct 13, 2006
    im amazed, they relly sounds like a beast..a Mastodon. You see it in the cover you hear it on the cd.
  44. GuyH
    Oct 9, 2006
    Not just one of the best metal albums of the year - this is one of the best metal albums EVER. It is right up there with 'Master of Puppets', 'Rust In Peace', 'Vulgar Display...', 'Sky Valley' - you name it. Technically flawless - the only reason I haven't awarded this a 10 is because this album showed such an incredible progression from the Not just one of the best metal albums of the year - this is one of the best metal albums EVER. It is right up there with 'Master of Puppets', 'Rust In Peace', 'Vulgar Display...', 'Sky Valley' - you name it. Technically flawless - the only reason I haven't awarded this a 10 is because this album showed such an incredible progression from the previous album (which is still awesome) that I suspect the band could well have the potential to top this mighty peak. Expand
  45. Tommy
    Oct 9, 2006
    I am your typical music snob, mostly listening to classical music, Radiohead or Pink Floyd, and condemning the rest as junk. But this album.... is very good. The music is actually composed here, not put together formulaically as it is mostly done today.
  46. JohnD
    Oct 3, 2006
    Even if you are a pretentious asshole when it comes to music, you'll love this album. I know because I am one.
  47. Joe
    Sep 30, 2006
    The Guardian and Allmusic Guide gave Paris Fucking Hilton better reviews than this album. Come the fuck on. This album kicks ass. If you like heavy metal music at all, you can't really lose with BLOOD MOUNTAIN.
  48. jasonc
    Sep 27, 2006
    Best metal album of the last 20 years. If your band isn't trendy "indie" music spin doesn't have any use for you.
  49. ToddW
    Sep 27, 2006
    Grab the nearest strongly-rooted tree boys and girls and hang on, THIS is the soundtrack to Armaggedon. Its sonic impact makes Black Sabbath sound like The Archies. Once a decade a band comes along and reminds us that great metal isn't extinct. Mastodon is that band. There are so many insane Brent Hinds' riffs on this album, you'll lose count by the third track. And a Grab the nearest strongly-rooted tree boys and girls and hang on, THIS is the soundtrack to Armaggedon. Its sonic impact makes Black Sabbath sound like The Archies. Once a decade a band comes along and reminds us that great metal isn't extinct. Mastodon is that band. There are so many insane Brent Hinds' riffs on this album, you'll lose count by the third track. And a strong case can be made that Brann Dailor is one of the top five drummers to ever sit down behind a kit. Even the cover art is fabulous. Anyone who is comparing this to Supertramp deserves a Guardian for when they write. Expand
  50. jefff
    Sep 26, 2006
    Mastodon Rulz.The only reason i'm not giving it a ten is the 16 min gap between the end of song 12 and the hidden message from Josh Homme.
  51. Jgc
    Sep 26, 2006
    Spin magazine has no say in reviewing complex metal music. This is not a pop record. Mastodon is more compareable to Miles Davis, than the silly music glorified in Spin magazine. There are many rememberable moments on this record , but one should challenge their ear before making judgement.
  52. JakeD
    Sep 25, 2006
    wow this is an amazing album. Not only the best metal album of the year but the best album of the year. You have to check this out.
  53. KirkR
    Sep 22, 2006
    I agree with Amazon.com's rave review for this album (which has not been included here for some reason). This disc is just pure awesomeness.
  54. Bill
    Sep 20, 2006
    Metal album of the year. Period.
  55. AlexF
    Sep 20, 2006
    This album is a must for all of those people who are heavy music fans, but gave up on new metal years ago, content with their classic metal collections. This band injects new life into a genre which has been watered down in recent years with boring and redundant albums from new and old bands, alike. Fresh, smart and HEAVY.
  56. JoeC
    Sep 20, 2006
    The Guardian reviewer said in the same review that he thought heavy metal was "one of the worst genres ever". Maybe not the best person to review a metal album...
  57. LucB
    Sep 20, 2006
    Awesome music from an awesome band. Period.
  58. DanW
    Sep 19, 2006
    Awesome awesome awesome. Nothing more needs to be said.
  59. ramone
    Sep 18, 2006
    wow. this album kicks ass. I love the progressive touches and "colony of birchmen" is one of the best metal songs i've heard in a long time on one of the best metal albums i've heard in a long time.
  60. DaveN
    Sep 18, 2006
    A tiny bit less heavy and a lot more prog than Leviathan but no less impressive. This is one of those albums that grabs your attention, demands relistening and gets better each time you hear it. The album is almost hypnotic.
  61. DeclanM
    Sep 18, 2006
    superb album not as good as leviathan as i like the heavier side of mastodon but definitely one of my albums of the year
  62. HanSolo
    Sep 17, 2006
    100, 80, 80 ,80....20?! Syrupy vocals? What drugs do they hand out at the guardian?
  63. Garrett
    Sep 17, 2006
    2nd best metal album I've heard this year, after Agalloch's "Ashes In The Grain". I don't see where all the 100% reviews are coming from, it has its flaws, but maybe i need to give it a few more listens. The guy from the Guardian who gave it a 20 probably was drooling over the new fiery furnaces record or some other boring indie-pop bullshit.
  64. Raul
    Sep 17, 2006
    This album is bad a**. That Guardian review is way off the mark & should be struck off the record as a complete aberration. The Guradian review totally screwed Mastodon's Metacritic average....that sux....By this album NOW!
  65. Gilgamesh
    Sep 16, 2006
    This is the most awesome metal I've heard in a while.
  66. CrazyWarehouseguy
    Sep 16, 2006
    You have to be joking. According to The Guardian, Paris Hilton's 'fine' new album is better than Blood Mountain. I have no more respect for the system.
  67. MikeS
    Sep 15, 2006
    Not the best Mastodon album but still, it sounds damn good. Didnt quite like prog metal until I found mastodon on my computer and it changed my entire vision on music.The best ones in my opinion are " Sleeping Giant" and "This Mortal Soil"
  68. pootietang
    Sep 15, 2006
    a 10 point distortion by a disgruntled closed minded fool
  69. HateGuardian
    Sep 15, 2006
    are you f@k!ng serious guardian. What a COMPLETE distortion/overeaction. How can that review even be included.
  70. buzzm
    Sep 15, 2006
    Clearly, the reviewer Jamie Thomson from the guardian is a moron...as can be seen by him being the only person to give this less than an 80! What a joke! This album rocks, and i don't even like this genre much!
  71. LarryS
    Sep 15, 2006
    Every song is good.
  72. RaferQ
    Sep 15, 2006
    This is an album that no metal fan should be without. It has all the right elements. It's technical, deep, heavy and moving all in one. Worth the money.
  73. tex
    Sep 14, 2006
    Making metal matter. This is a whole other level.
  74. Cables
    Sep 14, 2006
    I've never heard an album like this. Possibly the greatest metal album ever made.
  75. PanosB.
    Sep 14, 2006
    This time all things are much more clearer. The band decided to touch a larger -but not exactly more commercial- audience. Brick by riff builds a strong familiar sound who's moving honestly at the edge of proggresivve metal (hardcore and stoner is also here along with a small garage touch in the production). This record demand to be heard a lot of times but not all the time. Its not This time all things are much more clearer. The band decided to touch a larger -but not exactly more commercial- audience. Brick by riff builds a strong familiar sound who's moving honestly at the edge of proggresivve metal (hardcore and stoner is also here along with a small garage touch in the production). This record demand to be heard a lot of times but not all the time. Its not the masterpiece that a lot of people talking about.The -no surprises- lyrics are walking the same path of their previous album "Leviathan". For me the highlight is "The sleeping giant" that shows the potential energy this musicians have of making much more cosmic and human music that will defy the forming blocks we're all in. Ofcourse the fans will love it and their girlfriends hate it (the songs are very complex attacks that needs tons of volume). Great cover by the way. Expand
  76. [Anonymous]
    Sep 13, 2006
    I'm in shock. After listening to this disc for two days straight I'm convinced that this is the greatest rock (?) album released this year. On paper these songs shouldn't work at all, but somehow their relentless major/minor-tempo-time signature f*ckery only strengthens every composition. This band pulls off the unique trick of remaining melodic and bone crushingly evil all I'm in shock. After listening to this disc for two days straight I'm convinced that this is the greatest rock (?) album released this year. On paper these songs shouldn't work at all, but somehow their relentless major/minor-tempo-time signature f*ckery only strengthens every composition. This band pulls off the unique trick of remaining melodic and bone crushingly evil all at the same time. I'm not a fan of metal/death metal and somehow this CD managed to become my favorite disc of the year. My pile of new indie releases are gathering dust until I get this album out of my blood. Expand
  77. ThomasL
    Sep 13, 2006
    This album owns
  78. ErikH
    Sep 13, 2006
    This album is ridiculously good.

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Alternative Press
    Hearing Blood Mountain in its entirety is like awaking from a coma to discover you have working ears. [Oct 2006, p.206]
  2. Put simply: there isn't a bad track on 'Blood Mountain', which will be seen as the metal release of this year, on whichever level you care to mention.
  3. Rolling Stone
    Yes, sometimes more is better. [21 Sep 2006, p.82]