
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Feb 23, 2011
    Yes, many of the chainsaw bass lines on this comp will be derided by some as knuckleheaded "brostep," but those bangers are balanced by enough forward-thinking productions that anyone new to the genre can get a fairly accurate snapshot of the style at this point in time.
  2. Feb 23, 2011
    This disc spins easier in headphones and home stereos than most proper dubstep releases. It's the friendliest primer imaginable for this often-intimidating genre.
  3. Feb 23, 2011
    Fans of his live sets will wish this was mixed, but with a Skream mix of Major Lazer, a collaboration with Borgore, plus a freaky Lil Jon team-up you don't want to miss, the Diplo faithful should be well satisfied.
  4. Feb 23, 2011
    True, it is debatable that we need more mixes with Cockney Thug on in late 2010. But Blow Your Head proves the two tribes can still intermingle, and both are still making winning records
  5. Feb 23, 2011
    While most dubstep producers are working with the same ingredients, Blow Your Head reveals how those ingredients can yield beautifully varied results.
  6. Feb 23, 2011
    In the end then, for all of Diplo's good intentions and curatorial muscle, the first volume of Blow Your Head struggles not just as a lesson, or a sampler, but also simply as a collection of songs you want to listen to.
  7. Feb 23, 2011
    Blow Your Head, then, is your basic pedestrian DJ mix of old and new tunes, though it is merely collected rather than mixed or interpreted by Diplo himself. As a result, there's really not much to get excited about here: some songs stink, some songs sound neat for a minute or two, and it all goes by without provoking much attention from the listener.
  8. Feb 23, 2011
    His jam with Lil Jon ("U Don't Like Me") is positively unhinged, while U.K. producers Benga and Zomby represent for the style's experimental side. Elsewhere, Stenchman's remix of "Burn" by Australian Idol diva Jessica Mauboy posits how dubstep could rescue modern R&B from groove tedium.
  9. Feb 23, 2011
    Though Blow Your Head leans hard on the Diplo cohort (Major Lazer, Rusko, Borgore), its colossus is James Blake, whose shower of warped arcade-game synths and butchered old gospel vocals is stunning--heaven for believers and headaches for everyone else.

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